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  1. Finally the long awaited day had arrived, the Frantic Euphoria Album Launch. I had been looking forward to this event ever since the booking arrived. Not only were ClubTheWorld lucky enough to be co-hosting a room, but it was with our friends from Niteclubbers. After getting myself ready, it was time to head off down to the pub to see Louise before I set off and to meet up with Sue. A quick pint and the farewells said, it was time to set off to pick up the other member of our party, Amy. A quick swap of cars and we were on our way! We were soon in London and made our way to the meet-up at Spoofers, where we met up with some ClubTheWorld and Niteclubbers members that were already there. With the drinks and chat flowing, more and more members arrived at the meet and the anticipation to get to The Rocket was growing. Finally, we gathered everyone together and made our way to the venue. I had never heard of The Rocket until this event and had only seen the preview photos a few days previously. I was really looking forward to checking the venue out. We entered the venue after a brief check by security and walked into the foyer. Getting to the counter I was introduced to Amanda from Frantic and we ventured into the club. A bit of confusion followed as we tried to find our room, it wasn't supposed to be open until midnight but everywhere we went Djs were kicking out the sounds. A quick check back at the foyer and the room we had just left was ours. The club had filled up quicker than expected and Richard Launch was warming the crowd up after his spot upstairs in the main room. After dropping off our bags it was time to explore. We headed upstairs into the main room where we were greeted by a huge canopy hung from the ceiling, with an already busy crowd enjoying the talents of Justin Bourne. The sound system was booming, so much so I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck vibrating to the beat! Not long after we entered the room Justin's set came to an end and K90 took to the stage playing his trademark anthem style including tunes such as Breathe and Red Snapper. The room was filling up fast and we found ourselves being forced further and further towards the back of the room. A quick check of the time and we headed back downstairs to the ClubTheWorld Vs Niteclubbers room. Up on the decks was Manjit, playing a trance orientated set that were getting the crowd into the stride of things. I spent most of the following hour chatting and catching up with other members. As Manjit's set drew to a close we headed up to the front as Big Ben, the first of the Niteclubbers DJs stepped up to the decks. I had never seen Ben play before, and I have to say he played a tight set with a nice selection of tunes bringing the crowd up a notch. As each set ended my eagerness to get up there grew. Next up was ClubTheWorlds own Tony P. It had been a long time since I had seen Tony play and was looking forward to seeing him do his thing. Tony built his set well taking the crowd up another notch from where Ben had left off. A good variation of styles and more tight mixing and I found myself having a stomp to some class tunes. Tony looked like he was really enjoying it, his trademark cheesy grin was out in force! Stepping up after Tony was Niteclubbers second DJ of the night, Paul Wilkerson. I had previously seen Paul play at Liberation Vs Hardware in the Web Wars room, so I knew we were in for more quality mixing and tunes. Paul certainly didn't disappoint either raising the steaks yet further. It was good to catch up with Paul again, quality bloke. Finally it was time for me to take my position up behind the decks. All the DJs before me had played superbly and had a set a high standard for me to follow. Pulling the first tune out of my bag, I had a feeling this was going to be a set to remember. Looking into the crowd it was great to see a lot of familiar faces which always helps me settle in. Boom, we were off! The time behind the decks seems to go so fast and before I knew it, it was 4.30am. Reaching into my bag I brought out some promotional CDs which went like hotcakes. On producing the second handful a mad rush on the decks occurred which I could only describe as quite scarey! Continuing with the set I kept pulling out the tunes which I hoped would keep the dancefloor happy. It was a great crowd to play to and whenever I looked into the crowd I was greeted by lots of happy, smiling faces. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Dickon climb onto the staging and my heart sank as my time was over. Expecting to hear Last one I was pleasantly surprised as I was asked to carry on. RESULT! With a huge grin, I accepted the opportunity and continued to play. Another 50 minutes and it was time to play my last tune. I thoroughly enjoy my time behind the decks when I truly feel myself. I like to think that I take my clubbing attitude with me when I get behind the decks and show the crowd that I love what I do. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Will, Dickon & Amanda for allowing ClubTheWorld and Niteclubbers to co-host the room, and to everyone else at Frantic involved in the night for making something that I'm sure a lot of us won't forget in a long time. Also, a big thanks goes to James for having me represent ClubTheWorld as a DJ and to all the members for giving me their support, it's appreciated more than you know. Once again, it was a pleasure to see Vince and Paul, and to meet Ben and all the other members of Nitecluubers. It was a great night and I hope that we are able to be involved in more things like this in the future. CTW Photos
  2. Here is the list of all DJ's on ClubTheWorld (CTW) @Adi_J - House/ Hardhouse/ Trance/ Old skool/ Hardcore Alex V - Trance/ Funky Andrew Martin - House/ Progressive/ Trance/ Hardtrance/ Techno Andy C - Progressive/ Trance/ Hardtrance Andy Simpson - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Techno @Andy Whitby - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Bouncy Aussie Dave - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Trance @BenRW (Ben Rostwood) - Trance/ Hardhouse/ Commercial Dance Biron - Hardhouse/ NRG/ Techno @Carl Nicholson - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Chewie - Hardhouse/ NRG/ Bouncy @Chris Hawkes - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Trance @Chris Hutchinson - Acidtrance/ Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ NRG Clare McClaren - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Trance @colin66 - ABBA/ Chessy cheese/ Anything in between @Crunchie - Hardhouse/ Bouncy @Dakers - Progressive/ Breaks/ Trance Danny Oldham - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Drum&bass/ Trance/ Funky Daz - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance @Diablo - Everything! @Digital Liquid - Hardtrance/ Euphoric Trance @DJ_BUTCH_D - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Dj Darbo - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Bouncy/ Happy Hardcore DJ Dave - Funky/ Trance/ Hardhouse DJ Tommy - Techno/ Drum&bass/ Funky DJ Tommy Renegade - Trance/ Techno/ Hardcore DJam - House @DoObY - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Ed Worx - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance @Evilhedfuk - Trance/ Funky @Freano - Trance/ Techno @Gilly - Hardhouse/ Funky/ Gabba Graham - House Guy Garrett - Trance/ Hardhouse @Guyster - House Ian Shaw - House/ Trance/ Leftfield/ Drum&bass @ian-w- - House/ Trance/ Leftfield Ignition Boys - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance @Ikon - Hardtrance J - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ NRG/ Trance/ Techno/ Old skool/ Breaks @Jana - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Jeff - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Techno Joe Drawbridge - Funky/ Progressive House/ Trance Jon Daniels - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ NRG/ Techno/ Funky @jon_m - Hardhouse @Jukesy - Hardhouse/ NRG Kris Kelly - Old Skool/ Funky/ Progressive/ Trance @LanaM - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Drum&bass @Lee Harris - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Trance/ House/ Techno Leedslad - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Bouncy @LiamStyles - House/ Techno @LittleMissLoud - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Bouncy/ Classic Garage @LiquidEyes - House/ Techno/ Progressive Lox - Hardhouse/ Hard Trance/ Bouncy Luke Revival - Hardtrance/ Gabba @Magicman / Majikman - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ NRG @Maria - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Mark H - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Techno Miss XS - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Modular1 (@Ian Cashman) - Trance Moide - Hardhouse/ NRG Morgan - Hardhouse/ House/ Breaks @Mr Happy - Techno/ NRG Mr Noize - Hardcore/ Gabba Nicky B - Hardhouse/ Bouncy Perm - House Pete Cravell - Hardhouse/ NRG/ Techno/ Progressive @Phil B - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Pulsar - Trance Rampage - Drum&bass Samson - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance @Sarah C - Hardhouse/ Techno Stephan Grainger - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance Steve Prince - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Techno/ Funky/ Tribal Stevie Wonder - Trance @Tony P - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance/ Funky Toxic Dave - Hardhouse/ Hardtrance @UglyDave - Hardhouse/ NRG Please confirm your user name so we can link it to your profile. Please PM me if you would like to be added to the list/ I have through, through human error forgotton you/ you would like to amend your style. Ta xx!
  3. 💡 With the site picking up pace and moving faster and faster i thought it would make sense for eveyone to post a quick summery of their details here so everyone knows just who is who! Thought this would be cool: User name: @Beaker Real name Graham Age 20 Location Liverpool Music tastes: Funky/US house Macdonalds or Burger king: Macdonalds. If you put your details down similar to above we can then know who we're posting to etc!! I know it would be easy to look at everyones profile but you can get to everyones details here quick and easy! 😀 Nice one peeps! 😀
  4. I'm fast running out of mates to go serious clubbing with. I can't find ANYONE to go up North with me or to places like Leeds and I hear it's the best up there. Also Nottingham is another place I wanna try. EMAIL me if you are 'up' ! James
  5. Below is the original ClubTheWorld welcome message / mission statement from November 2001, it was simply these words which pulled in the very first members (Kev, Tara, Sarah, Si ...) who found this statement touched a nerve as they fell into exactly the same category as me. They wanted to find new, real, clubbing mates - not just acquaintances, people they could meet up with week after week for a guaranteed awesome night out whenever they chose to. Knowing they didn't have to share any personal details - they just needed to remember the web site name, they could then chat, view photos and arrange the next event safely. Welcome Dedicated Clubbers ! Run out of reliable clubbing mates ? Bored of visiting the same old local bar/club ? Mates always letting you down at the last minute ? Can't find friends into the same music genres as you ? Find you just have to go out clubbing every weekend ? If you fall into any of these categories then you've come to the right place! These are exactly the reasons this site exists!!! And here is the original Homepage from back then 2001.ClubTheWorld.uk Note: back in 2001 we didn't have any Smartphones!, we had to sit down at a desktop (or a laptop if you were lucky) ... ... to be continued ... Original 2001 Website Homepage
  6. From the album: 1st ClubTheWorld Night - Housewives Choice (6th December 2002)

    @ElsxBells, @Tara & @Bunnykins

    © ClubTheWorld

  7. The last time I worked on anything for CTW was over a decade ago. It’s nice to know that some things don’t change. ClubTheWorld was made for one main purpose, to find friends, however it did very much more. It took a group of individuals, misfits in some cases and utter wronguns in other cases.... and it made them family. There were lovers, fighters, dancers, prancers, teens, tweens, threens and above, and even a 65 year old legend from Leeds, and we all had one thing in common.... the music ! At this very second there are 14 people viewing the site, 5 of whom I know very well and would walk over hot coals for. This is family! Looking back at the DJ forums there are pages and pages of content, created by some of the most talented artists I have ever seen. We have DJ’s, many of them, and a new wave coming through again now all getting ready to help us relaunch properly with dozens of features. We intend to become a one stop shop for all your needs, whether it’s to meet up or just show the world what you can do. There’s so much exciting stuff to come and I can’t wait to share more with you, for now please enjoy, watch this space and be part of the even newer and more improved family. CTW would be nothing without its members and we will always be here to return the favour. x
  8. OK where to start. So I started clubbing around 2001 when a good friend I worked with took me to a trance event in Milton Keynes. I met some really great people and found my love of the music. Trance came first and then Hard House. A year on I was pregnant and gave up for a while losing contact with anyone I met. Being a single mum I found it difficult to meet new people especially those with a love for the music and the bug to go out and dance. I found CTW and wrote my first post on January 25th 2003. I was looking for like minded people and new friendships but what I found was a whole lot more. There was drama, passion, friendships and even love. I met some fantastic people through this website and have stayed friends with many of them despite us all growing up and leading our normal lives. Many of us settling down, marrying and having children. I met my first real love and many of my real friendships through this website and had some fantastic times and a whole host of memories that have lasted. I met DJ's, Producers, visited cities and clubs I had never been to before, experienced weekenders and without CTW I never would have had all that, It was a place where you did not need local friends to go to a club with because we all met up before the events and went together. Everyone was so welcoming and real friendships were formed. My hope is that this place can be that once again, Maybe not for us old timers who for many cant go out as often as we would like but to give the new generation the same thing we all had. Organised meetups which were safe and welcoming, friendships so you didn't feel alone, romances and love. We were one big family There was also plenty of arguments, hatred, nastiness, heart break, etc. Some of which I had a big part of but I had real friendships and some of those friendships have lasted the past 16 years. For the parts I played and I think there was plenty I am sorry Like many I was young, naive and pretty messed up in the head at the time. At the same time I had support through some of the darkest times, No one turned their back on you and they told you if you was out of line even if you didn't want to hear it. CTW was a safe place for me and the people I met will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope all the new people who read this can get the same experience as I had because without all of the CTW family I would not be the person I am now. So I was about to name everyone but there are too many to list so to all those over the years Thank you for the memories, For kicking my butt into touch, for putting up with me and for the lasting friendships ever since. Because truly you do not know what it means to me. Now I will shut up cause I cant half talk some waffle, That certainly hasn't changed.
  9. Just temporarily if u r having issues with the site and how it displays - we r working on a fix. Won’t be long
  10. @Clubbing Si let me know if these work ! (I haven't yet got Photoshop on my new Mac) CTW_logo.psd CTW_logo_forum.psd
  11. Cheers bar !!!!!! Again 22 feb. Who’s in ? Don’t worry we will be out in March too. @James @DoObY @Claire DC @Dani Babyboo
  12. hello just over a month ago i thought it would be interesting to look at some of the numbers associated with the forums. you can see them here: http://www.clubtheworld.uk/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=000462#000000 quite a few new people seem to have joined so i thought i would revisit the same numbers to see if they have changed. here they are: the top ten members are responsible for 65.2% of the posts on the board. that's quite a drop (from 96.7%). posts are obviously becoming more spread out across the entire population. (actually, it's such a change that i wonder if i had my numbers right the first time round...) of 493 registered members, 316 (64.1%) have contributed either one or zero posts. the number of registered members has increased noticably but that doesn't mean more people are participating on the forums as the percentage of zero+one posters has remained about the same. interesting... thoughts? congrats to @James and everybody at CTW for the rise in registered members. @alasdairm
  13. Hi all. So Dooby and James and I are planning to meet up in a week or so. who else would like to catch up Few drinks etc ? when we get an idea who I’ll suggest a few dates. Maybe next week ...
  14. So seeing as it’s 2020, and some of us are older than others and don’t spend days on end in clubs anymore ...... 🤫..... we are looking for the next wave of nutters like us. Don’t worry we aren’t going anywhere and if anything we have more time to focus on the site, features and ongoing work to ensure it’s success. We need content bringers. We need people in clubs with cameras tagging clubbers getting out of their boxes. We need DJs, writers of articles, VIP’s to infiltrate clubs, producers and reviewers. Drop me a line if we can hook you up, this will be the fastest growing site of 2020 soon once we deploy our marketing strat and getting back out there again and we want our team around us.
  15. What a superb night, huge thanks to CTW DJs Tony/Phil, and Vince/Niteclubbers.net and their DJs ! Most definitely one of the best nights out I've had in London since embarking on CTW ! WHAT A VENUE Sorry there are so many pics again - I havent had time to remove some of the dupes yet, but will do; http://www.clubtheworld.uk/html/emoticons/grouphug.gif
  16. Hiya, My photo set is now up ! What a night although I can hardly hear now!! Huge thanks to Phil B for doing us proud yet again !
  17. Well I’ve turned up to mid-week drinks but there is no1 here lol Probably because they’ve renamed Yates to TGIs plus I’ve got the wrong date/time haha
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