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Found 7 results

  1. alrighty i didn't take many as i was far to fudged to figure out my camera - its not worth bothering sir james to upload up to the gallery so imma post um here... Ben @ Ministry Ben @ Ministry HeatNYE is it a bird..?...is it a plane..? no.. its helen fooked on vodka and proplus in some random park in some part of london we both didn't know.. (sorry helen.. had to.. )
  2. Ello Bonjour & G'day peep's :0) Hope every one had a good week end, cuz i did! Don't get chance to post much on here due to heavy work load ☹️ Well just incase any ones interested i've recorded my latest set live at Heat in London @Turnmills. I had a wicked time down there, was my first time at Turnmills and I'll be going back 😮 So here it is if you wont a FREE copy of my first EVER solo cd email ( strangedave@sundissential.com ) me ya name etc... and i'll be in touch. Too Da Loo S;-D x
  3. Not sure if md wks drinks is happenin this week - does anyone fancy doing this on thurs instead -It's at the detox club in Covent Garden, the last one I went to there was wicked! It's gonna def make nice change to have some decent tunes md week too, last one I went to there, it started off funky n gradually got harder. It;s free b4 9 then a fiver i think, who's up? The after [censored] party for those that can’t wait till the weekend! After the success of our last Thursday night we’re pleased to announce the 1st Afterburn party for 2003. Once again we return to the Retox Bar in Covent Garden for pre-party drinks before the HeatUK CD launch. Make sure to speak to your boss and book Friday February 7 as a day off [censored]! Players on the night: Eduardo Herrera The Ignition Crew Spencer Freeland The Retox Bar is a small intimate setting with a limited capacity. Relax and enjoy funky and tough house in a sociable setting. There are four luxury VIP booths which we would like to offer to groups on a first come first serve basis (there is no charge!). Just email your contact phone number with the list of friends to be joining you: afterburn_vip@hotmail.com The Retox Bar is free before 9pm and only a fiver thereafter. The bar has a 3am licence. Address: Corner Russell Street, 7 Piazza Square – Covent Garden. Click here for link to map: http://www.heatuk.info/RETOP-MAP.gif
  4. Not sure if mid-week drinks is happening this week - does anyone fancy doing this on thurs instead -It's at the detox club in Covent Garden, the last one I went to there was wicked! It's gonna def make nice change to have some decent tunes md week too, last one I went to there, it started off funky n gradually got harder. It's free b4 9 then a fiver i think, who's up? The after work party for those that can’t wait till the weekend! After the success of our last Thursday night we’re pleased to announce the 1st Afterburn party for 2003. Once again we return to the Retox Bar in Covent Garden for pre-party drinks before the HeatUK CD launch. Make sure to speak to your boss and book Friday February 7 as a day off [censored]! Players on the night: Eduardo Herrera The Ignition Crew Spencer Freeland The Retox Bar is a small intimate setting with a limited capacity. Relax and enjoy funky and tough house in a sociable setting. There are four luxury VIP booths which we would like to offer to groups on a first come first serve basis (there is no charge!). Just email your contact phone number with the list of friends to be joining you: afterburn_vip@hotmail.com The Retox Bar is free before 9pm and only a fiver thereafter. The bar has a 3am licence. Address: Corner Russell Street, 7 Piazza Square – Covent Garden. Click here for link to map: http://www.heatuk.info/RETOP-MAP.gif
  5. damnit, i wanna go, but cant do as have exams starting on monday
  6. damnit, i wanna go, but cant do as have exams starting on monday
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