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  • LiamStyles

    image.pngDuring the Build up to Lashed at the SEOne Club, ClubTheWorld caught up with Tara Reynolds to find out about her views on female DJ's and her plans for the rest of the year.  We asked Tara Reynolds the following questions ...

    What do you personally think of the whole "girls vs boys" thing? is it just a bit of banter, or do you think some people are still stuck in the stoneage?

    I think it's an out-of-date attitude. Back when female DJs were a novelty (not that long ago I might add) I can understand why people did the whole girls vs. boys thing, but with the wave of female DJs making their mark and new talent coming through, the number of male and female DJs is starting to balance out which takes away the novelty aspect of female DJs. We'll know when female DJs aren't a novelty any more when a promoter does a line-up consisting only of female DJs but doesn't give it a special mention on their flyer. I think its quite harmless though and no doubt will continue on many a flyer...

    What are you looking forward to most at the Lashed event coming up at the SEOne club? 

    Being a part of such a huge-name event, plus SE1 is a great venue and also the chance to catch up with my London friends and clubbers too.

    There is a very strong presence of female DJ's on the hard dance scene, not so much in other genres. Why do you think this is? 

    I really don't know why females DJs don't have a strong presence in other genres as I don't know enough about those scenes. If they're anything like the hard dance scene though, its probably only a matter of time.

    Following on from that, it seems as though you are all quite close within that group. is that an accurate assumption? 

    Yeah I'd say so. All the girls that I know who are breaking through really support each other and the established girls like Anne and Lisa are always really supportive and encouraging too.

    If we had to name all of you with spice girl like dj names, what would yours be? 

    Hard spice!

    What is your biggest fear? 

    Being trapped in a burning room. I have nightmares about it.

    Can you give us an insight into what the rest of 2004 has instore for you? 

    Lots of production. I have done three remixes already this year with another coming up, plus I am in the studio this week to do another track for Tidy as a follow-up to Mercy. On the DJing side, with Tidy behind me and supporting me so much, I have lots of great events/gigs in the diary, such as the Tidy Weekenders, Creamfields, Slinky, etc which is really exciting.

    Do you have any musical influences that may suprise us? 

    My love of music is firmly rooted in the hard stuff, which is probably no surprise at all is it! I still listen to Led Zeppelin, Guns 'n' Roses, etc and lately I've been listening to all sorts of music to try to get original ideas for the studio. I love The Beatles - that may be a surprise to you!

    At the tidy weekender just past you played in the "all girl" room. For me that room was a huge success. How did it feel to be apart of that? 

    It was fantastic and a great honour to be a part of it. The girls were all amazing. I really felt like I was a part of something very special.

    On a good night out, djing or clubbing, what is you vice? 


    Do you consider image to be an important factor of being DJ? If so describe your image?

    It is, unfortunately. I say unfortunately because, as a female DJ, our ability as a DJ is often overshadowed by how fit people (boys!) think we are. I never wanted to be judged on the way I look but once you reach a certain level people do that. I know I'm no supermodel but I just do the best I can with what I've got but hope that people remember me for my music and technical ability rather than the way I look.

    The other side of image is how you're perceived by the clubbers, i.e. down-to-earth or diva-ish and this is the important part to get right. I'd like to think that people see me as being down-to-earth, approachable and friendly as these qualities are very important to me. I've always been this way and I'm not going to change just because I'm now a DJ.

    As for how I'd describe my image, I think I'm seen as a friendly, approachable person and someone who takes great pride in my DJ'ing and my appearance.

    Your DJ'ing career is going from strength to strength, but do you have any further goals for the near future? 

    As mentioned above, to do as much production as I can fit in. Since Mercy was released I have had a lot of remix offers which is really flattering. The response I've had off the back of one track still amazes me.

    A big techno influence has played a key part in the hard dance scene lately. Would you agree with that? 

    Absolutely. I think its a really positive thing as there's only so much you can do with hard house basslines and percussion. The fusion of different styles will help to create a whole new sound and I think that's always a good thing. I've always loved techno perscussion - its really interesting and great percussion can drive a whole track.

    Lastly, tell us something about yourself not related to DJing that we would find interesting? 

    I have just passed my first belt in Kickboxing. I am now an orange belt and am very committed to becoming a black belt, which will be in about three years time.

    ClubTheWorld would like to thank Tara Reynolds for her time and would like to wish her the best of luck for the future and for Lashed at SEOne Club on 2nd May

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