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Interview with BK

With help from Frantic, we at ClubTheWorld were able to catch up with man of Hard dance himself BK to ask him a few questions after his busy tour of Ireland.
How have you enjoyed the Lashed UK & Ireland tour so far? What have the highlights been? Have there been any downfalls?
The tour has reached all of my expectations so far. The line-ups for each party have been absolutely tremendous and the clubbers have given such a positive response whenever I played. The launch party at Heaven in London was rather impressive with the fireworks inside the club and all. I really appreciate it when a real effort has been made to put on a real show around a terrific line-up.
Do you see a difference between the crowds outside of London and the ones in the capital?
The clubbers who come to Lashed events throughout the country are similar, from the same age group. They're always up for it and really know how to party. But in general in London, if it's not a Lashed night, I've noticed that the crowds are usually older.
At Get Lashed The Anniversary, you will be playing a techno set, what can we expect to hear from you there? Is it something you would like to do more often?
Yes I'd like to do it more often. But techno is not a recent addition to my sets unlike people tend to think. Me and Andy Farley have been playing it since we started. We come from a different school than all the other hard dance Ds; at Trade we were very much influenced by the techy sound and enjoyed playing it there.
Dave Angel will be headlining the techno room, what do you think of this artist?
He is absolutely fantastic, he's a techno legend. I have so much respect for him and feel much honoured to play alongside him in the techno room at Lashed The Anniversary, I'm really looking forward to it.
We know you're a fan of three hour sets, could you imagine playing 8 hour sets like techno DJs such as Laurent Garnier?
I already played a 5 hour set at Trade once, but it wasn't planned. The DJ after me couldn't make it so I had to carry on, and I was only given 10 minutes notice! But I really enjoyed it. I thought the second half of my set was better than the first one actually because I chucked in some more alternative stuff I wouldn't have played in my set.
Would you consider taking on board techno artists on your new label Riot! Recordings?
Once again, techno has always been a part of what I play so I am definitely open to any good techno music for Riot!. It's becoming more and more accepted in the hard dance world which is really positive. I don't want Riot! Recordings to aspire to one specific type of music policy; I want to go outside the usual parameters and have whatever we like.
Can we expect any releases from you in the near future and on Riot! Recordings?
Yes I will be releasing a track I've done with Dave The Drummer in January on Riot! Recordings.
You've been asked to do a monthly show every Thursday between 4-6pm on www.ministryofsound.com, how do feel about that?
It's something I've always wanted to get into, so I'm really happy and excited about it. I'll be able to play tracks that sometimes I can't play in clubs, more alternative stuff and vary the genres. It opens the musical spectrum.
When's the next Riot! party? What can we expect there?
The next will be our big Christmas party, X-mess on 19th December 2004. Seeing the success of our last parties, I think it's going to be rammed. The line-up is rather impressive for this one: me and Ed will be playing in the main room, so will Adam from LAB4, Anne Savage and a very special secret guest. In the bar room we'll have the Sharp Boys, Tom Real, an exclusive breaks set by Anne Savage and many more.
What are you doing for Xmas and what's on your Father Xmas list?
I usually spend it at home with my family but this time I've paid for my mum to go and see my sister who lives in the States. So I should be celebrating it on a boat of the Thames with about 10 friends.
Which DJ would you like to see dressed up as Santa at Lashed?
What's your favourite Xmas carol? Who would you chose to do a remix of it?
Jingle Bells remixed by The Prodigy just for the hell of it!
Finally, tell us a cracker joke
What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer.
We at ClubTheWorld would like to thank Ben for taking the time to answer these few questions & to wish him well with future, many thanks 
Frantic Amanda
By Frantic Amanda in Interviews ·

Smyrky & Seraya prepare for Frantic's massive 9th Birthday

Smyrky & Seraya are the Hard Dance DJ couple who have been taking London by storm with their awesome back-to-back sets, live PAs, and productions for the likes of Nu Energy Recordings. We spoke to them as they prepare for their set at Frantic's massive 9th Birthday celebrations at Renaissance Rooms in London on August 27th.... 
Please introduce yourselves.... 
Smyrky - For those of you who don't know; Seraya is the lady and I'm the dude! As people often get it wrong 
Seraya - Together we are a loving duo that produce, DJ and perform Hard Dance in and around London.
Where do your names originate from? They are quite distinctive!
Smyrky and Seraya - real names Anthony Smyrk and Seraya Hill, self explanatory really!
How did you meet?
Seraya - Ok if you want to hear the cheesy version, we knew of each other in school but didn't really associate at the time. The first time we actually spoke was around a camp fire down the woods doing what kids generally do at that age.
Smyrky - After just leaving school we started seeing more of each other as chums. I had the pleasure of introducing Seraya to the wonderful world of Hard Dance and more importantly mixing! It quickly came apparent that Seraya was actually very good at mixing from day one. Consequently we soon became best of buddies for the next 7 years raving it up at any given chance.    
You guys have been playing for most of London's biggest parties over the last year or so...from Tasty, to Heat, to Frantic, to Total Mayhem to Summit...how did you manage to get your foot in the door with your DJing career?
Seraya - We started pushing our DJing careers at the beginning of last year as Smyrky had spent the previous 2 years teaching me the basic tricks of the trade on how to make tracks in the studio.
Smyrky - Since then we both decided it was time we did some self promotion and were fortunate enough to have the right people hear our demos at the right time. We also started promoting our own event Hard Drive, which also introduced us to more people in the industry.
How would you describe your sound and DJing style? Do you feel you have a distinctive style that sets you apart from other DJs?
Smyrky - Our DJing Style depends on all the usual factors, club, night, time, room, atmosphere etc. On the whole we play a mixture of Hard Dance for the crowd, with the crowd. As it should be!
Seraya - We have a distinctive style in the fact that we get to play our own tracks.
We can be told apart from other DJs as we have produced material that they don't own.
What about DJing as a pair - what are the pros and cons?
Smyrky - We live together, work together, club together and produce tunes together.  Stuck by the hip 24/7 and with everything in common, it made sense to DJ together. There are no cons in my eyes.
Seraya - I agree. It's great to share the experience as a couple. We wouldn't have any other way.
You guys have been producing some tracks too...have you got any releases lined up?
Smyrky - Getting some tunes out there is currently at the top of our agenda. We've recently finished a Hard House number From Darkness with Cyberkitten's Steve Gillen. Definitely one for the dirt box! Still looking to be signed! Nudge, nudge wink, wink Mr/Mrs Label owner.
Seraya - On the Hard Trance side we've got a few energetic and uplifting tracks in the pipeline.  You'll know when they are finished as we usually add a small sample around forums to get feedback.
Which other musicians and DJs inspire you and why?
Seraya - On the production side I really enjoy and admire anything by K-complex. That dude has uber amounts of talent. Greg Brookman, M.D.A & Spherical are also ticking all the right boxes for me at present with each production getting better and better.
Smyrky - Agreed! To be fair there are too many good producers to list. If I start I won't be able to stop! Lets just say OD404, Karim, Justin Bourne and Kevin Energy are top dogs in my eyes. DJs that inspire me are the ones that show true passion in putting on a good show whilst interacting with the crowd. The likes of Proteus, Mark EG and Kevin Energy always maintain stage presence, which goes a long way in my books. It's far more satisfying watching a DJ enjoy themselves rather than just boshing out a mix with their head constantly down!
You've been doing some live PAs from time to time too...who does what when you do your live show? How have people reacted to them?
Smyrky - On this occasion I must spill the beans and explain all as I know this topic has been hotly debated on previous discussions. To start with our set-up consisted of a multi tracker a few synths, samplers and FX units. Seraya would be mixing the levels of the percussion and backing tracks whilst playing a selection of preloaded samples. I was free to tweak away at the pre-programmed synths, play samples and add FX where appropriate. We also hooked up a CDJ so that I could scratch over the top.
Seraya - After a few parties we soon came to realise that our Live Set-up wasn't the most practical setup. Sure it looked good, but it didn't really satisfy our need to feel 100% involved.
Smyrky - Which is why we are currently flogging some of our gear to go down the Ableton Live route! Hopefully that will give us the freedom and flexibility we are looking for.
You are playing at Frantic's 9th Birthday  on 27th August at The Renaissance Rooms in London. What are your earliest memories from Frantic's legendary events?
Smyrky - A bit of a blur. I remember loud music, flashing lights and 'ard House (Chuckle). What more can you ask for. In all seriousness I have been to many Frantic events over the years, the ones that spring to mind are Timeless, HHA and Chemistry. All of which hold fond memories that I will cherish forever. 
Seraya - One of the earliest memories I have of Frantic was going to Convergence at the Fridge with the likes of BK and Andy Farley playing. The good times have been and are certainly not over! It keeps getting bigger and better every year.
What can we expect to hear from you at this event? It's a pretty big occasion so you better have something pretty big in store!!
Smyrky - Damn right, it's going to be total havoc! On this momentous occasion we finally get to unleash some fresh material that will be sure to have you climbing the walls.
Seraya - It's a great event in the perfect surroundings. What better time to go absolutely bonkers! We look forward to seeing you all there!
Smyrky & Seraya play at Frantic's 9th Birthday at Renaissance Rooms in London on 27th August. See www.f-h-h.co.uk for more details.
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Sonny Wharton shakes up The White House for Audio London THIS Sunday 23rd July

In advance of this weekend's scorcher we caught up with Mr Sonny Wharton, a man who without doubt is one of the UK's hottest emerging house DJs. Recently signed to Serious management and now sitting along side Judge Jules, Trophy Twins, Oliver Lang and Eddie Halliwell. This guy has recently just completed two solo world tours and is also known for his infectious performance and remarkable technical wizardry, often using up to four CDJ's!
A Renaissance resident, Sonny's rise to stardom has not gone unnoticed with numerous guest mixes for Radio 1 & Ministry of Sound Radio as well as festival gigs at Godskitchen, Global Gathering, Tribal Weekender, The Whicker Man Festival & Glastonbury. This man is Hot Property! Don't miss him at his debut for Audio London this Sunday 23rd July at The White House.
So, we've been hearing lots about your turntable-trickery recently - but who was the first DJ who really amazed you?
The first DJ I listened to was Carl Cox - it was a really bad quality copy of an old MTV show filmed @ The Eclipse in Coventry. I was blown away by the whole thing and from that moment on wanted to be a DJ!
You first achieved fame by winning a DJMag mixtape competition. What was on the tape and why do you think they chose you as their winner?
Funnily enough it was the first ever 3deck (Technics - I had no CDJs at this point!) mix that id ever recorded and I did it purely to take out to Ibiza with me for the summer, I saw the competition in DJMag and thought it was worth a shot as my mix seemed to fit the criteria of what they asked for. I think that having the advantage of being able to use the 3rd deck for acapellas and loops in the mix gave me the edge over some other entries. When I got the phone call to say I'd won and would be playing Renaissance Opening @ Amnesia I was in shock - I couldn't believe it!!
Please could you try and define the Sonny Wharton sound for us...however you see fit!
This is something I'm asked a lot - I find it a really hard question to answer as I don't think I can pin it down, I play house music will allsorts thrown in and try and convey as much energy as possible in the mix! For anyone still not sure tune in to my radio show every Thursday 11pm-1am www.pulseradio.net or come down this Sunday to the Whitehouse ;o)
You frequently use up to 4 decks and an FX unit in your sets. What creative wizardry can you conjure up using this kit?
I like to put as much into a set as possible hence the need for 3or4 CDJs. With the CDJ1000 I can bring in and take out loops at will use the CDJs like a drum kit with the cue buttons firing off samples and generally try to create a show for people to enjoy rather than a DJ in the corner hiding behind the decks. Be warned though I can get a bit carried away sometimes and break everything - on my China tour I broke 4CDjs & 2mixers in only 3weeks!!
Is there any other DJ technology you've had your eyes on?
There's so much available at the moment its hard to choose though I see it as being very healthy for the scene - it's making people up their game and put that extra effort in. Companies like Pioneer, Allen & Heath and Ecler are really pushing the boundaries as far as equipment goes and programmes like Ableton & Final Scratch are opening up a whole new ball game - its great!
When did you sign to the Serious DJ Management agency? Did you feel pretty humbled to be in the company of world-renowned talent such as Umek and Norman Jay?
I had a meeting with Serious in May to discuss signing and its exactly what I've been working towards for the last 3years, It's a hard game on your own and with a lot of hard work and some great friends in the industry I've got a lot further than I ever thought possible so to now be working with such a professional team and have the backing to take things to the next level for me is amazing!! 
You've had a few tracks and remixes out so far, mostly collaborating with an outfit called Mangotrasher. Who are they and how do you feel the end results have turned out?
Mangotrasher is the alter ego of a very good friend, I've known him on and off since I was young and we hooked up again about 2years ago to get into the studio and make some tracks - on a solo tip he's featured in the likes of Danny Howells & Paul Oakenfolds charts and toured as far as Japan over the years so he's no stranger to the scene. As far as end results go I'm really pleased with how we're sounding and we're really starting to find our own style now!
The electro sound has fully taken over the world now, with variants on the sound appearing at all sorts of nights across the world. Do you think we have reached overkill point?
It will definitely get to that stage as it happens with everything - moderation is the key in all walks of life and its no different with music. In retrospect I think the whole electro sound has blurred a lot of boundaries and opened a lot of peoples ears to new music which is very healthy - many DJs are playing styles from house to breaks to techno in the same breath without even thinking that it might compromise their pigeonholed style, it going back to how it used to be - the underground is back with a vengeance!
You work with the DJ-technology company Ecler. What exactly do you do with them and what are they best known for?
One of my first mixers was an Ecler SMAC04 and I've been a fan of their mixers ever since - the build quality is second to none and I genuinely believe in their products - I approached them to get involved and they invited me to play for them @ last years Plasa Event in London to showcase one of their new mixers - the NUO5. After the demo I signed up with their Pro Team to promote their products worldwide at various shows and exhibitions.
What's the most impressive piece of Ecler kit you have witnessed or used? What do you feel sets them aside from other companies?
I'm loving their NUO5 mixer - it's got 5channels and all the effects of a DJM600 & Xone62 thrown into one machine... you can personalise the effect parameters via a Midi interface and id say this is a major factor that puts it at top of the game!! Another key thing is I've regularly broken other leading mixers and I've yet to damage my Ecler - this alone is a big plus for me!!!
You will be down in London on July 23rd for a cheeky little Sunday afternoon party called Audio at The Whitehouse. Are you usually kicking back and taking it easy at this time of the weekend?
Haha Sundays are just another working day for me so as much as id love to be lounging around id probably be on the computer spamming peoples inboxes with more promotional junk mail about my website and gigs!!
Do you find that the weekends seem to be a bit more...hardcore during the summer?
Definitely - when the sun's out people don't want to head home and relax so much, summertime is party party party with places like Ibiza thriving on that very fact. Last weekend I played the Berlin Love Parade with over 1million people dancing in the sunshine all day long - events like that certainly define hardcore and make a DJs weekend all the more spectacular!
You've been playing all across the world recently - but how have your experiences playing in London been so far?
London is always fun - one of my first big gigs was in London and I made a lot of friends there so I love coming back down to play and hooking up with everyone. Its great that in one city there's so many different walks of life all partying on the same dancefloors - for me that helps make a great atmosphere and gives me more excuse to push boundaries that little bit further, bring on Sunday!!
Interview by Benz
New Online Mix: http://www.flatspin.co.uk/mp3/sonnywharton.mp3
Website: http://www.sonnywharton.com/index.php
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Infidel (Paul Maddox) to rock I Love VC - The Birthday!!

When Vicious Circle take their massively successful I Love VC night to The Fridge in London for their first birthday on July 22nd, there'll be one name behind the decks that you might not recognise. He is however one of the driving forces in modern dance music, a star of the Hard House scene, a prolific producer and the tidy pin-up boy for thousands of clubbers around the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, meet Infidel, or as he's more commonly known, superstar DJ Paul Maddox
Why Infidel? I'm half expecting the man from the Turkish Delight advert to appear behind the decks at I Love VC swathed in a bed sheet!!
An infidel is someone who doesn't conform to an accepted set of beliefs or ideas, which I think sums up the project quite well, Unfortunately however, I was apparently not the only one to think of this as there's an act by the name of The Infidels already in existence, which means that the Infidel name is going to morph into the new moniker Brazn which I think still sums up the sound quite well.
How do you think your man Glazby is going to cope with his eight hour set extravaganza?
As long as he's got some empty water bottles or a couple of really long records for bog-breaks then I'm sure he'll cope admirably!
Are you going to catch some of it if you can?
I'd love to, but I'm playing in Newquay earlier on the same night, so it's going to be a bit of a mad dash along the south coast to get to Brixton in time to play.
What do you like about playing at an I Love VC party?
Always a great vibe from the crowd and a red-hot lineup.
The I Love VC birthday is where  Infidel makes his London debut. What's the response been like so far when you've played elsewhere?
I've road tested a few of the tracks at some smaller nights and it seems to be going down really well - can't wait to see what happens!
You're certainly not the first DJ who feels it's necessary to have an alter ego for other projects. Why did you go under a different name when everyone knows you and respects you so much as Paul Maddox?
Everyone associates my own name with hard dance material, so it would be counter-productive on both fronts. People looking for house would assume that it was going to be hard stuff, and people after hard house would be disappointed that it was slower stuff.
Do you worry that your harder fans might think you're selling out to a more commercial sound?
Quite possibly, but I've never subscribed to the idea that making music that's more popular is necessarily selling out. I've always dabbled in other styles of music and am glad to be finding my feet with the Infidel/Brazn stuff.
What do you think it is about this filthy electro sound that's captured everyone's imagination?
I think it's mainly the freshness of it (although house music made with synths is hardly a new phenomenon) - there are a lot of new producers with new ideas coming through which makes for a lot of exciting music.
Breath On Skin is sex on wax, where is the sample from?
A film called The Hole - pretty wank film, but some lovely bits of dialogue and atmosphere.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
All over the place really, I listen to tonnes of music, old and new Including quite a lot of weird stuff, music that's on the boundaries often contains lots of innovative ideas that can be translated into more accessible, dancefloor stuff.
On your website, www.infidelaudio.co.uk, you say you're looking for interested parties to sign your tunes up. Why don't you follow in the footsteps of the Great Glazby and set up your own label?
Well, under the new name Brazn, the first clutch of tunes have just been signed to Firefly recordings, although starting up my own outlet for them is definitely an idea that I've been toying with.
You've been the tidy poster boy for years now. How has it helped your career having such a heavyweight name behind you?
I've got a lot to thank tidy for; in this industry its all about taking opportunities and capitalising on them, and most of the breaks that I've had have come in one way or another from tidy, so yeah, its helped me no end!
Minimal - everyone's got an opinion on it - what's yours?
Like any type of music, if it's well executed and not just done for the sake of it, it can be fantastic in the right setting. I've actually been working on another project with Leeds, Filthy Rich under the name Spektre, which is more on the minimal tip, more than just a kickdrum and a few bleeps though.
You said recently that you think hard dance has got a bit too evil. What did you mean by that? Are you advocating the return of bounce?
Please god no! I just think that a lot of hardhouse these days has lost sight of its original purpose, which was good, danceable party music and just become a technical exercise in how hard it can be. Bounce was the opposite end of the spectrum; I'd be happy with something in-between!
Is that what you had in mind with the Olive Grooves EP - still hard house but with more musical elements in it?
Yeah pretty much, its not even that musical really, just a bit more fun! Most of the tracks are about 10bpm slower than a lot of the stuff out there now, and I've been playing them out to great reactions. I just wanted to get back to the feel hardhouse used to have, but bringing in current production techniques so that it wasn't just taking a step backwards.
Right, God turns round to you and says that you can be either the number 1 producer in the world or the number 1 DJ in the world, but if you chose one you can't ever do the other ever again. Which one would you choose and why?
Producer at the drop of a hat. Much as I love DJing It has always been a spin-off from my studio work, which really is the thing I love doing the most.
If Mazaratti had tweaked your nipple and called you a dirty Infidel would you have head butted him? Or would he have been right?
He probably wouldn't have been far off the mark, but if I was about to retire I probably would've opted for the headbutt anyway - nothing to lose!
Your last supper - please write down your menu and entertainment requests.
Food: Either really good Italian or Japanese Entertainment: A Parrot riding a tiny bike Five guests, dead or alive, who and why?
Brett Anderson (Lead singer from Suede/The Tears): Massive fan Boris Yeltsin: Bet he'd tell a good story and be up for a tear-up Kate Moss: Always comes across as being up for a laugh. Ronnie Barker: To inject a bit of humour into proceedings. Scarlett Johannsen: Fit Perfect date?
9th of June: My birthday! :oP
Perfect soundtrack to your life?
Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor Remix) Suede - The Asphalt World The KLF - What Time Is Love This Mortal Coil - Song To The Siren The Cars - Just What I Needed I think those 5 on a permanent loop could keep me happily oscillating between sitting thinking and jumping about like a nut for the rest of my days!
Perfect tune to remix and why?
Always a hard one, as tunes I love already would be difficult to improve on, but a real stripped down tech-house mix of FSOL Papau New Guinea would be cool, or a pumped up version of Altern8 Infiltrate 202, that's got me thinking actually..
Perfect DJ line-up (feel free to say the I Love VC First Birthday back ;D )?
Steve Lawler Fergie Carl Cox Tony de Vit That'd be a party and a half.
Where would you like to be five years from now?
Just doing more of the same really, I'd love for the Brazn and Spektre projects to get some recognition, and hopefully still be doing the harder stuff as well, it'll be interesting to see where the hardhouse scene goes in the coming years.
Who's your role-model/mentor?
No single person really, but I've absorbed plenty of useful knowledge about the music industry from working with Lee Haslam at Tidy and your very own Glazby.
www.ilovevc.com (free sticker with every order)

10PM - 6AM
By mostwantedkat in Interviews ·

Addiction Boat Party Pt2 Preview: Interview with DJ/Producer Nick Rowland

AT: So Nick, for those that have never heard of Nick Rowland, Rowland & Wright, The Coalition or PBS, can you just give us a brief background of who you are ? What you do ? And where you come from ?
NR: Well. Once upon a time, in a land far far away. Actually, it was in Bristol, but that's far enough! I've always been into the music scene in one way or another - I started DJ'ing when I was 16 in your average Friday night club, and I played the guitar and wrote songs as a kid, and really enjoyed it. I began making tunes on the Amiga about 14 years ago (god I'm old!!), but never really took it seriously. 
I met Dave Wright in a bar in Birmingham that I was DJ'ing in, and we both said we had an interest in writing dance music, so we used to get together when we could, and bash out some ideas. After a fairly short while, and not too many complete turkeys, we got a track signed by Alphamagic for the Execute label, and hence PBS was born - or Phatt Bloke & Slim. We were quickly picked up by Nukleuz for their Hard Trance EP series, and Rowland & Wright just snowballed from there for just over a year. Towards the end of that year, we did some tracks with a few other well known DJ's (Nick Rafferty, Phil Reynolds, Ed Real) under The Coalition moniker, which also did really well for us. Dave had commitments with his full time job, and didn't have the time to spend in the studio, so I started to do stuff on my own as well as continuing The Coalition brand with Nick Rafferty. In 2004 I had my first solo EP on Nukleuz Green which featured 'Somebody' & 'Burn The Dancefloor Down', that kick-started my solo career really well. Since then I've lived over in Montreal, Canada for a while, and since coming back I'm sharing a house with Dave in sunny Tamworth, writing for myself and producing for others, and generally enjoying myself!
AT: You truly are a Hard Dance household name with tracks on every major label and compilation album, not too mention having remixed countless tracks for some of the scenes biggest artists. Out of all the tracks you've produced and remixed over the years which one would you say is your favourite and why ?
NR: There have been so many landmark tracks for me all for different reasons. Silverspeed, written with Dave, was my first release on a major label - Nukleuz. The remix we did of Happens (Intensive) was also a really big track for us back in the early Rowland & Wright days, as well as Deeper (Nukleuz) and Bring The Lights Down (with Rob Tissera). More recently, I had a great time writing Fakin' It (Honey Pot) with Nick Rafferty, which was played by Dave Pearce some three weeks in a row on Dance Anthems! The tracks I'm the most proud of as a solo artist have to be Overdrive and h2o - both of which went out on Tidy. h2o was a great cross-genre track, and was played out by Tech Trance DJ's such as Christopher Lawrence, as well as on Hard Dance scene by the likes of BK. Hybrid, which was the first track working back with Dave, seems to be doing phenomenally well as a cross-genre Trance / Hard Dance track, with plays from John O'Callaghan, Ian Betts and John Askew as well as The Tidy Boys, Wid & Ben, Paul Kershaw (Galaxy FM) and other Hard Dance aficionados.
AT: Normally every artist's material is influenced by someone. Who do you think has inspired your productions the most ? Or do you feel that you have and have always had a completely unique sound ?
NR: I take inspiration from all sorts of artists from all styles of music and have learnt to do what I do by tearing apart their records, and trying to emulate the best bits. BT has been one of the most influential artists for me - the guy is so diverse and has such talent.  When I was learning how to produce hard house, artists like BK and Nick Sentience were the main people I aspired.
AT: You've also proved to be an extremely versatile producer. With releases covering the whole Hard Dance spectrum from Trance & Hard Trance to Hard House and even Psy-Trance, how would you describe the style of music you are producing at the moment ?
NR: Well, basically I try to keep myself from being 'too' pigeon-holed.  I love trance and the harder side of dance too, so I'll continue to write all kinds of music with no real overall style. Recently I've leaned towards the more trancey stuff, but I've got plans to write a load more tracks which will again cross many genres.
AT: Having worked with almost every major player around including artists like Nick Sentience, James Lawson & Phil York, you must have some tales to tell. What's the funniest story you can tell us from any studio session ? And who were you working with ?
NR: There are a few! The funniest was probably one of the bank holidays a year or so ago; I was engineering for Nick Rafferty & Paul Kershaw and we all agreed to start on the Tuesday as we would all be pretty messy from the weekend. So the weekend passed and at 7:30am Kershaw turns up, we're both pretty tired but get a coffee and start working. Time rolled on & there was still no sign of Rafferty. We try phoning time and time again but there was no answer. At 11:30am the phone rings and we get a quiet voice on the other end - it's Rafferty! He's sat in a bar in Birmingham completely wrecked saying that he's been out since Saturday night with no sleep and he's not going to make it!  The conversation was a funny one - I wish I had recorded it now and bribed him with it!
AT: Are there any artists that you wouldn't work with again ? And why ?
NR: Some people can be very, very hard to work with and there have been some situations in the past which have been, lets say, uncomfortable. But I like to think it possible to overcome most differences in the studio, especially when the end results are good!
AT: You've recently re-launched your own Digital Mp3 Download label Periodically Repeated Sequence as well as completing a massive remix of Xinetd_D & Bruce H Fear Factor for Addiction's own Mp3 label Addiction Digital. Do you think that digital labels and mp3 downloads are the future of dance music sales ? And what treats are in store for release later this year on PRS Digital ?
NR: Digital downloads are without doubt the way forward. The problem at the moment is that there is no physical product (i.e Vinyl, CD, etc) which in effect devalues the music to a lot of people who would otherwise buy it. In this scene I think CD albums like the Edison Factors World Series are a very good stepping stone while people get used to the idea of owning music as a digital only product. I know a few people who are working on these kind of albums now (me included!).
AT: For your next performance aboard the Addiction Boat Party Pt2 on Saturday July 15th, you'll be blowing 300 Addict's away with your fantastic Live PA ! The burning question here Nick is, is it actually live or pre-recorded ? What makes this more special than one of your DJ Sets ? And finally what tricks have you up your sleeve to make your Live PA stand out above the rest ?
NR: My DJ sets are all about the music that does it for me, I usually only play a couple of my own tracks, this makes the PA very different. With dance music it's all about tight timing, if your vocals or leads are even slightly out of time you know it and it sounds shit. This makes it very difficult to play 'Live' in the conventional sense, unless you incorporate real instruments like drums and guitars - The Edison Factor do this very well. I chose to not go the instrument route. Basically I use Ableton Live to effectively remix all my songs on the fly. I can bring in loops, samples, re-arrange and do all sorts of cool stuff in real time.  While I play no 'real' instruments live there is still plenty of room for mistakes and plenty of room to be creative!
AT: You'll be joining an all star line up including, Spencer Freeland, Pierre Pienaar AKA P.H.A.T.T. feat Jennie Rix and Ben Gold ! Have you ever played on a Boat party before ? Do you get Sea Sick ? and what are you looking forward to the most ?
NR: I've never played a boat party before, and I'm thoroughly looking forward to it. I have heard a lot of good things about Ben Gold so I'm looking forward to his set. Hopefully I won't get sea-sick, but there's only one way to find out!
AT: You also often DJ overseas, particularly in the US and Canada, and are not long back from a tour of the two. What's the scene like over there ? How do the clubs, punters and music compare to the UK ?
NR: I love it over there, the scene is still very young compared to the UK and the clubbers are much more open to different styles of music than they are over here.  It's still more about fun over there than being cool and it reminds me a lot of the UK club scene a few years ago.
AT: What's the best gig you've ever played and why ?
NR: When I was living in Montreal I played at a night called 'Lollipop' in Quebec City (Canada).  I was asked to come and stand in for Jon Langford as he couldn't make it so as we were only 3 hours drive away we drove up. It was in an Ice Hockey rink or something, the setup was wicked, the crowd were nuts and the place went off!
AT: If you could only choose one would it be production or DJ'ing ?
NR: Don't get me wrong, I love DJing but it's the production side that buzzes me. Having an idea in your head and being able to work that into a finished track is really rewarding for me.
AT: How do you foresee the future of DJ'ing both personally and generally ? Do you think that turntables will eventually be phased out ? With more artists turning to their laptops, do you think that the Live PA will take over completely ? And have there been any other recent technical advances that you think will make a significant change to the performances we see on stage ?
NR: I think the turntables days as a club format are numbered, laptops make life a lot easier (and more reliable) and you can to do so much more. Ableton Live has opened many doors and the way I do my PA is pretty much how I see DJ sets going, the only real difference being the music and the fact that producers can dissect all their own tracks into individual parts which you can't do with other peoples tunes. Sasha & Paul Van Dyk are already DJ'ing like this so it's only a matter of time.
AT: What are your top 3 tunes of all time ?
NR: This changes all the time!
Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar BT & Tori Amos - Blue Skys (Paul Van Dyk's Blauer Himmel Remix) The Sex Pistols - Friggin' In The Riggin' AT: Finally Nick pls tell us what you think of the Trance & Hard Dance scene at the minute. What clubs or artist's are doing it for you ? And what changes if any, would you like to see in music or on our Dance Floors ?
NR: Over the last few years music has been split into so many micro-genres that I think it has damaged the scene somewhat.  It would be great to see more musically versatile nights around the country (it was that way a few years back!), I think this would increase the numbers and people in our clubs and open people up to different music. Innovate is pretty much the only night I can think of doing this in the main room and it's consistently good. As a producer I want to explore different sounds and it would be great to not feel like you would be alienated for playing around. As for artists that are doing it for me at the moment I have been really impressed by MDA & Spherical lately, and also Micky D is proving himself to be exceptionally talented!
AT: Thanks very much for taking the time to speak to me Nick, and we'll see you aboard The Sundance on July 15th
NR: Cheers Andy and I'll see you on the Thames!!!
To view the E Flyer for full line up, ticket info, competitions, important information and more please click here

By Addiction in Interviews ·

Are you United in Hardcore? Dougal reveals all!

So, you were chosen to mix the 1999 present disc of Helter Skelter's new United In Hardcore compilation. When did you first encounter the world of Helter Skelter?
I first encountered Helter Skelter in 1989 at Milwaukees, Bedfordshire.
Which of their events do you remember most fondly?
You know what, all of them were so amazing, I don't think I could forget any of them.
Do you miss the days when there were lots of large scale events on up and down the country all the time?
Those days were very special, I don't think they could ever be topped.
Which of the tracks on your mix hold particularly special memories for you and why?
Get Hype holds great memories for me, it was when I realised that me and gammer had cracked the new sound of hardcore.
Do you think it's far to say the hardcore went through a second "golden age" post-2000?
Absolutely. We have all fine tuned a new style of rave music and a new generation of ravers has come along with it. With the amount of different styles around now theres something for everyone, Hardcore certainly is on top of the world right now.
What about hardcore's low point? Did you ever think it would recover from its slump? You were one of the people who stuck with it through thick and thin after all...
To be honest, at one point if you'd have said to me in a few years time you are going to be playing to thousands of people again, week in week out, I would never have believed it! So I appreciate the scene now more than ever
What have been the major changes in the hardcore scene in the last few years? Does it feel like it's a different ballgame to how it used to be?
No, not really. Its still the friendliest place, the best atmosphere on earth
What about the new tracks on the album? Which have got the hardcore crowds in a flutter?
The Angel City Remix (Sunlight) and rocking with the best are without a doubt two of my strongest anthems at the moment
How was you recent(ish) Essential Platinum Live PA at Tranzmission? How has the whole project been progressing?
It was great, but extremely hard work. The atmosphere is so intense when you do a pa there's nothing else like it. We will continue to have no expenses spared when it comes to performing live!
And finally, if you had to pick a hardcore desert island disc - what would be the one track you took with you?
Pretty Green Eyes
Interview by Benz E99
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Interview with Lee Osbourne

Hiya Lee, so what have been the highlights for you so far in 2006?
The biggest highlight of year was the birth of my beautiful baby girl Brooke born on January 26th 2006. It really put things into perspective.
Djiing wise its been a busy year from the start. Playing alongside Ferry Corsten at Brixton Academy on NYE for Riot, then NYD mainroom infront of a sell out crowd at The Fridge for Twisted was just the best start to the year possible. Totally amazing!
After that I'd have to say the YES! parties we put on - was lots of hard hard work but so worth it (watch out for more soon).
In terms of production it has to be the TEKELEC releases - Centara, Troika, Revolution of the Mind and Lost Souls all getting major support and big air play from Carl Cox, Judge Jules, John Askew and Above & Beyond.
....Oh and Ferry Corsten supporting my new tech trance monster SLIDING DOORS! Big things!
This time next year, what ambitions would you like to of fulfilled?
Has to be getting my new tracks on a major trance label - there's been some very very big interest by a major DJ/Producer but I cant say more. Apart from that it has to be my European gigs I have coming up in Ibiza and headlining in Finland cant wait!
What would you say best describes your sound?
Full on driving & energetic Tech Trance.
What do you think in general with the scene in London?
The trance scene is coming back in a big way! The music is more intelligent and the producers are just firing on all cylinders at the moment. With events like The Electronic Sessions and Yes! really pushing the boundaries its exciting times for our music.
Do you get to go clubbing much, and what Dj's do you admire?
Has to the Godfather himself Graham Gold - year in year out he consistently delivers everytime an amazing DJ and a great ambassador for the industry!
I'd also have to say Sir Carl Cox - he versality is amazing. Even though he's been on the scene so long he's still pushing the boundaries a real legend.
Are you looking forward to playing for us at Electronic Sessions, have you played at Deep Blue before?
Yes definitely. Ive been in the studio with different producers for the past 6 months and im really looking forward to unleashing some upfront material on the crowd. Im also looking forward to finishing the night after Simon Patterson the last hour will be full on tech infused trance, boooowai! 
Can we expect any new material this year from you and your partner in crime Ali Wilson?
After working with Ali for the past two years and compiling a selection of over 30 tracks we wanted concentrate on our own projects. I've been working with in the studio with two great producers Ben Gold and Greg Brookman and another exciting big big producer that I cant talk about right now - but watch this space!
Whats the weirdest set you have ever played?
Haha there's been a few probably any time that Ive been out with the boys - we had some weird ones lol!
Will you be playing over in Ibiza this year?
Certainly am! We have the Yes! Vs Wildchild Sunset Boat party in Ibiza this year, It's gonna be a big one. Wildchild have put together a massive events schedule at some fantastic venues, make sure your on the flight!
So what can we expect from your set at Electronic Sessions?
You can catch Lee spinning in the main room at ElectronicSessions between 5 - 6 am, finishing the night off in style !
For tickets;
http://www.seonelondon.com http://www.ticketweb.co.uk http://www.electronicsessions.co.uk
By GregSulli in Interviews ·

Interview with Simon Patterson - Aka DogZilla

Hiya Simon, so what have been the highlights for you so far in 2006?
This has been a great year so far for me. Being made Inside Out resident would be up there and also the success of F16.
This time next year, what ambitions would you like to of fulfilled?
Just to keep moving and pushing forward each year is all I look to achieve.
What would you say best describes your sound?
Driving, tech trance, with elements of psy and uplift about them. 
Is there a big clubbing scene back home in Northern Ireland and do you get back to play there much?
The scene back home is popular but there are only a few big clubs worth playing at. These clubs are filled each week with the cr�me of Dj talent so its hard to get a space to play. I try and play there 2 or 3 times a year. The atmosphere in Ireland is ridiculous.
What do you think in general with the scene in London?
I haven't been playing in London much this year which has been very refreshing for me. This is the way I wanted it. I got sick of playing in London so much at the end of last year seeing the same faces etc. But now that I haven't played here much I want to play again! It's always the way. In general I find London too cool. There's not always the right vibe. 
What are the top 3 clubs you have played in the world and why?
Inside Out - No better place in the world. Atmosphere is unreal. People are friendly and so supportive. Honeyclub in Brighton - Now that they have revamped the place it reminds me a little of The Cross, the crowd are close to you, intimate atmosphere. The sound system is rocking. Again the atmosphere is brilliant. Everyone going nuts! Judgement Sundays - Like Inside Out. I just like playing places that have the right sort of vibe about them. I want to leave the club happy that everyone's enjoyed it and that I've enjoyed it. That's the most important factor to me when I play - everyone loving it. Did you always think Dogzilla - Without You was going to be such a huge track?
No we both didn't think that it would have been. I was worried about the leap from "Your Eyes" to "Without You". I thought people weren't going to be getting the vocal at all. But the track hasn't gone away. PVD has been hammering it. Number 1 2 months in a row in his Mixmag chart. It's good that it's stood the test of time.
Very Pleasing. Grateful for all the support.
Do you have much more Dogzilla material planned for this year?

With the Dogzilla thing, its just getting the time. We just finished a remix called Stimulate by an artist called Emjay. Its coming out on Perfecto in the UK. I think it's by far the best thing we've done. Dogs 4 is well in the making but we're taking our time getting it right. And we're just about to start a remix for Vandit. So a few bits coming up this year. But concentrating more on my own stuff at the moment.
Do you still get to go clubbing much, and what Dj's do you admire?
I don't get much chance to go clubbing at all. So I don't get a chance to see many Dj's play. But I was playing at Gods Kitchen recently, I checked out the house room and heard a DJ called Demi(?) play - very impressed. Mixing and crowd control were awesome. Never heard of him before but I'm told he's quite well known. One of the few Dj's that I have seen who has made a big impression on me. Greg Downey, O'Callaghan, Van Doorn. All ripping! But best Dj is without question Halliwell - different league. Can't understand how anyone can think differently?!
So tell us about the renowned crowd at 'Inside Out' who you are the new resident for?
They are just so up for it. It's the closest you'd get to scoring a goal in front of a packed football stadium. Its just a sight that has to be experienced to understand. If there's one club in the world that I could only ever play at again - this would be it.
Are you looking forward to playing for us at Electronic Sessions, have you played at Deep Blue before?
I can't wait to play. I haven't been in London for a few months so I'm buzzing about playing again. I've never played at Deep Blue either so it's going to be fresh for me. I'm looking forward to checking Andy Moor too!
Your recent track F16 has been recently been released. How has it gone down in the clubs?
It's been fantastic! I couldn't have asked for any more support on the track. Everyone's been playing it and managed to enter the buzz chart so I'm so chuffed with the outcome. New one done, a lot different to F16. Will play it on the night!!
What football team do you support?
The mighty Spurs. Robbie Keane - legend!
What countries are you yet to play that are a must for you?
Japan, Australia and Eastern Europe are real musts for me. USA I need to play more in. But I'm just grateful to be playing anywhere. Its all a bonus.
So what can we expect from your set at Electronic Sessions?
Drilling, tech trance.
And finally do you have any message to the ES party crew?
Get there early, it will be a lock-out!
To buy your tickets for ElectronicSessions at Deep Blue, Fri 5th March 

By GregSulli in Interviews ·

RAVE it up with Timo Garcia!

Well first things first Timo, how's it shaking geezer are you good?
Doing great thanks - am very excited about this weekend - another 4 day dancathon starting off tonight with our new weekly night called the DROP at Meet and ending with a massive showdown of local east london talent at the RAVE - with loads of other gigs and easter egg binges in between!
So Mr Garcia for those who don't know you - who the hell are ya?
Well, I live on brick lane where I have my music studio fondly known as the biscuit factory - I make house music, run my record label (Berwick Street Records), DJ every weekend and some week nights and eat biscuits all day!
Interesting, The E1 Rave is listed as BBL's dirty little secret - whats your dirty little secret Timo?
Come on I know your game!
The DROP - coming very very soon!
I've been doing a little background research and you started promoting your own nights at the tender age of 16! Sheesh.. I could just about tie my shoe laces at that age! What's the deal?
I come from a small town on the outskirts of london where the was once a shit niteclub called Stages - so at 16 I used to hire indie bands to play on the top floor whilst I and my mates played indie dance records (very badly!) downstairs. There wasn't much else to do in that town so we got a great crowd down - only problem was that I was one of the few of my age to look 18 so I had to keep running down to the door to get my mates in!
You've played all over the world including a 2 year residency in Paris. How do all the different countries differ and more importantly which has the hottest women?
I did enjoy myself in France ;op
After running your own events, producing and DJing you decided to go Pro in 2002. That must have been a big decision?
Not at all - Before then I was working full time for a multinational Biotech company shipping all their products around the world - Djing was a great conflict and I ran out of holiday & sick days and had to make that decision. As I was getting some great gigs in the UK and abroad It was the obvious choice.
There a literally thousands of budding DJs who dream of spinning the plastic for a living what advice could you give? And what are the high and lows?
Believe in the music - first and foremost
Its hard work - really hard - so long as they're willing to put in the effort and energy and make it work for them then go right ahead.
You launched Berwick Street Records in 2005 your very own House imprint, how is this shaping up?
Going great thanks. Discotech was the 2nd release by myself and the Cheshire Catz was played on Pete Tongs show as the Essential New Tune. The 1st and 4th releases have been licensed to the Bora Bora compilation this summer and the current promo is getting some great support from Smokin Jo, David Guetta, Hernan Cattaneo and Tall Paul amongst many.
Its not out officially for another 3 weeks but I know there are 5 Test Pressings on vinyl in Black Market Soho at the moment and you can get the exclusive Mp3 Download from DJDownload.com
Its called Timo Garcia & the Cheshire Catz present Nika - Just Get Over It (Berwick Street Records) - so keep an eye out for it!
Apart from your own which labels are really doing it for you at the moment and producers/DJs of course?
The Cheshire Catz obviously as we have made so many tracks together and are launching our new weekly Thursday night called the DROP at Meet - we hope to have some great DJs playing there - I would love to have Tim Sheriden, Mike Monday, Big Daddy G, King Roc, Tom Neville, the Insignificant Others, Mark Sun, Anil Chawla, Dale Anderson down to play as well as many others not forgetting the ever faithful Filthy Krew Shane Watcha, Brad 212 Finlay, Ben dela daddy Pena, Clint Lee and Gepy - all who rock the nights we play at - it's one happy family really!
On bank holiday Easter Sunday your playing at the 11 hour monster party marathon THE E1 RAVE how are you preparing yourself? A few laps round the park a bit of stretching maybe or will you just be carrying on from Friday you dirty stop out!
Kick starting tonight with the DROP, then playing Friday night again at Meet, then staying on for Redlight then over to Jam for Saturday 1 til 4pm where ill be battling it out on the decks with Joe le Groove - then im playing that night at Zigfrids in Hoxton before we head off to Club Azuli at the Cross to hear King Roc and the big man himself Kenny dope - then Sunday I might get a bit of sleep in before the Grand Finale - the RAVE!! Nice!
So who are you looking forward to seeing on Sunday?!
Really looking forward to playing with the Filthy Krew again - Shane, Ben, Clint, Gepy - also will be great to party with those Cowboys!
And lastly any final pieces of advice the R R R R Ravers!?
Watch out for the Easter Bunny! 

By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

South West Four catches up with Meat Katie in advance of the Launch Party this Saturday 15th April

Going back to the earlier days of your career, you were part of the "big beat" trio Ceasefire on Wall of Sound records. Was this your earliest successful forray into dance music or had you been knocking out beats before then?
Ceasefire was my first electronic project, but before that I'd played in skate punk bands and liked hip hop and it's scene.
Do you have happy memories of those "big beat" days? It seemed like a hedonistic scene to be in that kind of carried on where britpop left off.
It was a great time for people like me with broad tastes. Big beat had close links with the indie scene so many cool bands had came out of that era too. It was like acid house all over again, no rules............. I Have really happy memories of those days.
What do you feel the real turning point was when big beat died and "nu skool breaks" reared its naughty little head?
By the time big beat took a turn for the worse, I had set up Whole 9 Yards which had a real techy style (Dark Globe, Dylan Rhymes, Elite Force, DJ Hyper, Rhythm Division were all artists on the label). I was already using less samples in my production, leaning more towards electronic sounds.
In all fairness is was a natural progression for many. It's a complete myth that nuskool breaks came directly from jungle & hardcore - it's just a few key people did (Rennie Pilgrem, Shut Up & Dance, Freqnasty, Blim). Again it was an interesting time but a lot of the music was too dark to reach the audience big beat did, thats why it's taken so long for breakbeat to get its footing in the world of dance music in general.
Taking things up to present day, you must be pretty please with the way things have gone for you. What have been your proudest achievements along the way?
To be honest, I feel proud to still be doing what i love for a living! Just still being here is an achievement; not to blow my own trumpet, but I feel like ive only just got started.
You are famed for playing some of the more eclectic sets in the breaks scene, combining techy, funky and progressive breaks with 4/4 based house and techno material. Do you tend to get bored if there's only one style of music on choice all night?
I find it a challenge to throw all your ideas into a melting pot and make a dancefloor move to different flavours. It would do my head in just being limited to one genre as there's so much good music out there. DJs should be creative. I think my personality comes out when I play, I do love breakbeat but it is only about 60% of what i play, (and even make).
Which other DJs do you admire for their ability to mix things up and keep things interesting?
Im really into what Marco Bailey does - techno but with an edge. I like Erol Alkan too.
You've collaborated with many of the leading lights of the breaks scene. Who made for especially memorable studio sessions?
I love working with Elite Force, we always seem to come up with interesting ideas and he's also a great musician, so skys the limit.
What gems will be coming out of the MK studio in the near future?
I have a whole new album, 'Vibrator', which will be released in June on Adrift Records. There's loads of new stuff, a few collabs with people such as Elite Force, D.Ramirez, Aquasky, Jono Fernandez, Kathrine Ellis, Roland Clark and Christian J. It's a full on ride as I wanted to do something that represented where my head is at - why pretend to be something I'm not.
April 15th sees you headlining the Platform 12 Breaks Foyer at the massive South West Four Launch at Brixton Academy. What have you heard about the South West Four Festival?
I've been travelling loads, so I've not been in the UK much. I know the Platform 12 line up is pretty cool though: Lady Killa, Clive Morley and Future Funk Squad. Regardless, Carl Cox is playing so that is reason enough to go.
In recent years Brixton Academy has only been used as a club venue by Hard Dance and Drum 'n' Bass promotions. Do you think that massive scale house/techno/breaks events are something that London could do with?
It certainly feels like something special. We'll soon find out!
Have you partied with the Platform12 crew before? What can we expect?
Only when I met the guys at HUM a few years back. You can expect a heavy dose of dirty late night funk from me - no idea what the other guys are gonna play...I'm sure it will be along those lines though!!
By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

Interview: Exclusive for Tasty-Good Times with Billy 'Daniel' Bunter and Andy Whitby

Two of the biggest DJs in the scene, Andy Whitby and Billy Daniel Bunter might come from two seemingly separate generations of underground dance culture but remain united in one, fundamental aim; a need to play uplifting energetic dance music. Both known for their intuitive ability to raise arms, smiles and atmospheres with effortless aplomb the pair are teaming up for their first ever back to back at this Saturday's Tasty Good Times at The Mass. No, it aint an April Fools, this world first dual of two of hard dance's most renowned crowd pleasers is primed to set the colourful Brixton rave alight and leave fans of euphoric uplifting hard dance well and truly chomping at the bit. We caught up with the pair as they geared up for their for their opinions on the label market, Ibiza and each other - not to mention details of Andy's eagerly anticipated AWsum label. Check it out!
Whilst certain DJs are renowned for taking things hard, dark and filthy, you two are well known for your love of strong melody hooks and the odd vocal. What is it that attracts you to an upbeat party sound?
BB: It's what the dance floor wants. There's nothing better then seeing people with huge smiles on their faces with their hands in the air. Stringing a set of so called intelligent vibes together is boring. Rocking the party and getting the dance floor jumping, that's what attracts me to party sounds.

AW: For me, music has always been about having fun, be it singing along, throwing your hands in the air or whatever, anything that makes you smile and enjoy yourself basically. I've never been a fan of filth or Techno, as it's not what I'm about on a dancefloor and it doesn't get the reaction I'm looking for. I like to see people going nuts, really enjoying themselves through happy emotions.
My aim when I'm on the decks is to have people going home knowing they've had a good night, so they can go back to their afterparties and feel like they've had their money's worth. I try to give them something to look forward to the next time they come to watch me.
Do you ever get tempted to go all out and knock out a dirty filth or tough techno influenced set just for a change? 
BB: I've had my days of innovating, and I've had my days of playing anthems. I played an old skool 93 dark set at Bang Face a few weeks ago, and it was pure nastiness, put me in the right crowd like bang face and I'll go as hard and dark as you want. Put me in Tasty or Hardcore Heaven and I wanna bring on the happy vibes.
AW: I get offers, but for me there's nothing challenging about it. I'd rather stay true to what I believe I and leave the filth stuff to the filth DJs. I go a little harder at the end of some of my later sets, but the kids don't come to see me play filth or techno, they come to see me playing peak-time euphoric hard-dance.
Do you remember the first time you met each other and what were your first impressions??
BB: Not sure when I met Andy. It's only been briefly before and after sets. This is the 1st time we would have worked together, our crowd pleasing styles should work very well together, and with my looks and his experience we should smash the fuck out of Tasty - Good Times!!!!!

AW: I've been aware of Billy Bunter since I was 15! I used to listen to his Helter Skelter tapes during French class in High School. I had the Walkman headphone threaded up my blazer sleeve so it looked like I was leaning on my hand when in-fact I was listening to Dan.
As for in person, we just kept bumping into each other at different events around London. I remember seeing him @ Heaven, he came on after me and opened with a Martin Luther King acapella dropping over Ben Johnson's Come 1 cover track. A great way to start a set and that was when I started thinking about a back2back, as he liked to get things rolling with a good intro, like myself.
Is Tasty Good Times the first time you've stepped in the box together and if not how did the idea to pair you off first come about? How have previous sets together gone off?
BB: We was meant to do back to back at Wild child last year, but I had 4 gigs that night, and Andy was up in Liverpool and it just wasn't possible to hook up. So this is the 1st time. I think musically we are close together so it will work well.

AW: It is the first time we've played back to back, we were booked for a Wildchild Boxing Day gig together, but I had other gigs that night so couldn't get there in time.
What is the most bizarre habit a fellow back to back partner has ever subjected you to?
BB: Jon Doe has gotta be my favourite person to do back to backs with in terms of fucking about and having a laugh. We are always messing about any way, so it carries over to the decks. At a Tasty last year a raver who I have nick named Jon 'mental c^nt' who has an artificial leg, took it off, Jon Doe nicked it and started hitting me round the head with it.

AW: Luckily none. Although back2backs can be fun, I rarely do them nowadays, as I prefer to play on my own. The one's I have had though have been pretty easy and without any bizarre moments.
Dan you've been in this game for year but given the chance to play back to back with any DJ in today's scene, who would it be and why?
BB: After Bang Face a few weeks ago, I would say Nicky Black Market on a 93 Labrynth set, we both used to be resident's there through that 93 dark hardcore & jungle period so it would be a great trip down memory lane.
Andy, your production discography is building steadily but what tracks have you been working on most recently?
AW: The tracks I've been working on recently are all for my own label, AWsum. Driving, euphoric hardhouse with all the usual Whitby-magic thrown in. I'm not finding the learning curve to difficult as I've studied at the Manchester School Of Sound Recording and had a lot of advice and help early in my career from people like Peter Prichard, Lee Pasch and Steve Hill. It's to be a direct outlet of my own original euphoric power hard-dance, the first release being Andy Whitby E.P 1 U Ready? with Bump In The Night on the flip.
Of all your own productions, which track are you most proud of?
Out of all the tracks I've made, each one holds a special meaning to me, but my personal favourite is Neon Lights  Youre Not Alone (Andy Whitby remix), as it really gave me a chance to add a whole new way my tracks were sounding, whilst re-visiting a classic record.
Dan, we all know you're not planning on releasing as much music but I hear you've had the odd studio session to make fresh exclusives for your DJ sets. What was the last piece of music you made and have you got any studio dates lined up for the coming months?
BB: I'm just making exclusives for my Ministry albums .. I've not actually been in the studio for some while, but am getting loads of offers from people from all different scenes.

Do you have any studio collaborations on the cards?
BB: Eamonn from Liquid who made Sweet Harmony wants me to go in and make some tracks for my Old Skool sets. Clsm has been on me to make some hardcore. Pk wants me to go in and do some house, and Roosta wants me in doing Hard Dance. They will eventually tie me down, but I am so busy it's hard for em to lock me in the studio.

Dan, you're well known for your label exploits first with the pioneering GBT and then your much loved Honeypot stables. Are those days long behind you now?
BB: I love running labels, there is a real art to getting it right. At the moment dj'ing and running nights is my passion. I achieved every thing I wanted and more with running labels so I have no real desire at the moment to get back in to it. But never say never!!!!!

In terms of your own sets, how much of your own sets are comprised of vinyl these days? Do you miss the hands on feel of vinyl or is it simply a case of embracing new formats with open arms?
BB: Always embrace new technology, but the bottom line is, a good track is a good track no matter how its played.
AW: I was the first hard-dance DJ to turn completely to c.d's. I just thought with all the options available to CDJ users why would you want anything else? Looping, hot-cueing, reverse all these features plus the fact you can play tracks you finished earlier that day made it a no-brainer to me.
I think new formats should be embraced with open arms but at the same time in with the new shouldn't automatically mean out with the old. I only turned 100% to CDJs because it was time to take my DJing to the next level. The things I do now are unachievable on vinyl alone.
Summer isn't too far off the radar now. Will either of you be making the trip out to Ibiza this season and have you got any other trips planned away?
BB: I have loads of trips planned Canada, Poland, Amsterdam, Oz. Believe it or not I have never been to Ibiza. The 2 times I was meant to go, I didn't make it due to other commitments.
AW: I won't be over in Ibiza this year, I've been 5 times before and played @ Eden and a few smaller nights but I'm too busy this summer to go over. I'll be touring Australia again for a month to promote a new compilation, plus sorting things for the label, a dvd and a new special mix to give back to everyone who's supported me in the last 2yrs.
What is the most random situation that you've found yourself in whilst on a foreign DJ mission?
BB: Playing in an illegal gambling den in Taiwaan that turned in to a rave. It got raided whilst I was playing. The promoter got put in prison, I was 24 hours away from home, not knowing a single person or the language, where I was staying ect ect. The trip was a nightmare at the time. I look back now and think what a great experience.
AW: Being mobbed by Japanese clubbers in the middle of Australia was random (huge fan of my c.ds apparently).
From the Brixton Academy to Koko club, you've both played some of most epic venues around. As a DJ, does the adrenaline rush you get from the crowd increase in proportion to the size of it or is it nice to play to more intimate offerings? What floats your boat the most?
BB: Both equal but for different reasons. I love the intimate underground vibe. But I love the buzz off getting 5000 people in the palm of your hands.
AW: I used to enjoy playing smaller clubs just as much as I did big but I can't lie there's no place like Brixton Academy! At the same time however, in a small club you can really concentrate on your crowd. In places like Tranzaction in Truro, Tall Trees in Newquay and Oh My God in Leeds you have a much better feeling of how the crowd are feeling and where they want to be taken. In places like HHA, you've got 4000 people looking back at you, so it's harder to gauge what they're feeling but generally it's like a snowball effect in any size club; you rock the majority and the rest come with you!
You've both mixed album in the last year from Andy's Frantic Residents CD to your Hardcore Classics album Dan. Do either of you have any more album projects in the offing?
BB: Yeah my next Ministry album is in the planning process as we speak. I'm also waiting for my gold disk from the last one .. Aiiiiigggghhhhhhhhhttt / Bling bling baby.

Talking of CDs, what's in the players at the moment? You been caught up in the Artic Monkeys hype or got some classic jazz in there? We know Steve Maynard has a bit of a soft spot for some good jazz.
BB: Soul to Souls 1st ever album featuring back to life, feel free, fair play - Proper!!!!!

AW: I listen to a lot of hip-hop when I'm at home, anything from Busta Rhymes to Eminem to the older stuff like Cypress Hill. I mix for at least 2hrs a day, plus go through new tracks and mixes, so when it's not hard-dance that's shaking the house it's hip-hop.
On the road to gigs I usually leave it up to my driver what we listen to. Usually he either supplies his own mixes or we go through stuff I've been given to at clubs.
Clubbing is all about good times with good people, memories that will never fade. If you could pick out one memory in your clubbing career above all others what would it be any why?
BB: Just being here is the ultimate thing I take with me. 17 years down the line and I'm still here doing what I love doing. Right now is the highlight of my career. I love it.
AW: Clubbing-wise, I'd say 1998, Insomniacz in Sheffield. Illogik dropping Bounce 1 Time and the whole club pretending to ride around on imaginary horses. Think you had to be there to be honest.
DJ-wise, anything that's happened in the last 2 years, it's all gone off to be honest. One minute I was playing smaller nights, trying to make a name for myself, working a part-time job and spending all my wages on records. Now I'm playing to thousands of clubbers a weekend, mixing albums and even having babies named after me!  I wouldn't change it for anything in the world and will never forget how fortunate I am to be in such a position.
Dan, we'll leave things to you to sum up the Tasty crowd in three words?
The Fucking Bolloxs!!!!!!! 
By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

Never Enough Maria gives us the low down on Love Muzik on 17th March at Hidden

The first on the dancefoor, the last off for some people it's always time to have fun. One of the London club scene's most colourful and familiar characters, Never Enough's Maria is one such clubber and while some her age might have settled into the humdrum routines of middle aged life she can be found week in, week out beaming on London's most happening dancefloors. Always displaying her trademark smile, the Brazilian has worked tirelessly to help promote some of London's biggest clubbing brands such as Antiworld, Frantic and Tasty since being swept in the clubscene at the beginning of the century. Progressing to run the most efficient and renowned paying guestlist agency in the capital, she has since embarked to take her Never Enough brand into the world of promotion both as an event brand and DJ agency. As Never Enough prepare to host the hard dance room at Billy Bunter's Love Muzik on March 17th, we catch up with Maria to uncover the secret behind her eternal sparkle.
On March 17th you're hosting the hard dance room at Billy Bunter's Love Muzik event under your Never Enough banner. How did you first come into contact with Big Bill? What is your favourite memory/most amusing story of Bunter?
My first contact with Billy Bunter was in 2001 at the Fridge parties. I used to support Shaun Hull who used to promote a night in Southend On Sea in Essex called Megabyte, as well as playing for the likes of Sunnyside Up, Mind Over Matter, Feersum, Riot and Frantic. One day Shaun invited me to go to the Tasty Launch Night at The Crash Club - it was absolutely wicked! I still have the flyer and since that I've been to all Tasty parties except last year from January till July coz I was in Brazil. My favourite memory with Billy is when we did Tasty and Too Much at Fridge!
A familiar face across London's clubbing metropolis, you've been working as a promotional assistant for the capital's biggest parties for over four years. But what is the essential idea behind Never Enough? How did you first come up with the brand and how has it evolved since?
I used to do a party called Too Much But Never Enough at Dingwalls in Camden Town Market Area and then at Bad Bobs. It was once a month on Sunday Afternoon with Spencer Freeland, Eduardo Herrera, Shaun Hull, D'Marr Ford as my residents and all of my good named friends used also to play there. Billy Bunter and Roosta were two of our favourites guests. After 11 parties I decided to give up because the neighbours around used to complain about the noise from the loud hard music and I wasn't too happy with my partner. At that time I was also helping Frantic, Antiworld, Twisted, Heat, Logic, Tasty, Riot to organize paying guest lists with my crowd, specially Brazilians, Romanians, French, Italians, Antipodeans, etc. After organizing so many Paying guest lists and booking djs, I decided to open my own business as a Ticket Agency and sell as many tickets as I could to all Antiworld Events, Frantic Events, HeatUK, Tasty, Most Wanted Events, Tidy, Riot, Logic, SW4, Turnmills Events, Hidden Events, The Fridge Events, SeOne Events and many more.  Never Enough-It's always time to have fun!!!
Which DJs make up the Never Enough family? Can you tell us a little bit about their skills?
I'm promoting some DJs and producers such as the Brazilians Eduardo Herrera www.djeduardoherrera.com , Eddie Santos, who has three residencies: Ponana Wimbledon, Bondai in Chelsea e Revolution in Soho and he plays regulary at QBrasil (Brazilian radio on the internet). Alec Fasani  www.djale.com.br, Fabio Fabulous, the Romanias Dani D & Stefan. Then there's some UK jocks like Mike Redina, Reminiscence, M.E.C, Memoid all from www.nrgflow.co.uk , Stu Cox www.stucox.co.uk and DJ SI who is currently teaching DJing and production professionally at the College of North East London and several examples of his productions and sets can be found here http://www.downtherabbithole.co.uk/DJSi.html. Other acts include Viking Princess Moni who is running Solid Kiss at Turnmills and I'm also proud to say that I'm promoting A*S*Y*S from Germany http://www.acidsaveyoursoul.com/ here in UK and South America not forgetting Top Dj Brazilian Vitor Lima and all the guys from Water Republic/Sao Paulo/Brazil http://nrgflow.co.uk/vitor_lima_bio.html 
Who will be playing your Never Enough room at Love Muzik?
For Love Muzik I booked Eduardo Herrera as his ability to excel at playing techno, house, hard house, electro, and everything in between has seen him play at numerous promotions throughout the capital. He came over to London just over 4 years ago, and has since built a reputation for himself as a highly talented, quality DJ and Producer. The sensational young talent Dani D from Romania, he is super versatile too as he playing some Hard Dance and some solid Electro sets too. That such a young man can make such a big noise. His first set in London was at my Sunday afternoon Too Much But Never Enough. Morgan Cameron (M.E.C) & Remy Cameron (Reminiscence) have been in the scene for over a decade now and have seen and followed every style with energy and emotion. This has lead on to many creative projects beyond DJ'ing such as production, photography, web design and an Inhouse Record label. Please make sure to watch out for these two extremely talented brothers as there careers along with the nrgflow collective's are set to explode eternally.
How do you select which DJs will become part of the Never Enough family?
I have so many requests from up comings djs and also great names around who want to be part of my dj agency. I'm always receiving emails and demos from everywhere with different styles. There is some serious and interesting music, quality mixes and brilliant tunes selection. I wish I could have more time to listen to all and to reply to all. I want to find time to organize my agency and to offer sets for talents who have never had the opportunity to show their skills around. I'm helping Enrico from Antiworld to select these guys as well, as of course he always receiving lots of material too.
What has been your proudest achievement with Never Enough so far? Are there any moments that really stand out?
I must say that my proudest achievement was Too Much But Never Enough the party in Camden Town and then Covent Garden. Damian, Anton, Marc French from Heat, Will, Amanda from Frantic, Enrico from Antiworld, Macey from Torque, even Billy Bunter used to be among my regular supporters on Sunday afternoon which was amazing.
A lot of people that work within the clubbing industry confess that the scene loses some of it early sparkle once you become part of its inner mechanics. Do you ever feel that this idea rings true? How has your perspective on the club scene changed since you have been working within it?
I've got to confess that I love what I'm doing. It's such a brilliant job. It's a pleasure and I'm proud to work with so many promotions. I'm learning with them and we are always exchanging ideas, they listen to my advice and I listen to theirs. I think the sparkle will always be there. There will always be new people enjoying it and we need to respect them.
You first started clubbing at nights like Escape From Samsara nearly five years ago now. How different are the clubs now from when you first got hooked into the sound?
Everything is different. That's life! Escape From Samsara was magical with Beamish,Oberon, Mark Sinclair, Darren Shambhala, DaveRandall, Owen B, Rubec and many more. Tim Samsara was a perfect promoter and DJ. I used to go to every Pendragon as well and loved it. My first time at Brixton Academy was for Pendragon NYE in 2001 which was brilliant! I used to go to all Super Fish parties at The Fridge as well and can remember the good times at Fevah at Heaven. Memories that will always be with me!
If you could relive just one party in your five years in London which one would it be and why?
Antiworld, Psygate and Teknoworld - Paradise City at Alexandra Palace in 4th December 2004. That was one of the best nights I have ever been to. I worked lots for that but I also had so much fun and got to see so many of my favourite djs. That party for me was one for the history book!
You must see a sack load of DJs on your travels but of all the rising talents which DJs do you see becoming the stars of the future and why?
There are so many to mention. I want to see all the guys that I'm promoting becoming the stars of the future. It's up to them to do it properly.
Do you ever miss your native Brazil? Are there any plans to return or do you feel London has truly become your second home?
Impossible not to miss Brazil as my son is still living there and I'm too far away from my family. I don't have any plans to return. I want just to bring my son to study in England in about 2 year's time. I want to make business in Brazil with the electronic music and my dreams is to stay there three months a year on holiday, just enjoying the places that I've never been before.
What are the plans for Never Enough for the rest of 2006? Will Summer see any special plans and do you have any other parties or rooms sorted for the immediate future?
I've been hosting rooms with different promotions. Recently I did Never Enough House and Electro room at Brixton Academy with HHA. I've also done Techno rooms with the guys from Nrgflow and Museum of Techno at Yes at Hidden. Obviously we're doing Love Muzik with Billy Tasty Bunter. I'll also be hosting the VIP room again with House and Electro for Psychedelic Academy at Brixton Academy on April 1s. . I'm organising the Official after party for Psychedelic Academy at The Fridge on April 2nd Most Wanted, Totally Twisted & Never Enough. In May I'll be back to the Academy again with a House and Electro room for Supernova-Frantic & HeatUK. Every week I've been receiving some invitations for something new. For the Summer time I want to make parties around London on the beach and also I want to make boat parties. Any suggestions just give me a shout! 
Finally, you're still putting most clubbers to shame by dancing till your feet hurt each week but do you think it will ever be enough for Mad Maria? Will you carry on clubbing till you can't club no more or do you see a retirement on the cards within the next few years?
Funny question! I love to dance and you always will see me on the dance floors. I'm proud to be 40 years old with all this energy that I have. I think I will carry on for few more years. I'm feeling too young for retirement. I just want to have a few breaks sometimes to do normal things, like having time to find a new boyfriend.
By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

Tasty Preview with Janie Mac

The London hard dance scene is littered with upcoming DJ talent but few beam with as much radiant enthusiasm as Janie Mac, resident at Flashbak and regular DJ guest at Tasty events. Since her formative 2001 awakening in Brixton's hard dance underground, the elegant but approachable blonde has doggedly furthered her DJ skills with the helps of deck guardians such as Skol, Brad Lee and Billy Bunter and now stands tall as one of the most exciting DJs on the circuit. Go girl! Even more encouragingly, she remains every bit the irrepressible hard dance clubber she always has been and is regularly found grinning, sweating and cutting shapes with the best of em at her second home the 414. Of course, it is in 414's house-party styled hollows where she first showcased her euphoric NRG charged DJ sound for Bunter, at his intimate Edge shindig two years back. But while she openly proclaims herself a small club girl - highlighting the good times clubber within her - she'll be courting on a bigger stage come April 1st when she plays main room at The Mass for Tasty's talent packed Good Times event. Fresh from rockin' the Mad Hatters House Party for SeOne's Raindance, we caught up with the rising star to chart her impressive ascendancy and track her main inspirations.
With stormin sets at Just Groove, Flashbak and Hidden, your stock within the London hard dance scene has been rising rapidly of late but how did you first get hooked into the hard dance movement and what were you listening to before that? Was it a case of that one tune capturing your imagination or did it take a friend or sibling to show you the light?  
It was actually my dad and brother who showed me the way! I was quite a jungle and hardcore head, but I never really went clubbing. My dad (Fin) and big brother (Rob) dragged me out kicking and screaming and took me to The Mass. I was terrified! Here was me, going out in Brixton! As I walked in, I heard Miss Shiva Dreams and I never really looked back, I absolutely loved it!! I was lucky I had Fin and Rob there with me though; I met some of the strangest people in my life that night, most of them are now my best friends!! 
What the main points on your clubbing compass when you first started venturing out? Did you have a regular haunt or were you just out everywhere and anywhere?  
Because I went to The Mass first, that became my favourite club, until I experienced the 414. I couldn't believe it the first time I went in there. It was like someone's house!! I fell in love with the place. I also enjoyed going out to the big clubs though, The Fridge, Brixton Academy, Turnmills, Camden Palace but I'd say, I'm more of a small club kinda girl! 
With competition among upcoming hard dance jocks fiercer than ever, what first inspired you to try your hand at mixing yourself and did you always hold aspirations to play on the big stage? 
I didn't go into DJ'ing to become famous or anything, I just wanted to try my hand at it. I love hard dance music, and wanted to give myself a challenge. It took me ages to learn, but I had a wicked teacher, Brad-Lee. My only aspiration as far as DJ'ing was concerned was to play in the 414! Billy Bunter gave me that chance about 2 years ago, to play at The Edge. I loved it!! I would love to play main stage at Brixton Academy though, don't get me wrong, although the nerves would probably kill me.  
Who were your main DJ influences during your formative mixing days? Were there any DJs that you would always make sure you caught no matter what?  
I'm an old skool girl, so I always made sure I went to see Skol, Craig Mac and Roosta. I loved the tunes they played and how cool they made DJ'ing look! Once I heard Steve Blake play too, I became a bit of a fan. My mate Brad-Lee was also a massive inspiration to me, he played hard style and hardcore, but he's an absolutely amazing DJ. I had always followed Billy Bunter, from his old jungle days so he was like a real celebrity to me (although having now met and worked for him for 4 years, he's a real pussycat) so I made a point of catching his sets. 
What was your first main booking and did you suffer from a severe case of the nerves (i.e. were you bricking yourself!)? 
My first booking was The Edge at 414. Nervous? Me? Urmmmm.. I think I threw up about 4 times. I was on the line up with Anthony Atcherley, Roosta and Billy Bunter. I nearly fainted when I saw my name on the flyer! I thought I had hit the big time! I had been following these DJ's for years and now I was playing along side them!!! 
What has been the strangest DJ experience you've had since you started playing out? 
I think it has to be my set at Raindance last week actually! I played first, so assumed I'd play to a half empty room, but it was packed at 10 o'clock!! I had a trancey warm up set all prepared, but the crowd were so up for it, I had to pick up the pace a bit! It was crazy!! Good fun though, seeing so many people wanting to party so early on. Them Raindance lot are bonkers! 
Since you've started playing out, your name has been closely linked with Brixton's hard dance underground and parties like Flashbak, Just Groove and Pulse. Do you think there is a different vibe at Brixton parties compared to those in other areas of London? What is it about the area that makes it such a special region for London's true hard dance troopers?  
Brixton is the capital of the universe as far as I'm concerned. It's where it's at! I don't know why these people flock to Brixton in their hundreds but they do! I think there is a real underground feel at Brixton parties and it just can't be matched. It's the idea of partying in a converted church like The Mass or walking round at 4am and everything in Brixton is still buzzing - where else can you get that? 
You site the unfashionable Club 414 as one of your favourite venues. While some disregard it as a dingy hole, what is it that sets it apart as such a friendly and fun venue? 
414 is my second home. I feel completely safe when I'm there. No where else could I walk into somewhere on my own and guarantee to bump into a friendly face. The staff are amazing, I adore Cybil and Louise they're such an institution! I love playing in there too. No other club that I've played at paps like it does in the 414! 
Which other London venues would you be most keen to play? 
I'd love to play main room of the Fridge (hint, hint) ha ha ha
At the Heat Christmas party you had the pleasure of playing a memorable main room set with Tasty's main man Billy Bunter but when was the first time that you crossed paths with Big Bill and what were your first impressions? 
Ha ha ha Big Bill! Wicked! My first impressions? I was a bit star struck to be honest, until I really got to know him that is! He was someone I had heard on the radio, had seen his name everywhere, so when I met him he was like a celeb! In reality though, he's been really supportive of me and backed me 100%, become a good mate. I've worked for Tasty now for four years and he's a reasonable boss. Although a pay rise wouldn't go amiss Bunter! 
Whose initial idea was the back to back set and were you at all daunted by going head on with the rave legend of 15 years? How did the set go? 
He asked to play back to back with me!! What an honour! Ha ha ha It was the best set of my life. The system in Turnmills is amazing even though I couldn't see over the decks to see how many people were dancing! Bunter made me stand on his record box whilst I was mixing to get the reaction of the crowd!! 
Recently, you played SeOne's nocturnal rave haven Raindance in the Mad Hatters Hard House party. Is there an old skool raver within you and did you throw some shapes to some rave classics once you were done and dusted on the ones and twos? 
I love old skool music! Lots and lots!! I was in heaven with the massive old skool room they had. I was throwing a few shapes on the dance floor much to the disgust of my mates who were like Janie, calm it!! I just can't help it though, old skool music rocks. I'd love to be able to mix old skool, if anyone wants to volunteer their services!!?? 
Do you play any others styles beyond hard dance and what is on the Janie Mac home stereo at the moment? 
I can mix trance and have loads of cheesy old trancey tunes at home which get dusted off once every so often. I'd love to be able to mix old skool and old style hardcore and jungle. When I'm at home I listen to all sorts of stuff, I just recently moved house and found an old Speed Garage CD which I've played to death! KC and JoJo - Show Me Happiness - Tune! 
At Tasty's Love Muzik, you'll be playing in the hard dance room alongside Kutski and Billy Bunter. What can we expect from your set and what three tunes are you sure will be in your box come the 17th March? 
I always try and drop Heavens Cry, Til Tears Do Us Part into my big sets cos it's a guaranteed winner, plus it's my favourite Hard dance tune! It always gets the dance floor jumping around. I've also borrowed (stolen really) a white label of Love Shy which is wicked. I borrowed it and plan to give it back after my set at Tasty (yeah, RIGHT!) and a few more little beauties I have tucked up my sleeve.

Finally, what are your main ambitions for the remainder of 2006 and will we see Janie Mac venturing into the studio any time soon?  
I'd love to write a tune! If I was going to do that, it'd have to be with Mr Bunter or Roosta, they're the best at it in my opinion. As for 2006, well, I hope to enjoy playing as much as I did in 2005. I don't plan to take the hard dance by storm or anything. This IS my year though watch this space.
By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

UP^^ touches down at Turnmills - Interview with CD

New Zealand-born House jock CD has been causing a real stir in London with his awesome sets for promotions like Kurruption, where he is resident. He will joing the rest of the Kurruption crew at Turnmills this Saturday 4th March where they will be hosting a room at the massive UP^^ alongside house music heroes such as Trophy Twins, Shapeshifters and Full Intention. Find out about your man CD right here!
How did you get involved with Kurruption in the first place?
I was introduced to Zoelee one night at Retox and gave her a demo. She liked it and got me down to play a couple of times, my sets seemed to go down pretty well and I enjoyed the parties so much I started to go down as a punter to. After a few bookings she asked me to join Kurruption as a rotation DJ.
How was the recent Kurruption party? What's the venue like and where is it?
It was loads of fun, as Kurruption parties always are! There was free gourmet pizza and it all goes down at a fantastic new venue in Farringdon called the Epicurean Lounge (or EP Lounge)   Friendly staff and cheap drinks and of course great tunes ensured that everyone had a good time and loads of people will be coming back for more. It's just around the corner from Turnmills, so is an ideal place to get a groove on before heading there or Fabric for a big night.
The next Kurruption event is this Saturday at Turnmills, where you and your crew will be hosting a room at UP^^. Have you had many experiences in this legendary venue before?
I've never played at Turnmills so I'm extremely excited - After all it is one of London's legendary super-clubs. Every time I've been to the venue I've had a great time. Everyone is so up for it and the atmosphere in the main room is second to none.
Who will you be checking out on the line-up?
Definitely the Trophy Twins - I saw them in Ibiza and they were great - I've also been impressed with their recent productions. Also looking forward to hearing Brad 212. His chopping and changing of records is amazing - last time I saw him I almost tripped on my jaw!
Have you thought about what kind of beats you will be laying down on the night? Do you usually put much planning into a set?
Personally I don't tend to plan any sets at all. I like to see what the DJ before me plays and check out what the crowds doing. I'll always have some tracks in mind but if I don't feel like the times right I wont play it.
Speaking of which, who was the last DJ to really blow you away?
Ryan O'Gorman, of Electric Sex, at Eden in Ibiza last year. Don't think I've danced like that for years - I didn't leave 'til late in the morning.
I see you've made a couple of tracks, what are they like and have you been working to get them signed up?
I've now completed three tracks.
One with Alex Parsons - Backscratch which is coming out on David Dureizs' label Block Records. Its an up beat kind of house / electro cross over tune. One with Houseplayerz called funky rhythm which isn't signed but has been reviewed in the latest RPM magazine. See www.rpmmagazine.co.uk. The third with Elwood aka Greg Brookman called The Burn which is a slice of banging electro tinged house. We are currently finishing off the second track to go with it before sending it out to some labels. Did you make the tracks so you could have something personalised to play in your sets, or do you have serious ambitions as a producer/artist?
I really did the tracks to have something of my own to play but it's quite addictive and I've got a bit of a taste for it now.
You enjoyed some sets out in Ibiza last year, have you thought ahead to plans for this summer? Are there any other exciting clubbing destinations that you think need checking out?
I'll be going to Ibiza this year on the HeatUK Ibizian heat tour with Groove Factory so I'm looking forward to a nice holiday in the sun. Any sets are a bonus really.
London's clubs are filled with people from all over the world, which nationalities do you find are the biggest party animals over here?
Tough question! Every dog has its day but the biggest party animals I have known here in London have been Aussies.
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Hard House Academy vs HQ Preview with Wales' finest - Frisky

One of Wales' hottest exports right now, Frisky has been wowing her home crowds with her tough European Hard Dance sounds for a while now, and now has her sights set on London. She will be debuting for Frantic at Hard House Academy vs HQ on February 25th at Brixton Academy in London, so we had a chat with her to find out a bit more about her...
Hello there Frisky. Please could you introduce yourself for those who might not know you!
Well hello there Benz! I'm Frisky (real name Holley) and I'm from little old Swansea in South Wales.
How long have you been mixing for? What inspired you to give it a go?
I've been mixing for just over 3 years now. I started clubbing not long before and was instantly hooked. I was like I wanna do that! I managed to scrape enough money together to get a cheap set of belt drive decks and it went from there.
What styles of music do you play? Which producers and labels are always big with you?
I play predominantly Hard Trance and some Hardstyle, I'm very much influenced by the whole harder European sound. As for producers who influence me, the main ones would be Isaac, Technoboy and Uberdruck. The types of labels you'd expect to find in my box (lol) are Dance Pollution, Blutonium and Fusion records. I also incorporate some of my own cheeky bootlegs just to keep my sets different.
How did you manage to break into the scene in terms of DJing?
When I first started clubbing I used to go to a night in Swansea called Breathe which was run by Juice (of Cally & Juice). One weekend Juice spotted me DJing back at a house party and offered me my first set - warming up for Brisk in Breathe. Fortunately my sets went down well and a couple of months later I became resident.
You live in Wales - that's near England right? 😛 What's the club and dance music scene like where you come from?
The Hard Dance scene in Wales is still very strong. We're lucky enough to have Bionic in Cardiff and Breathe in Swansea (which are now both in their 6th year). Anyone who has been to either event will know how friendly and up for it the Welsh clubbers are. I love playing to my home crowd.
You will be playing at Hard House Academy vs HQ in London on February 25th. How did you come to the attention of Frantic? Is this your debut for them?
I've known Will and Amanda indirectly for a couple of years through attending various Frantic events. I also met my good friend Maxine there, she also worked for Frantic at the time. About a year ago Max saw me DJing at a club in Wales. Since then, she has promoted me endlessly in London, giving out free CDs and bigging me up to anyone who would listen lol. I definitely owe a lot to her for all of her efforts.
This will be my debut for Frantic and I'm deeply honoured to be asked to play my first set in London at the mighty Hard House Academy. I've been to about 10 HHA over the past few years and I always have a wicked time there. I absolutely can't wait to hit the decks on the 25th. It's also my birthday the next day so it makes the occasion even more special for me.
Travelling to London from Wales must be a bit of a schlep do you drive or does someone else do the hard work for you? What do you normally listen to on the way to get you in the mood?
Luckily Cally & Juice (with MC Shocker) are also on the line-up for the night so I will be travelling up with them. I regularly travel up to London with the boys as Juice is my boyfriend.
As there are usually four of us in the car we tend to pass the time by chatting or playing word-association games that we've made up over the years (it's more fun than it sounds honestly - lol). Just to give you an example, if you had to think of famous people and cars, two examples might be  Lisa Pick-Up or Jean Claude White Van Man  see, told you it was fun!
Who else on the HHA line-up are you going to be checking out?
Obviously I'll be stompin' down to Cally, Juice and Shocker in the Foyer. I also want to check out Mark EG and Organ Donors and Kutski B2B. Other than these I'll be walking round the whole places taking in various different sets as this is part of the fun of HHA.
You are playing back to back with Shimmer, another rising star in the Hard Dance scene. Have you been in touch with her to discuss battle plans?
We're in the process of swapping mix CDs so we can get a good idea of each others musical tastes and mixing styles! We also hope to get together before the night to agree a plan of attack.
And finally, what are your views on the Top 100 Female DJs Competition? Is it something that is going to help female DJs or will it only serve to reinforce some people's opinions that there is actually a difference between male and female DJs?
I'm not against the idea of a separate female DJ chart although I don't think it will make much difference either way. As for male and female DJs being different, hopefully over the past few years, the female DJs coming through have helped to prove that they've got what it takes, both technically and image-wise.
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Interview with Anne Savage

We catch up with Hard dance legend Anne Savage ahead of her night at PaSSion Hard on February 4th to get her thoughts on this different concept night!
So Anne, most people know you for you Hard House but what will you be surprising people with at PaSSion Hard??

Well I've been busy in the studio working on some new tracks that Ill be spinning on the night.  They are still pumping, but not quite up to the 155bpm mark!
Is it refreshing for you as an artist to be put on a night that doesn't pigeon hole you as a Hard House DJ??

Absolutely.  Its very hard to shake a label, even if you have been djing as long as I have but slowly people are seeing past the hard house label. Its bizarre cos Hard House as we used to know it doesn't really exist in clubs any more, most of the olriginal hard house dj's play anything from UK techno and hard trance.  Anyway I've been selecting tunes from all over the world that I'm dying to play on the night!
Do you think these kind of night that bridge between hard dance and Trance are a good idea? Do you think it could be a trend for more clubs to follow suit?

Yeah because like I said, labels are a bad thing.  It restricts dj's to what they can play and the crowd become very narrow minded. Also a cross genre night like this enables the trance jocks to inject a bit of energy into what can be one long euphoric riff in a pure trance set.
So whats happening away from the Decks for Anne savage right now?? As we know you're one of the busiest Ladies in Dance Music so what keeps you occupied when not DJing?

Well I've just finished doing the voiceovers for the DJ Mag top 100 party which is being televised on ITV 2 on April 3rd.  It was a great night, I did all the interviews which meant getting cosy with some of the best talent in the world.  Also I'm hosting the Hard Dance awards with Ed Real on Feb 11th at The Fridge in London for the 3rd Year running and I've got my first release ready for my label (Anne Savage The Do with Pedro Delgardo mixes) which will be digital only, I'll be announcing more on my site www.annesavage.net  I love Pedro's work - he's done loads for Cox's Intec, and this remix is already getting support from the techno scene.
Do you have any new and exciting goals for 2006?? Stuff that you think this year I really wanna do this??

I want to get  my Dumb Blonde thing going.  I've a Dumb Blonde mix for Carl Cox's Global show and I'm playing at The Gallery, Hum (Rennie Pilgrem's night).  There's much more to go into the project but I'm keeping my cards to the chest for now on that one.
What was your personal highlight of 2005. In retrospect was it a good year, average year or one to forget!?

Its been an interesting year.  With so much uncertainty in clubland its been like, come on Savage you've got to pull something out the bag! So the groundwork has been done and 2006 is shaping up to be a better year
How was NYE 2005 for you?? Were you out chilling somewhere or running up and down motorways DJing??

Oh yes, clocking up those miles! I was doing a club in Swansea and Scot Project was on after me and due to bring the New Year in, but you know what he's like, so laid back he didn't have a countdown ready and didn't want to use the mic so I ended up doing it with him which was nice as I hate being in the car like a saddo with a couple of party poppers at midnight rushing to my next gig. I also did Slinky, Tidy, and Polys.
How did 2005 compare to previous years in a musical sense? Do you feel music is still moving forward. Can 2006 bring something new and exciting to the table??

Its really exciting now and it absolutely is moving forward. The fact that you're putting these nights on is healthy.
Who is floating your boat musically at mo. Any new DJ's / Producers we should keep an eye on?? Will you be helping said people at all in this difficult industry??

My other half manages some amazing young talent  Sander Van Doorn, Gleave, Chris Davies, Gavyn Mitchel, all with their own twist and interpretation of sounds that have filled dancefloors for years.
You also work under the guise of Dumb Blonde. Is this something that is being pushed more for 2006 or just a side project when ya fancy something different??

The two releases I have done were co produced with Coburn and were hammered by  by my peers (Sasha, Digweed, Timo Maas, Lee Coombs, Rennie, Elite Force) which is brilliant.  I'm just plugging away and it's a great creative outlet because there really is no strict sound of Dumb Blonde (that's the whole idea) so in turn there is no pressure.  I'm remixing one of the biggest breaks tunes of the past 5 years next week, which is really exciting.  I can't decide whether it's a good idea or I'm setting myself up to be slated but I'll just have to wait and see!!
Finally, for future reference, Passion or Storm @ The Emporium and why??

Good God that's easy! Passion.  Passion was always my favourite place to play and I was a favourite there up til about 2001, when the musical divide happened between hard house and trance so didn't get to play that often.  That's why it's so good to be back.  Bring it on!!!!
Thanks a lot for you time Anne. take care and we look forward to seeing and hearing you at PaSSIon Hard @ The Emporium on Feb 4th!

Andy Bagguley
By Andy Bagguley in Interviews ·

Timeless preview with London DJ/promoter David Murtagh

Frantic's Hard House and Trance classics night is just days away (Saturday 28th January in fact!). Benz interviewed one of the DJs from the night, David Murtagh, who will be laying down some tasty trance anthems on the night.

Please introduce yourself David
Hi my name's David Murtagh!
When and how did you first get into clubbing and dance music in London?
Proper clubbing would have been Peach at Camden Palace around 2000.
When did you first become actively involved as a DJ or promoter?
As a DJ would be around 3 years ago at my local pub formerly called Laurel & Hardy's, now called The Bar Inc. I'd play there weeknights and get paid in beer and get cash for the occasional weekends I've done there. Got some great memories of lock-ins there playing till 4am. That's where Prehab first started on Thursday nights, I'd get in local DJs to spin allowing me more drinking time. Its only since last Summer that I've got onto the London club scene playing events such as Trancegeneration, The Gallery (in the Cheeky People room in T2) Timeless and Heat & The Gallery at Brixton Academy New Years Eve.
So you run your own night eh? What's it all about? When and where can we find it?
Well the night's called Prehab and as a London Club night (aside from Thursday events) has been going since October 2004 and the first one was at Sublogic. It moved to The Southside Bar January 2005 and is still there on the last Saturday of the month. For those of you that don't know it's a free event featuring some of London's freshest talent as well as a few you haven't heard of yet.
How do you decide which DJs to book? What criteria do you use?
How drunk they get me, how fit their mates are and how pretty their demo CD looks. I also take bribes.
Have you got any plans for any bigger events?
Yeah definitely. The first big Prehab event was back in March last year in association with MPFS records at The Copyright Club featuring Guy Ornadel, Ehren Stowers, Matti Kittala(of ALT+F4 fame making his UK debut) Hooked, PK and Steelo. I'm looking to so something again very soon and am sorting out details at the moment. Expect to see Prehab hosting rooms at some events coming up in the next few months before some main room action around May time. Watch this space.

If you had unlimited resources to put on a party, where would it be, who would be playing, and what extras would be available for your guests?
Wembley Stadium would be something great when it opens or could even be the opening party. I was trying to think of something original, club venue wise would be either Camden Palace or The Republic (not going with their new names) DJ wise you'd be looking at PVD, Mauro Picotto, Eric Morillo, Ashley Casselle, Marco V, Eddie Halliwell and of course myself. Not sure what sort of extras could be offered. If it was at Wembley would be good to open it up completely so people could wander round the dressing rooms. I'm sure Steelo would be happy if I could arrange live Monkey knife fighting.
Saturday 28th January sees you down at Timeless in London to spin some Hard Dance classics. What eras in dance music really stick out for you in terms of classic tunes?
It would have to be 99-01 it for me, so many good Trance tracks
You will be spinning with Mat Lock, a rising star on the London trance scene. What have you two got planned?
I think Mat's gonna have a really good year, he's a top bloke and it's been great to have him down at Prehab and he'll be back next month. We've chatted a bit about what we'll play but I'll be keeping it under wraps until the night. Will be different from playing with my usual b2b partner Gary Optim who I played at the last Timeless with
Who else on the massive 3-arena line-up will you be checking out?
Definitely the legend that is Greg Brookman, will also take some time out from looking round the new venue to see Elvis, Little Gem and Danny Luu.
Thanks to David for photos
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Eduardo Herrera gets interviewed Spank! style

Eduardo Herrera is back to inject some Brazilian charm into London's newest and cheekiest night Spank! at The Soundshaft on Friday 23rd December. Spank! Girl Chloe caught up with Ed to find out how much he is looking forward to getting spanked and just how much preparation he has out into Christmas 2005.
So Eduardo...another year gone by...have you been preparing for the festivities over the last month?
To be honest I think every new day is a good reason to celebrate life and Christmas & new year even better so yes I'm pretty exited.
How do you feel about being so far from home at Christmas?
I don't feel I'm far from home at all as world is home for me and the ones I love will always be with me.
Is Christmas much different here than Brazil?
Only that we celebrate it on the evening of the 24th with dinner and the boxing thing happens at mid-night.
We have you back at Spank! on 23rd Dec to install some of those Brazilian sexy beats into The Christmas Spank! Holiday. You were with us for the launch party, what did you enjoy most?
For sure the atmosphere, funky groovy and relaxed - all fun!
And what are you looking forward to on 23rd?
That atmosphere I've mentioned above and obviously to put my hands on those decks!!!
Can you tell us a bit about what you have in-store for us?
I'm quite in love with this Brazilian group "Ze Maria" and their electro house. I'm also looking forward to try a funky house remix I've made for a Brazilian tune called "the night"
Who else are you excited about seeing and why?
I'm pretty much into the music they all play, it's always exciting experiencing other DJ's sound track, full of their particular point of view.
Will you be dipping into the grotto for a little spank?
I'm definitely having the 23rd for loads
What other plans do you have for Christmas and New Year?
Take some rest after the xs
Have you made any resolutions for 2006?
Oh yes! Putting my head and hands more into music production is my absolute target, and for that I'll going back to Point Blank!
Finally if you could spank anyone...who would it be and why?
Some gorgeous people out there for turning me on so much! Bastards!
Thanks for your time Eduardo...bring on the Spank!
By Rascal in Interviews ·

Genesis NYD Interview with Frantic NuStar Seany Sean

One of the London Hard Dance scene's brightest young talents, Seany Sean's name has been on many a clubbers lips in 2005 (for one reason or another!) with loads of sets for Frantic, as well as his wicked co-promotion 123 rocking the capital on a regular basis. I chatted with the man himself ahead of his NYD/Birthday set at Genesis @ Koko in London...
So Seanston, how was your 2005? Pretty fucking immense from what I could gather!
Good day beef! 2005 has been the nuts for me, I have partied harder than ever and spun more disks to nutters than I can remember, or maybe that was the partying? It's been the tits!
How far has your DJing progressed in these 12 months? You've had loads of gigs, that's for sure - and what were your most enjoyable gigs from 2005?
From DJing so regularly for so many great parties and promotions my confidence behind the decks has skyrocketed and I have found a true freedom of expression during live sets, (dex and fx eh Benz). Shit! Just checked HarderFaster for my sets this year. So many jump out at me, but of those playing at HHA twice was amazing 1st was with Elvis, who smacks it and everyone knows how much fun we had that night for Future. The second with the big man himself Gordon Darley, warming the foyer for Steve Maynard was the nuts. Rammed with stompin' ravers by 10! Win! But as well as Frantic all the gigs for the new blood of hard dance were amazing too 123, Prehab, Zoology, Shiva and of course Summit!
Which tunes repeatedly smacked it for you this year? What were the tunes that had the punters running up to you and demanding to know the name? The ones you just couldn't stop playing? etc etc
Colin Barratt's Follow Me remix jumps out immediately - everyone loved that techy Banger. As a whole the Riot! Recordings have caused a shit load of interest when played, Playing with Knives and Come On Baby got a good response all year. Definitely about the tuff mixes.
And what about 2006? What have you got planned for the forthcoming year?
Can't wait mate, as well as trying to outdo myself on the partying, I'm well looking forward to carrying on with my club night 123. It's all going well and my partners are so determined to take it to the next level and confirm it as one of London's best parties. DJ-wise I look forward to playing more for the brilliant Frantic - there is always a story there and the music is always great, get your swerve on indeed (Gordon Darley quote), as well as getting stuck into some Ableton Live and production to make my sets even more interesting. I have so many things in my head I want to play with and 2006 is gonna release the beast and shit loads of mix CDs, Be prepared!
You mention you're going to get into production, what kind of sounds will you be coming out with?
I love big and groovy and I'm gonna have the means to get my ideas down. I also love the filth, Lucy Fur, Steve Maynard, have smacked it all year and for those in the know Look out for the Champions of the North Andy Rise and Matt Pickup. Well looking forward to whipping some tracks with them. Woosh, pselect and woof!
We see you've been nominated to represent HarderFaster at the Hard Dance Awards 2006 in February, what's this all about and how comes you're in the running?
Yeah mate! I was nominated by my good friend Scottish Dave to represent Harder Faster, and without my knowledge! It gives a DJ the opportunity to play at one of the years biggest parties. The winner will be voted for by users of www.harderfaster.net, So if you are coming down to the Hard Dance Awards and want too hear some goooood shit VOTE FOR SEANY SEAN! (shameless)  
NYD sees you down at Koko in London for Genesis - Frantic's first bash of 2006. Are you going to have a big one on NYE or will you be fresh faced for this event?
Can't decide! It's me Birthday too on New Years Dy so even if I do stay in and have a quiet one it's gonna be messy! Not gonna say any more in e I get you giving it the old thought you were..etc?, I know your game Benz! Ha ha
You are playing with rising production star Ben Bennett - what can we expect from you two goons?
Stuff and indeed, things!
Who else on the line-up will you be stomping to?
Want to hear Ed Real he is so bound to bring out some special New Years Madness to Camden (Koo). But we are playing at the same time. I'm gonna be in and out! Get that Bennett!
And then what about after that? What time can we expect you to keep going until?
God knows, I'll be with Steelo, Bennett and you!
Uh oh
Interview by Benz
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Blast vs Convergence preview with Luke Warner

Hi Luke! How has 2005 been for you?
Hi mate, 2005 has been an exciting year for me so far. I've been made resident for the Saturday party 123 and for the mighty Addiction, which I'm chuffed about. Through Addiction I've had sets in Ibiza various nights around London and have just recently played the Heat voyage to Germany which was a blast. 
What was your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement would have to be my track Solar Flare. I spent 3 solid days in my studio writing this and then took it to Nick Rowland who engineered and mastered it for me. I'm not going to big it up too much because I don't want to come across big-headed but if you like trance on the harder tip then I'm sure you'll love it!
It's been signed to Addiction Digital and will be available for download from 1st of January along with another track of mine, Blinded by the Truth.     
What's going on at Addiction, the free party you are a resident for?
As you have probably heard the Addiction Digital label was launched, so a lot of time has gone in to that. It has been well worth it though since from the word go it been a huge success.
Well the parties are finished for the year but Addiction is back in January as usual on the 1st and 3rd week of every month. The line ups we have in store too are amazing. There are 3 other big projects to but you'll have to wait and see what that's about
How did you become a resident there in the first place?
Well I knew FunkyFranky (Andy T's girlfriend and Addiction resident) from when I was about 13 and didn't see her for years, then she randomly popped round my house one day and saw I was into DJing. I sent her a demo and then Andy called me. I started going out with them and all became good friends. This was before Addiction was even started. Then one day he asked me to be resident. Bit like Sliding Doors really!
What would you realistically like to achieve in 2006?
Well been setting up a studio over the past year and put all my spare time in to that. I would love to become a respected producer and quite an established DJ, and play Ibiza again
You will be playing for Blast vs Convergence at Hidden in South London this Saturday 10th December. How did this booking come about?
Well got a phone call from Elvis from Frantic who is a good mate of mine from old too and he asked if I was available to play. So I said yeah of course!
Have you had a chance to check out the new venue yet?
Tell you the truth I've never been. But I heard it's a quality venue
In fact, how often do you go clubbing outside of your DJing commitments and where do you go?
Well used to go out as much as I can but lately I've been working so hard in the studio I've kind of stopped going out. Once I've got my production to a good standard then I'll be out like bells on fire
What makes up a typical Luke Warner set? Which producers and labels can be found filling up your box on a regular basis?
Tunes that are doing it for me at the moment ummmm - where shall I start.
Well obviously my 6 tracks, Solar Flare, Blinded by the Truth, Vengeance, Deception, Feel's Good and Move ya Body which was a collaboration with the one and only gods gift, Dave Mac.
I have the privilege of having all the upfront tunes from Addiction Digital and they are all fantastic especially Andy T's tune Intelligent Groove which is out now for download.  I was handed two CDs form Andy the other day with a tune called My Destination by Aftershock which will be out on the 1st of Feb and one called It Picks Me Up by Rich C and Barry Diston which will probably be out in March. Also a tune from Olly Perris called Pss-21 and a tune from Ashley James called Hunted which will be out on the 1st of Feb as well. These are wicked and well worth checking.
Also loving Justin Fry - Free You Mind at the moment.
This is what I'll be playing on Saturday it will be driving and very uplifting.
As for producers, there's loads but a few to name are me J Alf Bamford, MDA & Spherical and Nick Rowland     
Can you play warm-up sets as well as peak-time slots or do you feel you are better adapted for one or the other?
Well I play Trance, Hard Trance and Psy-trance so I can adapt but I mainly like to play quite hard so I can push my own tunes and let them be heard.
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

MORE preview with the Dark Lord Proteus

So you are now a firm favourite with the UK Hard Dance crowd. Did you think that you would ever reach such a status in this country when you first played here?
I would have never thought that I could reach this far when I had my first gig at Logic Summer 2000! I have to say that I'm really touched and grateful about how great the crowd, promoters and other artists have been with me in UK! It is really hard work for Finnish DJ to reach status in UK and I definitely wouldn't be here without your amazing support.
Who is responsible for helping you to achieve this level of success in the UK?
There is a lot of great people who have helped me during these great years and without the amazing support from UK hard dance crowd I would never be here, but I will always remember and respect Rubec, Nadya and David from Logic who took the risk to book me first time to UK and it was like a dream come true when they asked me five years ago to be their resident DJ for Logic!
My biggest paragons in music; Adam and Les from legendary Lab-4 have given me so much support many years and without their music I would have never started to play hard dance music 10 years ago. The biggest responsible and credit goes to my lovely manager Kym Newman from Queen Of Clubs management and she is definitely the strongest and most hard working queen in the universe!
The last two years have been the most important ones and there are promoters like Will Patterson from Frantic who have trusted in me and given me a chance to work hard for getting this far. My gigs at Frantic Hard House Academy have had enormous pushing impact in my career!
Also continued support from my friends in Nu Energy Collective, Electronica Exposed, Tidy and all other organisations I have been working with have made everything possible and my dreams come true!
Have you producing any tracks lately?
I just released my third vinyl single Proteus EP from Finnish Teflon Bullet label and at the moment I'm working with remixes for Finnish Industrial/Metal bands. The first remix for band called Turmion Katilot (Finnish name) is already done and it's like a crossover between industrial and hard NRG/dance! I'm really excited about it and I have already played it few times and it has worked really well with the crowd. I have also been in studio together with Carbon Based and we will release few collaboration tracks in start of next year.
We hear you had a bit of a nightmare trying to get to your last gig for Frantic at Hard House Academy's 5th Birthday - what happened?
Yes it was unforgettable night with unbelievable bad luck! HHA 5th Birthday would have been one of the highlights in my career and I was really looking forward to the gig and being part of the Frantic and Laboratory spectacle!
I had a support gig for The Prodigy in their Finland part of the world tour at a massive concert/sport hall on the same night here in Helsinki. It was a huge respect to do the support gig for Prodigy. My flight to the UK for HHA was after the gig at Prodigy concert. After the gig when I arrived to the airport in Finland there was a nightmare in front of my face; my flight to UK was cancelled because the bad weather and some kind of airline problems and worst of all because it was the last flight to UK there was nothing to do! I felt really bad and sad and I still do because it would have been one of the greatest nights in my life to be there with all of you!
Well at least you have a chance to make up for it! November 26th sees you playing at SeOne London for Frantic Brings U More. How were your previous experiences playing in this venue? Did it seem like a club which is very different to most others?
SeOne is very unique venue! I really love the underground kind of atmosphere there and it's great with all its different rooms and halls! It provides a really good opportunity to offer different kind of music styles and I have had some of my greatest gigs and nights in UK there. My roots are very deeply in underground because I use to run a lot of underground warehouse parties with my friends in Finland many many years ago. SeOne reminds me and gives me the same great pure rave and clubbing feelings that we all have of course still nowadays but what we all experienced first time when we were young!
What has impressed you most about Frantic events?
The pure professional and firm touch in this very unsteady music scene! Frantic is one of the most reliable brands and event organisers in the whole world. Always when you go to play to their events you can be 100% sure that everything is state of art technically and the crowd is the best you can get in whole world.  I think UK should be very proud of Frantic!
Is there anything on a similar scale to Frantic where you are from in Finland? A regular, large-scale event?
No, unfortunately not. Finland and Helsinki where I'm from is still pretty much in stone age comparing to UK even we have good parties occasionally.  The scene in Finland is very small comparing to UK and there are only 5 million people in whole country. Hopefully some day the dance scene will rise bigger in Finland. 
Are there generally many multi-arena events in Finland or are the events generally scaled down?
The events in Finland are generally scaled down but we have few good multi-arena events like Laserpoint, Pacificue, Labyrinth and Scandinavian's biggest dance music festival Koneisto. These kind of events only appears about two times a year. Well.. I have to say Koneisto festival ain't as good as it used to be anymore because it's nowadays more about jazz and a..J
What's the best thing about the UK?
I think the best thing about UK is your great and very rich music culture generally! People and artists are very open eyed and always up for new things! And of course you have the best and biggest hard dance scene in the world. There is no other scene like in UK!  
And the worst?
English breakfast is very strong. I can't eat so much on the mornings
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Nu Energy Collective Interview

Crowning four years of hard dance hedonism on 12th November, Tasty has confounded the doubters ever since their first event at Vauxhall's Crash but never more emphatically than through truly breaking hardcore to the London hard dance scene. When Billy Bunter first introduced hardcore to Tasty's hard dance paradise in the Mass third room, the idea was almost taboo amongst die-hard Tasty followers. Many were dubious, others curious but few realised the impact it would have, both on Tasty itself and the London hard dance scene at large. Nearly two years on and the 160 bpm mayhem of the Hyperzone is a roaring success, commanding legions of fans who attend Tasty purely to stomp, smile and sweat to their favourite hardcore beats in the capital's most havin it party atmosphere. For their landmark 4th Birthday, then, what better way to celebrate than by inviting the groundbreaking act that has been so instrumental in building new musical bridges between hard dance and hardcore through their accelerating PA? However, never playing by the rules, Tasty haven't invited the Nu Energy Collective to perform their standard hard dance into freeform rollercoaster, instead they keep things fresh, upfront and exclusive by showcasing a 100 % hardcore from the mighty Nu Energy Collective full of unreleased material, special hardcore edits and 160 bpm madness. Will the Tasty massive be able to hold the pace? We questioned the Nu Energy Collective's K Complex, founding member of the PA and the primary Nu Energy Collective engineer, to find out.
Is the PA at Tasty's 4th birthday celebration the first NEC hardcore PA at a London event?
Well actually no, we did one for Frantic presents More this time last year in the Freeformation hardcore arena that we hosted and it absolutely went off! We're lovers of all hard music so the nature of our PA is to move progress through all of it but it really is a pleasure to just belt out the hardcore for a full hour of power every now and again!! Me and Kevin have been making some awesome collaborations (wait for Suck My Rock - rave hardcore meets heavy metal madness!!) plus Sharkz is on fire right now so there's it really couldn't have come at a better time!!
You're lauded for converting the die-hard London hard dance heads onto the more energised sounds of the Nu Energy label and the freeform style it has pioneered. Do you think your hardcore PA could go one step further and have people wandering in from the main room to be blown away by full-on party hardcore or are the barriers already coming down?
Definitely! Pure hardcore PA's give us the chance to air tracks that we might not play on our hard dance shows- we always try to push the boundaries of what we play- and this party's gonna be no different!
As the PA has risen in stature over the two years it has become the biggest PA on the hard dance circuit, conquering the dancefloors of Frantic and the Tidy Weekender in the process. But which hardcore gigs have stood out the most and do you hope to raise the PA's status within hardcore to match the stature it holds at hard dance events such as Frantic?
Recently it has to be our album tour night at Hardcore Heaven at Bristol Academy- it's a wicked venue for a party and the crowd were absolutely luvin it! In terms of raising our status in Hardcore of course we'd love too- in comparison we have very few Hardcore bookings- a lot of ravers don't have any idea that we do the hard dance thing too!
As DJs within the rave environment, you're always looking to read the crowd and take them by surprise by dropping that mental party anthem at just the right moment. With the PA you're tied to a certain playlist. Do you think this ever detracts from the element of spontaneity and have there ever been occasions when you've known a certain tune was right from the moment but hadn't had the thought to playlist it beforehand?
To be perfectly honest, you get so enthralled in the moment and the energy radiating from the crowd that you really haven't got a chance to think what if?. Most of our PAs are going right off from start to finish so either we've got our pre-programming down to a jedi-mastered art - or you lot are just too off yer heads to notice! Either way, it's a rockin party every time!

In terms of the music you do select, how do you decide on which tunes to incorporate into the PAs? Is it very much a group decision? And is it a case of picking the best of your latest releases or do you mix up the new n old?
When we sit down to put each show together we always pool all our new material and have a listen through- some tracks always stand out as one's that we know we'll cane on the PA and fitting them in with tracks that we're known for- if possible we'll always try and slip in a few unexpected older bits too!
I hear you've been pretty busy in the studio, cooking up everything from upbeat bouncy anthems with Matt Petrucchio to a mental collaboration with Kevin Energy complete with twisted synths and a thrash metal breakdown! How hard is it to keep on reinventing your hardcore sound and where do you get the inspiration for new tracks?
I'm lucky in that I get to work with quite a variety of styles and different artists - vibing with other writers is always a great way to keep things moving and inspiration can come from anywhere- you mentioned our crazy thrash metal piece earlier- I wasn't too excited about the whole thing until we started playing round with some guitar sounds for a laugh- then we came up with the idea of distorting a load of rock drums and shouting over the top and the track instantly got more appealing- inspiration can come from anywhere!
Have you got any more dates forthcoming to make hardcore tracks or any interesting collaborations in wait?
Right now I'm working on a collaboration with Jon Doe which is going pretty well - he's a producer I've wanted to work with for a while and when Sharkey suggested I went down to his studio I jumped rt the chance. I've also got a few studio dates coming up in Australia so watch out for some down-under kangaroo hoppin kaola stompin style hardcore coming soon!
You've embraced the rise in digital formats through the Science Fabric Hardcore label but what are your personal thoughts on the way the MP3 market is developing? What measures need to be taken in order to ensure that the effect of MP3 downloads is a positive one (quality control/proper marketing etc)?
Personally I feel the Mp3 market for hard dance is still fledgling- sales are incomparable to sites like iTunes right now but I can see it becoming just a widespread in the coming years. People have expressed fears that the quality of releases will go down too and to some extent this may be true- labels may well skip the all important mastering process altogether in a cost cutting exercise and I have to say I've heard a few pretty poor examples myself. However with the advent of legal and cheap downloads (at 99p-£1.49 per download it's hardly worth looking for an illegal copy)  the overall impact of Mp3's has got to be a positive one, after all you can now browse through huge libraries of tracks (some of which have been unavailable on vinyl for years), audition them and be mixing with them in a few minutes!
You must hear a serious amount of new production talent by virtue of the many clients that pass through your studio doors for engineering assistance. On a hardcore tip, who has been catching your ears as ones to watch lately?
This year it's definitely got to be Dan Thomas and DJ Bullet too- both are writing some serious tunes!
As I'm sure you know the PA at Tasty will blow the birthday candles on four years of London partying. But what's the most outrageous birthday celebration you've enjoyed?
Haha, that would be telling. Lets just say it involved a glorious open air field, some of my favourite people in the world and lots of hard underground music and lashings of KY jelly. OK, the last bit's a lie - honest!!!
Interviewed by Allan Mcgrath

By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

Hard House Academy (HHA) preview with FSO Elvis

Your bone-crushing hoover Hard House track BHE with Nu Energy Collective's A.M.S. recently appeared on the group's Live at Frantic CD. How did you feel when you found out?
I'm really chuffed! It was a pleasant surprise when A.M.S told me that our track was going to appear on their Live at Frantic CD.  Hopefully the first of many! ;o)
Why is the track called BHE? Were you in a particularly bad mood when you made the track cos it's f*king fierce!
I am unable disclose what B.H.E. actually stands for as it's a private joke between myself and A.M.S. Sorry!  As for it being fierce, we just decided we both wanted to write a hard house track with hoovers. That's how B.H.E was born
Any plans for a full release? How come the unmixed version was only 4 or so minutes long?
Not sure why the unmixed version was only 4 minutes long, perhaps we should ask Nu Energy Collective? :op
B.H.E should be released pretty soon on the Nu Energy Collective label. Our second Hard House track Taking The Rise has also just been signed to the same label.  You will hear it being played either by myself or the Nu Energy Collective PA, so keep your ears out!
Aside from your DJing and production you work in IT. Who do you work for and how did you get involved in it?
My Career in IT started 9 years ago, in a small little company Called Reed Publishing!  Doesn't time fly by when you're having fun 🐵
I currently run my own business providing I.T. support and I.T. solutions.  Clients include: Frantic, Wildchild and Nu Energy Collective and also many other small to medium size businesses.
This Saturday 22nd October sees you playing at Hard House Academy's 5th Birthday at Brixton Academy in London. You will be playing in the Foyer for the first time I take it? What have been some of your best experiences in the Foyer?
I know I'm really looking forward to my debut!  For me HHA has always been about the Foyer, don't get me wrong the main room is wicked. It's  just the Foyer for me has that special vibe which I enjoy.
One of my best memories from the Foyer was when my good friend Latex Zebra played there.  He was originally booked to play upstairs in the corridor, when he finished his set Dickon grabbed him and dragged  him to the foyer to fill in for a DJ that didn't turn up, You could see his grin from ear to ear!
What kind of gear will you be serving up on the night? Are there any tunes that you are particularly excited about dropping?
I am playing early so I will be sticking to the warm up style hard house nice and chunky and maybe a little funky to get the crowd warmed up for the prime time acts!
Who else on the line-up are you excited about seeing? There's some very special sets indeed
Lab4 of course! James Moss, Steve Maynard and Seany Sean Vs Gordon Darley all spring to mind.
What have been your most enjoyable gigs this year?
Two sets stick out for me
Main stage @ Timeless b2b with Garbo Future b2b with Seany Sean Tell us about your promotion, Paradoxx
It's a London based promotion which has been going for nearly a year now! I run the party with other London DJs with the same passion for music and clubs as I do! We try and create that wicked small party atmosphere, Recently we have been also running Thursday nights, afterparties and the quarterly party, the next one being our 1st Birthday @ Deep Blue on 28th Oct, why not come and check it out (Plug!!!) 
And finally, what's the best set you've seen all year?
Hmmm that's a tough one - Probably Nu Energy Collective PA @ Frantic 8th Birthday the reason being not only are they a wicked PA they also played both my tunes in their set! Rock on!
Interview by Benz
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Kinky-u Interview with promoter Vince Robertson

So what is Kinky-u all about?
Kinky-u was originally formed in 2003 by my partner Scott Millan when he hosted a room at Cream, but it wasn't until January 2005 that I joined. And we have in a short period of time risen through the ranks from nowhere!
Who are your resident DJs? How did you find them and what styles do they play?
Egoiste, who plays uplifting house - I found him in a club I do PR for called Frisky. My other residents are EMJ & Sykes - they were discovered by JFK on his Live and Loud nights. They play the harder side of house. In a short time since these two have been DJing they are now on the BBL DJ Agency roster with Reece Elliot. We also have Paul Thomas of (Godskitchen) one of my fave DJs.
How did you get started in the world of promoting? Did you promote events before Kinky U or was this your first project?
I still don't call myself a promoter, I've been a club PR all my life doing early raves and I started off in the early hip hop days. I just don't know anything else to be honest - it's what I'm good at!
How long have you been running the event and how long was it before it was a real success? Was it busy from the first party or was it more of a gradual thing?
We started off in February this year. It really took off straight away. I wanted a different promotion to what else was being offered - with Kinky-u you don't know what you are going to get as it's a different party every time we put it on. The DJs, the people who attend the events and hard work and good marketing have made it what it has become. Kinky-u is a product that people want and that's what we supply!
Where did you spend your formative years of clubbing? Which clubs and promotions hold special memories for you over the years?
Freedom @ Bagleys really did it for me, Dreamscape Sunrise and my fave club Passion who I had the pleasure of working for!
Which have been your most memorable and enjoyable events yet?
Kinky-u hosted the house room at Future at Brixton Academy with 4clubbers in June. That was awesome, we had just come back from a week in Ibiza. That was an honour, to play at the likes of Bar M, Kanya, Savannah, Es Paradis, Ittica and so on. I can't wait for Wildchild,  it's the big one and all of us are just so excited.
Do you prefer hosting your own independent events or joining forces with another promotion to provide the funky shenanigans?
At the moment we are back room boys and when I feel we are ready we will find a home of our own. We have a full diary for 2006 so I will look at that option next year!
October 29th sees you hosting the house room at Wildchild's massive birthday celebration at SEOne in London. What can we expect from the Kinky U massive?
The 29th will be no-holds barred - we will take you on a journey! It's also the first event for my resident Paul Thomas (Godskitchen). The only nightmare I have is the organising of 3 coaches on the same night to the event!
Have you had much previous experience clubbing at Wildchild events or the SEOne? What can you tell us about these two dance music institutions?
I've been to every Widlchild event since the beginning and I'm quite heavily involved with the PR side of things and very proud to be a part of one of the biggest promotions out there...it's what clubs were made for.
And finally, what one track will you be hoping to have a stomp to on October  29th
So many tunes so little time!
See you all at Wildchild on Sat 29th October @ SEOne.
Interview by Benz

Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Timeless preview with Latex Zebra

For those who don't know, tell us a little bit about yourself. How long have you been involved in dance music and when did you discover the harder side of dance music? Was it a natural progression for you over the years?
Well I'm really called Dan; I'm married and have a little baby girl called Kira. I've been clubbing for nearly 15 years, DJing for just over 10 and involved in the London scene for about 4 years.
I think I discovered harder music right from the off. I always liked Acidy stuff and even though it wasn't fast it was extremely hard and aggressive music. If anything I regressed over the years and started to favor the more melodic stuff as time has gone on, still with a hard edge I would say. You still can't beat some full on stomping music now and then though.
What styles do you play in your sets these days? Do you find that there is a lot of good material around or is it thin on the ground at the moment?
Style-wise, anything good. As I hold a couple of residencies for parties with different music policies (Zoology - anything goes, Alumni - Old Skool and Just Groove - Hard Dance) I tend to try and mix it up as much as possible. I'll play House, Trance and Old Skool if doing a warm up set but will play Hard Dance if I'm doing a later set. European Hard Trance is my favorite sound but there isn't as much good stuff available regularly as there was about 2 years ago. I've been doing a lot of shopping on eBay recently picking up classics for £1.50 a go. It's very satisfying.
What's going on with your night Zoology? What's the musical policy of your night and which guests have you got coming up?
It's still going well. We've had a quiet summer, I think a lot of the smaller parties have this year, but have some bold ideas for next year. Musically we mix it up and have DJs playing just about every style imaginable. I think the only styles of dance music we haven't featured are Gabba, Drum and Bass and Garage. Everything else has been thrown in somewhere.
As for future guests, well I can't say much right now as we are having a bit of a rejig with our parties for the last few months.
How did all you Zoology types meet each other in the first place?
Chris (B.S.E) and I have known each other for years and started doing free parties at a St John's Ambulance hut in Richmond. All highly dodgy, but we used to get over 200 people in towards the end. We met Richard (RedCaT) through some mutual friends and he then came to one of the Richmond parties and that was another catalyst to get him more interested in dance music. Elvis came along as a result of playing an amazing set for us the first night he played for us and then being made resident as a result. Markus is, I consider to be, the best party starter in London and after hearing several tops sets from him it wasn't hard to convince the others to bring him onboard.
What are the best and worst things about running your own night?
The best thing is hearing people talk about how good the night is, right next to you or to you, when they have no idea it is your party and just watching people go mad to an event you've organized. The wors is low turnouts. Not so much from a financial stand point but just because I feel bad for the guest DJs playing that night to a smaller crowd.
So...where did your DJing name come from?
Unglamorously enough, from a drunken game of hangman down the pub with my Wife. It caught our eye and made us laugh and we thought if it could do the same for anyone seeing it on flyers then it could only be a good thing.
If you were to change your name to something else...what would it be?
Well I have no plans to change it anytime soon. The one time I suggested it my friends threatened to lynch me, and stop supporting me if I did. I suppose if I had to because I was getting mocked by clubbers or not booked by promoters then I'd just use my name. Seems a bit boring though and it shouldn't make any difference - no one complains if popstars record under bizarre monikers.
We are here to talk to you today as you are playing at Timeless on October 1st at Koko, London. This night celebrates the past and DJs plunder their record collections to pull out their finest gems from yesteryear. For you, which periods hold special memories for you in terms of the music? When were your golden ages?
The mid 90s is my favorite time period musically. The UK was putting out some great music and the European Trance was getting harder and acidier. You also had the London Techno scene kicking off. Basically if you liked it hard you were spoilt for choice and it just got harder as time went on. The late 90s were amazing for Trance as well.
What are your feelings about this upcoming edition of Timeless? You must be excited about playing your set in Room 2 through the mighty Funktion One sound system....
I'm always excited about playing for Frantic. I've wanted to play back2back with Marc Antoine for some time so this is a great chance for us to see how well we work together. I love Funktion One as well after getting the chance to play on it at Logic.
Do you approach classics sets with a different mentality to upfront sets? In terms of set progression, crowd-pleasing requirements and so on?
I always sprinkle a few classics in all my sets but when playing nothing but you have to take into account that DJs before and after are likely to be thinking of the same big tunes. As a result I try and pick out tunes that will be instantly recognizable but not as obvious and are time appropriate to the set.
What kind of stuff will you be spinning at Timeless? Are there any tracks which you are particularly excited about blowing the dust off?
I will need to chat to Marc to see what he has up his sleeve but I'll have a variation of Hard House and some Trance classics. To name a couple, Lock n' Load - Blow Your Mind, De Niro - Mind of Man and Robert Miles - Children.
We'll have to be there on the night to find out the rest.
What valuable lessons have you learnt in your time as a DJ/promoter/producer?
Get a thick skin, take the rough with the smooth and if you know you're going to be out all weekend take a change of clothes with you.
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Frantic vs Storm preview with Cally Gage

You were recently in the studio with K-Complex and Ben Bennett making some tunage. How did this work? Did you already have ideas running about in your head that you wanted to realise? Or was it just totally starting from scratch?
I certainly was and it went really well thank you, I'm really pleased with them both!  I had a few ideas about how I wanted the tune to sound before I went into the studio, but took a few of my favourite records with me as well to go through with Ben.  Once we both got together though, our ideas flowed nicely together with a guest appearance from yours truly on one of the tracks - which is called Broken!!
Is production something you seriously want to pursue in your life or do you just see it as something to run alongside the DJing?
Production isn't something that I've really thought about until recently -  I've always wanted to concentrate solely on my DJing as I'm still quite new at it.  After being in the studio though I can see how it becomes so addictive, it is so much fun!  However, for now, those are the only Cally Gage tunes that you will be hearing.
A few weeks ago you were made resident at Twist, one of the biggest afterparties in the country. How did you feel when you were told the news? What's it like playing there?
I felt great, I had played at Twist a few times before and really enjoyed the party, the crowd and the atmosphere.  To be made the only female resident at the No 1 after party in London is amazing, especially as I have also been made resident at the No 1 Hard House Superclub - Frantic.
What have been the best and worst things about this summer for you?
Probably the worst thing has been the shit weather,  what's that all about, lol?!!
With regards to DJing, I can honestly say that there hasn't been a bad time, so far it is all good.  I have played at most of the biggest nights, got to play b2b with some amazing DJ's and have got to do what I love the most, all summer play great music to great clubbers.
Does the driving around the country and lack of sleep and so on ever get to you? How do you get yourself through this effort mentally?
It doesn't really get to me that much to be honest, as long as I have a bit of good company and can have a drink or two after my set, I am happy. The only way to get through it all really, is to sleep all day over the weekend!  The gigs that I get to play certainly make up for all the travelling that I have to do anyway.
You will be playing at the mighty Storm vs Frantic soundclash at The Emporium in Coalville on September 24th in what is sure to be an epic battle. Have you ever been to Storm? If not, what have you heard about this club?
I used to go to Storm all the time as a clubber, as its only about 45 minutes away from my house.  Me and my friends regularly used to make the trip to Coalville and always had a great time.  The good thing about Storm is that they have always had a loyal following with great line ups each time, so you're always guaranteed to have an amazing time when you go, roll on Frantic vs Storm, its going to be immense.
What kind of stuff do you think you will be playing on the night? It's been great to hear your playing some filth again recently!
I'm already looking at what tracks I'm going to play as it's a real honour to get the chance to take on the Main Room at such a wicked venue. Since being made resident at Twist it has given me the opportunity to explore the harder edge of hard house and I'm loving it. taking me back to my roots!
Which out of all the recent Frantic events have you enjoyed the most?
Again, I have to say that my most enjoyable gig to date has to be Timeless at The KoKo Club back in March.  It was great to be up on that main stage, in my favourite venue, playing all the classics, I absolutely loved it - it was amazing.  I can't wait for the next Timeless in October - bring it on Mr Whitby!
Aside from music and DJing, what else are you really passionate about in life? What would you pursue as a career ambition if you weren't spinning tunes?
I am quite passionate about Rose wine actually - it tastes just like strawberry juice! No seriously, apart from hard house there really isn't much else that I'm passionate about, apart from my boyfriend - there just isn't the time!
I danced for about 15 years when I was younger but gave it up because I discovered clubbing and it all just got a bit too hard - maybe I would have pursued that as a career if I wasn't spinning tunes.
And finally if you could go back in time and change one thing...what would it be?
I don't think I would go back and change anything to be honest, if I did I wouldn't be who I am or where I am now - I am quite happy thank you!

Pictures courtesy of Ben Thomas
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Interview with Billy Daniel Bunter

Promoter of Tasty and owner of UK Hardcore, the former GBT innovator Billy Bunter is a man that has lived and breathed underground rave culture for the past fifteen years. He started off DJing at legendary raves such as Labyrinth and Raindance, progressed to headline at the likes of Slammin Vinyl and Helter Skelter and these days can be found spinning anything from obscure piano house gems and ruffneck jungle classics through to pumping hard dance and anthemic vocal hardcore with up to five gigs a weekend. As his Tasty promotion prepares to go head to head with the legendary Raindance for this Friday's no expense spared rave Bliss at Heaven, we caught up with Bunter to get the lowdown on his summer of bbq, beats and beaches.

First up Daniel, can you give us the summer of Billy Bunter rundown? Has it been all beaches and bbq's or have you been locked away in darkened studios for the most part?

There have been lot's of BBq's due to the good weather, and there have been a fair few beaches due to an Australian tour but I've not been in the studio that much due to the organization of Bliss, my radio show which believe it or not takes up a day of my time, as well as dj'ing up to 5 times a weekend still. So yeah, as always it's busy!!!

What's the strangest thing you've encountered on your travels recently?

A small outback mining town in Australia called Karratha, only 6000 people live there. I was really skeptical about the gig and town as no one had heard of the place before. When I got there it turned in to 48 hours of fun and debauchery; I played for 5 hours at an awesome beach party. At was 1000 miles from any where, people worked hard all week, and there were only two pubs and one club - which was commercial pop and R&B - in the whole town so people really knew how to party!!!!!

Which parties stick out in your recent memory? Have there been any sets lately that just totally blew you away?

On the hardcore tip the HTID beach party blew me away, without a doubt my best hardcore gig ever. Gas in Sydney where I played a four hour hard dance set was wicked as I got to take the crowd on a proper journey. And on the old skool tip the recent Jenkins Lane room @ United Dance, the crowd were really clued up and I just kept pulling out more and more obscure tracks and they was going down superbly.

In terms of your recent hardcore gigs, what tracks have been causing the most reactions?

There have been loads, but three that really stick out have been In My Eyes by Antix & Tom E,(I got given this about a year ago in Australia and can't understand why it's not getting more support), Getting Better by Breeze & Styles and Jon Doe's 2005 Timebomb Remix.

What are you feelings on the continued strength of the hardcore scene? Do you think there is a danger of certain sections trying to push its growth to quickly rather than letting it run naturally on its own steam?

It's very inspiring how hardcore keeps growing and growing. The dj's, promoters, MC's, Producers, Labels and ravers have put so much belief, energy and determination in to it, that no one could stop it becoming such a cult scene again. All those who put that positive energy in now need to maintain that notion and not replace it with greed and ego or discontentment and envy. If the hardcore scene can stay a close knit community it will keep going and going.

On Friday 26th August, you're taking your legendary London party Tasty to Heaven to go head to head with the original rave experience Raindance. The result is Bliss and you're taking to the decks in no less than four rooms. Do you find it a strain preparing separate record boxes and set programs for four different sets?

Nah, I love it. I feel all the music I play so it all comes as second nature. I have learned over the years to keep my records well organized, and to stay on top of all the new music and artists coming through, as well as keep refreshing my memory on all the forgotten classics I used to play in the late 80's and early 90's. For me, variety really is the spice of life; I can't imagine myself not playing so many different styles week in week out.

What drives you to keep on pushing yourself within all these different styles? Is it hard to keep on top of everything? You must be listening to music 24/7???

What drives me? Passion!!! And I love the fact that I have been DJ'ing for 16 years and no matter what style I am playing in what part of the country or world, there is always some one who remembers me from a certain part of my career or era or even just discovering me and thinks I am an up and coming dj. It's a buzz playing to so many different age groups and genres that I have played a small or big part in making happen along the way. I don't listen to music 24/7 I live and breathe it!!!

How much do you expect the crowd and atmosphere to differ from room to room?

A lot, there is an Old Skool room, Hard Dance room, Hardcore room, House room and Breaks room, each music genre will attract a totally different group of people be it age group, fashion style, dance style etc. It's very exciting for me and Raindance to be putting together, as both of our crowds are so different, but we both have the same out look on putting on an event. Let's throw a huge f***ing party, with the original ethos of raving but in the year 2005. It's gonna be great seeing so many different people in to different musical genres in the same venue.

The Tasty hardcore room has gone from a third room experiment to a second arena phenomenon in the matter of a year or so it's rammed solid with sweat-soaked smiley ravers every time. Do you think it has been a strong exercise in proving just how much passion there is for hardcore within the capital??

I think passion is the key factor to it being so good. London is dominated by House, Drum & Bass and Hard Dance. Hardcore is more of an out of town thing, it was the same in the happy hardcore period as well. The hardcore scene is huge in the midlands with events like Uproar and HTID, where as in London events are less frequent, so when you do get parties like Raindance, Elation and Tasty the atmosphere is always unbelievable as the London crowd have had to wait for a hardcore party to happen on there door step, so they are always very passionate about it.

You've been holding back on releasing records lately but is there a forthcoming release in line for UK Hardcore?

Yes a full vocal track myself & CLSM called Burning, Jess & Spenno's Find Your which will feature a Breeze & Styles remix and finally Body Slam 2005 with Bunter & CSLM and Breeze & Styles remixes.

What sort of directions have you been taking your recent hardcore productions in?

Me and CLSM have been doing a real variety of stuff from underground freeform, we did a track called NRG which Sharkey put on his last Bonkers mix, right through to full on vocal hardcore like our new track Burning. Like with my DJ'ing I can never stick with just one style.

Are there any ambitions to remix or update any more of the GBT back catalogue or do you see that as a moment in the past to be remembered rather than revisited?

Nostalgia is great, and it's every where at the moment, be it in fashion, film, TV and music. We are in an era where it is essential to go back to go forward so for that reason we decided on Body Slam remix on the go. Will there be more in the future? Who knows? Watch this space I guess

Which upcoming hardcore producers have been grabbing your attention the most recently?

Joey Riot, Cube, Petrol Heads, Antix, Bonzo, Fracus, Flyin. Last time I spoke to Gary Vibealite he said he had a 3 hour hardcore set for me which I am looking forward to doing, as a lot of the break's stuff I have been sent by Cube and CLSM has been very interesting indeed and some thing that could be really incorporated in to a longer set.

Your party on 26th August with Raindance is called Bliss, what is your idea of a night of pure bliss these days?

First and foremost Hot and Horny sex with my missus. Second, a night out on it with my mates listening to good music, any genre, any club, it's just got to be vibrant and underground!!!!

What has the rest of the year got in store for Bunter??? More Tastys? More studio?

After Bliss, Tasty 4th Birthday in November, my radio show every week on Pure Dance, studio sessions with Jon Doe, a new TV advertised mix album, and up to 5 gigs a weekend.

Get yourself down to the legendary Heaven this Friday and you can catch Bunter playing any one of four sets at Bliss including old skool anthems, a Jenkins Lane classic house set, pumping hard dance and full-on hardcore.
By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

Interview with Steve Blake and Phil Reynolds

Preview to Bliss at Heaven Interview with Steve Blake and Phil Reynolds.
Joint owners of Impact Recordings and two of the most legendary names on the capital clubbing circuit, no DJs can claim as long-standing and close relationship with the sound of London hard trance as Steve Blake and Phil Reynolds. In tracks like Steve's spine-tingling classic Got That Rush and Instru(mental) by Phil and Nick Sentience, they have contributed to some of the most well aged gems that the scene has produced whilst their epic energized voyages at events such as Heat, Fevah and Frantic have provided some of the most euphoric moments in so many clubbers memories - this one included. As they rummage through their record boxes for their classics set at this Friday's Bliss @ Heaven, we catch up with the Impact Recordings duo to find out how they met, what they've been up to and what sort of audio ecstasy awaits us in the Tasty room of Heaven this Friday.
How did your paths first cross and did you both get on the like a house on fire from day one or did it take a while for your relationship to take shape?
SB: If my memory serves me right I think one of the first times we met was at Provacation and yeah we got on really well from day one.
PR: Yeah, I first remember meeting Steve at Provocation at the Office. At that time Steve had just had some big hits on Tidy like Black is Black and Expression and I was like, wow I just met Steve Blake!! We got on really well from the word go.

What were your first bookings in London clubland?
SB: In the Hard Dance scene mine were for Trinity at the Chunnel Club.
PR: My first booking in London was at the Soundshaft about two months after buying decks. Some of my mates were putting on a midweek night. I played first and was shitting it!! The thing I remember most about the set, was how different things sounded in a club compared to playing at home. It was really difficult trying to adjust and I hope I didn't cock up too much!!
You're both regarded as two of the most legendary and long-standing names on the London hard dance circuit but what do you consider your first big breaks?
SB: For me it was playing for Fevah that was my first real break into this scene, playing for Fevah gave me the opportunity to play at a lot of the major London venues.
PR: Has to be Frantic for me. Up until the point when I first started playing at Frantic I hadn't really played much elsewhere. As the profile of the club raised, so did my profile as a DJ.
What initially inspired you to take the plunge and set up Impact Recordings? How did it all come into fruition?
PR: Steve had wanted me to come into the studio and record something for his label that he was running at the time, Vinyl Tension. Once we had recorded the track, we had a bit of a chat and decided that we would start up a trance label together. That way we could have an outlet for our music.
SB: Yeah, we had already done a couple of tracks together and decided rather than try to go through the hassle of getting them signed we'd put them out ourselves on our own project label.
So was it just meant as an outlet for your own tracks at first?
SB: Initially yes, but it did pretty well so we decided to then take it another step forward and start signing tracks from other artists, that's why the label re-launched after the first three releases with a new sleeve design.
From the bright talents of artists like Dave Lochrie, James Jaye, Richard Launch and Greg Brookman to the hard trance double act Technikal & Olly Perris, Impact seems to have a recurring theme of uncovering new talent within the hard dance stratosphere and handing them a leg up to newer heights - is it a conscious decision to support untapped talent and how have you come across the acts that you've signed??
SB: Its not been a conscious thing at all, we just sign tracks that both or either one of us likes, it doesn't matter if the artist is unheard of if the track is good and we're extremely proud to have given any of the talent we've signed a helping hand to raise their profile.
Most tracks we've signed we either get handed personally or receive in the post.
PR: If we see the potential of a track even though the production might not be great, we will sign it and give the producer a chance to go in with Steve to polish off the production. Not only do they get to have their track signed, they also get hands on advice from Steve about production.
As a consequence perhaps, it must be said we've not see a classic Impact hard trance belter from Blake and Reynolds lately, why is this and are there any plans to see you pair up for an Impact outing any time soon?
SB: We've both been busy doing other projects, mine was unfortunately doing up my flat!
We do keep saying we'll get in and do another one but just haven't got round to it yet, but that being said we've done quite a few remixes together though.
PR: We have both been busy doing other stuff. We have at the moment no plays for a collaboration, but you never know. Watch this space
You've been working extensively to make the Impact Recordings site a more user-friendly, colourful and imaginative area, what are you most pleased about on the new look site?
SB: The last few weeks have seen some major changes on the site, the whole layout is more complete but by no means finished yet, it's pretty easy to navigate around too, which is important.
I'm extremely happy with the shop, we've designed t-shirts that are arriving this week, can't wait to see those, plus we can sell vinyl & MP3's, which again is very exciting.
I wanted to make the MP3 purchasing as easy as possible without having to buy credit to get a download, which I find a bit of a pain, so we've made it really easy, you can just jump on there and buy one single MP3 or as many as you like quite simply with no credit tokens!
We will be doing an official launch of the site very soon when it's fully completed but if you want a little sneak preview then head over to www.impactrecordings.com
And as for the MP3s how do you see the future of hard dance music consumption? Will the digital slowly phase out our beloved vinyls and is this necessarily a bad thing?
I don't think it will phase vinyl out but it will affect the amount of units sold I think. MP3 has its good points and bad, the obvious good point is the instant access to tracks from anywhere in the world at a very cheap price and with no postage costs. A guy bought some MP3s from us last week from a remote area in Australia and he said he had trouble getting vinyl where he lived so was always on the lookout for MP3s to download. The obvious bad thing is the ability to copy and distribute digital music, this will eventually cripple the industry because there will be a lack of money for the labels and artists involved to be able to carry on making and releasing music.
If you were to look back over the label's history, which of all the Impact releases stands out as your favourite and why?
SB: From the older stuff it would be Phase 2, it was cracking tune that still sounds good today and from more recent times I think Panzan has to take the crown because it's quite simply a belter of a track!
PR: That's a difficult one really. I don't really have a favourite. I think all of the releases have been good in there own way.
Phil, how is work on your debut artist album coming along?
PR: The album is almost finished. I'm waiting for some new monitors so I can finally mix it all down. I'm also still sorting out some vocals for some of the tracks. The vocals so far sound really good. As for the style of music, you will have to wait and see!!
Phil, your remix of the spine-tingling Faithless classic, Salva Mea, with Matt Williams has been stirring up a hot-bed of hard dance interest, what was it about the track that inspired you to give an energized 05 update?
PR: I've always loved Salva Mea and it's never been released. It is probably my favourite Faithless track and I've always wanted to do my own version.
Steve, what classic track would you most like to inject with energy for the harder generation and why?
SB: I've had a few in mind before but someone always beats me to it!!!! I still have a couple I would like to do but if I tell you that then someone will definitely beat me to it!!
Do you ever knock out a decent blast of hard house filth and what are your opinions on the continuing influence of techno on the rhythms of modern UK hard dance?
SB: I don't really play other genres of hard dance unless it's a classics set. The only other genre I really like playing is the lighter side of trance, not too fluffy mind you! I really like techno influenced percussion, it adds a funky groove to the rhythm of a track, nothing wrong with that.
PR: I like to listen to all types of hard dance. I have been influenced a bit by techno over the past year or so. I love my tech house stuff. I don't really play too much none trancy stuff. Although I did play a hard set for Frantic Vs Wildchild recently, where I played only hard house.
As I'm sure you know, Bliss is the meeting of London hard dance legends Tasty with the original rave experience Raindance did you get swept up in the madness of the UK's rave revolution the first time round in the late 80s and early 90s?
SB: Yes I did, I was really into the rave scene at that time and played for Desire and Labyrinth a few times, which was where I first met Daniel Bunter. I do have some fond memories of the scene back then, we used to drive for hours to find secret venues but it was all worth it, there were some pretty amazing party's in the middle of nowhere back then!
PR: I missed out on the early rave scene. I kind of latched onto the end of it. When I first started buying records when I was still at uni, the sound was old skool hardcore. I use to love my Rhythm Section records. I've still got them somewhere.
What can ravers expect from your own set in the Tasty room? Will it be full-on hard trance voyage from start to finish and which classics will you be digging out for the occasion?
SB: It will definitely be a large amount of hard trance in the set but I think I'll slip in a couple of anthems along the way too but I'm not too sure what ones yet, so you'll just have to wait & see!
PR: I should think it will be mixture of upfront new hard trance stuff, with a few classics thrown in.
Finally, what is your idea of a night of Bliss these days? Would you slump on the sofa with a quality film and a bottle of red, catch some mates down the pub or do you still love nothing more than a messy night on a pumping dancefloor?
SB: If I can have two answers then I'll pick 1 & 3, I'm not too keen on pubs!
PR: I couldn't really write what my night would involve. It would be far too rude!!
By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

Frantic's 8th Birthday preview with Paul Divine

Where did you begin your clubbing days? Were you already DJing when you started going out to parties or did this come later?
My sister Steph was my biggest influence when I was younger. Although she never DJed herself she had a massive up-to-date vinyl collection and decks which I regularly used to go and hijack when I was around 12 or 13.
I started going clubbing at about 15, the only Djing in front of a crowd I had done at that age was for school discos and friends parties - everything from Whigfield's  Saturday Night to Chumbawamba's Tubthumping mixed on some really cheap CD decks and a bottle of 20/20!
Did your parents help with your musical formation at all or was it more a case of self-discovery?
I come from quite a musical family. They always supported me in whatever I wanted to do as long as I was enjoying doing it. My dad used to DJ when he was younger as well (with much more hair than he now does) so I think he understood why it was something I loved and wanted to do.
Speaking of which, have your parents ever been to see you DJ?
Actually they have! It was earlier on this year when I was playing at Peach Goes Hard at the Scala b2b with Seany Sean. I had mentioned to them on the phone that they should come and see me play when I had a main room set at a parent friendly set time. I was only being half serious but they seemed really up for it so they drove down to London for the weekend and I brought them along with me!
I really wanted them to get some glow sticks and some laughing gas and loose it one the dance floor but they were quite happy sitting up in the VIP area with their Gin and Tonics watching me from afar! (see photo!) Was a very strange experience but I'm glad they got the chance to see me do the thing I love to do most - I think they were proud
You work for Truelove, an organization that is steeped in Hard House history. Could you tell us about the company and where it stands today?
Of course!
We look after absolutely loads of different labels including ones like Hydraulix, Cluster, Stay Up Forever to only name a few as well as selling new tracks and releases through our online store (PLUG www.truelove.co.uk :thumb:). It soo much fun being able to have a nine to five job in the music industry! I'm very lucky and happy!
The main thing we are concentrating on at the moment are MP3 and digital formats as it seems to be an ever more popular format for DJs and clubbers alike.
A lot of my time is spent getting the masters of new and back releases, converting them to MP3 format, tagging them, uploading them, and adding them to our extremely massive online catalogue! It's a very long task but rewarding as our MP3 catalogue is HUGE now!
We recently saw the launch of your own night Divine at Deep Blue in London.  How did the party go? Are you planning on putting on any more events?
The party was loads of fun and a great night for me! I had done No Limits in the past but this was my first solo project so it was very scary! I was planning on doing a load more parties but that was before I started full time work. Unfortunately I never seem to have the time to fit it in anymore along with work and DJing. It is something I want to do again though but it won't be until I have more time on my hands to give it all I've got - but watch this space!!
I'm very passionate about promoting and wouldn't want to do it half-heartedly!
August 13th sees you playing back-to-back with a certain Dirty Bitch at Frantic's 8th Birthday at Koko. What do you know about this feisty femme?
Well I actually met her in the back of Lucy Fur's car when I managed to hitch a ride with them up to the WiLDCHiLD event in Milton Keynes. She's a really wicked person and a super DJ! I've seen her play loads of times at Afterlife and other places and can't wait to get behind the decks with her!
What kind of stuff will the two of you be dishing out?
I think you can expect lots of pure Frantic classics from the past 8 years, some brand new cheeky booties and mash-ups especially made for this event, loads of tracks to have a good stomp to and the both of us having a stupid amount of fun and frolics behind the decks!!
When did you go to your first Frantic event? What did you think at the time?
The first Frantic I ever went to was at the Shepards Bush Empire. I can remember thinking how much Frantic's clubbers really knew how to party. They would fill the venue from the second the doors opened and party hard until the music finally stopped at six!
The set that stands out from that night has to be Steve Hill (who I'm a massive fan of!). The crowd absolutely loved it and he is the ultimate party animal! I'm really looking forward to hearing him play at the 8th Birthday too.
Since that night there haven't been many Frantic parties that I've missed!
Which CD is currently getting heavy rotation round your gaff?
Hmmm, This is the question where I should say something to make me sound street and not at all cheesy but I have to admit I've just bought Clubland 7. I have a reason for buying it though and that's because I've just come back from holiday and a lot of the tracks remind me of it other than that it would have to be The Tidy Boys live at the Tidy Weekender 2  I know it's really old now but I think It's one of the finest sets of all time and gives me inspiration for my own sets! 
Are you a fan of afterparties? What is your ideal post-club set up?
I usually find myself at Twist most Sunday mornings and was a massive Milk fan and regular back in its day. (Big up to the Milk massive!)
For me the most important thing at afterparties is the chill out area! If your energy is starting to lag after a long night out it's important to have somewhere cool to relax. Also it's nice when they have more than one room. It's good to have a few different musical styles going on so you have the choice. By seven in the morning I know I usually want to listen to something different then what I've been listening too for the past 8 hours.
Oooo, and a shower facility would be neat!
And finally, why should we come and see you play at Frantic's 8th Birthday?  Convince us!
Not a problem!! There are loads of reasons why we should not be missed!
We both have a stupid amount of energy and it'll all be going into this one hour set!! It will be filled with lots of banging Frantic classics to remind you what makes Frantic the hard house event that it is today and finally I've just finished a new CD that I'll be giving out only during our set. (12 - 1am) If you want one you'll have to be about then!
Also it's the most fun you can have with your clothes on!
Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

Alliance Interview with Kutski

Did you ever have any other DJ names before Kutski?
I've also been known to go under the names Barry, Chris, Steve and Mike.
Tell us about your current involvement with Radio 1...how did you become involved with them? It sounds like hard dance is perhaps making a bit of progress?
I host the Residency show on Radio One after the Essential Mix (Sat night/Sun Morning) on rotation with 5 other guys. We are all representing our specialist genres of music, mine being underground hard dance and hardcore!!
Indeed hard dance is making a lot of progress! It just goes to show when Radio One launch a new cutting edge dance music program, they included hard dance. There's loads of new quality producers coming through, promoters putting on big events, and the music within the scene is really diverse at the moment which is great, variety being the spice of life and all! Onwards and upwards I say!
How have you found producing so far? You've had a number of tracks out, which were you most happy with and why?
Production is good when you have a cracking idea for a track, and the end result of playing something you've made in a club is amazing, but to be honest I generally have a short attention span and sitting in the studio for days on end fine tuning a kick can get very repetitive on your own! That's why its cool working with other people, 'cause all the people I work with are good personal mates. Like when I go down to Roosta's, its always 50/50 cubase and xbox live, or Nick and Jake from SPX & 12 Inch Thumpers it usually turns into a weekend sesh! Better music always seems to come from studio sessions like this rather than it being forced!
My fave track is probably Nightmare Man, 'cause its so unique, and not in the mould which pretty much sums me up in general.
What have you got coming up on the production front? Do you find it easy to get inspired musically or have you found quite a challenge?
I'm going over to Germany for a week or so soon, to do another track with Ollie (Warp Bros) and Frank 7. I'm sure with their studio and productions skills we'll muster up another corker if I may be so bold to say so The technical side of production I picked up quite easily, and I've always got quirky ideas for tracks but musically, in the classical sense, I'm quite a retard, so I do struggle with riffs and stuff a bit!
You are famous for incorporating scratching into your sets to spice them up a bit. Which scratch DJ do you admire above all others?
DJ Shadow for the musical aspect of his tricks and turtablism incorporated in his sets, and Spinbad because every time I hear anything new of his I'm amazed by the ideas and accuracy of everything he does! When ever I start to think I'm mastering the art, I put on a Spinbad mixtape and it puts me in my place
July 23rd sees you playing for Frantic and Hardcore Heaven at The Alliance at Koko in London. What will you be playing and is this your first time at Camden Palace?
My usual eclectic mix of hard dance nonsense J This will be my first time at the wonderful Camden Palace I have heard so much about!
Have you been to either of these parties before? What did you make of them?
Yeah, I've played Frantic events a few times now and they�re always wicked and special. I've never played Hardcore Heaven, but I've been to loads of their events, and collaboration nights that have all been awesome so I'm really looking forward to being involved with them too!
Who else will you be checking out on the line-up?
Gamma - wicked production, but I've heard he rips it up on the decks too so I really wanna check him out!! Robbie Long - Possibly the best technical DJ in the dance music industry (I don't mean that lightly). I'm also looking forward to catchin' the Welshies Cally & Juice too!!
Are the majority of gigs outside of London? Does it always feel special going down to play there?
Erm... Special would be one way to describe London gigs Seriously though, London gigs are always great but us Northerners don't do London driving! What they need to do is build all the clubs on the exits of a major motorway... or even build motorways to all the major clubs. That would make my life a lot easier. Oh yeah, and build car parks on top of all the clubs. I'm only skinny and take on average 100 records to every gig, so I don't like having to walk far either!! But I do like London gigs once I'm there!!
Who are your favourite DJs and why? Who never fails to get your feet moving?
I really admire what Big Bill Bunter has achieved in his career, I've always been into his music and he always rocks it so he'd have to be one. Hixxy was like a childhood hero of mine, and it was Bonkers 1 that inspired me to get into the game myself so he's gotta be up there too! None hard dance jocks: Z-Trip is a proper party rockin' DJ and an advanced turntablist! Shadow and Spinbad I mentioned earlier. I'm well into $hitmat, Scotch Egg, Ripley etc.. at the moment (Gabba / Breakcore)... currently I'm jamming to Evil Ed's UK hiphop album I got of Nick from 12 Inch Thumpers at the weekend. Check that out its mint!!!
What's the worst chat-up line you have ever heard?
That guy on Big Brother. The other week he said something about a birds eyelashes not being real, then when she closed her eyes, he kissed her! Ugh! If he tryed that up our way the bird would have battered him!!

Frantic Benz
By Frantic Benz in Interviews ·

WiLDCHiLD & Frantic present FUTURE - Preview with Lisa Pin-UP

This week has truly been an honour. I got to catch up with the gorgeous and most friendly DJ around the lovely Lisa Pin-UP.
This woman literally exudes positive energy behind the decks, if her presence wasn't enough to get you going then tracks such as Party Tonight (released on Pin-Up Records) certainly will.
Lisa is not an unknown to the scene having been gracing venues in and around the UK for the past 8yrs. She's seen it, got the T-Shirt and experienced a fair few thrills and spills along the way. With bookings alongside names such as Boy George and Tony De Vit in the early days to where she is now, you can't help but feel she is a bit of an inspiration.
In advance of one of the biggest events to break this year, I caught up with Lisa to talk production, mixing and just how much she is going to rock the massive Brixton Academy for Future on Saturday 25th June.
CL: Hey Lisa, how you keeping? How have the last couple of months been for you, I hear you returned to Passion at Coalville after one and a half year's, that must have been fun?
LP: I used to play at this club right at the start of my career for Passion around 8 years ago and it is still a fantastic venue to DJ at. I have not played for Storm for a while as they did change their music policy, but now under a new promotion team they are moving more back to their original style and I am back on board. As I pulled up in the car park it did bring back loads of great memories of partying and DJ-ing at the club, and when I walked in, wow! The club was rammed with up for it clubbers. I had the most amazing time, think it was one of the best crowds I have ever seen at the venue and I can't wait to come back and do a return set.
CL: You've recently launched a new label Pin-Up Records. How is this going?
LP: Yes it's my brand new label where every track on the label will be produced by myself with up and coming artists on remix duties. The first release was out in January and is called 'Party Tonight'. All vinyl copies have now sold out, but I have just done a deal with Tidy Trax for this release and future releases to be downloaded from their web site. If you would like to listen to a sample and download this track please go to www.tidydigital.com
CL: What plans have you got for your other labels Rock Hard Recordings and Cuttin Soundz
LP:  I thought it was time for a change, so have put these labels on hold while I concentrate on Pin-Up Records, but you never know, they might be brought back in the future, we will see.
CL: Do you intend to sign up and coming artists to the new label or will it be purely for your own productions?
LP: As said the label is mainly a place for me to channel all my own productions but I will be on the look out for up and coming remixers to provide the remixes for me.
CL: With the new label, does this see the end of releases on the Nukleuz label or will you be working with them in the future?
LP: I still have strong ties with Nukleuz Records and have a new release coming out with them on May 23rd. I can't believe it but this release will bring the total of my tracks on Nukleuz to 16! It's a double a-sider called 'Machine Gun Madness' and 'Really like Cocaine'. The first side is more funky and uplifting with a vocal about a machine gun and even a machine gun sample. The b side is a hard as nails track but still with the Lisa Pin-Up trade mark twist, and has a really naughty vocal 'wow you really like cocaine!"
CL: It's not the first time you have played at the mighty Brixton Academy, what do you love most about the venue?
LP: I personally love the layout of this club, the fact that you are facing the whole dancefloor and can see everything that is going on, it makes you just really feel part of the crowd. When standing up there on the stage banging out those tunes I don't think you can get a better buzz. Also if I was a clubber I would find the whole venue amazing, it is just so interesting and a very beautiful club to be in.
CL: What can we expect to hear from you at Future? Do you have any new tracks to release on the 4500 capacity crowd?
LP: Well I will definitely be banging out my new two tunes on Nukleuz which are not yet out on vinyl, make sure you listen out for them. Also I always manage to get my hands on those elusive tunes that I need to fit into my set, anything that is uplifting but still banging.
CL: It's not the first time you have worked with Wildchild and Frantic. What excites you about these promotions most?
LP: Both promoters are very similar, they just work so hard behind the scenes on their promotions that the clubbers are always guaranteed a really good party, which always makes it a pleasure for me to DJ at.
CL: What got you into the scene and when did you decide that DJ-ing and production was the route for do?
LP: I always went to clubs like the Wag Club in London since I was 16 but discovered the dance scene when I was around 21. As soon as I discovered it I became totally obsessed and being able to spin two records together for me was just another way for me to get closer to the scene. I bought the records I heard at the weekend anyway to keep as memories, so the next step was to buy some decks. As for production, after a while playing other peoples tunes this was not enough for me, I wanted to be able to spin my own tunes so I started to write my own music. It is just the best feeling ever to be able to put one of your own records on the decks and see the crowd go wild to it.
CL: What would you be up to now if you weren't a DJ or producer?
LP: I was a model before becoming a DJ, I would be working as an advertising model for commercials and adverts (what I was doing just before becoming a DJ).
CL: You always look like you are having a rocking time behind the decks, it's great to see and personally makes the whole experience more enjoyable if you see the DJ also having it. Will you be gracing the dancefloor and checking out anyone else after your set?
LP: I will also be DJ-ing in Cardiff that night so don't yet know what time I will be arriving at the venue. I may or may not have time after my set to go down on the dancefloor, but one thing is for sure, I will definitely be kicking up a storm while I am DJ-ing, I can't help but dance when I hear the music and will be having one hell of a party behind those decks!
CL: You are part of a unique group of female DJ's, with more and more lovely ladies coming onto the scene and shaking dancefloors who would you say is someone we should keep an eye out for in the future?
LP: There is just so many good girl DJ's coming up to mention, hopefully soon there will be the same amount of girl DJ's as boy DJ's which I can see happening very soon.
CL: After years and years of stomping in clubs and being involved in events I have decided to learn how to DJ, what advice can you give me?
LP: If you come from a clubbing background that is a great start, I think you have to live it and breathe it to be part of it. Obviously you have to be good at mixing, which is just practice, practice, practice. Then you just need to get out there, make your face known and hand out those mixes.
CL: You've been DJ-ing for 8yrs now and have seen the scene change, how would you compare the scene now to when you first started?
LP: I suppose there have been loads of things, but what makes me laugh is at the start there never used to be hard house nights or trance nights, all the DJ's used to be on the same bill. At the start I would regularly DJ along side DJ's such as Boy George, Tony de Vit, Judge Jules or Seb Fontaine I even took over from the Dream Team once who at the time played garage music!
CL: You recently signed to an agency called Mainstage, how is this working for you and have you any international bookings coming up soon - how will you cope with the flying?
LP: Yes I have now been there since January and have a very happy working relationship with them as they have a great team of people to look after you. It's a fantastic agency that's growing fast with Fergie and Tall Paul just signing up to an already huge roaster. As for travelling, I have not done much in the past as I hated flying but recently started to get used to it. So far this year I have been to Dubai and I have loads of other projects in the pipeline which I am really excited about.
CL: You really interact with the crowd at every event its an absolute pleasure, what were you like as a clubber before DJ-ing and has any one person been your main influence/inspiration?
LP: I was a bit a mad clubber and used to be literally the first clubber on the dancefloor at the beginning of the night, right to being the last to leave, so now I am just enjoying myself as much as I did back then but now getting paid for it! Part of going clubbing to me was always meeting loads of interesting people that had the same interests as me, well that has not changed; now I just get to dictate what music is on while I am having a good time!
CL: You are renowned for preferring to do things on your own rather than b2b's and co-producing. Could you see yourself doing something along the same lines as Tiesto but aimed at the Hard Dance scene?
LP: All it is, is that I am a bit of a control freak and like things mostly my own way! I recently did a b2b set with Rob Tissera which I must admit I did really enjoy and will be soon doing one with Andy Whitby. I am still a bit reserved though when deciding to go b2b as think I need to play alongside someone that has a compatible style of music to mine, some combinations might look good on paper but if we are totally different I don't really want to do it as I don't think it would work and I might not enjoy it. As for producing, I just like to have everything my own way in the studio, and that way you also get to keep all the royalties as you are the sole writer of the record. 
CL: Your married to the lovely Peter, how does your DJ career fit into your married life and do you let your man mix with you?
LP: Peter comes everywhere with me. The reason being if he did not it would seem like more of a job than just going out having fun. I knew Peter before I ever dreamt of being a DJ and we would go out clubbing and get canned together as he was hooked on it as much as me. So now it just feels like we are carrying that on just doing the same, so far out of the 8 years I have been DJ-ing he has only not been able to make it once and I did not like it at all!
CL: You will be playing at Pontins Hemsby for the Tidy Summer Camp. I worked there when I was just 18, please say hi to all the staff and tear the roof off The Queen Vic, the Fun Factory and the Lunar Bar!! Thanks for your time and see you on the 25th!
I don't know my set time yet but I will be in my DJ room 3/4 hour before my set hanging around the bar area to just say hi to everyone as so many people I know will be there. So anyone out there that does want to meet me do come and say hello. Also anyone that wants to chat to me about this event or others you can contact me through my web site www.lisapin-up.com
Thanks to M8 Magazine for pictures.
By Rascal in Interviews ·

Interview with Tommy Four Seven

Why Tommy Four Seven wants some Kosmetic Surgery!
Who is Tommy Four Seven? This is a good question and you would be forgiven if you didn't know, but he is certainly a DJ and producer who is one to watch and you are certainly going to be hearing a lot more of him in the future.

18 year old Tommy Four Seven shot onto the London club scene less than 12 months ago, but already in that time he's created a bit of a storm.
After only playing out a few times he impressed promoters so much with his fresh 'n filthy sound that he's bagged himself, not one, not two but three residencies. One was with monthly house party Kurruption and another as a coveted weekly slot at one of London's biggest after parties, Twist.
But not content with his two residencies and regular guest gigs Tommy has not decided to  co-promote a new 'electro party called "Kosmetic Surgery". The party which launches on Saturday 07th May aims to shake up the London electro scene by presenting an 'all night' party of the most cutting-edge electro house.  Tommy describes it in a little more detail.

Tell us about Kosmetic Surgery? What's special about it?
It's the first electro night which will be open all night long. Most close at about 2pm. Kosmetic Surgery will be open till 6am. It will also provide the most cutting edge electro house on the scene.
The idea came about from my weekly residency at Twist. I have a following of people who really enjoy what I do but were frustrated that they wasn't  suitable place to hear my kind of music pre-Twist as well. Kosmetic Surgery aims to fill this gap.
How did the name come about?
Kosmetic Surgery as a name came about as we wanted to say a few different things.  First of all, Kosmetic Surgery is looking to make a change on the already very established London Electro scene and offer a place where you can dress up or dress down.  We also want to create an environment which allows artists to express themselves so they can push boundaries.
Who will come to Kosmetic Surgery?
We have a polysexual door policy so hopefully it will be 600 open-minded party people. We want people to leave their inhibitions and preconceptions at the door and come with the intention of having lots of fun. We hoping it will appeal to lots of different people who just want to come together for a fabulous celebration of fun, dressing-up and above all fantastic music.
Tell us about Jacks (the Venue?)
Jacks is has a very unusual and interesting past as it used to be a fetish venue. In terms of design, the main room is a big arch while the second room is a more intimate affair. It holds 600 people, is lovely and clean and has a bar that serves drinks at pub prices.  When we were looking for a venue we walked in and immediately knew it was the right venue for us. It's also hidden down a side-street so you know everyone who turns up has the intention of being there, which is exactly our intention.
Tell us about the Djs you're booking?
Adam Sky has an amazing past and is one the biggest names in electro so we were incredibly happy to find out he was available to for May 07th.
We also have King Roc who's mixed everything from Chicken Lips to Marc Almond.  He's also an amazing DJ. The Synthetic Pleasures are just awesome. You have to see them to believe them. They have amazing lyrics and basslines. Sub:tracktor is also a very good warm-up DJ. It's important to get the right warm-up as it sets the tone for the whole night.
The 2nd room is overseen by Ya Mam & Ya Dad who are known in the scene over for their outlandish behaviour. Finally there's and then of Jonty Skufff who as well as editing the best music fanzine is also the rising star of electro-clash and has played all the best electro parties across Europe.
Describe the music?
It's all things electro, but the best way for you to find out would be to come along and see for yourself.
For more information go to www.kostmeticsurgery.com or email chris@kosmeticsurgery.com
By Annabel in Interviews ·

Interview with Amber D, Rob Tissera and Ed Real

On 29th March we saw the birth of a fabulous new compilation brand Club Republic which is set to change the face dance of compilations forever as it breathes a breath of fresh air into dance music compilations. This new kid on the block gives DJs complete artistic control ensuring giving music lovers an authentic taste of today's dance-floors.  First up is Hard Dance Republic which has mixes from three of hard house supremos Ed Real, Rob Tissera and Mixmag future hero winner Amber D.
The CD is also the official CD for the 2004 Hard Dance Awards which took place at Polysexual at Air in February. The feature length DVD contains exclusive interviews with the winners and footage from the awards party which took place in February - So if you were there you might see yourself and if you weren't you can catch up on the gossip.
To find out more about the CD I asked the DJs themselves what they thought of the album and why they think it's going to be a big hit with clubbers.
Describe your CD. Why will people love it?
Rob Tissera:  I've created a CD which will get people excited every time they play it. Whether they're getting ready to go out, dancing at a party or while driving along in the car.  I've  re-edited every track and burnt them back to CD before mixing it live. This means you will get a very unique Tissera experience.
Ed Real: My CD contains tracks voted for by you the public in the 2004 Hard Dance Awards. It's the biggest trax of the last 12 months and the public with cream their pants when they hear the selection!
Amber D:  Because its got a lot of great tunes on it, and quite varied tunes on it.  I've even got a tune by Eric Prydz on there!
What is your personal favourite track on your disk?
Rob Tissera: Attack of the 50ft DJ by Sol Ray & Captain Tinrib. It's harder than my usual tastes, but it dares to be different so it just rocks.
Ed Real: It's wall to wall anthems so I can't pick a favourite I'm affraid.
Amber D: The  first one on the CD.  It's the one by Eric Prydz (Cirez D)
How difficult do you find putting the CD together? How long does it typically take for you to create a CD
Rob Tissera: It's always a stress doing compilations. You go through blood sweat and tears, but on this occasion I had some gems which made the job much more pleasurable than usual.
Ed Real: It took me 70mins to mix and the hard dance fans did the hard work picking the selection. Overall, one of the most pleasurable compilation experiences of the last 5 yrs for me!
Amber D: I had a week to work on this CD and I worked at it constantly!
There are lots of compilations out there. Why will this new compilation series be better than the rest?
Rob Tissera: The combination of Ed Real, Amber D and myself takes the listener on a fantastic journey across the whole harder edged musical spectrum resulting in a true representation of what's happening on the UK's harder dance floors.  In clubs I often get people coming up to me in a club to ask if they can get a copy of what I've just played. My CD is just that. It's exactly what you'd expect me to play in a club such as Goodgreef, Tidy Frantic or Twisted.
Ed Real: The DVD! An hour of music, interviews, sexy girls and boys on the dancefloor and of course, the Hard Dance Awards presented by two old trouts!
Amber D: Because this compilation is made by us three of course, and we rock!  Ha ha, no seriously, I think it's going to be a fab compilation as the three of us have quite different styles within Hard Dance so there's going to be something for everyone.
What track do you predict will be big in 2005?
Rob Tissera: My Favorite track of the year so far is Mad & Confused by Technikal and Mark French. Guyver's Remix is awesome.
Amber D:  Anything that Nick Rowland produces.  He's one of the best producers Ive heard in recent years.  I really love his stuff.
Is your dancing as good as your DJing?
Rob Tissera: You can't beat getting down. I quite like dancing too
Ed Real: Better - come to one of my gigs and I'll show you 🙂
Amber D: No!  It used to be though - I used to be a great dancer (especially when I was a cyber kid), and now I'm not! It's true what they say.... DJs cant dance.
By Annabel in Interviews ·

WiLDCHiLD Mayhem in Milton Keynes Preview with Slinky

Slinky. Born in '97 and about to celebrate its 8th birthday in May, if you haven't heard of them yet then where the hell have you been?
Created by a local character by the name of Richard Carr, Slinky was renowned for it's Trance and Hard House, regularly hosting tents at Homelands and booking artists that are the superstars of today - Judge Jules, Seb Fontaine, John Kelly, Sonique and Tall Paul - at their home The Opera House in Bournemouth. They also held large one off events at the Bournemouth International Centre A.K.A BIC where it was reported tickets were being sold outside by touts for as much as 100! They were the first brand to take on the NEC hosting an event in one arena back in the late 90's.
3 years after Richard started the phenomenon he sold Slinky to Future 300 Plc so he could move into the hotel industry and further his interest in the bar culture.
Slinky now has regular collaborations with Passion, Wildchild, Slammin Vinyl, Hardcore Heaven and even Hed Kandi events and has a regular spot at The Versus Festival on the South Coast. Their tours reach areas all over the UK and as far as the Liquid rooms in Singapore and the Embassy in Indonesia (to name a few).
We caught up with the dream team to find out more about the brand, their thoughts on the future and just how excited they are about Mayhem in Milton Keynes (MIMK) on 9th April.
CL: How many people do you have on the team running the Slinky brand?
Slinky: 8 full time
CL: Who would you say is the craziest in the team?
Slinky: No Comment!!
CL: You have been part of some huge collaboration's and have plenty more in store. Has any one collaboration stood out as your best to date and why?
Slinky: Its always good working with Sundissential, and young Reece at WiLDCHiLD is coming up well through the ranks
CL: Slinky have had such a huge success, how do you see the brand evolving in the future?
Slinky: More great nights and albums
CL: Last year we witnessed you hooking up with Slammin Vinyl to host some large events at Halloween and New Year with around 8500 clubbers, have you plans for more this year?
Slinky: Yes we're doing Shepton again on October 29th
CL: Your tours range from many areas in the UK like Sunderland, Newquay and Ipswich to 10 day stints in Australia. How would you compare the international scene to the UK?
Slinky: A lot more fun in the sun
CL: Which artists will be representing Slinky at MIMK?
Slinky: Mark EG and Lab 4
CL: Who are you looking forward to seeing most?
Slinky: Reece Elliot!
CL: Can you tell us the story about Dave Lee in Miami?
Slinky: Nothing that can be published!!
CL: What advice would you give to someone wanting to build their own brand and hold successful events?
Slinky: Be persistent and thorough!
CL: And finally if I offered you something to nibble on during the WiLDCHiLD parade, which would you choose
a) a juicy strawberry b) a chewing gum c) a Harribo d) the sexy young lass/guy stood next to me or e) the lot? Slinky: It has to be D.
So there you have it, short and sweet. Catch the Slinky team at Mayhem in Milton Keynes on Saturday 9th April at The Empire/Leisure Complex.
By Rascal in Interviews ·

WiLDCHiLD Mayhem in Milton Keynes Preview with Ian Cashman, Andy J, Ady and John Wright

Ian Cashman, Andy J, Ady and John Wright. Four rising stars in the world of trance from the Midlands, North and London. We caught up with the boys to see what they are up to right now, their plans for the future and just what exactly they have in store for the crowd at Mayhem in Milton Keynes (MIMK) on Saturday 9th April.
CL: What are you all looking forward to most at MIMK on 9th April?
IC: I'm really looking forward to playing in a large hall. Most of my gigs have been in smaller venues, so it will be cool to be playing to a bigger room!
AJ: Being part of one of the biggest dance events in the area for a long time.
Ady: Playing in such a fantastic venue and also having the privilege in playing for such a great club night. Roll on the 9th! Hopefully this gig will help me in my DJ-ing career.
JW: Being part of a great line-up, getting behind those decks and then joining my friends on the dance floor afterwards!
CL: What other sets will you be checking out on the night?
IC: JFK is always guaranteed to play some wicked peak time anthems, so I'm sure his set will be one to catch. It's always a great atmosphere when he's playing. Scott Bond b2b Matt Hardwick is gonna be cool for me because these guys always have a lot of new stuff in their record box. I wanna check out Eddie Halliwell too I've not seen him play this year.
AJ: All of the main room sets, and hopefully some of Mr Tissera in the Cyberkitten/Slinky arena.
Ady: Definitely Eddie Halliwell for his Technical ability, Mark EG for his madness behind the decks and Matt Hardwick for his seamless mixing.
JW: Eddie Halliwell always plays a blinder so I am looking forward to his debut for WiLDCHiLD. Garbo and Daley's b2b in the Slinky arena will also be quality, definitely one to see!
CL: How did you get into DJ-ing?
IC: I knew a few people with decks when I first started clubbing years ago around 93/94. Once you are into the music and start buying records because you love the music, it's the next logical step.
AJ: Through helping a mobile DJ, carrying equipment etc and then eventually establishing my own mobile road-show.
Ady: I always listen to Judge Jules on Radio1 on a Friday and Saturday night, after listening to his shows for over a year I decided that I wanted a go at DJ-ing then about 6months later I got my first pair of decks.
JW: I got a job working at Tandy when I was sixteen, and when they closed down I bought a 10 mixer. I started putting together demos by mixing with good old fashioned audio cassettes and CDs, and I gave these out to local nights in Merseyside. I soon realised that a tape deck and 10 mixer were not the way forward so I took the plunge, invested in my first decks and it all spiralled from there!
CL: What have been your main influences throughout your DJ career?
IC: I like DJ's that are not afraid to mix up genres a little. Tiesto, although he's got a lot of haters at the moment has always been a big influence since I caught his September 2001 Essential Mix. He's not technically the best DJ in the world, but I love the music he plays.
AJ: My passion for music and seeing people enjoy themselves. House party or main room, 10 or 1000 people, the buzz is incredible.
Ady: Judge Jules as he got me into dance music and Eddie Halliwell with his cutting scratching and tricks.
JW: My dad was a musician and a teacher who travelled the world playing in a band and this got me interested in performing. When I saw the reaction that DJ's such as Paul van Dyk and Oakenfold got at Cream when I started clubbing, I knew that was what I wanted to do. More recently, I've been inspired by DJ's who have gone one step further and done something that has never been done before, such as Tiesto and his concerts in Arnhem.
CL: When was your first break in the DJ world?
IC: My initial interest was only in doing mixes for myself, but I got asked to play at parties etc by friends, which has led onto being heard by people who have gone on to book me for bigger dates. My first big event was actually WiLDCHiLD at Heaven last May, so it's nice to be playing for WiLDCHiLD again.
AJ: My first club gig was a very dodgy club in Wolverton called the Main Arena. I think it's been turned into a Gospel hall or something.
Ady: Got my first Gig at a Frisky member's party in Northampton. Played a 45min set and what shitting myself all the way through it! Thankfully it went OK and I ended up getting a set at Frisky on a Friday night.
JW: After a few years of playing at local nights around Merseyside, I entered the Passion competition in 2002 and played in the final with Jon O'Bir.
CL: What have been your biggest sets to date?
IC: WiLDCHiLD at Heaven and Serious at The Cross, which is always an ace night.
AJ: Frisky New Years eve 2003/2004 warming up for Guy Ornadel was special. Frisky vs Slinky at the Sanctuary MK was another very memorable one.
Ady: Frisky alongside the Tidy Boys and Adam Sheridan and Toxik in London.
JW: Playing at Passion for the first time was very special as that place holds a lot of good memories. Playing at Shushh last year alongside The Thrillseekers and Matt Hardwick was awesome, as was being asked to play at the Inspiration charity event with the likes of John Askew, Adam Sheridan, Matt Hardwick and Riley & Durrant to raise money for the tsunami appeal.
CL: What other sets have you got planned for the coming months?
IC: I've got more sets planned for Serious at The Cross, April 16th and October 15th.
AJ: My residency with Frisky, Pumpin in Rugby, and through my involvement with Vince from Realworld DJ's hopefully more doors will open.
Ady: Future gigs include Frisky and Pumpin.
JW: I've got another WiLDCHiLD event coming up; Frisky vs WiLDCHiLD, on 27th May in Northampton. Before that is Fixation classics night at my residency Fixation in Nottingham on 14th May, as well as Rise FM which is every Thursday night at 8pm at www.risefm.com and the next ETN show on www.ETN.FM is 16th April.
CL: Have any of you been in the studio recently and do you have any plans to release a track soon.
IC: I've got several productions on the go at the moment. I'm hoping to get them completed for the summer. It can be difficult to find the time to throw myself into it with a full time job as well.
AJ: I have a few ideas but its still early days.
Ady: I've never stepped inside a studio, but it is something that I've been thinking of doing, so keep your eyes peeled.
JW: Paul Mendez from ID&T co-produced a track I wrote with Stevie Hunter last year named Combustion. I produced my first solo track this year called Midnight Inspiration and now I'm well and truly hooked! I'm planning to put a lot of my time into producing this year.
CL: What else do you do outside of DJ-ing?
IC: I'm an electrician! Gotta do something to pay the mortgage!
AJ: Full time employment, football and the love of my beloved Stella Artois!
JW: Aside from production, I have a weekly radio show on Denmark's Rise FM and a monthly show on ETN FM. I'm also label manager for Connected Music so a lot of my time is spent promoting our releases and searching for the next track to sign.
CL: You all range from the North, Midlands and London. Here's the typical North/South divide question - which end is the best?
IC: Well I'm from Peterborough so I'm kind of halfway between. When I go out I go out in London. What does that say?
AJ: Topside of Watford gap and your a foreigner! Ha Ha!
Ady: Neither North nor South. Personally I think Midlands is the best.
JW: Who cares as long as you're having a great time!
CL: On searching information for you all, I came across some absolute random stuff like an Andy J in Missouri, Kansas who plays at weddings and bat mitzvahs and also an Ady who plays on a Romanian radio station. What funny stuff have you found using a search engine?
IC: Apparently I'm something to do with parachute safety in some circles. Would you trust me to make sure your parachute is packed properly?
AJ: Some bastard has nicked my DJ name!
Ady: Ha ha, you wouldn't wanna know! I've seen some right weird stuff on the net, but one of the funniest was something involving a jam jar and inserting it into part of the body, pretty sick!
JW: Someone told me recently they were searching for my website and stumbled across another John Wright, one half of a husband and wife duo, who plays Bluegrass, Folk and Country music in Illinois, USA! Apparently they go down a storm at weddings!
CL: How many trance styles can you come up with. For example I heard the other day trance being described as floaty, fluffy, fanny trance and also ninja black hole trance. How would you define your style?
IC: Ninja black hole trance? Where on earth did you hear that? 😉
AJ: Uplifting through to Techy and then we're gonna get down right dirty!
Ady: Ninja black hole trance? You serious?! I play many types of trance but I could only describe my main style as driving, dirty, raw trance with added spice.
JW: A friend of mine once described his eclectic style in obscure funky house as chunky bungalow! Mine would have to be energetic, uplifting and driving.
CL: If you could play anywhere in the world, where would you be?
IC: I'd love to be playing in Ibiza this summer (hint hint nudge nudge WiLDCHiLD - do an Ibiza event!!!)
AJ: Dance Valley, Holland.
Ady: It's got to be Ibiza; all the best parties seem to happen there.
JW: It would have to be Amnesia in Ibiza. One of my best clubbing nights was at Cream's 2003 closing party where PvD played an extra 3hrs. Ever since then, Amnesia has been number 1 on my wish list!
CL: Name 3 things you couldn't live without.
IC: Music, good books and electricity.
AJ: Sex, drugs and rock n roll!
Ady: This is tough...Um decks, a mixer and speakers.
JW: I know three things I could live without; cheesy dance remixes of 80s pop tunes, a pair of headphones that crack three days after their 12 month warranty expires and forgetting the combination to the padlock on your record bag!
By Rascal in Interviews ·

Interview with Donna Birt

With the launch of Toxik still fresh in everyone's minds, this next event seems to have even more hype. What do you think it was that made such an impression on clubland? I believe it was voted mixmags club of the month?

Well it's obvious when promoters go that extra mile to put the finishing touches on an event, people recognise and appreciate the extra effort that is put in. When I went to the first party I was really impressed by the whole event, from the visuals to the dancers to the atmosphere - it was second to none!

I have to say, the list of "residents" is very impressive. How does it feel to be included in that list?

I'm chuffed!!! Everyone involved with Toxik has been great so I'm really looking forward to the future, this will be my first event playing for Toxik so I'm tres excited!

You already have tracks with Ali Wilson & Greg Brookman under your belt, and I believe you have some more studio time coming up. Is that something you can tell us about? Who will you be working with?

Yeah Ali and I have a track called Ruthless which will be coming out on ProActive, and I have 2 tracks with Greg Groove Junkie (to be released on Nukleuz) and Rhythm Detox - sorry, shameless plug hehe. Nicki S and I are currently working on a little something as well niiiiice J I have other studio dates pencilled in over the next few months but with whom and when I cannot say so watch this space!

I've asked quite a lot of DJs within the hard dance scene this, but there definitely seems to be more and more techno influences coming through in a lot of DJs sets and productions also. Why do you think this is?

Well innovation is the key to keeping things interesting and in order for the scene to evolve and grow there needs to be change, or at least some fresh influences introduced. There is a lot of great techno (or at least techier basslines) around at the moment which I'm loving, I've personally been leaning towards techy basslines in my own production which have been getting some good response - Go the techno!!!

You moved to London from New Zealand where you then discovered the hard dance scene. Is there much of a hard dance scene back home now? And have you had any "homecoming" sets?

I've been going home every 6 months or so for the last couple of years; I have residencies in Sydney for Endorphin, Melbourne for Hard Kandy and tour regularly with Fevah in NZ so those are the main events I play at. The scene is great over there - I've gotten to know a lot of the punters so whenever I go back now I have a ball. It's also a fantastic opportunity to spend some extra time with my family J

At the toxik event this month you will be playing back2back with Zana Mills. Are back2backs something you enjoy?

Well I guess that all depends on the b2b. If you get a good musical pairing then its great, you can bounce off each other and generally have a laugh - it also means there's time to nip down on the dance floor occasionally. I have had a couple of interesting sets though where you have nothing in the bag that you would like to play next or just cant seem to gel with the other dj L

Now that the novelty of female DJs within the hard dance scene has worn off, do you feel happier playing within that scene? It seems as though the nu-breed of female DJs coming through are judged on their ability and music knowledge as apposed to how fit they are.........

I've always been happy within this scene - I love it! To be honest I don't really think about it. People can choose to be jealous or judgemental, it's whether you let that affect you that counts. There will always be those promoters or punters that are more interested in a Dj's bra size but its all how you deal with it J You may get an initial set based on more than ability but you certainly wont get played twice if your not up to scratch.

Ok time for a bit of quick fire....................
Biggest Vice......... An addiction to chocolate Biggest fear.......... Ummmmm.... would like to say I'm brave but spiders yik!!! Favourite clothing label of late........... Don't really go shopping ha ha 😉 Favourite record shop.............. Mad Records Favourite swear word............... C**tface (sorry Mum!) Favourite place................ The beach
By Lisa in Interviews ·

Interview with Zana Mills

How long have you been mixing & what would you say is your favourite genre?

I've been mixing since February 2001 - which means it's my 4th year already - time flies when you're having fun! At the moment my favourite genre would have to be Techno, I'm loving the big sexy basslines!

To date where has been your fav event that you have played at & most memorable set?

Toxik and Fevah USA would have to be my favourite events as being my residencies they are just that extra bit special to me. Most memorable would be Club Naked in Los Angeles! How can you forget a set where you're playing to 3000 people and several near-naked women are cavorting around on podiums next to ya! Only in LA!

Who would you say has been a big influence on your djing to date?

This would have to be a tie between Simon Rutherford and Andy Farley. Simon's always encouraging me on a personal level but Andy's new techie style is really what has influenced my change in style recently.

You have recently been made resident to the new, big event in town called toxik, how did you feel being asked?

I felt very privileged to be asked and I love being involved with such passionate promoters. Guy and Lee-Ann put so much thought and energy into what they do and it really makes a difference. The first party at Heaven was fantastic and I can't wait to see everything they have planned for this event.

If you could pick one person to go B2B with who would you pick & why?

At the moment it would have to be Mr Farley himself! I would love to get to play b2b with him at his new night Blue, keeping it tough and funky! Andy if you're reading this - hint, hint!

Have you a favourite moment & worst moment in your djing career to date?

Favourite moment would have to be DJing in New Zealand at a Beach Party for UP FM. It was a gorgeous day in my home country and everyone was having a great time. Made me so proud to be a New Zealander! As for the worst moment - that's my little secret!

Would you ever like to get into production & if so what sort of music do you think you would make?

Production is definitely something I would like to do more of in the future. I am in the studio at the moment working on a techno tune, it's very funky, groovy and sexy if I do say so myself. And with James Lawson on engineering duties I'm learning a lot!

Being a female in the dj scene, does it get your back up when some people say things such as *oh they got there for their looks*?

When it comes down to it looks aren't going to help you stand up in front of a room full of people and get a mix in! There's always going to be people that believe what they want to believe but at the end of the day I know how much hard work I put in so I don't let it worry me.

Your playing at toxik The Embrace, the second instalment from this new event, is there anyone you will be sending a card too or a certain tune you'll be playing?

I'm hoping to have my first tune finished by then, so that's definitely going to be getting an airing. I can't wait!!!

Toxik The Embrace is holding it's second instalment at The rocket complex, have you played at this club before & what would you say your favourite club is?

This will be my first time playing at Rocket so I am looking forward to it, I have seen the main room look absolutely amazing and I know Guy and Lee-Ann are planning something extra special for the DJ booth so I am sure it will look better than ever!

What is your all time favourite tune ever & which tune never leaves your record bag?

Favourite tune of all time is just too hard. Kick by Rachel Auburn is definitely up there though. As for tunes that never leave my record bag it would have to be my techno bootleg of No Education, it's a bit of a new addition but I can guarantee it wont be leaving any time soon!

Quick fire..
Favourite drink? Vodka, Lemonade and a splash of Lime please Favourite colour? Blue Vinyl or CD? Vinyl, I'm an old fashioned gal at heart If you was a car, what make would you be? A Mini Cooper S Convertible - cute, fun and fast
By Lisa in Interviews ·

Interview with JP & Jukesy

You guys have just recently been signed up to tidy, how exciting is this for you & your career?

JP & Jukesy - This has been our biggest achievement so far, we are really excited on what the future holds for us. Tidy have got some amazing things lined up this year and it will be really good to be involved with them. We used to deal with our own bookings so it's a bit of a culture shock but its definitely going to help us move on to the next level this year. I think a few of the smaller promoters get scared when they hear when we've been signed to Tidy but they shouldn't be, we've always been in it for music so it shouldn't put them off at all.

You also have your own record label Deprivation Recordings, could you tell us a bit about this venture?

JP - The label was started last December as an outlet for our own productions. In the 13 or so months we have had 8 tracks out with number 9 about to land in about 3 weeks. We also have Deprivation LTD, which is for material that's a bit different. Maybe some Funky Hard House or Hard NRG, there's no schedule for this label, we just put something out when we like. On the main label we try and keep the original tracks for ourselves and then get a big name producer in for the remix. Coming up we have tracks from
Masmada (Sam Hudson & Jukesy), Daley, Alex Calver, Dom Sweeten under his defective audio guise & also Raff & Jay Pidgeon.

Jukesy - 2004 was just our first full year for Deprivation and we have achieved so much and received support from all the A list DJ's its really encouraging and 2005 should see us improve on that solid work done in the first year.

You have played lots of places & are becoming quite a favourite household name on the hard dance scene, to date where has been your most memorable gig?

JP - There has been a couple that really stand out, one was the Tidy Weekender 5 last march, also summer camp last year and also when we played in OZ last February.

Jukesy - It's got to be Tidy Weekender 5 last march for me, it was in the bounce room on the Sunday night. Everyone was really avin' it large and the stage manager gave us an extra 30 minutes at the end, what followed was an encore on about 4 or 5 one mores and a room full of people that wouldn't leave, respect to the people who kept the room full and bouncing until the end..the clubbers!!!!

You have recently been announced as residents at Toxik, the new big, event in London residents. How did this make you feel being asked?

JP - We are both very exited & honoured to become the next residents for Toxik, the future looks so bright for them on the London clubbing scene. The amount of work Guy & Lee-Ann put in is unbelievable and they are so dedicated to the night.

Jukesy - The Toxik guys and girls are a breath of fresh air to the clubbing scene; they really know how to put on a show, which was clear to see after the amazing success on their opening night!! They put 150% into it and it shows and they work with the same principles as us so it's a really exciting partnership. We jumped at the chance and we have been working hard in the studio to get a few new tracks ready for their next event, a big thanks have to go out to Guy & Lee-Ann for showing us faith in us!!

In your opinion, who do you think is the most talented producer & DJ in Dance Music today ?

JP - Dom Sweeten closely followed by Paul Maddox

Jukesy - Got to agree with JP there but also Colin Barrat & Ingo are worthy of a mention, these two guys really are true genius' in the studio.

What other genres would you say you like?

JP - I'm really into techno, from the slow funky stuff right through to the 170 bpm German schranz. Very rarely get to play it out much though.

Jukesy - I probably only dislike R'n'B and Hardstyle and that's about it, anything else I generally like.

Recently a lot of techy influences have been introduced into the hard house scene & even certain hard house DJ's playing techno, what are your feelings on genre's crossing etc?

JP - I think there's no harm no mixing up styles to a certain extent, I don't think a whole set of it in a hard house club is good though as sometimes it can get very samey samey.

Jukesy - It doesn't bother me in the slightest, variety is the spice of life. I can remember the days of Sundissential where you would have Pete Tong, Judge Jules, Andy Farley etc all on one line up all in one room and that never did any harm.

You will be making your debut at Toxik 'The Embrace' as their new residents at The Rocket Complex, are you nervous & have you played at this club before?

JP - I'm very nervous but in the same way I'm also very exited, we have never played at this venue before but have heard so many good things about the sound system and the layout so its going to be really good to get up on stage and hammer it out.

Jukesy - I've only seen pictures of the venue and it looks fantastic, I know how much effort Toxik are putting into the night so it will be nothing short of amazing, can't wait for it!!!!

What tune never leaves your record bags & what would you say was your all time favourite tune?

JP - Glazby - Kick it & OD404 - Fireball. Both have never left my bag and I doubt they ever will.

Jukesy - Glazby - Kick it for me too, always brings smiles to the dancefloor

Who to date has been an influence & how did it come about that you turned your hands to the decks & producing?

Jukesy - It was just natural progression for us really, we get so much of a buzz from playing out we liked the idea of playing out our own tracks, a good reaction from a crowd for one of our own tracks is such a wicked feeling. I also produce under the name Masmada with my good friend Sam Hudson and have had releases on Vicious, Nukleuz as well as Deprivation so that's fulfilled another goal of mine, Vicious are still the daddy for all things hard. My main influences would be Glazby and Dom Sweeten, both have had major success over the last couple of years and are very consistent with what they put out.

Is there anyone who you would love to go in the studio with?

JP - Karim

Jukesy - Definitely Dom Sweeten & Andy Farley which may not be too far off the horizon, me and Sam have recently done tracks with Paul Maddox & Ingo and me and Jp have worked with Tara Reynolds too which is something we've wanted to do for some time.

Will you guys be sending valentines cards this year? 

JP - Quite possibly

Jukesy - That depends on the Fiance's behaviour.

Quick fire...
Favourite drink? JP - Vodka, lime & lemonade Jukesy - Ammoreto & coke Favourite food? JP - Sausage Jukesy - Curry Chips or daddy? JP - Chips Jukesy - I'm the Daddy (as from 4th Jan 2005, my little baby Grace was born) If your were to be an animal, what animal would you be? JP - Camel Jukesy - Woolly mammoth Vinyl or CD? JP - Vinyl all the way........ Jukesy - Both !!! Cd's are very useful for the upfront material though! We would like to thank the boys for taking the time out to answer a few questions for us here at ClubTheWorld & we would also like to congratulate Jukesy on the birth of his baby daughter, Grace.

We would also like to wish the lads well for the future & hope their debut at Toxik blows the roof off.

Interview by @Lisa
By Lisa in Interviews ·

Interview with El Greko

We at ClubTheWorld got together with Toxik resident El Greko & asked him a few questions.  With a few promotions behind him, this young man is certainly going places.

Hi El Greko, you have a few residencies under your belt now, Toxik being one of them. Are you looking forward to playing at The Embrace this month & is there any particular dj playing you would like to see?

Yes I'm really excited about Toxik, the debut event was really something special and had the whole clubbing community talking about it. It won Mixmag Club of the Month, which was fantastic and by all accounts the Embrace is going to be even more spectacular!! So you bet I'm looking forward to it.

As for DJs, I'm looking forward to Phil Reynolds' set, he never fails to impress me, and of course Ed Real closing the night out as only he can.

I'm also looking forward to catching JP & Jukesy the latest addition to the Toxik stable of DJs. I think people are gonna be blown away when they see these guys in action, also not forgetting Donna Birt & Zana Mills, playing back to back for the 1st time. Expect the floor to be heaving when the girls get going.

Hell, the whole line up is pure class, hand picked to bring the very best in music, we've got the trance room headlined by none other than Mr Wildchild himself Reece Elliot and the hardcore room too with Strange Dave.

It's not a case of which DJ I'm looking forward to seeing it's more how can I manage to see them all.

What first got you into mixing & why hard dance?

I first got into mixing back in the late 80s during the original rave era. I've always loved music and I found something spellbinding watching DJs mix records together creating new sounds and music. I bought my first set of decks in 1989 and was instantly hooked.

The Hard Dance didn't come about until much later. Over the years my musical tastes progressed and I really got into the harder stuff in the late 90s, I loved the energy in the early music and with the emergence of the Hard Trance sound shortly afterwards I was hooked. The combination of hard driving beats and the euphoric uplifting melody lines really has a powerful effect and although I like, and listen to lots of types of music nothing gets my blood pumping like Hard Dance.

Who would you say has been the biggest influence on you & your style you play?

Well my DJing goes back a long way and I've had many influences in that time. In terms of Hard Dance it has to be Tony De Vit, he was a true pioneer of the hard sound and I'd say even to this day his music attracts many new people into the scene. You'd be amazed how often I get asked for tune id's of Tony's music even nowadays. He really created some masterpieces which have stood the test of time.

Following on from Tony I really respect and admire people like Phil Reynolds, Andy Farley, BK and Nick Sentience who took up the baton and pushed forward the hard sound everyone takes for granted these days, the scene would be nothing like it is today without these guys.

More recently a major influence for me has been scratch DJs like Sy, and of course the God like Q-bert. Since I've been incorporating more and more scratching in my sets I find it's the energy these guys can inject into the music with their scratching skills that never fails to impress me. I've found myself spending more and more time scratching as a consequence.

You played main stage Camden Palace before it closed it's doors to the HH events, how was this experience?

In a word unforgettable. The palace just had so much history behind it. It's the place where many people had their first experience of clubbing and over the years pretty much every DJ worth his salt had played there, so being on that main stage was a phenomenal experience. Luckily Koko as it's now known, has let a couple of Hard events be put on there recently, so who knows maybe I'll get a chance to play there again some day. Although it will always be the "Camden Palace" for me 😉

Who would you say is you favourite producer & DJ?

At the moment Barry Diston and Greg Brookman are my 2 favourite producers. I recently had the pleasure of sitting in with Greg in the studio and I must say the guy is pure genius, his production is faultless and his music is inspiring . Watch out for massive things from him.

As for Barry his tunes just seem to get better and better, I've been very impressed especially with some of his recent offerings and I have quite a collection of his music building up.

DJ wise for pure technical ability I've got to say Eddie Halliwell is a joy to watch. It's no fluke the guy has risen to stardom in such a short space of time, Quality

How would you describe your perfect evening to be in a club? do you prefer it to be full on from word go or are you a believer in a night progressing from a great warm up?

I think it all depends on the crowd. If it's early but the club is busy and the crowd are up for it I don't see anything wrong with kicking things off there and then, upping the pace and getting things moving. Alternatively I don't see anything wrong with holding things up a bit if the crowd haven't found their dancing feet yet or the club is taking a while to fill.

It's the DJs job to gauge the mood and energy of the floor and play accordingly. My perfect evening would be one where the music is tailored to the people and the energy on the night.

When your not out playing the clubs or mixing at home, what do you usually do in your past time/hobbies?

I have a very demanding day job which keeps me really busy, that coupled with a hectic DJing schedule doesn't really give me much free time unfortunately. I like to get into the gym as often as possible it's a great way to burn off stress, apart from that if I do get any time off I like to chill out at home with a good DVD and rest up.

What's the most memorable DJing / Clubbing moment you have had so far?

Now that's a very hard question, I've been lucky enough to play some amazing places over the years. I think I would have to say my recent success has been most memorable though (and no not because it's more recent 🙂 ).

I stopped DJing in 1997 due to work commitments and was no longer able to handle the pace of my job and my DJing career, so when I started DJing again in 2001 I honestly only expected to play the odd small gig here and there, so when things started to happen for me it was taken aback really. I'd have to say playing the main room at the Ministry of Sound was probably THE moment. It was one club I'd always wanted to play back in the day, and although I played the 2nd room a couple of times I never had a shot on the main rig, so to get that opportunity last year was really special for me.

Who would you most like to go B2B with?

I guess that would be Eddie Halliwell. Give us plenty of decks plenty of CDJs, an effects unit and let us rip the floor up 🙂

Can you tell us about your best & worst dj moments you have had?

As I mentioned playing Ministry of Sound main room was a great experience. Also my Frantic debut at Camden Palace was an unforgettable night. More recently I have to say the Toxik launch party was something really special. The level of production that went into that night was remarkable, and it's all set to happen again on the 18th of Feb, miss it at your peril.

As for worst moments, obviously there's the customary dodgy needles - dodgy decks - dodgy mixer - dodgy monitors etc. but one really bizarre incident was when a 1210 deck got stuck in 33rpm. You'd push 45 and it would jump back to 33 on its own, plus it was a 3 hour set. Very weird and not in the least enjoyable.

greko is an unusual name, is it your & if not where did it come from?

El Greko comes from the famous Greek painter who lived in Spain. His real name was unpronounceable to the locals so he was dubbed "El Greco" (The Greek) as a nickname. When I first started DJing I had a Spanish friend who always used to call me El Greko so when I was stuck thinking of a DJ name he suggested I use it, I thought it was quite appropriate as my full Greek name is also unpronounceable to most so I used it and it stuck.

re do you see yourself in later years & what do you hope the future holds for you?

Well when I unpacked my decks 3 years ago I would have been happy to play a few gigs here and there, but recently things have just gone crazy.

I was lucky enough to pick up 4 residencies last year and have recently started getting bookings outside of London and from further and further afield, so who knows where things could lead. I definitely want to get more into the production side of things that's for sure, but finding the time can be tough.  Really the way things have been going recently I daren't speculate, all I know is I'm enjoying the ride.

Beer or spirit? 

Fav food?


cds or vinyl?
No Preference. They both have their Pros and Cons

breast or leg breast man......
Oh wait are we talking chickens here?? 🙂

All at ClubTheWorld would like to say thanks very much to El Greko for taking the time out to answer a few questions for us & we would like to wish him luck for Toxik The Embrace & the future.
By Lisa in Interviews ·

Interview with DJ Kutski

On Dec 18th 2004, the mighty Midlands Hardhouse night Storm takes on Religion in a face 2 face battle of the highest order. A fantastic array of DJ's will be gracing the hallowed Emporium decks on the night, one of which is future scratch hero - Kutski. Here we have an exclusive interview with Kutski on how he is preparing for his debut at Storm!
So Kutski, this will be your debut set for Storm. What are you most looking forward to about this gig?
I have actually played for Storm before, years ago now like!! A night I work with in North Wales called Elevate were hosting the back room, and it was absolutely rocking!! If the crowd are as open minded and up for it as they where back then, it's gonna be one hell of a night!!
There is a lot of buzz about you in the clubbing community at the minute. What do you think sets you aside from every other DJ?
Cheers!! Obviously there is the whole scratching/turntablist thing, but I'd also like to think it may be because I play quite different to a lot of the other hard dance DJ's at the moment. I play a lot of underground stuff that some peeps seem to have over looked. Big name jocks play the big name tracks, and as they get them first you can't compete with that, so I'm just doing my own thing, and people seem to be into it!!
Are you working on any production presently or focusing more on the Djing for now?
I've done quite a bit of production this year working with some wicked producers, such as Roosta, Warp Brothers and Hip Hop/Break stuff with SPX. I'm still plugging away with the DJ'ing though, and sending out mix tapes to get my sound heard as always!

You already have some great gigs on the horizon for 2005. Where would you like to see yourself in 12 months from now?

I'm not sure really! I'm just enjoying things at the moment and you never know what opportunity is round the next corner! I've had some really good stuff this year that I'd never of dreamt of this time last year, so I'll just take things as they come and try to build momentum with what I'm doing!

Are there any key tracks that are setting dancefloors alight for you right now that the Storm troopers can look forward to hearing?

I've been playing a lot of European stuff recently, but at Storm I'll get a chance to play the UK stuff that's kicking it for me at the moment. I won't give too much away, but expect some of my new stuff, some fresh stuff from camp honey pot and a few cheeky bootlegs to boot!!

Who has been your inspiration as a DJ or artist?

Within hard dance, people like Bunter and Doe really, because they are awesome dj's/producers, they've always done what they believe in as opposed to just following current tends, and they're genuine, nice people!! More generally, DJ's Shadow, Z-Trip, Yoda, Hype, all give you something to think about when you hear them!

Well thanks for this interview Kutski, we look forward to hearing you on the 18th!!

Wicked! Thanks for taking the time to catch up with me! I'll look forward to seeing you all on the night!!

Full Details

Sat Dec 18th @ The Emporium: Storm v Religion, Bionic & Breathe.

Storm Arena
Andy Farley Andy Whitby (Nukleuz Album Tour) Alex Calver Kutski JP & Jukesy Daley Garbo Religion, Bionic & Breathe Arena
Uberdruck & DJ Crow Cally & Juice Brian M Frisky Tim Hidgem Will Gold Curis Rolph 9pm - 6am, £12.50 Tickets, £15 Door. Info: 08712200097
Andy Bagguley
By Andy Bagguley in Interviews ·

Interview with Andy Bagguley

Andy, you're playing the WiLDCHiLD 2nd Birthday event on 27th November, when they go head to head with Frantic at the legendary SeOne complex for what can only be described as 'The Power & The Glory'. Are you ready to take on the Hard House heads with some mighty trance!?
Oh yes. I'm really looking forward to this as its always a great event when 2 awesome nights such as these battle it out. The vibe from both club nights shines through and this is really reflected well by both the DJ's and the clubbers!
What can we expect from you at the event and what belters can we keep an ear out for?
I play a variety of styles of Trance but as we are taking on the Frantic boys & girls this time, I will be hammering out some proper "Power Trance" as I like to call it. Tunes that make you think "Oh My God" as it builds and kicks in!! I have a few monster tracks simmering away in my box just waiting to get unleashed on an unsuspecting crowd!!
You've recently taken over the reins at Midlands trance institution, Passion. Can you tell us how things are going there and where we can expect you to take the promotion in the future?
Yeah it has been a massive career step for me to take over all the promotions at Passion. I have been a regular clubber then DJ at Passion since the beginning in 1995 so this really is a dream job for me now. There is certainly a lot to do, but we are endeavouring to build a better future for clubbers in Coalville and the surrounding areas. Competition is really hotting up for 2005 in the Midlands club scene so we have to pull out all the stops now to get on top early.
We understand you're partner in crime for the running of Passion is none other than fellow Passion resident, Marc West.  What's your relationship like with Marc and are you both on the same wavelength with regard to what you want to do with Passion?
Myself and Marc have been close friends for a number of years and it shows on our working relationship. We are both ex-military as well so we have a very similar sense of humour. We have a great laugh everyday and are definitely on the same wavelength when it comes to the future of the club and where we want to take the brand in 2005.
So far, what's been your biggest challenge with running the Passion brand?
There is so much work involved in running a weekly club night as we are now finding out and we started at probably the worst time of year as we have so many big nights approaching with Xmas, NYE and the Passion 10th B'day in early 2005. There hasn't been any massive hiccups for us just yet (touch wood!!), but we are preparing all the time for problems arising as we go.
Looks like you've also been busy on the production front, with an exclusive Andy Bagguley mix of 'Relentless', a track by none other than JFK and Mike Koglin which is being caned on Radio 1.  Can you tell us about the track and whether we can expect to hear it at 'The Power & The Glory on 27th November?
This was a great step for me as a producer when JFK & Mike asked me to do this. I had a deadline to meet so I threw everything I could at it. I'm pretty happy with the outcome as it was my first solo remix and it has received great feedback from many people. I have obviously been caning it and its great to see a crowd go mad from something I have created!! It may well sneak into my set at SeOne.
What else has been happening in the studio and can we look forward to hearing some new material being given a rinse @ SeOne?
Myself and my label partner Genix have recently finished a remix of Matt Darey's Liberation 2004 soon to be released on Darey Products. Our mix has had great feedback from many DJ's and I have exposed the Passion masses to it several times to great response! I'm working on a few other projects at the minute including a couple of solo tracks, a remix and some collaboration work. Hopefully I will have some super-exclusive Bagguley Trance to hammer out on 27th Nov!!
Your label 'Trance Revolution Recordings' is going from strength to strength.  What's the next release, who's remixed it & please give the readers some top reasons ass to why you think your label can really break through this year? 
Well we have just released our 4th tune which was Alaska by Whirlpool & Octagen. We had great DJ support on this from Tiesto, Armin, Ferry Corsten, Hardwick and loads more. The next release being promo'd now is a double 'a' side by Aerodrome. There are 2 awesome Trance tracks which look set to get great support again. As for 2005, we have so many great tracks lined up to release. The key thing about TRR is that all the tracks we sign, have already been tested on dancefloors by myself and label partner Genix. Thus we know they are gonna work well! Keep an eye on the website for updated news all the time: http://www.tr-recordings.co.uk/
You've recently been taken on by 'Bigger Better Louder' the new trance agency on the block, which also boasts the talents of former Passion head honcho, JFK, Wildchild ressie Reece Elliot and Brisky.  What attracted you to working with the BBL team and have been the benefits so far??
BBL approached me at a time when I really needed some great support to push my DJing career. They offered me a great package that really suited both parties so I agreed to get onboard. BBL have a great foot in the door in the London scene and this is something I really want to attack in 2005. BBL are now providing me with the support I need to take my DJing to the next level.
As we come to the end of 2004, do you have anything special planned for NYE??
I will obviously be at Passion for NYE to see out another massively successful year at The Emporium. We have a great varied DJ line-up for NYE and the buzz is beginning to grow already. We have some great ideas of what to do with the club this year so expect the unexpected as we open 2005 in true Passion style!
After completely an action-packed 2004 which has seen you rock it for Brands such as, Passion, Wildchild, Slinky, Serious, Goodgreef, Frantic and many more what's your blueprint for success in 2005???
I'm just continuing to work hard in all aspects of my music career. I already have some very exciting gigs on the cards for 2005 up and down the UK . I am also looking at more international opportunities for next year and hope to take the Passion brand and sound to a much wider audience worldwide!
By LittleGem in Interviews ·

Interview with Ed Real

In preparation for his appearance at Extreme Euphoria at Turnmills later this month, we ask the dj who's no stranger to taking things to the max, Ed Real what's the most extreme thing he has ever done?
Are you looking forward to playing the main room at Turnmills again? How extreme are you going to be on the night?

Can I smash the place up?

What's been the most Extreme thing you've ever done?

Apart from the usual party shenanigans I suppose it's my tattoo (yes that famous Riot one) and piercing... but then again they were both done under the influence!

Is this your first time playing for Extreme Euphoria?

No, played the first one I think and a couple since. One of my favourite parties as there's a really nice mix of clubbers - both old and new! - and Turnmills rates as one of my favourite places to play in as the sound, lights and atmosphere are premier league.

We've all heard of Extreme Ironing. Do you think we should start a extreme DJing competition, and if we did what would be your entry?

Getting smashed whilst piercing the old chap mid spinback... reckon I'd stand a chance of lifting the trophy?

CDs versus decks. Many people believe that the end is sight for vinyl and traditional decks. What is your view on this?

Love em both... CD decks give you the ability to play fresh trax and manipulate them a lot more than vinyl, but the humble 12" will always have a place in the booth I reckon.

Who is your favourite producer at the moment and why?

Crikey... I like a different person each time I go record shopping... boring answer, sorry!

You play all over the country. Do you think the hard house sound and crowd differ up North to London. And if so, in what way?

The Northern crowd always dress up more and make more of their Saturday nights I think. As to the sound, it's always party time North of the Watford Gap.

What is your favourite T Shirt? Will you model it for us at Extreme Euphoria?

My favourite t-shirt says 'Jesus Saves but Ed Real Raves!'

We know you've been busy, but how has your year been thus far?

My MP3 site www.trackitdown.net launched and is the biggest site for dance MP3's out there so that's ace. BK and I have launched Riot! Recordings which is kicking it large-style and I'm playing ace parties like this - all in all 2004 in running tings! *grins*

Tell us a dirty joke

Not really my forte I'm afraid. soz 😉

We at ClubTheWorld would like to thank Ed for taking the time to speak to Spider & to wish him well for the future, many thanks !
By ClubTheWorld in Interviews ·

Interview with Phil Reynolds

How long have you been in the dance scene and what got you into it?
I've been Djing for over 8 years now. It was the love of the music that really got me into it. When I first bought decks I never imagined playing out. I seemed to pick it up quite quickly and was pretty lucky getting my break with Frantic. Being involved with such a successful night really helped my career.
Describe your style.....
Driving hard trance.
The 'Impact' label has been consistently producing quality tunes since its birth, what can we expect from it in the future?
We have just released Brookman and Coe - Panzan, which I think will be our biggest release.  It been talked about quite a bit on all the web-sites and there is a real buzz about the tune. After that, the next release will be Olly Perris and Alf Bamford, Check out the sound, which myself and Steve Blake have remixed.
You have worked with many producers, who would you like to get into the studio with and why?
Ingo has been doing some wicked stuff lately and I'm really into his sound at the moment. He is someone who I'd love to work with.
What do you feel has been your best production to date?
I'd say Instru(mental), which I co-produced with Nick Sentience. It had a big impact on my career and still remains a tune that always goes off.
I believe you have been woking on a solo album, when is this likely to be completed and can you tell us a little about it?
I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the year. The album reflects the music which I've been into since I started clubbing. There are Breakbeat, Funky house, Uplifting progressive trance tracks as well as Hard dance tracks. I'm really pleased with everything that I've done so far and the reaction I've got back from the people who have heard the tracks has been good.
You have played a few funky sets recently, is this something we are likely to see more of?
Yes it is. I've been really enjoying listening to house for a few years now. I guess the days spent at Bora Bora in Ibiza really got me into it. I've been playing house for about 10 months and have been loving it. Having been DJing for such a long time I decided one day that I wanted to try playing house as it was a genre of music that I really enjoyed. It also means that I'm not playing the same thing all the time.
Can you tell us a little about how your night Groove Factory came into being?
It's only a small event at a bar in London, but we are looking to move it to a bigger venue. Basically a group of friends got together and started throwing parties for people's birthdays. After a couple of parties we decided that we wanted to start doing it on a monthly basis. And that was the birth of Groove Factory. Our next event is at the Egg in London on September 4th. The details should be on our web-site www.groovefactory.info
You have been with Frantic since the beginning, how does it feel to be a part of something that has become this popular?
It's been a great experience to have been a part of. I would never have guessed that it would become so popular. I must admit that these days though I don't really feel a part of it.
You are playing at Hard House Academy this coming weekend which is always a popular event. What's it like to experience this event?
It's always a great experience playing in the main room. Playing to so many people is a real buzz. Unfortunately I'm playing in the house room this time round, so it's not quite the same experience.
After many gigs in the UK and abroad, where is your favourite place to play and why?
Camden Palace will always be the ultimate Djing experience. It's an amazing venue and I've had so many good nights there. It's a shame that it's closed down. Nothing else has really come close.
How do you see your career progressing and what can we expect from you in the future?
I'm hoping that I can progress further into the house scene. It's not an easy scene to break into so it's going to take time. Hopefully if I can produce some good tunes it might help. Hopefully my album will  help me to be seem more as a producer and not just as a DJ. I will also still be focusing on the harder stuff. Juggling two careers at the same time isn't going to be easy, but I'm really enjoying it and that's the main thing.
Where do you see the scene going over the next 12 months?
Who knows?? It changes all the time. Hopefully it will move back towards trance!!!!!!!
What are the top 5 tunes in your box that are rocking the dancefloor at the moment?
Matt Williams & Phil Reynolds -  The shout - Edisonfactor.net Greg Brookman - Decimator - Hotwax Brookman & Coe - Panzan - Impact MDA and Spherical - Controllin me - CDR Unknown - R7 - Tidy Your top 5 tunes of all time?
Parker & Clind - Generator Steve Morley - Reincarnation Jon Doe - Warehouse Dr Base - Don't Stop K90 - Deliverance On behalf of ClubTheWorld I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and wish you all the best for HardHouse Academy.
@Phil B
Phil B
By Phil B in Interviews ·

Interview with Billy Daniel Bunter

Daniel, you've been hard at work promoting your Tasty events, which have to be said, are some of the best events in London.  What do you feel is the most important aspect of promoting an event such as Tasty?
There is so many important factors to making an event successful, for me it is an exciting fresh line up, a breath taking production, huge sound systems, and making sure your party is attracting up for it clubbers who know they are getting value for money, and a party that is that little bit special. I also feel it's essential for me to have my fingers on the pulse through out the whole night, by being at the door when people are turning up, making sure sound systems are spot on, and dealing with people's requests, praise and complaints. I do parties because I love seeing people having a good time, same as with my dj'ing, so it's essential for me to be in the thick of it and making sure people turning up are feeling the vibe I am trying to get across.
You're taking a break for a few months, what's the reasons behind this?
Tasty is taking a little break for a few months, but as a dj and producer I remain extremely busy, every year around this time I give Tasty a rest to kick back and enjoy the summer and my music.
and can we expect to see you coming back with a bang when you return?
Oh yes - Tasty 3rd Birthday/If you have been to a Tasty, you know that night is gonna be huge!!!
Hardcore is one of the main focuses of the night, can you tell us the history of yourself and Hardcore - we believe you go back a long way?!
We go back to day dot before it was a sparkle in its mum's eye. After the ware house days, came the original hardcore sound, then that lead in to happy hardcore and Drum & Bass. I had been resident at Labrynth for 5 years, and as music started moving on I went with the happy end of the spectrum, I was fortunate to be resident at one of the countries original and most respected rave clubs, that give me the opportunity to really push the music, at first a lot of people turned their noses up at the sound, a couple of years later and a number of dj's including my self where headlining massive events around the world with a style that so many people didn't take seriously, truth of the matter was, it was fun, didn't try to be cool and clever, and really captured the spirit of the mid 90's, just like hard dance has done over the past 5 or 6 years. That was all over 10 years ago now, and the new hardcore sound has come a really long way, and the crowds it attracts are as up for it as ever.
Name one classic Hardcore record, you never leave the house without?
When I do hardcore sets, it has to be JDS Higher Love, up there as one of my all time classic dance tracks from the past 15 years of playing out.
You run the very well established and respected Honeypot label.  What have you got going on at the moment - any exciting releases coming our way?
Always loads of great stuff, Honey Pot has Jon Doe's first solo project in over 2 years, which I feel is his best work to date and is called the Sonic Expansion's EP, I then have music coming up from Roosta/Kutski/WMD/Alex Calver/Tim Vision and myself on Honey Pot subsidiary's Atomic/Subsonix/UK Hard & Xite. We cover the full spectrum of underground hard dance from the techno end to the hardcore end; I get bored with one style I have to constantly be involved with as much fresh music and the artists making it as possible.
What can we expect to see from Honeypot for the rest of 2004 and what are your future plans for the label.
The Jon Doe EP in October, followed by an awesome hard dance vocal track by Invicta & Hinsley called Reach the top, then that will be followed up by remixes of one of the biggest trance tracks of all time which I have just signed this week - Watch this space.
You have your debut at WiLDCHiLD on Bank Holiday Sunday 29th August, when they thrash it out with PaSSion and Riot! @ Heaven.  What have you heard about WiLDCHiLD and what are you most looking forward to there?
I've heard it's fucking nuts, I've been told to come prepared to go hard, or walk out the door and go home for a boring night in. I'm most looking forward to tearing the house down!!!
What can we expect to hear from you when you bang it out in the Star Bar where Riot! will be heading up the evenings activities?
A set of upfront, exclusive, having it hard dance fresh from the world of Honey Pot Recordings!!!
Will you be gracing the decks with any new production material @ WiLDCHiLD?
Loads and Loads including 2 fresh new 160 bpm bit's that me and Jon Doe have been working on, all the new honey pot's listed above, new Roosta & Kutski, as well as a few exclusive bootlegs that I have been sent this week - to name a few.
You've recently started a new night, The Edge, which you are running with London legend, Roosta.  Can you tell us a little more about it?
It's like mine and Roosta's little home where we break all our new music, and fresh styles that we are hearing, that we may not be able to drop in an hour and half peak time set at the bigger events. It's a house party atmosphere in an intimate Saturday night club, it goes off.
You certainly have a busy schedule with Honeypot, Tasty, Djing and now The Edge, so apart from a well deserved break, what's on the agenda for the rest of 2004?
Up to 6 releases a month from various artists I work with and the labels Honey Pot runs for them, 2 more Tasty events, a tour of Oz & New Zealand, 2 to 5 gigs a weekend around the country and hopefully a few days in the studio with Roosta & Jon Doe - I seriously love it, after 15 years I still live and breath music and seeing people going off at the weekend!!!
Where can people catch you next?
Hardcore Heaven/Frantic/Wildchild/The Edge/Helter Skelter/Raindance/Slammin Vinyl/Slinky to name a few.
Daniel, thanks for your time.
By LittleGem in Interviews ·

Interview with Phil B (CTW DJ)

How long have you been djing and how did you first get in to it??

I started DJing in the middle of '94. When I first got into the scene back in '92 several of my friends were bedroom DJs. Watching what they were doing interested me although at the time I had no interest in trying for myself. It wasn't until the summer of '94 that I had the inspiration to do it myself. I saw a DJ called Nipper at a Back To The Old Skool night at Maximes in Wigan, after hearing this guy play I 'felt the need' to do it myself. As I no longer saw the DJs I used to hang around with many hours were spent learning the trade by myself.

When did you first ever play out and do you remember how you felt??

My very first experience playing in a club was a warm-up spot on a Bank Holiday for a club called 'Zone' back in '96 which at the time was my local club. I played to maybe 5 people but I remember it being an extremely nerve-racking experience.

Have you always played Hardhouse/Trance or do you play any other genres?

The harder end of things only really became my main choice in music after I had been bugged into paying a visit to Sundissential North in 2000. I owe alot of where I am now to Adrian @ Townsend Records in Chorley for opening my eyes to that side of the scene! My record collection spans 14 years of dance so I have played many different styles including Old Skool piano house and Hardcore through to Bouncy House and Trance.

Who to date has been your main influence?

There has been so many over the years but I guess the one's that have made the biggest impact on me would be the likes of Mauro Picotto, BK, Nick Sentience, Phil Reynolds and in my eyes the best Hard Dance DJ on the circuit, Andy Farley.

What has been your most memorable gig?

There has probably been 3 which stand out for me.
My first 'big' gig playing Hard House @ Sundissential North in the Members Suite, it gave me the confidence in myself as a DJ and I felt I had something to offer to the scene. The second would be the first Smile Vs ClubTheWorld. I felt proud to have been chosen to represent ClubTheWorld as a DJ and it was such a great buzz to be part of what was a great night. Lastly would be playing at the Frantic Album Launch, again playing for ClubTheWorld. The night had a big excitement around it and the crowd was very 'up-for-it'. Your set to play SE1 for HCH V Frantic on Saturday, how much are you looking forward to this?

It was great to get back off my holidays to find this booking sat waiting for me! I'm quite nervous about this one being up against the 'Hardcore Massive' but I'll do my best to fight the corner of Hard House. I love the time I get behind the decks and I'm sure to be giving it some with the crowd during my set. BRING IT ON!

Where would you love to play that you haven't yet?

Hard House Academy would be a great event to play at or a festival of some kind.

Production, do you see yourself getting into this and who would you love to work with?

I've recently started to get into this side of things so I'm on the steep learning curve at present. I'd love to have the chance in the future of working with my main influences in the scene, I guess the biggest for me would be BK.

What would you say is your all time favourite tune?

I have two tunes that mean alot to me and bring back some fond memories, Joey Beltram - Energy Flash and DJ Misjah and DJ Tim - Access.

What would your ideal set be and where?

I would love to play a longer set as time seems to pass so quickly, especially when you're having fun! As for where, as long as the sound system is good and the crowd are up-for-it it could be anywhere.

Who would you love to do B2B with?

I'd like the chance to be able to play alongside a few of my friends, @Tony P, @LiamStyles and @colinromeo as B2Bs with friends can be a lot of fun. As for big names the list is massive.

Vinyl or CD?

Personally I love vinyl although CDs have alot going for them as new producers are able to get their tracks out there cheaply. I own a CD deck but at present don't have much material for it, but I hope to use it in the future for my own projects.

When I first heard your demos and saw you mix for CTW/Smile, your style was more hard uplifting trance, but of late you have gone for a much more heavier, darker, harder sound, is there a reason why?

I still buy the hard uplifting trance and mainly played that as it suited the time-slots I was being given at the time, and Hard House seemed to be going through a quiet phase. I missed playing the harder end of things and have really been enjoying the sets I've had of late as it's given me the opportunity to show the other side of my style.

Future plans?

I hope to continue to build on my reputation as a DJ in the scene and share the enjoyment I get out of DJing. I would also like to have some productions out in the future.

CTW would like to Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us.

I would just like to say a big ' Thank You ' to everyone at ClubTheWorld and to all the promotions I've played at for giving me the opportunities and support that they have. It means alot to me and appreciate it a great deal.
Phil B's DJ Profile
By Lisa in Interviews ·

Interview with Kevin Energy

Hi Kevin, many thanks for taking the time out to answer a few questions for us.
No worries

You have been DJing and producing for a few years now, can you tell us how you got into it and who has been an inspiration to you?

Sure - My first production was called 'Hardcore Fever' back in 1995. It was the cheesiest track ever and to date is still my biggest seller!
Previously to that I had always been into music from a young age with guitar, and piano lesions at school. My form room was a music room so I had access to all the instruments a lot of the time. I have taken on board inspiration from such a wide range of things. One of my main musical inspirations that helped me nurture the freeform sound was Sharkey. His ideas and perfectionist ear for music helped me keep an open ear to many things.

Nu Energy Collective, is going from strength to strength, could you give us an insight as to how you guys came together.

Well I have worked with Sharkey for years. We have both been producing our style and DJing along side each other since 1997. K complex used to pass demo's to me when I worked in Wax City Records in Croydon. The kept getting better and better so I took him to a professional studio with me to finalize a piece he had written. Sharkey took him under his wing and trained him how to mix down. He's good at taking on new people and passing on knowledge. This is how AMS came on board also. Sharkz recognized his ear for music and took him under his wing again with production training. We all work closely now keeping a good flow of
music for the labels in the Collective and for the live show alongside.
You recently played main stage Hard house Academy, with Nu Energy, what was this like as an experience & were you guys really nervous?

Lol - I think new are past being nervous - We certainly felt anxious for the equipment to work smoothly but we all battle the nerv thing by having fun instead. We knew that we ha da good show rehearsed so we couldn't wait to get up there and bust the tracks to the massive crowd. It was a great experience. The view from the stage was outstanding and almost everybody had there hands in the air on a few of the tracks.

You have played in such countries such as Australia, Canada and the US, how does the party scene in these countries compare to over here and where would you say is your favourite?

In Canada the scene is still very underground. In the french district there are some amazing illegal hard trance parties! The hardcore scene is very small but the parties always rock and there's a good sense of unity. The USA party scene has been quite as new laws restrict raves and make it hard ro promote them. Each time I've been out there it's always been rocking though. The crowd like to wear lot's of beads! Australia is awesome to pay in as the scene is quite new and full of energy - the weather is always good and it tends to make everybody happier I think. The ozzies have always liked harder edged music so we go down a treat there. I'm in the middle of putting together the very first LIVE show tour for oz as we speak.

You have produced material with lots of other people, is there anyone who you have not worked with, that you would like to?

Sure loads of people - A combination with Lab 4 would be great. I heard one of there live shows the other day and would like to combine our music. I'd like to write with Scott Brown also and Marc Smith.

You have another new label 'Synthetix', along side your other two labels, Dynamix & nu Energy. How does this label differ from the other two and what type of releases are you aiming from it?

Synthitix is very dark, bass heavy and grungy. It's an experimental sound that is very powerful. I have plans to combine Synthetx and Dynamix to a new hard dance label that will focus around the live show.

Is there anywhere you would love to play, that you haven't played yet?


What would you say was your favourite genre? to listen to and to play?

To Listen - either breaks or deep progressive. To play it has to be a mixture of hard trance and freeform as you hear from me anyway.

You due to play at SE1, for Hardcore Heaven V Frantic, how do you see this night and are you looking forward to it?

I think this night is a good idea. Combining the audiences of both styles is a great idea as they are very similar in a lot of ways. Recently we have seen them merge more and more and some of the DJ's and producers have been purposely combining aspects of both styles. I can't wait to see the way the change of music works in the main room. We have rehearsed our live show so that it will please both the ravers and clubbers. Bring it on.

What would you say has been the highlight of your career so far?

Just being where I am today and getting the 'Collection' to the stage that it can help all of it's artists gain recondition.

What tips would you give to up & coming DJ's and Producers?

Have patience in your career - have confidence in your talents - help others and they will help you.

When your not out and about dj'ing, doing live PA's or producing, what do you do to chill out, wind down?

Cook - eat - smoke - there's no time for anything else!! Lol

Thanks for your time Kev and CTW would like to wish you all the best for the future and for HCH, see you on the dance floor. Lisa.

Superb - thanks for the questions.
By Lisa in Interviews ·

Interview with Matt Hardwick

For those who may not know what you, could you describe the style that you play?
I would say that it ranges from deep progressive house to driving Trance. It all depends on the time of night and the length of set. I prefer to play longer sets where I can go through different genres and experiment a little more.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Playing in front of 28000 people in one arena on NYE 1999 at the Don Valley Stadium in Sheffield.

What are your Top 5 tunes at the moment?
Li Kwan- Point Zero- A+N Mix City of Alanis- Unknown Matt Hardwick vs Smith and Pledger- Unknown Activa vs Aled Mann- ATN- Miss a Day What music do you listen to at home, and do you play anything other than Trance out?
As I said, I do try and experiment with my sound when Im out but when Im at home I try and listen to music other than what i play out. I love Keene at the moment and Snow Patrol are great. I also like listening to Hip Hop- Jay Zee etc.
Trance has been around for a good while now, lots of people predicted its death after '98-99. Why do you think it's survived?
It did die....it became so big as a genre that it could not survive as it was. But out of this death came a new sound - one that has evolved and has a greater connection with more underground elements. The fact that there are so many talented producers out there is spurring this evolution and keeping the scene exciting.
How has your style changed over the years, and is it still changing?
I started playing just progressive trance and deep/trobal house. My sound changed as my role in the scene changed. As I started to play more peak time/ headline slots I needed more diversity in my sound and more energy. I developed the more uplifting end of my sound but was always conscious to keep in touch with my routes.
Would you like to play back2back with an another DJ, if so who would that be?
Im quite a focussed person when I play so I dont really like doing the back 2 back thing. You tend to set off playing in one direction for 2 records then the other DJ goes in another direction, so as a concept it tends to sound abit messy. I have only really done it with Scott Bond at Gatecrasher where we do it for the crowd and for a bit of fun but if we were both given the choice I think we would go it alone.
Which club is your favourite to play at and why?
At the moment- it would have to be either Inside out in Glasgow for the sheer underground feel and amazing energy in the main arch or Promise in Newcastle because of the support I have up there and the fact that I have an amazing night there everytime.
What is your most memorable gig?
NYE 1999 - Don Valley Stadium - Sheffield
Following your very successful productions; Day One, and more recently Connected, what can we expect from you in the coming months?
Im am currently working on a cover of a relatively unknown track by a massive international artist but I'd rather not say anymore about this for the time being. Also, We are currently working on the third Matt Hardwick vs Smith and Pledger single.
When did you first start Djing, and how did that come about?
I had no aspirations to become a DJ. I just used to go to clubs in Sheffield and accompany my mates up to various pirate radio stations that they played at in sheffield- around 1991. I used to have the odd mix and then decided to get my own decks to give it a try. Eventually I got my own pirate radio show and then gradually started to get DJ bookings...
How often and for how long did you practice Djing?
I used to spend 10 hours at a time, now it is more about the sourcing of tracks- this takes alot of time.
Where was your first gig?
A night called Trash in Sheffield. It was a Wednesday night and I filled in for Danny rampling who couldnt make it. Seb Fontaine also played on that night.
What advice can you give to any aspiring DJs and Producers?
Get in the studio and make records...its the only way to break into the scene.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learnt so far during your career?
It's a very cut throat industry, so I guess it would be to always watch my back and never 100% trust anyone ( I wont go into any further detail)
How long do you think it will take for Vinyl to be completely phased out of club land, given that the Pioneer CDJ's are very quickly becoming the standard for CD mixing in venues.
By the middle of next year I wont be playing vinyl - it's happening that quickly. I play about 25% of my set on vinyl now.
Paul Van Dyk uses Stantons Final Scratch at many of his gigs.  Have you ever used it and do you think it has the potential to become the standard over Pioneer CDJ's?
Never say never, but I perhaps think that the use of lap tops could push us down the road of a pre programmed performance and would have the potential to take away the live element of DJing. PVD used the final scratch software creatively and his performances are amazing and innovative. However, I suspect that others would abuse the facility.
What is your pet hate?
The lack of respect and consideration airlines have for my luggage (records). When a major airline lost mine recently they just didn't seem to care. I did get them back but not until 1 week later and with no form of apology or compensation!
You used to play professionally for Sheffield Wednesday, do you still support them?  If not which football team do you support and why?
Nooooooooo, I support Sheffield United and always did.
ClubTheWorld would like to thank Sarah & Aaron for making the interview possible, as well as thank Matt for his time
By Aaron in Interviews ·

Interview with Jon Rundell

You recently left your position as Label Manager at world renowned distributor, 'Amato' to work on new projects.  Being such a well respected figure there, how did you feel leaving and are you glad you made the change?
"I was sad to leave, I really enjoyed my work there and worked on some really exciting big projects. I have nothing but respect for Mario, he taught me so much and was a really good boss to work for, but the time came for me to move on and do my own thing in the big wide world and concentrate on things I always wanted to do but didn't have the time to."
Can you tell us anything about the new projects you are involved in or is it all top secret stuff?!
"I'm currently working on www.trackitdown.net , it's an MP3 download community website for underground dance music and we have some really good artists and labels already on board, we are very excited buy its potential and for me it's step towards the future we have all been waiting for, we go live on the 1st July so check it out!
We have some hot exclusive tracks (never to be available anywhere else) from the likes of Nick Sentience and some wicked exclusive mixes from Chris Liberator, Darren Tate and Paul Glazby, Tayo and Trouble on Vinyl  just for starters!
I have also been working on some new tracks, one with Gem 😉 , two more with Maddox and loads of new proper techno tackle along the lines of Bailey and co."
You're now part of the 'Mainline Music' stable, which also plays host to acts such as K90, Organ Donors, Mike Koglin and DJ Energy-Dai.  How does it feel to be part of the growing success of this booking agency?
"It's feels great, to be taken seriously with what you do is everybody's goal. To be part of a professional set up enhances that and Sam has had so many years experience in dealing in this area, his advice and guidance has become an integral part of what I do."
Where has being on the agency taken you this year, in terms of clubs you have played at?
"It's taken me further a field into more foreign territories, something I've always wanted to do is experience different cultures through my music. It has also enhanced relationships with the heavyweight promoters in England and as well as playing the traditional harder clubs we have been gaining good success in some of the mainstream clubs in the country."
How long have you been playing and what was it that inspired you to get into it?
"I've been playing for nearly 10 years now, 4 years in clubs. I first started by scratching a Vanilla Ice record on my Dad's deck because it annoyed me. Then I used to sit and listen to Pete Tong on a Friday night when I was 15 and discovered old skool and Carl Cox. A year later I bought my first set of decks and still to this day the big man is my inspiration."
How hard has it been to get where you are today and what advice would you give to people wanting to get into the industry?
"Incredibly hard, in a world where so many people out there can beat mix its essential to make yourself heard and make yourself different from the crowd. It's why I have always strived to not play the same records the other hundreds of DJ's out there are. The hardest thing I found is people taking you seriously and putting a value on what you do. My only advice to people is to believe in yourself, be individual, take your time, think long term and not go for short term gains, they can often damage your development and to remain determined while it seems nothing is going your way, the good always out's."
You've had tracks released on label greats such as Tidy and Nukleuz.  Do you have anything in the pipeline on the production front for 2004?
"I have been working on some new tracks, one with Little Gem ;-), two more with Maddox and loads of new proper techno tackle along the lines of Bailey and co."
How important do you think production is a DJ's career? Do you feel production is just as important as Djing or do they just go hand in hand?
"In some genres like techno its essential, its your business card to let people outside the UK know who you are and what your about. These days' production and Djing go hand in hand with each other. Its important to hone your skills in each, and again not to rush, a good record is a good record regardless of the year or month it is released."
You're playing your first Wildchild event on Friday 2nd July when they go head to head with Goodgreef at their 'North Meets South Soundclash'.  Can you tell us a little about your style and what we can expect to see from you there?
"I'm heavily championing the digital revolution and the funky techno vibe. Expect to see fast hands with big use of the mixer and effects on the CDJ's ! And of course lots of smiles ;-)"
Will you be roadtesting any new material at Wildchild?
"Ill be dropping as many of the new tracks I've been working on as possible to see if they need any more work on them, hopefully they wont!"
What's on the agenda for the rest of 2004?
"To continue to push the digital boundaries, take the MP3 vibe to as many places around the world as possible, keep pushing the productions and the DJing as far as technology allows me and to generally enjoy myself."
By James in Interviews ·

Interview with JP & Jukesy

Jon-Paul Montgomery and Adam Jukes, AKA JP & Jukesy, are lucky boys. Just four years ago, the pair were just another couple of up-for-it lads in the Midlands hard house bastion that is Birmingham. Having sampled the delights of dancefloors from a clubbers point of view, the boys decided to see whether they could deliver their own brand of Hard House to the masses, and took on the DJing mantra. Now, after some amazing sets at Insomniacz, Housewives Choice and Sundissential North, the boys are continuing their assault on the hard dance arena with their stunning tracks How I Feel and H-bomb to be released on Passion Records in April. We caught up with the DJing duo already being described as the next big thing, to pick their brains over life, clubs and dinner ladies.
Describe your DJing style to us

JP & JUKESY - We tend to play stuff towards the harder end of the spectrum, anything with loads of energy always gets a play. We also drop in some techno now and again and also love to drop in some different stuff in the Base Graffiti - Defective Audio style. (Dom Sweeten). We are also hard at work at creating our own sound with our first 2 tracks being released on Passion Presents 2 at the end of May. How i feel & H-bomb will be the start of our production career and we already have some collaborations planned with other artists as a follow up, watch this space...........
What benefits have you found from DJing as a duo?

JP - Because we both have completely different styles of mixing our set always is a little bit different, we both like different producers and styles so our set is quite versatile making us hopefully quite unique.
JUKESY - I agree with JP, we are very different in style but also compliment each other very well. I also think playing as a duo gives us more time in the set to pay attention to the clubbers. If we play 1 1/2 sets we normally have two mixes on then two off so when JP is in the mix I tend to speak to people who come up to the DJ box. I also enjoy playing up to the crowd, I'll have a scout around the dancefloor and pick up people who are concentrating on us then maybe make a gesture to them like a clap or just mouth "What a tune" to them. What's great is the reaction you get back from them. We both buzz off the crowd as much as the music and they buzz of us that's what its about, well it is for us anyway.
How has your life changed in the last 12 months or so?

JP - It's become more hectic, There's still a lot more room to get even more hectic though :-). Sunday School supported us from the start which is where we got our first residency and from then on we have kept our heads down and done a lot of hard work. We have spent a lot of time building our reputation in what we call our hometown of Birmingham. Its taken us a good ten months to get to the stage where we can now play out further a field and we now have 9 residencies and are represented by 4 DJ agencies on a non exclusive basis as we still like to have control of our own bookings.
JUKESY - Following on from what JP has said - We now have a solid base to continue growing and have bookings for Sundissential North, Syn:ergy Vs Insomniacz, Insomniacz Sheffield and Leicester, Housewives Choice and Bosh to name just a few.
JUKESY - To go from clubbers to DJ's is really exciting for both of us as we used to have it on the dancefloor to the likes of Farley and Glazby (we still do) but we now also have the privilege to play alongside the same people as DJ's. When Afterssential first started in 2002 at Subway city we were given a residency and we played the 2nd week after it opened and took over from Farley that for me is such an achievement in itself and I'll take that memory to the grave with me (hopefully not for a while though).
What has the reaction been like toward your tunes?

JP & JUKESY - How I feel and H-bomb are our first steps in the production side of things and both are very different and reflect the style that we are looking for perfectly. How I feel is a slab of hardhouse with a huge hoover breakdown and out of the two this one has received the most feedback and excitement.
JUKESY - H-bomb is my personal favourite. It goes a lot deeper, dirtier and harder than how I feel. The percussion in it is thunderous on a loud system and again there is a significant input from the mighty hoover. It has taken people a little more time to come around to liking this as how I feel was an instant hit but I think people have come around to our way of thinking. When we play it out in clubs it is received very well and there are always a few people asking for a copy. Both tracks will be released on Passion Presents 2 at the end of May and I know there are already quite a few pre-orders at Passion Records. So its all looking good. DJ Support has come from Ian M, Mark Leish, Nik Denton, Testube Babies, Paul Janes Strange Dave and Daley.
What are your opinions on other hard house DJing duos, such as the Stimulants, Jez & Charlie and Tidy Boys?
JP & JUKESY - We have the utmost respect for all the Dj's on the circuit. The stimulant Dj's have been around for years and are now both massive in the Hard House scene as well as huge on the hardcore scene so this proves that these boys are really tuned into what they are doing as well as running a very strong label.
JP & JUKESY - The tidy boys do what they do very good, mixing is always tight and run a very good and successful label.
JP & JUKESY - Jez & Charile for me are going to be huge very very soon, they always play wicked sets and their set s are always different. You don't know quite what to expect to hear for them, may it be full on hard house, trance or techno. I really admire these boys and I'm sure they will be around for a long time to come.
Where do you see yourself in 12 months?

JP & JUKESY - We need to have goals and I would like to say that we would be Sundissential & Insomniacz Residents in 12 months time, haha. That is what we are aiming for anyway and it has been our dream since we started clubbing at Sundissential Hq when it was at Pulse Night-club and also Insomniacz when it was at Uropa and the Corporation. Obviously we would like to crack London with clubs like Frantic and Riot on our agenda. Ibiza is another little gem we would like to crack, we had a taster of playing out there when we played for Sundissential at Inox in the summer of 2002. Strange Dave and Dangle were supposed to play but there had been a mix up with their flights and we happened to be in the right place at the right time and had taken a bag of records over just in case and ended up playing an hour at peak time, It was a magical moment for both of us. We would also like to have a few more tracks released on various labels, it would be such and achievement for us to have a track released on Vicious Circle for example, we would also like to do a couple of collaborations with other DJ's.
Did you ever fancy your dinner lady?

JP - No, I never had that urge. Why did you Matt?? haha
JUKESY - No, their uniform didn't really do it for me. Sorry
If you could make the sky any colour, what colour and why?

JP - Red & Yellow, to reflect SS of course!!
JUKESY - I wouldn't change it. Blue is my favourite colour so there would be no need 🙂
Wub Wub
By Wub Wub in Interviews ·

Interview with Ed Real

Where and when was the best crowd u have ever played too? 
Blimey! What a question... I think that the best crowds are those overseas simply because they don't get a lot of UK DJ's in places like New Zealand, South Africa and Japan. They know all about the music and are so enthusiastic it's sometimes embarassing as you realise just how spoilt we are here in the UK.
Have you ever played a bad set due to anything going wrong? What happened?
Umm, the worst situation happened in Bristol last year. Someone handed me a drink that had been 'doctored'. I ended up pretty much passing out and had to be carried from the club completely out of my mind! Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy! hahahaha
How do you feel when u see the crowd go wild to yr tunes?
You feel ten foot tall. It truly is the best high and when you finish you're grinning from ear to ear - and if you're not then you should retire!
What's yr favourite club to play in? 
I run a party called Riot! at The End in London and because I work really hard to make it the best event in the UK (Mixmag approved!), when I step up to the decks and there's nearly a 1000 people going crazy (on a Sunday afternoon!) it's the culmination of a month's blood, sweat and tears and it's the best. That's job satisfaction!
What other music do you like? 
good music! 
What hobbies do you have? 
ummm, promoting is my hobby! I know that it sounds daft but I work a full week running Nukleuz Records, the number one 12" selling label on the planet, DJ two - four times every weekend and so there's not a lot of time to do anything outside of music! Riot! is my baby and a labour of love. It's been hard work but after two years we have been voted Number One club in the UK by Mixmag so it's a hobby that's totally rewarding!
What do you spend all your money on? 
Money? I do this for love baby... 
What model were yr first ever set of decks? 
My very very first pair of decks were a disco console that a mate gave me in 1991 when I was 15! With no crossfader or pitch-control they didn't last long! moved on to soundlabs and then took the plunge to buy technics about 8 years ago...
Whats your favourite tune on rotation at the moment? 
Got a bootleg of Eminem in a German stylee that features the breakdown from Moby 'Go'. It's bonkers!
Which DJ would u most like to play B2B with? 
I'd like to battle Carl Cox 'cos we've both got the funk are really pro-active in our mixing style. There's no standing around!
If you could choose any place in the world to DJ...which would you choose? 
I still really want to play in South America and I'm making enquiries... hopefully won't be long!
How does it feel to have gone from a small weekly night to a monthly voted number one in the country by Mixmag? (Riot! that is) 
It feels immensely satisfying. Promoting is the hardest game, especially in London! In two years there has been a lot of hard work put in by me and the team and to become the best club in the UK in Mixmag was a dream come true. I must admit I had a lump in my throat when I saw it...
How important does he think House music is in HH clubs? 
Variety is the spice of life! I would play drum and bass in my club if I could! Funky house works really well, it draws a different type of clubber into the party and offers an alternative. Clubs that play hardhouse in two or three different rooms need their heads checking and there's so much good music out there - experiment!
Who do you see as the future of Hard dance music? 
The future of hard dance are the people on the dancefloor. It's the job of promoters, producers and especially DJ's to inspire the people on the 'floor and make them want to get up and say 'i want to do that!' Everyone in the industry has a responsibility to spread the love...
Did you ever fancy your teacher at school? 
hahahaha - i used to fancy the dinner lady 'cos she used to give me second helpings!
If you could change the colour of the sky what colour would you change it to? 
I'd just want to keep it blue all the time - not grey and shitty like today!
All time 3 favourite tunes? 
Stutter Rap - Morris Minor & The Majors / Startrekkin' / The Wizard - Paul Hardcastle
Do you prefer Steps or Abba? 
Abba - the source is always purest.
Most random object ever given to you in a club? 
Not sure, quite a few times I'd end up swapping my t-shirt with someone else who had a design I was particularly partial to! hahaha
If you could rename purple what would you rename it as? 
By SarahPVC in Interviews ·
Clubbing the world together ...