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  1. Hi Everyone, We started getting various requests for the galleries & forums again so the site is now back up again, permanently If you find any issues using the site please let myself, @Clubbing Si, @Dani Babyboo or one of the other moderators know, many thanks ! List of known issues Upgrade PHP Upgrade forum software & resolve security issues Resolved issues 13/6/23 Email notifications were not working, which was affecting new registrations as users couldn't receive the registration email & approve their email address 11/6/23 Emojis - each was showing 2 icons (1 broken, 1 ok) - fixed by switching from 'Twitter Style' emojis to native Google maps integration fixed, all calendar events now show a map of the venue's location 10/6/23 Resolved template issues + created new 'CTW Pink Theme' (you can select in bottom left hand side of the screen, click on the down-arrow next to 'Theme'
  2. You can now register & login to the web site via any of the following options; Username & Password Facebook Twitter Google If you have any issues registering or logging in please contact us
  3. Comments on photos can sometimes appear like they just hang / don’t post - however they always do, just close the pic once you have pressed the submit button. We will investigate why it hangs sometimes.
  4. I've just noticed we're missing the following album, does anyone happen to have a copy of this ? WiLDCHiLD @Heaven, London - Sunday 30th May 2004 WiLDCHiLD @The Coronet, London - 24th October 2003 Also please let us know if any others are missing so we can track them down / restore ...
  5. The following email will be sent to all past CTW members who have opted in ... Hi James, After 12+ years ClubTheWorld (CTW) is finally back online ! Visit us here: ClubTheWorld.uk Over the last few years we've had many requests from past members for CTW photos - we took the decision to put these back online, along with the Forums, Reviews, Interviews & DJ Profiles. We've rebuilt everything from the ground up and so we're confident you'll love using the new site and it's new features such as; Following members & content Integrated Events Calendar Integrated Photo Galleries, with Member Tagging Member Blogs Notification Management Private Messages (including group PMs) Member Leaderboard (based on content contribution) We've also got a ton of new features planned this year and we're really hoping you want to get involved in some of these ! Here are just a few we have planned; Live Music & Video Streaming (DJ sets, Interviews ...) Live Chat Club Check-ins & Member Map ... So please log back in & join in the fun once again ! Finally, a few stats about you ... You originally joined our community on 02/02/2004 You last visited us on 01/16/2020 You've posted 34076 times on our discussion forums If you are no longer interested in clubbing events or music production feel free to unsubscribe from our mailing list. If you have any issues logging in, or would like your CTW account removed, simply reply back to this email. Many thanks ! ClubTheWorld Team Reconnecting clubbers across the world ... Prefer to stop receiving these emails? Unsubscribe here. ClubTheWorld
  6. Ver 3.7.0 - June 2024 Added new themes / colour schemes (click the 'Theme' drop-down on the bottom left of the page) Started adding tags to almost everything (forum posts, events, photos) Cleaned up DJ profiles, added missing profiles (from CTW 2002 website) Added missing interviews (from CTW 2002 website) Added missing reviews (from CTW 2002 website) Added new achievement badges & rewards Cleaned up & added new profile fields Added new links menu Started to remove duplicate posts Ver 3.6.1 - July 2023 Created new Venues section for bars & clubs Ver 3.6.0 - June 20 2023 Upgraded PHP to v8 Upgraded forum software (v4.7.11) to address security vulnerabilities & open up new features Re-created all theme templates & customizations (blue, pink, black) Ver 3.5.1 - June 17 2023 Create new 'CTW Pink Theme' Uploaded all clubbing event flyers from all past articles, reviews, posts, calendar entries https://clubtheworld.uk/gallery/category/5-clubbing-flyers-graphics/ Ver 3.5.0 - June 13 2023 Fixed Emojis - each was showing 2 icons (1 broken, 1 ok) fix: switched from 'Twitter Style' emojis to native Fixed Google maps integration - all calendar events now show a map of the venue's location fix: renewed billing account Fixed Email notifications - were not working, which was affecting new registrations as users couldn't receive the registration email & approve their email address fix: switched to using 3rd party SendGrid service instead of local (PHP, SMTP) Blocked Singapore robots which were constantly scraping the website & ballooning online user count Added new Plesk Firewall rule: Deny on 80 & 443 Ver 3.4.1 - January 27 2020 New Updated Feature: Chatbox + - Security Updates, Donation Updates - for DJ's during sets etc (disabled for now) - UPDATED Merging on content into fewer posts / spam removed Ver 3.4.0 - January 19 2020 New Feature: Chatbox improvements - rich text and P2P interactions Removed 'Forums' & 'Gallery' header from index page - Mobile devices only Remove ‘Past Events & Members Reviews Forum’ - topics will stay in their original regional forum. Created new ‘United Kingdom - Wales’ Forum Ver 3.3.3 - January 18 2020 Photo Galleries are now only viewable by logged in Members. Guests can only see categories, not photos. Added Google Maps integration - Calendar Events now show map for venues, also addresses should now autofill. If there is location information in Photos they should also now show a map. Uploaded original member profile pics (Avatars) for any members without a pic (shows a default - 1st letter of board name) Ver 3.3.2 - January 16 2020 Optimised forum layout and killed some bugs New testing for live section Ver 3.3.1 - January 14 2020 Optimised forum colours and layouts New feature - serious forum Optimiser calendar and galleries Ver 3.2.2 - January 12 2020 Optimised forums and layouts Blog updates Ver 3.2.1 - January 10 2020 Optimised viewing experience, loading speed reduced, tiles moved to reduce page height Section added, events reduced to show 1 month in advance Ver 3.2.0 - January 10, 2020 New feature blog version two enabled tested and working perfectly removed spam and other irrelevant content Ver 3.1.2 - January 8th 2020 Background picker enabled - currently just solid colours, we will be creating CTW-Style backgrounds. New Blog section still a work in progress - several issues to fix, ongoing but becoming much more functional. Rev1 - blogs are now working ! Spam purge - as always please notify if anything missed. Ver 3.1.1 - January 7th 2020 Calendar Events can now have RSVP enabled.This means members can now confirm whether they are attending or not + other members can see who is going Ver 3.1.0 - January 6th 2020 Post / User signatures. These are back on. Please edit via your profile. If an older user some links will need updating . NEW FEATURE - Chat box,see foot of main page and right hand menu at the top - this WILL be integrated soon into a pop up overlay box with richer features very soon. Ver 3.0.2 January 5th 2020.  Spam - deleted a tonne of spam, fixed some links and images. If anyone sees any spam etc please let me know. Ver 3.0.1 - January 4th 2020 Photos - due to larger pics and better quality phones, the max upload size has been increased from 0.98mb. Ver 2.0.0 - January 1st 2004 Ver 1.1.0 - January 1st 2003 Ver 1.0.0 - January 1st 2002 Ver 0.0.1 - January 1st 2001
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