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  1. Erick Morillo at LUSH! was a night not to be missed. After some very last minute phone calls and arrangements, we were making the now legendary drive from my hometown of Ballymena to Portrush. We arrived at the club at around 10pm to find no queue whats so ever. After getting searched and paying our way in, we were met by the site of an almost capacity club and rammed dancefloor. Hold on...........its only 10pm! After a quick walk round to meet up with all my friends, we took up our place at the side of the dancefloor. It all begins now........... Warming up the crowd at this point was LUSH! resident, and local hero, Col Hamilton. Although his choice of tunes were doing the business, I have to say Col was a bit rocky. A few lost mixes, and he seemed to be struggling. This didnt seem to detour the crowd in the slightest, the already frenzied atmosphere kept things in full flow. We decided to take a seat upstairs in the VIP bar, grab a drink, and take in the madness going on downstairs. Just as we had got the drinks in, Gordy Kyle took to the decks. Gordy isnt a DJ I had seen much of, so was looking foward to hearing what he had to offer. I wasnt disappointed, he took the crowd even further with some awesome vocal led funky house. After what seemed a pretty short stint on the decks, Gordy was replaced by Col Hamilton again. Col redeemed himself from his earlier set, and played some tougher stripped down house that went down really well. By this stage the club was heaving and we were back downstairs and dancing away, awaiting the arrival of the New Jersey legend. Col was building and building on the atmosphere, but then the music was cut and the sound of LUSH! promoter Alan Simpson speaking over the mic was all we could hear. "LUSH! we have some bad news, and some good news" The whole club feared the worst, no Erick Morillo tonight. "The bad news is Erick Morillo has missed the last flight from England, but the good news is we've hired a private jet to fly him here and he touched down in Belfast 15mins ago!!!! " Now I dont know if there was any truth in that statement at all, but who cares. It took the crowd over the edge, and the atmosphere was now doubled. Gordy Kyle took to the decks yet again, and I have to say he rocked it!! He managed to play a set full of stormers, but without stealing the thunder from Erick when he arrived. Full marks to Gordy, I've made a note to come and see you again real soon. Personally his set peaked when he dropped "Linus loves the terrace". The music was then filtered down. "Two words for you...............ERICK MORILLO!!!!!" The king of all things Subliminal was given one of the best welcome reactions I have ever witnessed in any club, ever. He had arrived, and it is was plain to see he was taken aback by the response from the crowd. A saxaphone intro washed through the club, the build up was spine tingling and when the beat finally kicked in, LUSH! errupted!! What followed was nothing short of phenomenal, alot tougher than I had expected but all the better for it. His set as a whole was like nothing I have ever heard, new and upfront stormers next to reworked, beefed up anthems. I kept saying to myself "This tune is lethal" but then the one that followed was even better. Quick mixes, acapellas, effects, this man was hard at work but loving every minute. Another thing that I noticed was the fact that he was one of the most animated DJs I have come across. He enjoyed every tune as much, if not more, than the packed dancefloor. The whole club had lost itself, myself included. I dont think I have ever danced so hard in my life! Ericks set flew by in a flash, a quick look at the watch, 10 minutes to go. The music was cut, and i guessed that the usual encore would follow. I was wrong, Erick came on the mic to thank the crowd, he said he would play two more tunes. "The first tune I'm going to play isnt a house record, but its one of my favourite records of all time" No-one in the club was prepared for what was to follow. Lenny Kravitts "Are you gonna go my way" bellowed from the speakers. Every person in the club looked at each other for a split second, then the whole club exploded. Its impossible for me to explain what the crowd reaction was like exactly, but I will say that its something that will stay with me forever. There wasnt a single person that night that didnt understand why this tune absolutely rocked it. The next record was "French Kiss" and was supposed to be the last. Three tunes later and the LUSH! crowd are still going for it, as is Erick Morillo. But like everything it had to end at some point, but when it did Erick Morillo was given another roaring ovation. You could see that he had taken something from his experience at LUSH!, he thanked the crowd once again, and made a promise that he would be back "So soon" Just what we wanted to hear!! To finish I'd just like to say a few things: To Erick Morillo, what do they put in the water over here? I dont know mate but I think you had been drinking some too! To LUSH! and everyone who was there, thank you for one of the best nights of my life. And finally, people always go on about how good things were years ago and how things have changed. Well I wasnt around to experience "the good old days" but have to say that surely it couldnt have been much better than this. Words by @LiamStyles
  2. Anyone fancy coming over for this, the trance superstar at the best club in the UK? .......nope, just me then oh well. I'll be there.
  3. Just decided im deffo going to this tomorrow night, top draw line up for a top night. LUSH ROCKS!
  4. If you are coming then please add your name to this post and it will be added to the main page. Event: ClubTheWorld Ireland Weekender Date: Friday 7th November - Sunday 9th November Details The plan for the weekend is to visit as many places as possible. On the Friday afternoon / evening will be spent checking into accommodation and settle you all in. We'll then go out for drinks in Ballymena Town or Belfast (Plenty of bars, small clubs, etc). On Saturday afternoon we can maybe go shopping in Belfast city centre for a few hours. Then come back to Ballymena and all go out for a meal and a few drinks, then proceed to whatever club is chosen. Sunday would be chilling out in the local pub having a few drinks before everyone heads home. MEET-UP INFORMATION Friday (Night) Meet-up Venue: The Grouse Pub, corner of Ballymoney Street / Springwell Street Time: 7pm Clubs: Will be decided on the night Saturday Meet-Up Venue: The Nobel Cafe, Church Street Time: 12 Midday Saturday (Night) Meet-up Venue: The Spinning Mill Pub, Broughshane Street Time: 6.30pm Clubs: To be decided on the night Sunday Meet-Up Venue: The Spinning Mill Pub, Broughshane Street Time: 2pm Club Suggestions: From Liam Styles LUSH! in Portrush is N.Irelands most popular club. An outstanding venue, with a great crowd and excellent, varied line ups. I visit this club regularly and love it so much. Guest DJs that have played in the last month or two include: Erick Morillo, Mauro Picotto, Judge Jules, King Unique, Futureshock, Dave Seaman, Guy Ornadel and Darren Emerson. Check www.kellys-portrush.com for more info, pics and line ups. SHINE is situated in Belfast and is held in the Queens University Student Union. It is N.Irelands best techno night and has a massive following. The venue isnt the best, but it is massive with 3 good sized rooms all playin different styles on rotation. Main room is usually techno, 2nd room a bit housier and the 3rd drum n bass or hip hop. Personally this is my favourite club as they always bring new DJs over aswell as the techno elite. Regular guests include: Riche Hawtin, Adam Beyer, Marco Bailey, DJ Rush, Cristian Smith, Jon Carter, Lottie, Fabio, Grooverider, Tim Westwood. Check www.shine.net for more info, listings, pics etc. THE MET in Armagh, a more straight up trance / hard trance night in a massive venue with awesome light displays and soundsystem. The venue is split into 3 tiers but all in one arena. Again THE MET has an unbelievable crowd, always packed and always friendly. New up and coming DJs from this country sit aside some of the worlds top DJs, the resident DJ is also very good. Recent Guest DJs: Lisa Lashes, JFK, Scot Project, Petrae Foy, Signum, Fergie (who is a monthly resident). Godskitchen also hold official nights at this venue. www.metarena.com THE COACH is in Banbridge, and is a mainly Hard trance / hard house club. Not beeen to it many times but the few times i have been i have had a good night. A few pikeys attend though. Usual DJs such as: Judge Jules, Scot Bond, Jon Kelly, Scot Project, Lisa Lashes. www.coachniteclub.com ENIGMA is a ver new club and is actually just past the border into Southern Ireland. I havent been as yet, but have heard really good things about it. Capacity is around 4,000. Its a brand spanking new club, with wicked light show, awesome soundsystem and fresh DJs. Guests so far have included: The Tidy Boys, Disco Bros, Paul Glazby, Phil Reynoylds, Spencer Freeland, Nick Raferty, Mark Kavanah, Jay Pigeon, A*, Scot Project. THE NETWORK is N.Irelands most established after hours. Its very dingy but thats what makes it so good. Line up is never known, but usually its a visiting DJ who has been playin one of the other clubs in the country that night. (probs from THE MET or THE COACH) expect the likes of Fergie, Lisa Lashes, Dave Pearce, Eddie Halliwell. HOW TO GET THERE By Air: Good flight prices can be found by checking www.easyjet.com for flight details (most English airports) or www.mytravelite.com (Birmingham). These are the two main lowcost airlines that fly into Belfast. When booking please insure that you book "Belfast International Airport" as your destination as there is a "Belfast City Airport" also. Obviously the earlier you book the cheaper the flight, so it would be advisable to book in advance. By Car: You can travel by car to Belfast by Ferry. A whole list of Ferry crossing and a variety of companies that provide services over to Belfast can be found here. By Coach: Coaches are available at very reasonable prices from most major places in the UK. Coach journeys include the Ferry across to Belfast Terminal. More information can be found at www.nationalexpress.co.uk. Advanced bookings (30 days) do work out cheape. OTHER INFORMATION Website: www.ClubTheWorld.com Accommodation: There is one main hotel in Ballymena, it is reasonably priced but also very nice. Its a very central location and in the centre of town. Prices are as follows (price is correct at time of this page going up - 14th August 2003) Double / twin room: £50 per night Single room: £35 per night You can also check their website www.adairarms.com for more information. Alternatively, Ballymena has lots of B&B's. LiamStyles has kindly visited a number of them over the last week and all seem to be of a high standard. The majority of them are all located near each other and close to the town. Most of them are quite small so all attendees may not be able to stay in the same B&B. As they are usually small, family run business websites are not available. But if you require more information please call LiamStyles on 07745358810. All these B&Bs have quoted a price of around £15 per person per night which is very reasonable. If you would like to join us for this weekender then please add your name to the dedicated post on the foums here. More Information: Please contact either @CreamyC OR @LiamStyles by email at CreamyC@ClubTheWorld.com / PM via ClubTheWorld.com Forums or text / call 07956 462 642. Please click HERE for full details on our forthcoming confirmed weekend in Ireland.
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