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Found 4 results

  1. Not being one to pass up a night of some serious hard house, I decided when the opportunity to go to 'SINERGY meets Insomniacs at Sanky Soaps' arose I would be a R'n'B type fooooool to miss it!! Never having being to Sanky's either, was a bonus When I got there, what graced, or rather disgraced my ears was the woeful sounds of some funky style choons. Happy Bunny Status light was not enabled!! Thankfully, I found this to be merely at the entrance, perchance a bouncer with some bad taste? Surely not! Inside I stepped and it was BANGING!!!! First impression of the club was brilliant. It reminded me of places like North and the Pheonix. Much as I like the big clubs like Sanctuary in Brum, there is sommat about the smaller venues I prefer. Was quite surprised how many people were in there as well. Ok, wasnt crammed to the rafters, but was expecting it to be much quieter, mainly cos it was a sunday afternoon on a none bank holiday. Anyway, I got in and downstairs had ILOGik and Little Miss Natalie were warming things up rather nicely! Upstairs, hosted by a slightly lesser website (only kidding GURN) was also pumping out some serious CHOONS! DJ Burns, who I hadn't heard before, was my fav up there. Come 9ish, room two was closed, and I trundled/staggered downstairs to the very sexy Lisa Pin-Up looking mighty fine and doing her things on the decks. Even told her so and she gave me a kiss!! The night was going well. 9:30 arrived and it was time for the main event, SIR PAUL GLAZBY . I have to say I haven't been dissappointed by Glazby for a while! The MC asked if we wanted it HARD. We did. He supplied! Final set of the night was supplied by the ever smiling Karim. Numbers were thinning out by this point, but those who left missed another good show from the man. All-in-all, a really REALLY good event. Sinergy crew put up a good night. Like the sunday afternoons as the beer can flow all night, and generally doesnt make monday morning work toooooooo unbarable!! Would say to keep your eyes on the Sinergy crew. Not running weekly, they are putting more effort into these bigger/monthly nights. So far, they are proving to be a good night out. @SarahPVC
  2. http://www.insomniacz.com/events/index2.htm Flyer ... http://www.insomniacz.com/images/somvsyergy3.jpg http://www.insomniacz.com/images/somvsyergy4.jpg
  3. tidy weekend is the warm up Insomniacz @ the corporation 1-3 milton street sheffield door - 4pm midnight £10 members £12 non members guestlist & guaranteed cheap entry 0115 9278953 guestlist@insomniacz.com north vs south arena paul glazby vs karim, ilogik vs superfast oz ian m vs justin bourne 1st aid arena - johnny dangerous, iain roberts, phil vane, ian barker & ingo bangingtunes.com arena - sam green, mr smile, chris h, james nardi, jeff sealey, rhodesy & dan durnin www.insomniacz.com
  4. We are getting absolutly everywhere at the moment, this is another Insomniacz event where we will be entertaining Insomniacz Leicester, March 14th (monthly) Insomniacz will be starting a monthly night in Leicester. Club SOHO is a venue which has just undergone a £100,000 refurb and is ideal for an all night dance party. The venue has a 600+ capacity, a state of the art 15k OPUS sound system, intelligent lighting, concept bar, 3 floors, chillout room & an allnight dance licence. Main Room IAN M (Insomniacz/Storm) PAUL GLAZBY (Insomniacz) MARK LEISH (Naked/Hotdog) JP & JUKESY (Sunday School/Afterssential) DEEPROSE & THOMPSON (Afterssential) CHRIS ICE (Resident) Freeform / Hardcore Room C.L.S.M (jon doe dj set) Ostro & Levitate Thumpa b2b Sawyer Oli G b2b Smackdown Cruze b2b Mozz Wiggi b2b Himbo Room 3 chill out with dj's playing Funky House date: opening night MARCH 14th time: 10pm-5am entry: £9/£8 members-nus info: 07050 396617/01162 335530 timelessent@talk21.com NEXT DATE April 11th Main Arena KARIM* (Nuklues/Frantic) ILOGIK (Insomniacz) CHARLOTTE BIRCH (Sundissential) KERNZY & KLEMENZA (Insomniacz) TOM MUIR (Insomniacz) DEEPROSE & THOMPSON (Afterssential) CHRIS ICE (Resident) £9/£8 members-nus *karim t.b.c
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