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  • Sinergy @North, Manchester (2nd May 2003)


    Sinergy @North - Manchester (2nd May 2003)

    Words by Paul Williams

    Has to be said, wasn't the best start to the night. But it turned out to be an absolute BLINDER! 

    Rumours earlier on in the day were true that Lab4 had to cancelled. Apparently stuck in Singapore in quarantine, sommat to do with SARS. However the Sinergy team put together a PHENOMINAL night

    Got into North around 11 ish, and they had Flask! and Psyche warming things up in the main room. In the second room was little chris pumping out some quality trance. The main event, the replacement for Lab4 was a couple of guys by the name of Orpheus 2. When asked what their set would be like, one of the organisers (Stu) said "Not quite K90, Not Quite Lab4. Somewhere in between". And that was a pretty good description! They came on and banged out a series of CHOONS that electrified the dance floor. I danced like an absolute muppet, but no real change there!! In the second room, Flask! and Lord K where also pumping out some really, REALLY good trance/hard trance, and to be honest I was divided between the two rooms all night. Never disappointed by either, not wanting to miss either! By the time the lights came on, I didnt want to stop....... 

    The Gods of Dance must have heard my plea for more carnage as the Sinergy organisers had setup an afterclub at Industry (old Paradise Factory) from 4am til 8am. The thoughful darlin's even provided a bus for those who had one to many to drink or couldn't be arse with the walk! Playing here were Jason Ford (Hard House) and then Flask! and Lord K again with a descent mix if hard trance and trance. Hearing K90, Red Snapper around 7 ish (I think) perked my aging body up to BOSH the early hours away! 

    Have to say, the Sinergy crew deserve credit for three major factor: Firstly the sound system. Has been beefed up over the passed couple of months and now is sounding GREAT. Secondlt organising a great night after the late cancellation (and I should point out Justin Bourne did a great hard set after Orpheus 2). And finally the second room becoming a trance room. I personally much prefer that to funky, and think it is a great combination. 

    Good job fellas thanks for a STORMING night! 


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