I have heard so many good reviews of the Matrix in Reading, and many a time I have wanted to go there. Regarding its friendly, welcoming crowd and relaxed attitude free clubbing focussing on the more important side of music - having fun! Well, being that 2 of our CTW DJ's were making an appearance at this club, we decided, @James, @CreamyC and myself were going to be in attendance and give these guys support. Not only was @Tony P and @Carl Nicholson gracing the decks with their presence, but the almighty Charlotte Birch and James Lawson were also going to spin us some fine hard tunage tonight.
Plan was, to meet some peeps in the bar Great Expectations for pre-drinkage and then head off to the Matrix. After James and I trying to find this club, after getting confused with the road systems, we found a parking space, and to our surprise, what was across the road? The pub for the meet up, and right next door, was the Matrix. Bonus ! Looking at the Matrix from the outside, it looked very small, didn't have the look on the outside that would make you think that inside was a club, designed so welcoming and made u feel at home.
We head to the pub to meet Tony P, Carl Nicholson and Co, having a few laughs and sharing some banter among us b4 we head next door, to have a fun packed night that wont be forgotten. The pub wasn't so packed when we arrived, although more clubbers in all sorts of clothing, from casual to cyber dress, started to fill the pub and you could just feel the friendly atmosphere lingering in the air, and I just knew, this was going to be a good night.
It was around 10.15pm before we finished our drinks and headed off to the entrance of the club, where there was not much of a queue, and there were friendly bouncers greeting us in to the club. Security was good, no arsing about and certainly no attidude was received from them. A quick search was had, or should I say tap-down and then through the doors we went. Paid our entry we're in !
As we got through the doors, I could just see at the top of the bar, the lighting in the main room. Looked very bright, lots of UV, so the plan was, lets get the drinks in then let's check the venue out ! We had a little look in the funky room, very big, but very empty. Bearing in mind we were more or less the first few people in there. We ventured into the main arena to see Tony P already up behind the decks. The booth was so nicely put together, all painted in illuminous UV colours, making the booth stand out to all the clubbers. We looked around the place and our mouths just suddenly dropped to the floor. The lay out was just fantastic. It was designed in a such a way, you instantly felt comfortable as soon as you go into the main room. The club had comfortable leather seating for the clubbers to enjoy getting comfy on when the music seems to wear them out ! Check the gallery and you will see the evidence.
Moving swiftly on, Tony P is up in the booth playing some good hardhouse tunage. Really got the night warming up and the placed started to fill up. One of the tunes Tony P played, to which all the clubbers seemed to recognize was Come on by Breather. Excellent tune, and they were all singing along to the vocals. Thrashing some hard tunes smoothly seems to light up the room ready for the night ahead. The atmosphere was happy, vibrant and filled with energy as the music, never killed the dance floor or the enthusiasm of the crowd. Nice one Tony!
Up next to grace the decks was Charlotte Birch. Always up for it and is part of the crowd when spinning tunes. Lovely lady, always got time to chat to clubbers and WOW what a set. Deffinatly one of the best sets I have EVER seen Charlotte play. I was impressed. The hairs on the back of my neck went into overdrive, as she played some of the hardest tunes that really made my feet move and all the clubbers loved it. To end the set, Charlotte played Paul Glazby's tune F^cking Hostile Wow what a tune! I think I could almost feel the dancefloor move as all the clubbers were stomping away! Nice one Charlotte!
Next up, Carl Nicholson. Feeling a bit worse-for-wear before hand, feeling tired, but he indeed was capable of getting up there and showing us all what he was made of. The night was in full flow by this time. Everyone in the building was dancing away to the music as their attention seemed to be drawn towards the DJ booth! Again, Carl wasn't just a DJ, he was part of the crowd, giving it all he got and moving to the phat bass lines that were streaming out of the speakers. A tune that was remembered from Carls set was The Dawn By Tony De Vit. A well known tune in clubland that all clubbers know, and appreciate so much each time it's played. Hands went up in the air and everyone was loving it.
Carls set came to an end, and the final DJ stepped up. James Lawson. I have never seen this DJ play but have heard his music and have been impressed. Again, great tunes were played by Mr Lawson, although his set wasn't successful as a little miss-hap occurred to which his set suddenly died towards the end. Music stopped, the dancing stopped, what's going on?! I guess that's what u get for using CD decks but then not everyone is perfect!
Slowly the night came to an end and James and I decided to go get our coats before leaving the club wishing somehow the night could have continued. The staff at the Matrix were very friendly. Even the door staff smiled, they treated the clubbers like human beings. They didn't seem to be up their own arses like you do get in some other clubs.
The Matrix deserves to be a complete success in the future. Certainly a top quality night that I would definitely return to without a doubt. With the friendly atmosphere, the feeling of being welcomed and not feeing uncomfortable, if that's the surroundings u like to be in on a Saturday night, then get yourself to the Matrix. You will not be Dissapoionted.
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