You my well have had this post before, but bollox, i am too lazy to scroll through page after page of posts!
So i'm startin one up!!!! lol
My fave night was watching the ondon philharmonic orchestra do bach's 5 millionth symphony in hard trance minor, in a little shack off the M56!
Whoaaaa there bushy!!!!!!!! Slow down!!!!! Whooooaaaaaaaa!!!!
Actually it was last summer in Ibiza, GK @Eden, John oo, Armin, and Fergie all under one roof! Armin played the set of the holiday for me! I was glued to the dancefloor, while my head went walkabout round the island! lol
Then after non stop beating of the floor with my eet i continued to eat beans as if they were tic tacs, til i don't remember how many i had! and my mate going mad cos i ate them all for the rest of the hols! lmao
Oh and also havin a beer with Fergie at 7am in the garden of eden topped it all off!