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  • Music Reviews by Kernzy & Klemenza (May 2003)

    kernzy and klemenza

    By Paddy from Kernzy & Klemenza

    CK2 "RUSHIN" (Recharge)
    First off is a joint project with ourselves and Alex Calver. Now, all 3 of us have quite varied musical backgrounds so we tried to do something a bit different, something that would stand out in a set and i think we managed it in the end. I think the best way to describe this tune is Hard House with Techno, Speed Garage & Hip Hop influence, if you can imagine it.

    DMF "PALPATATION" (Recharge)
    A tune like this has been needed for a while, no nonsense Hard House how it should be. A monster kick, crisp rolling percusion, thobbing off beat bassline & razor shap stabs along with clever use of the familiar "Wop Bam Boogie" vocal. Anybody that was into 91/92 hardcore should love this record as its got a real old ravey feel to it!

    Colins been knocking em out just lately but not at the expense of quality and this tunes proves that, tight percussion as usual from Mr B along with good use of effects and an arrangement that keeps you head on its toes if you know what i mean. The main thing we like about this track is the fact that its very unpredictable & not run of the mill stuff. been getting asked about this loads over the last few weeks. - out soon on Retek

    PROJECT MAYHEM "TAKE HOLD" (Short Circuit)
    Number 4 for Justin Bourne's label this time courtesy of south coast duo Project Mayhem.some really gritty sounding stabs on offer here on top of a kinda chuggy bassline. Ive seen the most pretty face's screw up as their dancing away to this one. another proper hard house tune, one for the 'must-have' list.

    Recently featured on the "Music For A Harder Generation" album from Anne Savage, this tune is a belter! Intense Tech-Fuck-Core with ass shaking percussion topped with bin-worrying bassline and clever use of a familar vocal. Deffinitely one of the best hard house / techno crossover tunes in a while. First release from Alex's new label 'Glitch' - a label to be watching this year i reckon!

    PAPUA NEW GUINEA (Bootleg)
    Im surprised this has'nt happened sooner really, first impression when i saw this was "Its gonna be hard to improve on the orriginal" but i think that out of the various legit remixs ive heard (have to say the D&B one is wicked), this record definitely has 2 of the better ones. Both mixes feature techy percussion, monster basslines and clever drop outs & its clear that they have'nt been just thown together to make a few quid.  ( i reckon somebody should mix it with a Madona track.... then they could call it - "PAPUA DONT PREACH" . no? - ok i'll get me coat )

    No 20 for Paul's now legendary label and good to see that he's not ashamed of his past by sampling one of his old favourite's 'Pantera' (Think thats right anyway!) this tune should spear head the well needed hoover revival with full force and just by the name alone you should know what to expect from this monster.

    INGO "48 HOURS" (Tidy)
    After a quiet few months Ingo (who has long since hung up his bouncy off-beat gloves) has come back and delivered the goods yet again with this track which i think showcases his new adopted sound. This time things are a lot more percussive more dark & deeper but still rolling enough to keep the dance floor busy. been playing this a lot, quiet different sounding.

    • Thanks 1

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