Hi guys !
First day back in the office after what I can only describe as a truly amazing weekend !
Started off with a wicked night at the V I Pre Party in The Life Cafe, Liverpool, champagne reception, chilled atmosphere, calssy venue, people and tunes. DJ Silk Tray warmed us up with funky vibes and then Frankie and Deluga took over and worked there magic on the decks !
Was my man Dan's birthday and a cake was produced for him at midnight, combine this experience with dropping 40 minutes before and feel the emotion.
Saturday, finally managed to rise from the dead and do some last mitnute shopping for the night - which was of course - GARLANDS RE-OPENING ! Got into Liverpool at about 9pm and the queues were already spilling around the streets, luckily was in guest list and had no trouble getting in, but a lot of unhappy clubbers had to be turned back as the nigh was a complete lock out !
Congratulations to all of the Garlands staff for truly re-inventing the venue at The State, they truly outdone themselves and the venue was just as Garlands should be, glittery, happy, fun, shocking and pink !!!!
Probably one of the best phrases to describe it - shiny disco balls !
The drag queens entertained us with their usual style, flame throwers, fire eaters, people with pythons draped around their necks and the fabulous Garlands dancers.
It was fantastic o have all of the troopers back together, Dave Booth and Huey palyed an amazing 6 hour set from a DJ booth that is set up in the wall close to the ceiling, this must be a brilliant spot for them to play from as they can see the whole crowd responding to the Garlands anthems.
Thanks to everybody who made this night so amazing, especially Dan, coz since I have met him, my life has been wonderful x
Can't wait until next week, Tim Deluxe Pa is gonna raise the roof, if you are planning on going I have to words of advice - wear glitter, AND GET THERE EARLY, coz it is gonna be another LOCK OUT !!!!
This weekend ... GARLANDS MADE ME DO IT ... x