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did u enjoy your saturday night off work? haley said thanks for the congrats smile.gif

ive forgotten what my car looks like rolleyes.gif

went too mission last night, was far too many ppl in there, no room at all too dance. took kelly with us, a mad night before she goes into hospital again later sad.gif . its looking better tho, so fingers crossed.

are u going too tidy storm? cos ill get your ticket if u r smile.gif . im staying in now till then. mite ring ya later if i get chance xx

  • CTW Members

Paula flowers.gif


I was pretty broken last night and was in bed by 9 ... was rather a good Friday night though wicked.gif


I heard how packed it was in Mission last night and how ace the music was


Whens Kelz back in hospital ... glad she went out with you n had a good time do her the world of good >>>> this is for her huggles.gif


Should be fine for going Storm even if I go after I've finished work thumbsup.gif



Are you being chauffeured around now happydance.gif



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kelly went back into hospital last night dawn, she was so upset.


shall i order your ticket for storm then? grin.gif


ive forgotten what my car looks like dawn rolleyes.gif . all of a sudden haley is offering too do the shopping, taking things too my dads scratchy.gif . wonder why, all off a sudden tongue.gif

seems quiet here at mo, kelly in hosp, ross gone fishing for the week, halz out using all my diesel smile.gif

mission was abit too much on saturday night. everyone getting crabby with each other. tunes were excellent tho yay.gif

  • CTW Members

Is Halz in hospital for the week hows she doing?


Did you end up going Glasshouse Saturday? I think I would of been 'crabby unsure.gif too so poss best I didn't go


You can order my ticket for Storm if you like but I may not get there until gone 11 so it's upto you, sure your not going to wait outside that long for me tongue.gif ... just let me know either way thumbsup.gif


Who you coming down with?







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more bad news dawn. they now saying kelly could have psoractic arthritus. but she mite be out off hospital on sunday, thank god. apparently if it is what they think, there is nothing they can do. surely there is some way off testing for it.

staying in this weekend, got bedroom almost decorated now, so will be cleaning it out n getting old carpet out rolleyes.gif .

u weekend off?

  • CTW Members

Gezz Paula sad.gif


Sent you a PM hun flowers.gif


On OT but got wkend off too happydance.gif


Have a few options in mind wicked.gif




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