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wft is that bout shrek????????? blink.gif


im good, bit tired tho...got work at 7pm smile.gif ginge is old today and shelly is at work


do u know if mum has put that money in my bank yet huggles.gif


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

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Do you need a loan? It can be arranged. I always enjoy a good business transaction. Wall Street has turned me into a monster.

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QUOTE (loopy_lou @ Nov 10 2004, 09:38)
well i am going to jabber abit here ppl, so i apologise if it doesnt make sense.
but i think most of u will hopefully agree with me on this one.

i am proud to say that i have decided to completely stop taking Pills........as i had a bad experience last weekend. i have made this decision because i need to get my head and my life sorted out, and stop being a little shit that thinks it is ok to upset everyone around me, that includes my family and friends.

Emma i think u would agree with me on this one. as i have seen wot it did 2 u, im not saying that i think u were wrong but u did have ur reasons. and from seeing ur experience, and me starting to go down that path it isnt the right way to go. it will neva get rid of my problems, as they will always be there the next day.
i have told sarah 2 neva give them 2 me again even if i ask. which i hopefully won't. as she has decided 2 do the same thing.

my mum and my friends are proud of me and it feels good to be wanted, as before noone wanted 2 know me becuz of wot i was like.

i am proud of myself and i hope to keep this up. i am 15, i have my whole life ahead of me, and i dont need 2 destroy it at such an early age. i want 2 go somewhere with my life. and that is wot i am going to do. i have all the support i need and alot more aswell.

i have come to the conclusion that i need to talk abotu my problems, that is the only way to resolve them, not by taking drugs.
What do u think??

ive not read the rest of this post, just the first one you made me want to add something.


i started taking pills young (i guess i as about 15 when i took my first one) and to start with it was all good fun. but then you start to take them to much, the comedowns get worse, you're whole personality changes. i suffered really badly from comedowns, which in general would last about 3 days, and i was taking them 2 or 3 times a week so i was just on a constant come down. i guess smoking a huge amount of cannabis at the time didnt help either. when i say huge i mean everyday, atleast 5 or 6 spliffs a day.


i gave up pills after a very bad experiance on a come down where i was hallucinating and on a major paranoia trip. i guess i just realised that the good effects no longer made up for the after effects. the comedowns just werent worth it. however, i did carry on smoking weed.


i guess the big turning point in my life was meeting my boyfriend. i met him on holiday in newquay (although we actually live 5 mins down the road from each other) and that holiday was the last time i touched drugs, about a month after i made the decision to give up the pills.


he didnt make me give up the weed (or carry on with giving up the pills) but i guess i was just looking for a way out. he doesnt take drugs (or approve of them really) and he gave me something else to do in my life. before i met him i found it very hard to imagine what id do with my life if i wasnt smoking weed.


im now 19, and ive not touched illegal drugs of any kind for 16 months (for as long as ive been with my boyfriend). i guess the best advice i can give you is replace the drugs with something else. get a hobby, or as horrible as it sounds a new group of friends. its nearly impossible to give up if the people around you are still doing them, although im sure plenty of people have managed it. i just know theres no way i would have given up if id still be surrounded by them.


i really hope you manage this, as it does get easier. these days i cant believe i used to take drugs, i cant understand why i needed to. ok i still smoke and drink but these drugs are "ok". one thing that did work for me was keeping a track of how long ive given up for, and if i was tempted just thinking to myself "but if i given in now ill have wasted this past 2/3/4 weeks etc". i found that really worked for me.


well good luck, im sure you can do it! grouphug.gifflowers.gif

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wow! we have something in common. well done to you to hun. and i think you are right. i haven't changed my group of friends but they havent encouraged me to start doing them again. smile.gif


they are all really supportive. even though they still do them, but they have given me alot of respect for it. and thank you for the support it is really appreciated. plus my sister emma has giving me alot of support aswell, her and of course my family are the ones that made me see how it was effeting me and the family. sad.gif


i became really shitty towards my family, i was doing what i wanted and when i wanted to do it. i really didnt care if i was hurting others because all i was thinking about was my-self. i have now realised all of this, and i have changed for the sake of me and plus i nearly lost my family and close friends through this. grouphug.gif


i say well done to you hun, and keep it up. i hope i will too.

Laura xx grouphug.gifflowers.gif

Edited by loopy_lou

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yeah i came very close to loosing my family too. well i guess my older brother would always have been there for me, but my parents came so close to kicking me out. not only was i being a nasty little piece of work because of the pills but i showed no respect, smoking weed in the house and stuff like that.


you've already done the hardest thing which is realising you need to stop, and it only gets easier from now on! im glad to hear you're mates and family are supporting you, as its impossible to do something like this with support from your nearest and dearest. i know i couldnt have done it without my fella wub.gif


and dont worry if you slip up occasionally, just dont see it as a reason to start doing them again! and if you're anything like me the phrase "all or nothing" comes to mind. i know ill never be able to smoke weed or take pills again, because i cant moderate it.


good luckchuck, i really hope you manage it! and if you ever need a chat, either pm me or add me to your msn.


xxx huggles.gif

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QUOTE (loopy_lou @ Dec 2 2004, 18:33)

plus my sister emma has giving me alot of support aswell



People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

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yes emma i didnt forget you!!!


thanks RaverBaby 69.........and same goes for you too....if u ever wnna chat bout things ir just random stuff then do the same!!

Im all ears! lol xxx grouphug.gifflowers.gif

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why r u wispering??? im comfuzzeled

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why r u wispering??? im comfuzzeled wtf.gifwtf.gifquestion.gif

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why r u wispering??? im comfuzzeled wtf.gifwtf.gifquestion.gif

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just did wot ya gunna do about it......HUH!!!??? PUNK!

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