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Your bone-crushing hoover Hard House track BHE with Nu Energy Collective's A.M.S. recently appeared on the group's Live at Frantic CD. How did you feel when you found out?

I'm really chuffed! It was a pleasant surprise when A.M.S told me that our track was going to appear on their Live at Frantic CD.  Hopefully the first of many! ;o)

Why is the track called BHE? Were you in a particularly bad mood when you made the track cos it's f*king fierce!

I am unable disclose what B.H.E. actually stands for as it's a private joke between myself and A.M.S. Sorry!  As for it being fierce, we just decided we both wanted to write a hard house track with hoovers. That's how B.H.E was born

Any plans for a full release? How come the unmixed version was only 4 or so minutes long?

Not sure why the unmixed version was only 4 minutes long, perhaps we should ask Nu Energy Collective? :op

B.H.E should be released pretty soon on the Nu Energy Collective label. Our second Hard House track Taking The Rise has also just been signed to the same label.  You will hear it being played either by myself or the Nu Energy Collective PA, so keep your ears out!

Aside from your DJing and production you work in IT. Who do you work for and how did you get involved in it?

My Career in IT started 9 years ago, in a small little company Called Reed Publishing!  Doesn't time fly by when you're having fun 🐵

I currently run my own business providing I.T. support and I.T. solutions.  Clients include: Frantic, Wildchild and Nu Energy Collective and also many other small to medium size businesses.

This Saturday 22nd October sees you playing at Hard House Academy's 5th Birthday at Brixton Academy in London. You will be playing in the Foyer for the first time I take it? What have been some of your best experiences in the Foyer?

I know I'm really looking forward to my debut!  For me HHA has always been about the Foyer, don't get me wrong the main room is wicked. It's  just the Foyer for me has that special vibe which I enjoy.

One of my best memories from the Foyer was when my good friend Latex Zebra played there.  He was originally booked to play upstairs in the corridor, when he finished his set Dickon grabbed him and dragged  him to the foyer to fill in for a DJ that didn't turn up, You could see his grin from ear to ear!

What kind of gear will you be serving up on the night? Are there any tunes that you are particularly excited about dropping?

I am playing early so I will be sticking to the warm up style hard house nice and chunky and maybe a little funky to get the crowd warmed up for the prime time acts!

Who else on the line-up are you excited about seeing? There's some very special sets indeed

Lab4 of course! James Moss, Steve Maynard and Seany Sean Vs Gordon Darley all spring to mind.

What have been your most enjoyable gigs this year?

Two sets stick out for me

  1. Main stage @ Timeless b2b with Garbo
  2. Future b2b with Seany Sean

Tell us about your promotion, Paradoxx

It's a London based promotion which has been going for nearly a year now! I run the party with other London DJs with the same passion for music and clubs as I do! We try and create that wicked small party atmosphere, Recently we have been also running Thursday nights, afterparties and the quarterly party, the next one being our 1st Birthday @ Deep Blue on 28th Oct, why not come and check it out (Plug!!!) 

And finally, what's the best set you've seen all year?

Hmmm that's a tough one - Probably Nu Energy Collective PA @ Frantic 8th Birthday the reason being not only are they a wicked PA they also played both my tunes in their set! Rock on!

Interview by Benz

Clubbing the world together ...