this has probably been done before, but people's ideas and beliefs change, that and i'm a lazy bugger and don't feel like trawling through 5298569265 different posts and topics
i always used to think that once you're dead, then that's it, you're worm food. but i dunno, as i've grown older and less of an angsty teen nu-metaller/goth, my thoughts and views have changed to the stage where i am not sure what there is when we die, but that there must be something, whether it be meeting some guy with a beard called god, or reincarnation, or whatever.
just recent events have made me take stock and think about things like this, and it may just be that the not very comforting idea of oblivion after death that has made me change my views, since as i speak i am at home as my granma is soon to pass away.
so any ideas on the subject? whether it be, my original thoughts: "you're worm food" or something else, sorry for rambling...