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  • [ CTW, Harderfaster, Nukleuz ] WiLDCHiLD vs Scream @The Coronet, London (May Bank Holiday: 4th May 2003)


    WiLDCHiLD celebrates its next event with a bang. This was my first of many WiLDCHiLD events that I was to attend. The build up of excitement was getting the better of me throughout the process of waiting and waiting for this event to finally land on my lap until it's time to get my dancing shoes on and get out there and PARTY! After waiting so long, the night had finally dawned on us. This was it, Sunday, 4th May was here at last and the waiting was no more. After feeling a bit worse for wear from the night b4 of attending Matrix in Reading, I really didn't think I was capable of attending WiLDCHiLD. I was worn out, aswell as being nervous at meeting more people and still tired after having plenty of sleep, but this event was one that I could NOT turn down. I'd only kick myself if I did. And besides, it would be rude not to attend 

    It was 6.30pm when we woke up. Not realising the time, James and I dashed about in such a hurry because there was a ClubTheWorld meet up in the pub Wetherspoons which cannot be missed! During the rush of getting ready and to be fully organised, getting the camera sorted, random texts were sent to James' phone from members of the site, even the new members that were brave enough to turn up on their own saying can't wait to meet you tonight, this is going to be a great night! This started off the buzz of our night  we hadn't even left at this time and we were all ready buzzing off other people! 

    Finally, we are sorted. It's time to hit the road! Traffic wasn't all that bad, even as we got into London. God was kind and there was no traffic. Grrreat! We are going to get to the meet up on time and everyone is going to be there. No worries about that then! 

    We struggled to find the venue on our way in, but then, who doesn't get confused with the roads of London! We finally find a car park to which was right next door to the club. FANTASTIC! We park up, then head for Weatherspoons. On our arrival to the pub, the place was full of ClubTheWorld members, old and new. We venture in and mingle with everyone, meeting the new people and the people we have spoken to but had not yet seen in a long time. Banter was shared among us, drinks were bought, laughs were had and the atmosphere was just so friendly, it couldn't get better than this. Oh, hang on, it's going to get better than this, the night is young and its only just beginning! AV IT! 

    We decide to end the meet up and start to make progress and move over to the club, which was just across the road. We get to the club and surprise! No queue! It was around 10.30pm and I thought there would be an almighty queue, as all the clubbers will want to be in there first, but alas, there wasn't! So, tickets at the ready, get yourself in line, we are going in! 

    We got in, bouncers were taking our tickets, and I must admit, I did sense some attitude from these guys. But then I guess they want everyone in as soon as possible. Time to put our coats in to beat the queue then start to wander off into the various rooms WiLDCHiLD had to offer. The cloakroom queue was an almighty queue indeed but we got there in the end. Once the coats were hung, this was it. I am now going to experience my first WiLDCHiLD

    The main room was the Trance arena. I was liking this arena as soon as I stepped into the place. The sound system was out of this world. The whole night is going to be witnessed and not a beat was going to be missed. The main arena was pretty big, lots of space for dancing and lots of space for cooling off. Plenty of air conditioning so it's all-good. 

    After looking around the main arena and I decided I was happy with it, we stayed around and talked to more people that turned up. The meet up was massive. Loads of pictures taken, lots of banter and this was going to continue throughout the whole night. This really is going to be a night I am not going to forget. 

    It's time for us all to check out the hardhouse room, where our very own ClubTheWorld DJ @ANDY WHITBY will be performing tonight. So upstairs we went and into the hardhouse room we entered. Not a really big room, but at least big enough for all the clubbers that decided to situate themselves in the room when the top DJs performed. It was hot, but yes, that's to be expected but it was manageable, sit yourself down for 5 minutes to cool down then get yourself back up on the floor and strut that stuff. The sound system wasn't too bad, although I think it could have done with a bit more pumping bass. Either way, everyone was happy, and that is all that mattered tonight. 

    Time to venture into the funky room where Funky House DJ @guyster was going to be sending some funky tunage through the speakers and watching all those funky clubbers strut their funky stuff. Average size room, enough space and enough seating. It's looking good. 

    The night has now begun and everyone is getting into it. Each decided to go to the room of their choice and AV IT large. For myself, the first DJ I was planning on seeing is the King of Hardhouse  Yes you know it, Paul Glazby. The ever-impressive Mr Glazby is a favourite of mine, so I couldn't wait any longer, alas, up he stepped and the ball was rolling. Everyone is cheering Glazby on and the tunes that everyone loved to hear him play, are now in force. Defective Audio Floorburn is in play and all the clubbers seem to know this tune well, and all my ears are hearing is the clubbers cheering and clapping to this tune. You have to admit though; it's one hell of a tune! I decided to sit down and catch some air as it was getting overly hot due to the amount of bodies that were filling the room, wanting to see Paul Glazby. I decided that his set was not the hardest I have heard him play, so I left my friends to it and decided to take a look at the crowd down in the main arena. 

    After getting past all the clubbers that were sitting on the stairs and in the corridors, I finally make it to the main arena. The heat just hit me! I stumble to the bar to get a bottle of water. 2 a bottle of water and £3 a bottle of alcohol. Indeed, pretty expensive but that didn't stop people going up to the bar getting drunk! I found my mates and decided to toddle off down the front to see Signum and I stayed to see Simon Patterson and JFK. Wicked tunage, got the crowd going  feel the lurve. The lighting was fantastic in here. So many people, the arena was filled with so many cybers. The atmosphere in here is great! The music is tough, building and trance edged. It's going to be a hell of a lot harder towards the end of the night when the likes of Andy Farley and BK show up n this arena. The highlight of the night was standing at the back of the Trance arena watching the hundreds of clubbers dancing to their favourite DJ. The lasers were out of this world and were sweeping across the crowds. 

    Familiar faces decided to wander down from the hardhouse room, into the trance arena. Things were getting a lot fun by this time. The trance arena was in full flow and this arena seemed to be everyone's favourite. The dancers were fantastic, including Tara who is a ClubTheWorld member. She gave it what she got and well done! 

    It was time to move back up to the hardhouse room to see Phil Reynolds perform.  This man I have A LOT of respect for. Always seems to join the crowd on the dancefloor before and after his set. Always smiling and always got time to have a chitchat. It's all-good. He proceeded to play his set and the room, once again, filled up with more clubbers. This man seemed to be the clubbers favourite. The dance floor was filled with active clubbers, constantly on the go. Lots of pictures were taken and lots of comments were passed about his set. He was ard. Just how we like it. 

    Back downstairs in the main arena, Cosmic Gate graced the decks. The crowd seemed to be loving the tunes Cosmic Gate let out. One tune that will be remembered of the night is Underworld.  Born Slippy   Another tune that goes down well with a crowd like this. 
    The banter continued to flow and TomD and myself decided to go around the arena and take many pictures of the crowd. These pictures are the evidence of a good night. Lots of crowd shots, laser shots and people in the cyber dress. It was wicked. 

    To my disappointment, just as I decided to head for the hardhouse room I realised that it was passed 2.00am and I had missed Guyster play his Funky House set. Although I was told by many of my friends that he played a fantastic set. And I didn't doubt that feedback for a second as I have seen him play at past events and again, Guyster is not someone who plays his funky tunes just to please the Funky crowd, he does it because he loves it. 
    Full of energy is Guyster, and is always getting funky behind the decks and always shaking his booty to the tunes he is feeding the crowd. With that attitude you cannot go wrong. It's the way forward. 

    Decided to have a rest and chat with people before heading back to the hardhouse room to witness ClubTheWorld DJ @ANDY WHITBY play for the crowd, and boy were we all looking forward to it.  We ventured up and standing behind the decks with a record in his hand giving it some, was ANDY - all cheering him on, playing some filthy hard tunage to which we were all loving it. "Kick it" By Paul Glazby and "[censored] Hostile" by Paul Glazby I think really got the crowd going. 
    ANDY WHITBY at such a young age seems to have potential to be the most successful DJ. Check the flyers that go round in the UK and get you're arse in gear and go see him! He is a legend. After ANDY's set, the hardhouse room was now time for closure, the night has almost ended, BK and Andy Farley were the only DJs left to play n the main arena. 

    Feeling slightly exhausted I decided I would sit and listen, as I was too tired to get up and dance any longer. BK and Andy Farley never cease to amaze me whm I see them play. BK played Glazby's tune [censored] Hostile to which I remember a lot of the clubbers were loving the hoovers. Who doesn't?  People were getting tired and just hung around until the night ended before people headed off to the WiLDCHiLD afterparty where more fun was had and banter seemed to flow in motion. 

    We decided to beat the queue of the cloakroom and get our coats ready to set off back to a chill before heading back home. We met most people outside and chatted for some time describing how good the night was and that it was the best night that most people had. I can honestly say that WiLDCHiLD has to tbe the best event I have been to in a long time. 

    It's all over and WiLDCHiLD has done well. In my opinion, WiLDCHiLD is the Daddy of the big events. And I know for sure that the next WiLDCHiLD event, I will be there with bells on. You would be insane if you miss out on the next one that takes place in August. BE THERE! You know it makes sense! 





    Address: 338-346 Holloway Road, London, N7 6NJ, United Kingdom

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