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  1. Here's an in-depth review and demo of the Gamechanger Audio MotorSynth MKII.… Read More Gamechanger Audio MotorSynth MKII In-Depth ReviewView the full article
  2. With the awesome success that Tidy have had up my neck of the woods in Prestatyn, I made my way down South to the even sleepier seaside resort of Camber, with great expectations. After a 2 day expedition that saw 7 hours of the 2 days on the road (thanks for driving @Dawn), a night in Andover as @Lisa and @Tony P's lodgers (thankyou both) we arrived at Pontins!!!! @Shaney_R and I jumped out so we could get in as Lisa, Tony, Dawn and the rest of the crew were yet to collect there tickets! Shane and I approached a entry area, and were surprised there was no queue, we were given the briefest of searches and let into the grounds. We then went to collect our Laminates and find Scream, who we bumped into enroute to laminate collection. He had queued almost 2 hours to check into the chalet and collect the keys. Once we got into the chalet we realised they were very similar to those in prestatyn, a little larger maybe, although the quality wasn't as good as Prestatyn. The Chalet layout was really difficult to get to grips with, as they were all crammed in together in joined quadrants, also the number sequences didn't seem to run correctly, which would have been a nightmare come 5am on either of the mornings. Luckily we were placed directly behind the queen vic! We then made our way out of the grounds to head down to a pub and grab a few beers with the crew waiting for their tickets. Eventually we all made our way in, and then had to use mobile phone navigation to find Dawn with our luggage in her car. Which was the other side of the complex. Once we'd got the luggage back we all decided to get into the tidy mood by starting to get completely star spangled. I shaved off my beard to leave my tash for the weekend Bushy ala El Greko, although I have been told I looked more like the bloke out of Dirty Sanchez. Lol As we entered the venue for the first night that was to be Tidy Summer Camp we all waited in anticipation for what was ahead. We ventured upstairs to Arena 1 Friday Night Live, we were welcomed by some wicked sounds courtesy of the Talented Champion Burns, as they toiled their way through track after track the arena got busier and busier then hotter and HOTTER!!! It soon became unbearable and we headed off downstairs to arena 2, where it was time for the Dark Destroyer Mr Glazby to take control of the decks. As we entered the sound was fairly good, but not what we've come to expect at a Tidy Weekender, Glazza was throwing out some cool techno which I'm really liking at the moment, but then..he started to mix. He mixed like he had ski gloves on, not what I've become accustomed to from the man I call, GOD! I had to leave as every mix I heard him play was out by a mile. I returned to the chalet to collect The Dawn! She was feeling ok now, and told me I was a bad man! As we walked back into the venue we just caught Glazby leaving looking less than happy. After a quick chat he informed me in between a foul four lettered tirade that there was no monitor in the arena. God was less than happy. So I popped back into arena 2, and that's where I spent the majority of my night, learning to cope with missing beats at every mix. Paul Maddox was slamming out the tunes by now, and did the best he could, due to circumstances. I stomped, I sat, as did a lot of people. One thing that struck me with Summer Camp, was the attendance. Apart from the main arena everywhere else seemed to be a lot quieter, also in my opinion all the rooms were smaller than them up in North Wales. Up next was Nick Sentience, he played a nice hard set that got the room pumping big time, especially when he dropped his remix of Hostile. As he did, Maria came flying over at me and ripped me up out of the floor and forced me to dance in a comatose state. The rest of the night has become a bit of a blur, as I stayed downstairs in arena 2, up next was BK, now from what I remember he played a rather techy set, which I recall really enjoying, but since then I have chatted to a few people about his set and they said he didn't play anything techy. So I am stumped, although i do remember a remix of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit which was rather dirty. After BK had completed his set, up stepped Ed Real, and delivered a stomper. Halfway through Ed Reals mash up, I decided it was time to call it a night for the arenas, and make my way to the chalet.. Upon arriving at the chalet, Frazzle and Liam headed off to their chalet to get changed then make their way back to our chalet. As many of you experienced at the last Tidy Weekender, a chalet party including myself and shaney are rarely quiet affairs, and this didn't dissapoint. Frazzle and myself armed with his Scrumpy cider went to work on it, which led to allsorts of mischievous goings on. As the messiness of the Saturday morning took its toll, people filtered off to their respective chalets. Frazzle, Lisa, TonyP, Maria and myself headed to Lisa's chalet and decided to sample a bit of Psy-trance. I remember the first few tracks then nothing. Apparently we had it on 3 times! Then some more Scrumpy, and then back to my chalet to prepare for the Saturday night. Saturday night did not have the best line up in the world, hence going into the arena at Midnight. I didn't even bother going into the pressure cooker upstairs, which was arena 1. Frazzle and myself headed for the hardcore arena for a bit of Kevin Energy, and then Ham. Damn I forgot how good hardcore was. Then we headed for a bit of a chillout in the arcade, as we prepared for my first ever experience of Proteus, a finnish bloke by all accounts, in the HQ sponsored arena. As we went in as he started up his set, I was shocked by the image in front of me, a gothic lunatic, dressed in leather with black lipstick to boot. One word described this man AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Quite easily, the set of the weekend, He was everything, everyone else wasn't. From his mixing to his tune selection, his appearance to his damn good entertainment skills. I honestly believe this bloke enjoyed himself so much that while he was dancing he forgot he was actually on the decks, as he would run from the front of the decks back round to mix. I didn't stop dancing for the whole hour. Frazzle was that bowled over by him he fell over at least 6 times during his set. I got a little scared at one point as some meathead came up to me, he had muscles on muscles, put his arm round me and said in a deep dutch accent YOU LIKE THE PROTEUS YA I thought he was rather up front, but I was like yeah.YEAH. I was a little worried. He went on his rounds doing the same to everyone, when he approached frazzle, he hid behind me! If you have not seen Proteus, you have to make the time to see this man! WOW!!! The hour just went too quickly, but once the man had finished we went for a well deserved rest, and grabbed a bottle of water to rehydrate. Once we had regrouped after the vicious onslaught of the man from Finland, we headed off into the 3rd arena again hosted by Brisk's Next Generation Records, we kicked up a storm as Ponder & Mc Elmo took us to the next level with awesome hardcore sounds. As we waited to see who the special guest was.. hmm I wonder. 4am saw the arrival of none other than Brisk, who played as per norm, an absolutely devastatingly good set, from one stomping track to the next, he had the 3rd arena rammed, and this arena definitely needs to be bigger at the next event as it was pretty busy the whole night. Finishing off with some gabba that would make you turn in your grave, he played out in style, giving a big speech at the end, and also pressing for a bigger arena!!!! Once again back to the chalets, once again not quite sure what happened was right, but It was fun. More scrumpy, more fun with the electric shock machine and air ball gun. (Crill has video footage) Then onto Sunday night. As we headed out, for the final night of summer camp, everyone was in fairly good spirits. Once again the main arena was Hot as Hell, as we avoided it for the first hour or so, as we went and listened to Colin Barratt, who played a nice uplifiting techy set to warm us up nicely for the rest of the night. Then we headed up to the main arena, caught a bit of Anne Savage who played a solid set, although the drum n bass we had heard all day had taken its toll on Frazzle and he was dancing in a DnB stylee to hard house, which was quite funny. As the night drew on, we were treated to a B2B set from Paul Glazby and Andy Farley, even though the music was just background to me by now, then also to finish off was Rob Tissera. The night got fun as everybody had the fake tash syndrome. Afterwards everyone was once again back at our chalet for the closing hours of Summer Camp. In all honesty I had more fun in the chalets than I did in the arenas, this was a bit of a disappointment. Ok it was tidy's first attempt, but the whole event seemed disorganised, rushed and thrown together. It was a new venture, but knowing Tidy, they will persevere, and get it right eventually. Thanks to everyone who played a part at the weekend for me. Also all the staff at Tidy and Pontins (Camber sands). @Bushy Flyer
  3. It’s been about eight months since Native Instruments announced the Traktor Pro Plus subscription in August 2022. Traktor DJs hoping for new hardware or some next-level software features instead got another subscription sales pitch. At least the $4.99-a-month (or $49 annually) was an optional and relatively low-priced subscription for accessing add-on and early features. Its […] The post Review: Traktor Pro Plus 3.8 – After 8 months, is the subscription worth it? appeared first on DJ TechTools. View the full article
  4. So then, finally, the weekender for Bournemouth was here ! I woke up at around 11am(ish) woke James up; we had to be out of the house soon ! There is nothing better than not being in work and over indulging your self with lots of sleep ! We aren't THAT lazy. Honest ! We look out the window and to our surprise, WOW, the weather is looking as LUSH as ever, not one cloud in the sky and the sun was just a nice shining star in the sky. HORRAY ! We never had the best of the weather last weekend when we attended GKGG, but this weekend god was on our side. It was all about the sun, the seaside, meeting ClubTheWorld members from the board and also, BEER. WHEY ! So we dash up, have a shower, pack out bags with some clean clothing, towels etc. Due to having some bad rainy weather during the previous week, we honestly thought, that, the sun wouldn't stay no longer than a few hours. How wrong we were. We decide to wear jeans and a t-shirt and pack nothing more but clean trousers/jeans for the day after. Again, thinking it would probably rain. Sheesh - read on grr We leave our current location, jump in the car and off we go ! It was around 12ish the time we left, so we got some petrol and then headed for the M25. Which was a disaster ! Anyway, we get to the M25 - cruising with the roof off the car, enjoying the mini heat wave that we had now discovered would be staying for the whole weekend. Yup, that's right. It wasn't going to rain, as we switched the radio on, we heard it stated that what we were driving in, was a mini heat wave that was to stick around for the rest of the month ! Oh great ! We have packed no shorts in our bags. I wander what look we will get from the sunbathers on the beach. Walking around in jeans - we are going to look soooo cooool ! NOT. Right then - we get further into the M25 and boy, by this time, the sweat was dripping from us. It was absolutely BOILING ! The heat was pretty unbearable, but we managed it ok and appreciated the sunshine, as we hadn't had much of it during the last few days ! The traffic starts to build up and suddenly comes to a halt on the M25. No word of a lie, we were crawling up the motorway, to which took us at least and hour and a half to actually escape the motorway. During our time on the M25 we switch on the radio for the traffic report, to which, to our surprise, there has been some accident at the top end of the M25. GREAT ! Don't mind me, ill just sit here and burn in the sun. To which, I did My poor shoulders. Never mind. [censored] happens ! People should take more care on the roads ! grr FINALLY, after arsing around on the motorway, almost dying in our own sweat, we come to a junction that is the turn off for us. HORRAY ! This road was a nice clear road, no traffic jams, no diversions etc this was the road that was taking us, to, BOURNEMOUTH! As we drive nicely through the breeze of the motorway, we decide to give Kev / @CreamyC a call and see how he is getting on with his journey. Kev, the most dedicated traveller of the lot, had to endure an extended coach journey, to which I think took him about four hours on the coach, in the blazing hot sunshine, in HEAVY traffic on the motorway. I'm not sure how many people were on this coach with Kev, but i'm sure it was VERY hot and stuffy to which poor old CreamyC had to shut up and put, with! aww. Anyway, he hadn't arrived yet although he was closer than James and I were so I gather he would be directing us, as always, when we get there. We stop at the services on the way to Bournemouth, as it was high time we got a drink and a nice ice lollypop to cool us down. Not forgetting that we were both in jeans and trainers and were almost melting away into nothing ! These services that we stopped at was pretty dam packed with all sorts of people. Families, couples, OAP's etc all taking advantage of the gorgeous weather we had today ! Going to have some food like a KFC or a MacDonalds was out of the question. The queues were huge ! I mean, come on guys, you want something nice and cold down your throats, it's too hot for hot food ! hehe We get what we want and then a quick dash to the cash point to put some cash in my back pocket for the weekend ahead. Sorted ! We head back outside the services for some shade to sit and relax before we hit the road of torture again. We sat in a well nice spot, on some picnic tables, in a forrest-like location, and it was great. Was nice to be out of the sun for a bit but then it was nice to get back init ! So we head back to the car and carry on driving for the few miles we had left. Within this time we had already spoke to Kev for a second time to which he was already there enjoying a nice pint of ale with the others at the pub. James and I just can't wait to get there ! B&B is all booked so all we need now is to get into Bournemouth and get settled then it's out on the town we go ! So, we get into Bournemouth's Town Centre. We have spoken to Kev and we are now driving to the meet up point where he will then direct us to our B&B. Before that though, we drive around the Town Centre. It was none other than bloody lovely ! The sun was still shining so we decided to drive down by the seaside before meeting Kev. Oh my, what a sight we saw. The sea was lovely, the beach was PACKED but lovely, the location was lovely, the pier was lovely EVERYTHING, was, can you guess ? LOVELY ! We just need to wash and change, get settled then join the punters in Bournemouth. We eventually meet Kev who was waiting for us in his lovely yellow taxi that he had already tracked down. Was ace as ever, to see Kev again. Just seeing him and speaking to him for the odd few minutes before heading to the B&B, I just KNEW, this weekend was going to be HILLARIOUS ! We get to out B&B, which was called The Marvin Hotel, based on Watkin Road (highly recommended !). Looked very nice outside and just couldn't wait to get in there ! And so in we go, couldn't see anyone, the place looked deserted. Everyone was out enjoying the blistering hot weather ! So, we see the lady of the house. And what a nice lady she was. She didn't know us, but she was pleased to see us, got talking for a few minutes about how far we travelled etc, paid our deposit then she gave us the keys to our room. On we go up the stairs, and this place looked great. Pretty modernised but all the same, you just felt comfortable as ever. The room was lovely. Based on 3 sharing, James, myself and Kev. This is going to be fun. We had an on-suite with shower, tea facilities, a nice sized wardrobe, bed side cabinets, mirrors, it was lush. We couldn't have asked for better accommodation. The bonus of it all, though, was, that we could come and go as we pleased ! As long as we were fairly quiet though, as she had a young boy. You can't argue with that really can you ! So then. We are settled. Time to get outside and share the sun with everyone else ! We decide that we would walk down to the Bournemouth beach and all the pubs down that way. So, we got down by the beach, took a few pretty photos (check the gallery), and were looked upon by many people in shorts, bikinis, and there was us, Kev in trackie bottoms and James and I in jeans. WHEY ! How silly we looked ! We weren't prepared for this kind of weather at all. [censored] happens people ! As we got there, we meet up with some members of the CTW: @Ginge, @tommy, @ElsxBells, & Daredevil_Tony. It was good to meet up with these guys as it isn't very often you can meet up and have a few laughs around a table of beers. So it was all good baby ! The first pub we ventured was where we all met. Wetherspoons Moon, in the square. This pub was great - served food and any choice of beer / wine / spirit. It was pretty packed as everyone was coming in to cool down from the heat outside. Me, James and Kev decided to tuck into some food so we had some energy to carry us through the night of fun and frolics that lay ahead of us, and boy, that food was delicious ! And not too expensive either ! After staying an hour or two in Wetherspoons, we decide it is time to hit anther pub. A pub where they played some music ! Wetherspoons didn't seem to have any pumping sounds and none of us could sing so the next pub we decided to venture in was a pub that really caught our eye ! Although I cannot remember for the life of me what this pub was called but it had pumping music and was full of people having a good time. We decide to venture in; only, Tony (daredevil_tony) got refused entry ! The bouncers on these doors had decided amongst themselves that Tony had had a bit too much to drink, but the guy was sober ! He may have looked slightly tired as he had attended Slinky the night before, so, he didn't get in, so we did the right thing and left to move onto another pub. The next pub to be graced with ClubTheWorld's presence, was, Bliss. Now, this pub indeed was a very CLASSY pub. It was full of attractive ladies and also attractive young men. So if you are down that way and decide you want to have a night on the pull, then this classy bar is for you. But hang on, let me define classy for you. All sorts of women in this place were dressed in skirts, very nice classy tops, nice shoes, all hair done nicely. The men, dressed in very smart trousers, nice classy shirts, and nice shoes and classy hairstyles. We showed them all up. We were far too classy for this pub. We were dressed in such a classy manner, we stood out, like a sore thumb. Our dress code went something like this : Jeans, tracksuit bottoms, baggy jeans, t-shirts that looked like they hadn't been ironed, trainers, rucksacks hanging over backs. I think the only one out of our group looked classy, was Kev. He was kitted out in trousers and shirt and shoes. Fair play. DON'T make the same mistake us pikeys made. Make sure you dress nice. You wont get looked at the we did then Anyway, enough about the CTW pikeys, let's get into the layout of the pub ! It was lush - it had a spiral staircase that took a lead downstairs, where you could eat in a fancy restaurant area, with waiters at your call to assist you with your meal. They also had a nice sized dance floor for the punters, but it wasn't so full down here, but it was nice all the same ! We were seated around these nice huge round tables to which we got later ordered to move as I think they may have been reserved for other people. People who had taken a keen interest in the restaurant. Ho hum. So we moved over to the bar where we had some fun and Mr_Ginge decided to show us what kind of things he could make with a thousand straws and let them hang from up his nose right round to sticking them in his ears. He was, by far, the clown of the show! Tis all good ! Elly and Tommy had to leave us to go and get their car where they parked it in a car park which was due to be closed at 9pm - so off they dashed and parked up else where and rejoined us. Careful you don't make that mistake if you venture down to Bournemouth ! One funny thing happened at this pub, to which we still look back on and make a little joke out of it. At this pub, Tony (Daredevil_Tony), was in need for a call of nature, so off he went to go to the toilet. By this time I think he was a tad drunk, so he decided that the mens toilets were in the KITCHEN. You know, where they cook the food etc hahaha poor lad walked straight in. I guess it was good that he wasn't THAT drunk, as he may have just found the nearest bin in the kitchen and wooped it out and pee'd. lol. He was directed to the appropriate place to pee by one of the kitchen attendees hahaha Ok - so it's time to bugger off from here and go else where and see what else Bournemouths night life has to offer ! So, off we go, to YATES's. This place, from the outside, had the "come on in" feel. It was lit up so well in bright colours and was rammed with men and women all enjoying the nice warm breeze outside. So we decided to go in and see what the inside was like. Yes yes, we do know what the inside of a pub looks like, but let's see how many people are in here and what tunes are coming through the speakers ! WHEY ! In we go and in here, too, was packed with loads of people. We head straight for the bar, lots of squeezing through the crowd but we got there in the end ! This place was great. A lively atmosphere, friendly people, and a bunch of girls, that seemed to be on a hen night, dressed up as play boy bunnies (i think). One of the girls was carrying around a large vibrator, to which Kev decided to walk right up and have a "touch" of it, to which the girl replied "[censored] off!" haha classy bird ! lol. We decide to go outside and catch the breeze as it was FAR to HOT in this pub. Lots of people out here, and even the bouncers on the doors of this pub were pretty level headed and easy to talk too. Some bouncers are just up their own arse to which im sure you will agree ! I think by this time we are all slightly pissed, so, I think it's time James gets his camera out and take a few shots of us all. One spectacular picture taken that always makes me laugh every time I look at is, was Kev and Mr_Ginge. All had bit of "tree" shoved down there t-shirts and was covering their face. How can I explain - they looked somewhat like Julius Ceaser ! It was hilarious to say the least ! There was also some other guy, came out of the pub and went into the corner, trying to hide from everyone (altho it was not discreet to say the least !) taking off his trousers as he was far to hot to keep them on, and enjoy the rest of the night in his boxer shorts ! Didn't get a pic of that one sorry girls ! After having lots to drink at YATES's, we decide to move on and have another look around - although it was getting kind of late at this time and some of us were getting a bit tired. Especially after the bugger of a journey down and the sun draining you so much you don't realise it until it hits you ! Off we go on another wander, we spot a net cafe. hahah it would be so rude not to go in there and sign onto CTW and rub it in to all the pull outs who never attended. We were all pissed by this time, so we made CTW forums an interesting night. Especially for those who were sat in, on this Saturday night, logged onto CTW, and sitting there continuously hitting the refresh button on their browsers, in hope that someone would entertain them. We saved their day ! hahaha It was fun. We decided to go grab some food at one of the take-aways and James being the random photographer that he is, decided to take a few perfectionist shots of the menu in these take-aways hahaha take a look in the gallery if you want to waste some time ! It was getting late by this time so James, Kev and I decided that we would turn in and get some sleep as we had the whole day in Bournemouth tomorrow so we had to sleep our pissed states off and grab some sleep to enjoy more sun tomorrow. So, we said our good byes and left the rest of the gang to it ! ADIOS ! We got back to our lush B&B and had a few laughs before we went to sleep. Not realising that Kev had asked Tony and Ginge to come back to our B&B as they would have had to go straight back to Northampton, Kev thought that it would be OK that they came back to ours to stay. Bearing in mind that they would have to sneak in our rooms and possibly get caught and for them to pay a bill that they probably couldn't afford, they turned up outside. They rang the door bell thinking we would answer but we didnt ! "We didn't hear the bell ring" honest ! So the only thing that they could do to get our attention was phone James or Kev's mobile to get us to come down and open the door. But they couldn't get through. The truth has to come out here guys ! - we told them we had no signal, but hey, we switched our phones off ! hehe. But in any case, they found a place to stay, they slept on the beach ! It was time for some sleep now ! Crossing my fingers and praying to the good lord above that Kev doesn't snore or even break wind in his sleep. This would call for a kettle of COLD water over his head if he did. But alas, he was a good boy and slept like a baby. Comfy beds, a cool room which was situated at the front of the hotel so we had the breeze fed through our room all night. You couldn't ask for more that that ! Ok so we woke up at arund 10am the following morning without a hangover. The plan was, get our arses in the shower (although not together, but it would have been nice. NOT. ) get dressed and then down the beach we go ! We paid up our bill - which was £25 a head at this wonderful B&B, which is a bargain if you ask me ! We put our stuff in the car and managed to squeeze 3 of us in James' 2 seater car. We get to the beach and then park up. This car park btw, was £6 - REDICULOUS ! But, it had to be done. All parked up we decide to walk along the beach in search for somewhere to eat. As early as it was, the beach, yet again, was jam packed with fit totty and fit men. If your single of course ! We find what the beach is most famous for, a fish and chip bar ! So in we go and get some scran. Nice and cool in here so we stayed in here for a bit as djtommy was on his way down to Bournemouth beach to meet us and spend a few hours with us before we headed back to our own locations. djtommy is from bournemouth (lucky bastard) so if you need to know anything about that location, than tommy is your man ! We later decide to go in the arcade and waste some money. I guess Kev came out the luckiest of us all. He won some cash on the 10p machines and filled his pockets with silver. He thought he won the lottery ! bless him haha. We all decide to take our seats on the racing cars and all challenge each other, to which Kev came first, twice, I came second, twice, and James came first, once. That doesn't prove that women are [censored] drivers, OK ! After spending lots of money in the arcades we decide to go for a walk on the pier. Only 40p, and it won't break the bank. It over looks the packed beach and right out into the sea. Lots of boats, fishing boats, and jet skis were all in full motion over the lovely sea to which we watched for a while and by this time I was getting even more excited about venturing on the beaches of Ibiza which is only a few weeks away ! We take some pics on this pier to which you will find in the gallery. It was LUSH !! We decided to walk around the attractions and was watching a band in progress, pleasing the crowd and making this the highlight of their day. Watching them march up and down with big drums and all kinds of musical interments playing all sorts of theme tunes. It was nice to just stand there for 10 minutes and watch them perform. Although, they must have been sweltering hot in their massive coats and trousers and hats. But it was profession. They had to do it ! Sadly, when they finished their "march", an announcement was made over a loudspeaker, that a family had lost their 6 year old daughter, Which wasn't very nice as this place was packed, and the thought of trying to find your missing child in the hundreds of people that were down here today, you would think that you would never be able to find her. I just hope she was found The day came to and end for us now Kev had to be at his meeting point for his coach home and James and myself had to head home also. It was a bit gutted for us to leave, because it was such a nice weekend, the weather was on our side and we had to end it and go back home ! So we said good-bye to tommy and headed home but we had agreed amongst us, that we will most DEFINITELY be making a return to this wonderful location again, and it will be a long weekend for sure ! It was great to see everyone again and have so much fun, but things have to come to an end James and I left the location and headed back up the M25 to which was not so bad as it was on the way down to Bournemouth. The weather was still pipping hot but we loved it all the same. If you decide you want a break from the norm, then I'm going to agree and tell you that Bournemouth really IS, the place to be. You got everything you want right at your feet. So do yourself a favour, and get your arses down their and enjoy yourselves ! You wont regret it. @Maria Photos
  5. Erick Morillo at LUSH! was a night not to be missed. After some very last minute phone calls and arrangements, we were making the now legendary drive from my hometown of Ballymena to Portrush. We arrived at the club at around 10pm to find no queue whats so ever. After getting searched and paying our way in, we were met by the site of an almost capacity club and rammed dancefloor. Hold on...........its only 10pm! After a quick walk round to meet up with all my friends, we took up our place at the side of the dancefloor. It all begins now........... Warming up the crowd at this point was LUSH! resident, and local hero, Col Hamilton. Although his choice of tunes were doing the business, I have to say Col was a bit rocky. A few lost mixes, and he seemed to be struggling. This didnt seem to detour the crowd in the slightest, the already frenzied atmosphere kept things in full flow. We decided to take a seat upstairs in the VIP bar, grab a drink, and take in the madness going on downstairs. Just as we had got the drinks in, Gordy Kyle took to the decks. Gordy isnt a DJ I had seen much of, so was looking foward to hearing what he had to offer. I wasnt disappointed, he took the crowd even further with some awesome vocal led funky house. After what seemed a pretty short stint on the decks, Gordy was replaced by Col Hamilton again. Col redeemed himself from his earlier set, and played some tougher stripped down house that went down really well. By this stage the club was heaving and we were back downstairs and dancing away, awaiting the arrival of the New Jersey legend. Col was building and building on the atmosphere, but then the music was cut and the sound of LUSH! promoter Alan Simpson speaking over the mic was all we could hear. "LUSH! we have some bad news, and some good news" The whole club feared the worst, no Erick Morillo tonight. "The bad news is Erick Morillo has missed the last flight from England, but the good news is we've hired a private jet to fly him here and he touched down in Belfast 15mins ago!!!! " Now I dont know if there was any truth in that statement at all, but who cares. It took the crowd over the edge, and the atmosphere was now doubled. Gordy Kyle took to the decks yet again, and I have to say he rocked it!! He managed to play a set full of stormers, but without stealing the thunder from Erick when he arrived. Full marks to Gordy, I've made a note to come and see you again real soon. Personally his set peaked when he dropped "Linus loves the terrace". The music was then filtered down. "Two words for you...............ERICK MORILLO!!!!!" The king of all things Subliminal was given one of the best welcome reactions I have ever witnessed in any club, ever. He had arrived, and it is was plain to see he was taken aback by the response from the crowd. A saxaphone intro washed through the club, the build up was spine tingling and when the beat finally kicked in, LUSH! errupted!! What followed was nothing short of phenomenal, alot tougher than I had expected but all the better for it. His set as a whole was like nothing I have ever heard, new and upfront stormers next to reworked, beefed up anthems. I kept saying to myself "This tune is lethal" but then the one that followed was even better. Quick mixes, acapellas, effects, this man was hard at work but loving every minute. Another thing that I noticed was the fact that he was one of the most animated DJs I have come across. He enjoyed every tune as much, if not more, than the packed dancefloor. The whole club had lost itself, myself included. I dont think I have ever danced so hard in my life! Ericks set flew by in a flash, a quick look at the watch, 10 minutes to go. The music was cut, and i guessed that the usual encore would follow. I was wrong, Erick came on the mic to thank the crowd, he said he would play two more tunes. "The first tune I'm going to play isnt a house record, but its one of my favourite records of all time" No-one in the club was prepared for what was to follow. Lenny Kravitts "Are you gonna go my way" bellowed from the speakers. Every person in the club looked at each other for a split second, then the whole club exploded. Its impossible for me to explain what the crowd reaction was like exactly, but I will say that its something that will stay with me forever. There wasnt a single person that night that didnt understand why this tune absolutely rocked it. The next record was "French Kiss" and was supposed to be the last. Three tunes later and the LUSH! crowd are still going for it, as is Erick Morillo. But like everything it had to end at some point, but when it did Erick Morillo was given another roaring ovation. You could see that he had taken something from his experience at LUSH!, he thanked the crowd once again, and made a promise that he would be back "So soon" Just what we wanted to hear!! To finish I'd just like to say a few things: To Erick Morillo, what do they put in the water over here? I dont know mate but I think you had been drinking some too! To LUSH! and everyone who was there, thank you for one of the best nights of my life. And finally, people always go on about how good things were years ago and how things have changed. Well I wasnt around to experience "the good old days" but have to say that surely it couldnt have been much better than this. Words by @LiamStyles
  6. 21:00 Friday 25th July I'm in Birmingham New Street, on my way to visit Emma, my girlfriend, in Lincoln, we have a nice quiet weekend planned. Then I feel the vibration in my pocket, my mobile phone is ringing, I pull it out and the display shows Clubbing Si (@Clubbing Si). I was then ordered to phone up Emma, and tell her that we were going to Global Gathering, Scream (@Scream) Si had sorted out the tickets!!! They wouldn't take no for an answer. 10:00 Saturday 26th July Scream and I head into Lincoln City Centre, we hit the shops armed with a Store Card and the sales!!!!! 11:00 I'm stood outside Hotwax Records with Scream, loaded with a new outfit, including Trousers, t-shirt, and hat, cost not exceeding £25, waiting for the shop to open, so we can get the tickets!!! 11:20 We get into hotwax, get the tickets and [censored] off! 16:00 We arrive at Long Marston Airfield, Global Gathering, I didn't even get a chance to get EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! Once parked we made our way to the main gates, where hordes of clubbers queued for what was to be a solid 15 hours of clubbing well dancing in a field!!! 17:00 We're in! Its chucking it down, but everyone seems to be extremely happy with the fact they are getting pissed on by the lord! We purchase some Ponchos, for £2 apiece, bargain, we're not getting wet anymore!!! There were so many people running around the Airfield in them, I thought we were in a super hero convention! Off we head to the Sundissential Arena, when I say arena, what I mean is a big [censored] off marquee, although due to the popularity of Sundissential, I'd say should have been a bit bigger. Upon entry we are greeted to the sound of BK kicking off his set with Badass, the arena went mental, as BK played a stormer, also throwing in the likes of Hostile, Revolution and Accelerate, the baying loonies lapped it all up, and with such happiness and good feeling. I have to say also that the SS arena looked the busiest by far at this time of day!! Once we'd got a bit of stomping done, I spotted a few of the fellow members not too far away from us, the likes of @Bungle, @Bukey, @Tidy Tart, @Mr Moo, @jon_m among others. 18:30 By this time it was well and truly pissing it down, somebody hadn't been praying to the lord for sunny weather(possibly me), and the first official Club The World meet was fast approaching, scheduled for 7pm, we headed off to find the elusive Laser Water Fountain, after a good look around and many dumbfounded looks from numerous people, we came across Amelia, who pointed us into the direction of the Strongbow Arena, which is where we all headed! Once we got there, we were greeted by many happy smiley faces none from CTW though and some really nice chilled funky sax music, which I'd say gave the bar a very Cafe Mambo feel, I closed my eyes and thought back to last summer, I opened them and my memories were shattered by seeing the pouring rain..Hang on..who cares, I was at Global!!!!! Moo decided to sample a pint of the £3 watered down Strongbow, and I followed suit, I hate cider, but due to the fact it was watered down, that foul taste was not there, instead it was refreshing and tasty. Within 15 minutes CTW members started filtering in, the likes of Tresh, Clubbing_si, Dani, Cyberdonkey, James, Maria, TomD and eventually Dooby! 20:00 We all headed off to the SS Arena, hell-bent on getting in some real stomping in, once we got into the now, bulging at the seams Sundissential Arena, Ian M was mixing up a treat for the sweaty, mad for it, hard house nutters, by now I was pretty muntered, and cant remember what tunes he spun although I remember hearing Hostile(yes, again!). Next up though was Mr Paul Kershaw, in my eyes this was the best set of the night, he played a blinder, I didn't stop dancing from the first track to when we left for the Gods Arena, which was at 21:45, why did I leave the arena when I was blatantly having the time of my life? I hear you ask. One word.. TIESTO 22:00 On our way over to the GK Arena the rain had calmed down to a drizzle, but the damage was done, the lush green airfield had been turned into a dirty great big horrible bog, I tried to protect my trainers, but it was no use, it was a case of oh [censored] it, I'll clean them tomorrow! Once into the Gods Arena we set up camp about 2/3 of the way back from the huge stage at the front, this arena made the Sundissential arena look like a two man tent, it was massive. I set up camp with Jellybaby_uk, Bukey, Groovester, Tresh, Amelia, Dondo, Scream and Donna. The first 20 minutes or so were a difficult period for me, as I was trying to slow down my mental and physical state down to the slower pace that Trance is. Once warmed up and into the groove, I was unstoppable, as Tiesto played some mega Tracks! The GK crowd were going mental, they saw this man as their god and he was preaching, it was one hell of a scene, Tiesto toyed with the crowd as he built his set into one big build up, dropping in a tune which I never heard before, but included a sample from Radiohead, I almost shot my load over the disciples up front! We left GK to head back for Lisa Lashes at about 11. Tiesto was on for an hour, but hadn't finished when we left, I later found out to my disappointment that he dropped Suburban Train as his last track! Needless to say. I cried! 23:00 Lisa Lashes was spinning vinyl on the wheels of steel when we arrived back at Sundissential, driving some fierce hoover driven tunes through the sound system, to the delight of the manic loonies bouncing up and down in unison, dropping in her own new tune what can you do for me and once again hostile amongst others. Before I knew what was going on, Miss Lashes was done and up stepped LAB4, the second time Ive seen them Live! Once again they kicked arse in only the way they can, one word to describe them live is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I was waiting for one track to come in, which I liked to think so was everyone in the arena, and when REQUIEM was forced through the sound system, I had a little goosebump moment, as the tingle ran up my spine, with my hands in the air, as the orchestral breakdown pounded through the arena, everyone with their hands in the air, it conveyed a feeling of unity to me, this really was a gathering(Im getting goosebumps just thinking back now). WOW! The kick dropped in and the whole of the arena jumped up and down like a football crowd when their team score the winning goal in the cup final! It was then the turn of Rob Tissera, somewhat of a SS god, he didnt disappoint. Starting up with the soon to be released when the sun goes down and then moving seamlessly through a catalogue of euphoric hands in the air hard house. Due to the call of nature I missed half of his set, but when I returned, he was just finishing up, and dropped in the crowd favourite, We come one bootleg. 02:00 Back to the Strongbow arena for the next meet! We met back up with @Clubbing Si and co. Not surprisingly, we were the only ones at the meet. So we headed back off to the SS arena, only to bump into @James, @Maria, and @DoObY etc. outside the stalls area, which included a herbal high stall! They were on their way to buy some Mushrooms! After chatting for a while, we soon realised it was closing in on 4am, another meet-up. Back to the Strongbow arena! 04:00 We turned up and met up with some more from CTW, had a brief chat, and headed back with the original plan in mind..Sundissential! We had [censored] about for 2 hours, some serious stomping was in order!! 04:45 Re-entered the SS arena at the far side of the complex, to meet up with @Tony Pand @Miss Diddy, we were all getting it on big time, before I realised that it was Karim throwing out some seriously hard tuneage! And setting everyone up for Mark Gray for the final hour! Halfway through Mark Gray's awesome set, which all I can remember hearing in it was PH4, we headed over to the Gallery Arena to see the final half hour of Global Gathering 2003 in with DJ Scot Project! 06:30 Once we found @Clubbing Si and co in the Gallery arena we set up to the right of the DJ box, pretty close to the front, to let the Deadly Dread locked Demon serve up some Hard, Dirty, Dark Trance, we didn't stop stomping til the last beat had beaten! Scot Project finished off a perfect night, with his very own Overdrive 07:00 Once we got out of the Gallery, you could see the devastation that the rain had caused during the night, although the sun had risen at about 5am, I didnt really take much notice of it, as I had other things to do at that time! Also guess what?! The [censored] Sun was SHINING! 08:00 Back in the car, @Scream had gone off with @Tresh to find somebody, we eventually got hold of him on @Tresh's mobile, we told him to come back to the car as Donna(his gf), wanted to leave for home! He said there may be a problem, as he was in some sort of hole, I didn't know exactly what he meant, maybe the rain had caused landslides or something, or just a big puddle! Once we discovered him, we said our goodbyes to everyone, then made our way home, which took a good 3hours, due to queuing and getting lost! 12:00 Sunday 27th July We get back to Lincoln. Struggle to sleep! Roll on next year!!! @Bushy Photos
  7. It's 12.30pm when James and I woke up. We had to be out of the house and on the road by 1.00pm. A pre meet up was arranged at Warwickshire Services at 3pm to collect tickets and meet some CTW members. So, it was, a race against time so we didn't turn up late and keep people waiting. Up we dashed, time to get organised. Clean clothes ? Check. Mobile Phones ? Check. Camera ? Check. Money ? Check. Car keys ? Check. That's us done. Lets get out of here !! Ok, so we hit the road, leaving our current location of Leighton Buzzard heading for Warwickshire Services. I think at this stage we need some tunage in the CD player - something to get us in the mood! I left James be the decider of what tunes to play, only, my ears were hearing the soundtracks of all the James Bond movies. Erm, nice one James, but I think we have forgotten your tarten slippers and your Sunday paper back at the house. Would you like to go back get them ? Turn it off ! We put a bit of trance music on, Ferry Corsten to be exact ! This got us in the mood and also prolonged our excitement of going to see the man himself in the GodsKitchen Arena. COME ON !! We get to Warwickshire services, only to meet up with a few people that were there before us. We chatted about the commencing event, what DJ are you going to see, what members of the site have you not met...It was getting more exciting at this point. I think, before any event CTW's members attend, it's all about meeting the people, makes the whole thing much more exciting to see old faces again, and seeing the people you have spoken to for some time but have not yet met!! Well, it's how it makes me feel anyway ! We decide to have a bite to eat and a gossip and wait for more members to turn up. During this time, James was telling me how good last year was and how generous the weather was for the 15-hour event. Now the weather wasn't looking good today, but come rain or shine, we were all there. If you are a dedicated clubber, then nothing will get in the way of you enjoying today. It's all about the people, and the music. This was going to be Global Gathering and CTW Gathering combined into one. This is going to be large, so LET'S AV IT! Cars began to pull up in parking spaces outside the services, and the likes of @Mr Moo, @majikman, Modular1, @rachel, @Clubbing Si, @FredTheBaddie, Mrs_Baddie, turned up, and put a smile on my face. It was good to see these people again, knowing I was going to have a fantastic 15 hours with them, but yet, there are far more members to meet ! It's now 4pm, the plan was, get some petrol, then this is it. The final journey, to, GodsKitchen Global Gathering. You wana know what he has got on his menu ? Then I suggest you get your ticket at the ready. Dinner is served ! We cruise down the motorway, all in a trail, following one another. Following the signs of "Global Gathering". Each sign I saw, I would get these tingles of excitement, as I knew we were getting closer to the event ! We got close enough to be in a massive tail back of traffic. Like minded clubbers on their way to the entrance of the event. Cars glowed with cyber dress, music was heard from cars in front and behind, but at this point, it began to rain. Not slightly, but a bit of a downpour. This was my first Global Gathering, and I wanted it to be one to be remembered. I don't care about the rain. I don't care about my hair getting wet, this was about ENJOYMENT, not my appearance We were in traffic for, maybe an hour, but the wait in the traffic was actually worth it. We finally got in and parked up by about 6pm. Although James and I couldn’t leave the car as we had no tickets as a friend of ours took hold of them and we were to meet her and collect them from her, but due to the mobile network being "up in the air", it was a bit of a struggle having to get hold of her, but alas, in the end, we got in contact. The plan was, meet at the entrance, grab our tickets, and in we go ! We got to the entrance, handed in our tickets, security was fine, searches were fine, in we go. Tada!.....As we get into the site, we take a look around and search for the CTW meet up point, to which was actually non existence, due to the map of the site being incorrectly laid out ! Never mind, I’m sure we will see some members at some point and sort out a meeting point. We took a look around the fairground, and boy was it HUGE! There was a Bunji Jump, Waltzers (everyone’s favourite !), Bumper Cars, loads of "up in the air" rides, so many to spend all your enjoyment on to have a break from the heat of the tents. We spotted Tresh and had a gossip and went to see if we could find some people, but we couldn't, so we decided to get a burger. Two cheeseburgers and one hotdog, a grand total off FIFTEEN ENGLISH POUNDS! How much??!?! Bit of a ridiculous price £5 a burger, but I guess, it had to be done. You can’t really starve. We spotted the Beer Tent to which we headed to first, as we gathered, this is where most of the members will be, before heading to the various music tents that were on offer today. The beer tent was a nice size, nice and dry, funky house orientated and filled with lots of clubbers. This is where most CTW's were spotted. @TomD (long time no see!!!), @Bushy, @DoObY, RickD, Scream, Jellybabyuk, Jon_m, and so many more people I was excited to see. EVERYONE was on a high in this tent as so many people were pleased to see eachother. The meet ups that CTW organise really are the best. You can instantly feel the love and see the joy in people’s faces, to see eachother again. It's GREAT From this moment on, seeing all these people, I just KNEW, that tonight, was going to be excellent. There is nothing better than being with the people you love the most. You will find all these people, on CTW. I think now that conversations were had, and jokes and smiles were shared, it was time to head for the Sundissential Tent....as we got there, Jez & Charlie were just on the decks, banging out mine and Bushy's all time favourite tune "[censored] Hostile" by the man himself, Paul Glazby. The crowd was loving it and I was buzzing hard by this time off the atmosphere this tent was filled with. It was DELISCIOUS to say the least ! The tent was crowded although still a bit of room at the back for more clubbers to come on in ! My mission right now was to find @Tony P & Miss Diddy, to which we found at the front of the tent giving it some hardcore moves to Jez & Charlie. James, myself and @DoObY decided to stay at the front for a bit so we could capture some excellent photos to go in our CTW gallery. To which, we cought some very good photos and some close ups of the DJs that were to perform tonight. We had only just cought the end of Jez & Charlies set but it was, as always, excellent. Next up on the decks was Illogic. This mans music style is hard/trance energy. Always a crowd pleaser, he was pretty banging! Standing at the front on my tip toes looking at the crowd behind me, was just so amazing, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I was just amazed at the crowd. A known tune form the man himself "I Just Can't Stop" came streaming through the powerful soundsystem and filled the tent with an euphoric lift and the crowd just went ballistic. They were LOVING IT ! A crowd like this always goes down well. And with Illogic banging out all these tunes that the clubbers love, You can't go wrong ! Ok. next up, Ian M. Iv not seen this man play before, but, I was reassured By Miss Diddy, this guy, was the man. He was the clone of Glazby on the decks. Now I LOVE Paul Glazby, so I guess I’m in for a right treat ! I have to admit, this guy was playing very hard, just to my likeing. All the crowd, yet again, was going wild, I could see everyone behind me jumping up and down and heard people next to me commenting on how good he was ! There I was watching James and @DoObYDoObY getting jiggy with it, and one of my favourite tunes came into play. RR Fierce "Full Metal". I'm sure any hardhouse clubber will know this tune is a b*tch of a tune ! Gets the crowd going EVERY time ! It's hard, it's fast, and it's one that most clubbers love. I'll av suma that thank you very much ! He also played "[censored] Hostile". It got beaten a bit *too* much as I was told that BK had previously played it, aswell as Jez & Charile, but, never the less, it still got the crowd going. That tune never seems to let the crowd down. It's gets their feet into motion Paul Kershaw was the next DJ to grace the decks. Iv not seen this man play before, but, I was impressed. I'm not the best person to tell you hat tunes are played, although I keep my ears open for the ones I know that deserve a mention. Like, Faithless - We Come One. This was incredible. The crowd reacted to it straight away. I could almost feel the ground shake as all those like minded clubbers were avin' it like they never ad' it before ! It was amazing. Something I will reminisce ! As his set came to an end, the next DJ to take the stand, was someone I have wanted to see for a very long time, but have always, either, not attended where he was playing, or have missed his set because im chilling out in the corer somewhere. Yes, it was, K90. TonyP was just telling me, minutes before he started his set, that his guy is a lunatic. He doesn't just stand there and smile, he is actually one of the clubbers that are standing in front of him in the crowd. Arms everywhere, dancing to the beats. His intro tune was "Daydreamer" to which EVERYONE loved. Iv not heard this before but so many people around me were like "Oh my god this tune is wikid!". Cheers from all around the tent were heard, and the more the crowd cheered, the more he was eager to go ballistic to his own set. His attitude was 100% spot on. There is nothing better than seeing a DJ stand there and be "one of us" throughout the whole of his set. James, DoObY and I decided to go and take a wander over to the GodsKitchen arena. As we got out of the SS tent, more rain greeted us; the mud we walked in was absolutely HORRENDOUS. You would think that being as I am from Wales, I would have brought along my comboin'arvestor and me wellies, never mind eh It took us about 10 minutes to get the GK arena because of the state on the ground we had to walk on. But, it was fun. Watching everyone slip and slide was part of the fun. hehe. Anyway, we get to the GK arena, but it was VERY rammed. But Tiesto was in full force on the decks, and as we got there, he played, Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes. It's a very popular Trance tune at the moment to which everyone seems to be loving. The moment I heard this play, my heart sank and all I could hear was the crowd scream with excitement. The love in this tent almost unpegged the GK tent. I'm not joking. Inside this tent was so beautifully laid out, I have never seen such a pretty sight. You could tell, that this tent was planned and organised properly. It had that "feel at home" feel. We left the GK tent to wander off back over to the SS tent, where we just got in to hear K90 finish his set off smoothly with the best tune he could ever send his set off with a bang - RED SNAPPER. As I heard this being played, EVERYONE just gave out a massive ROAR. The sound system wasn't so boom at the back of the tent, but none the less I could hear it clear enough to know what tune was being played. It's a clubbers favourite ! And it most certainly was the icing on the cake to end the set. I could not stop my feet from bouncing away. This man really was fantastic. I will most deffinatly make the effort in the future to go and see him again. Top stuff. It was 11.00pm and again we decided to go and mingle outside, in the mud, and try and find some of the members of CTW, check out how their night is going and who played the best set so far. To our surprise, we couldn't find anyone. haha ! I mean, all these people from all around the country, it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack to find certain people, so we went to the fair for an hour. Myself and DoObY went on the waltzers and had some fun as James was a bit to *chicken* to be tossed round in circles and come off them walking like you had some kind of accident in your pants (although, I did later hear, then miss_diddy dragged him on the walzters and he came off them looking as though he had seen a ghost haha!) - but hey, it's all part of the festival fun. You can't go to an event and ignore the fair rides. I mean, it would be rude not too After having fun in the fare, we decided, to yet again head back to the SS tent where we just caught the end of Lab4's set. Oh my god. Words can't describe how euphoric the tail of their set was. I was stuck for words as I could feel every single hair on the back of my neck, rise. It was unbelievable. I only wish we went back a bit earlier to witness the rest of the set as Lab4 are undoubtedly, AMAZING. I was disappointed ! But then, things had gotten better - Rob Tissera was up next ! Down the front we go in search for TonyP and Miss Diddy. It was so packed you had to squeeze yourself through! Up came Rob Tissera, coming up to the crowd, having photos, signing records, always has time for us clubbers. Which is nice. So, up he went, and started to kick things off nicely. Tissera, always smiling when playing a set, always 'avin it with the crowd. Bouncing along with his tunes. There was real energy in his set. The selection was excellent although, I wasn't recognising much of the tunes he was playing, sometimes I tend to make note in my head, of what tunes I recognise, but then forget the day after haha. I was amazed though, at the way he used the upfaders on his mixer when playing a certain tune. I stood there and watched him just naturally tease the crowd with the tune he was playing out and the tune he was cueing. I can't think of a better word other than AMAZING. Rob Tissera, I salute you. After Rob showed us what he could do on those decks, which never ceases to amaze me, it was time to head over to the Strongbow tent to meet up with some CTW members and catch up on what fun they were having, unfortunately, when we got there none were to be seen ! We took a seat to rest our feet as we had been standing up for some time now ! DoObY decided to take the dancefloor on and strut his stuff to the funky house they played in this tent. We stayed in here for roughly an hour. My god !! As I was "up" in the clouds, my mind was sucked into the funky music that was being pushed through the excellent sound system. This funky house was the kind of funky music I have never had the pleasure of hearing. At one point, I had to pull DoObY off the dance floor and explain to him how AMAZING this set was. It was nothing more that EUPHORIC. I was amazed, as I never thought there was such a thing as "Euphoric Funky House". I didn't want to leave this tent ! It was full of LOVE !! STICK THAT IN YOUR STRONGBOW PINT AND DOWN IT !! After a while I decided to pull out my mobile phone to check for any text messages from any of the CTW crew to go and find them, sadly, moments after putting my phone back in my pocket, some pikey, had dipped their hands into my pocket, and take my mobile phone and put it in their own pocket. Oh well, it kinda put a dampner on my night, but what the hell, [censored] happens, a phone can be renewed. We decided after a LONG rest in this tent, we would go and walk around, what can now be called, a flooded BOG, which was the field of GKGG. Oh it's all fun at the end of the day. There is nothing better than walking around a field, upon tough mud. Plenty of exercise, because at one point, it felt as though I was using an aerobics stepper. Yes, it was that tough to walk in !! We headed back to the SS tent, it was round about 5am. Luckily, we find most of the CTW members, at least the ones that are mentioned in this review anyway ! We managed to catch Karims set, who was playing my FAVOURITE hardhouse tune PH4. I remember at one point, I said to Bushy "Hey, this is PH4 isn't it, it's the flip side of Hostile?" "I duno" he said". "Oh, ang on mun, yeh ew are right Maria, It's banging!" Bushy. It has to be said, the man is a Legend, he too, is from Wales! And is always one of the members I always look forward to seeing when we all meet up I guess the night was slowly coming to an end now L The whole 15hours has been a dream. The place was amazing, the DJz performed well, and the tents were designed in such a way, you felt like you were at the actual venues. We all headed back at the carpark to let the banter flow and experiences shared among us before we hit the road back home. The field, to which GKGG was situated in, was nothing more than a massive mud bath. But looking back now, it was incredibly fun. After a long day/night we headed back to an afterparty in Birmingham, party to chill and carry on with the ever-lasting banter. I'm glad I attended the festival of GKGG, the saddest part about it all, though, was leaving everyone, and not knowing when we are going to see them next L And I didn't manage to get my Leek of my best mate TomD. It will be missed L GKGG was an experience never to be forgotten for me. And I can quite gladly say, I will be there next year, without a doubt If you didn't go, then you missed out. U better go and take a look in our galleries and let the envy take over you. Until next time kids, AV IT LARGE !! @Maria Photo Album
  8. The Line up for this Monthly event included Colin Barrat, Ingo and Paul Glazby. On My way towards PoNaNa from the Digital pre-bar, Marthas, i was preparing myself for a night of Hard Tuneage, i was not dissapointed! The evening had started well at Marthas, with the dj there warming us up nicely with tunes such as Sharkboy 'music is my life' and Mr Bishi's 'throw your hands in the air', this was quite refreshing as usually the tunes aren't that hard! Something was different tonight, it must have been because Mr Glazby was in town!! Entrance into the venue is down a short flight of stairs, and a surprisingly low entrance fee of £5 b4 10:30, and £6 after, gets you into the 2 room venue, cloakroom cost is £1. Once inside you feel the low ceiling isnt gonna be too friendly when it comes to dispersing the heat, but, then again, thats what hard house nights are all about, hot, sweaty bodies on the dancefloor! As we took to the main room, we took up our usual milling place right next to the dj box, it was coming up to the end of the first dj's set, which was a very strong, aggressive techno set, which, to my surprise i enjoyed lots! Next up was Colin Barrat, after a few words of encouragement to him, from my good self, i'm sure he was ready to rock the place, and that he did, on his Digital debut, the boy Colin shook the foundations of PoNaNa with some driving hard beats, with a techy edge, fit for a gang of beat thirsty clubbers. Dropping in a few from the RAW stable, one that stood out to me was RAW9 (remixes). One tiny setback for Colin about midway thru his set (he left his cdr with all his new stuff on at Ingo's place) didnt phaze him, just slightly pissed him off. By now the club was starting to fill up, and the temperature started to rise, as more and more flocked to Lincoln's hottest clubnight. A quick peek into the back room, led me through to hear some Funky beats being thumped out of the speakers, was quite enjoyable, but i have to admit that my heart was set on staying in one room, and that was the front! As Colin Barrat, was coming to a close, his last 10-15 minutes were filled with seriously hard driving house, then a certain somebody arrived! Earlier in the evening i had been asked by Amy(gf's mate), if i could let her know when Paul Glazby arrived, as she didnt know what he looked like. My answer was, 'you dont need to know what he looks like, just look out for a glow that hovers through the club and up to the dj box. that' i said 'will be GOD, aka Paul Glazby, failing all the hovering and glowing bit, i'll show you' Mr Glazby turned up, and took to the tables, Colin Barrat finishing off a very impressive set, in my eyes, definitley one to look for in the future!Without stopping Glazby went straight on through into his set, opening up with the 10pm remix of Techsture, the birth track of his new label 999, he took it off in great fashion, seamless mixing from one track to the next, dropping in new material with older material, one track which stood out, is Base Graffiti - Base E.P, packed full of hoovers, and deep throbbing bass, this is gonna be a massive tune, bigger than hostile, in my honest opinion, and is due for release within the next couple of months, a few others worth a mention, is 'House always wins' - which is the flipside to 'The Hulk' which induces the sample 'dont make me angry', among others that impressed me Glazby also threw out some other tracks such as Intoxicating, throw your hands in the air(glazby rmx), hostile and ph4, thrown in for good measure! Needless to say the man had done it again, he came, he saw, he played records, he made everyone dance there little backsides off! Glazby clocked off at 1am, Ingo earlier told me they couldn't book him for the last set, which is what they wanted, due to him playing at Tidy Storm, so once he had finished with the wheels of steel, it was the turn of Mr Ingo. To follow up from Paul Glazby is a difficult job, but i am glad to say, Ingo did himself proud, and was knocking out some fairly hard tuneage, a lot of which i gathered is new material! Lots of cdr's going in etc. Ingo kept everyone dancing away til 2:15, when they finally turned the sound off. All in all, i think everyone had a good night, and is well worth a visit to any clubber who likes it HARD!! @Bushy
  9. Not being one to pass up a night of some serious hard house, I decided when the opportunity to go to 'SINERGY meets Insomniacs at Sanky Soaps' arose I would be a R'n'B type fooooool to miss it!! Never having being to Sanky's either, was a bonus When I got there, what graced, or rather disgraced my ears was the woeful sounds of some funky style choons. Happy Bunny Status light was not enabled!! Thankfully, I found this to be merely at the entrance, perchance a bouncer with some bad taste? Surely not! Inside I stepped and it was BANGING!!!! First impression of the club was brilliant. It reminded me of places like North and the Pheonix. Much as I like the big clubs like Sanctuary in Brum, there is sommat about the smaller venues I prefer. Was quite surprised how many people were in there as well. Ok, wasnt crammed to the rafters, but was expecting it to be much quieter, mainly cos it was a sunday afternoon on a none bank holiday. Anyway, I got in and downstairs had ILOGik and Little Miss Natalie were warming things up rather nicely! Upstairs, hosted by a slightly lesser website (only kidding GURN) was also pumping out some serious CHOONS! DJ Burns, who I hadn't heard before, was my fav up there. Come 9ish, room two was closed, and I trundled/staggered downstairs to the very sexy Lisa Pin-Up looking mighty fine and doing her things on the decks. Even told her so and she gave me a kiss!! The night was going well. 9:30 arrived and it was time for the main event, SIR PAUL GLAZBY . I have to say I haven't been dissappointed by Glazby for a while! The MC asked if we wanted it HARD. We did. He supplied! Final set of the night was supplied by the ever smiling Karim. Numbers were thinning out by this point, but those who left missed another good show from the man. All-in-all, a really REALLY good event. Sinergy crew put up a good night. Like the sunday afternoons as the beer can flow all night, and generally doesnt make monday morning work toooooooo unbarable!! Would say to keep your eyes on the Sinergy crew. Not running weekly, they are putting more effort into these bigger/monthly nights. So far, they are proving to be a good night out. @SarahPVC
  10. WiLDCHiLD celebrates its next event with a bang. This was my first of many WiLDCHiLD events that I was to attend. The build up of excitement was getting the better of me throughout the process of waiting and waiting for this event to finally land on my lap until it's time to get my dancing shoes on and get out there and PARTY! After waiting so long, the night had finally dawned on us. This was it, Sunday, 4th May was here at last and the waiting was no more. After feeling a bit worse for wear from the night b4 of attending Matrix in Reading, I really didn't think I was capable of attending WiLDCHiLD. I was worn out, aswell as being nervous at meeting more people and still tired after having plenty of sleep, but this event was one that I could NOT turn down. I'd only kick myself if I did. And besides, it would be rude not to attend It was 6.30pm when we woke up. Not realising the time, James and I dashed about in such a hurry because there was a ClubTheWorld meet up in the pub Wetherspoons which cannot be missed! During the rush of getting ready and to be fully organised, getting the camera sorted, random texts were sent to James' phone from members of the site, even the new members that were brave enough to turn up on their own saying can't wait to meet you tonight, this is going to be a great night! This started off the buzz of our night we hadn't even left at this time and we were all ready buzzing off other people! Finally, we are sorted. It's time to hit the road! Traffic wasn't all that bad, even as we got into London. God was kind and there was no traffic. Grrreat! We are going to get to the meet up on time and everyone is going to be there. No worries about that then! We struggled to find the venue on our way in, but then, who doesn't get confused with the roads of London! We finally find a car park to which was right next door to the club. FANTASTIC! We park up, then head for Weatherspoons. On our arrival to the pub, the place was full of ClubTheWorld members, old and new. We venture in and mingle with everyone, meeting the new people and the people we have spoken to but had not yet seen in a long time. Banter was shared among us, drinks were bought, laughs were had and the atmosphere was just so friendly, it couldn't get better than this. Oh, hang on, it's going to get better than this, the night is young and its only just beginning! AV IT! We decide to end the meet up and start to make progress and move over to the club, which was just across the road. We get to the club and surprise! No queue! It was around 10.30pm and I thought there would be an almighty queue, as all the clubbers will want to be in there first, but alas, there wasn't! So, tickets at the ready, get yourself in line, we are going in! We got in, bouncers were taking our tickets, and I must admit, I did sense some attitude from these guys. But then I guess they want everyone in as soon as possible. Time to put our coats in to beat the queue then start to wander off into the various rooms WiLDCHiLD had to offer. The cloakroom queue was an almighty queue indeed but we got there in the end. Once the coats were hung, this was it. I am now going to experience my first WiLDCHiLD ! The main room was the Trance arena. I was liking this arena as soon as I stepped into the place. The sound system was out of this world. The whole night is going to be witnessed and not a beat was going to be missed. The main arena was pretty big, lots of space for dancing and lots of space for cooling off. Plenty of air conditioning so it's all-good. After looking around the main arena and I decided I was happy with it, we stayed around and talked to more people that turned up. The meet up was massive. Loads of pictures taken, lots of banter and this was going to continue throughout the whole night. This really is going to be a night I am not going to forget. It's time for us all to check out the hardhouse room, where our very own ClubTheWorld DJ @ANDY WHITBY will be performing tonight. So upstairs we went and into the hardhouse room we entered. Not a really big room, but at least big enough for all the clubbers that decided to situate themselves in the room when the top DJs performed. It was hot, but yes, that's to be expected but it was manageable, sit yourself down for 5 minutes to cool down then get yourself back up on the floor and strut that stuff. The sound system wasn't too bad, although I think it could have done with a bit more pumping bass. Either way, everyone was happy, and that is all that mattered tonight. Time to venture into the funky room where Funky House DJ @guyster was going to be sending some funky tunage through the speakers and watching all those funky clubbers strut their funky stuff. Average size room, enough space and enough seating. It's looking good. The night has now begun and everyone is getting into it. Each decided to go to the room of their choice and AV IT large. For myself, the first DJ I was planning on seeing is the King of Hardhouse Yes you know it, Paul Glazby. The ever-impressive Mr Glazby is a favourite of mine, so I couldn't wait any longer, alas, up he stepped and the ball was rolling. Everyone is cheering Glazby on and the tunes that everyone loved to hear him play, are now in force. Defective Audio Floorburn is in play and all the clubbers seem to know this tune well, and all my ears are hearing is the clubbers cheering and clapping to this tune. You have to admit though; it's one hell of a tune! I decided to sit down and catch some air as it was getting overly hot due to the amount of bodies that were filling the room, wanting to see Paul Glazby. I decided that his set was not the hardest I have heard him play, so I left my friends to it and decided to take a look at the crowd down in the main arena. After getting past all the clubbers that were sitting on the stairs and in the corridors, I finally make it to the main arena. The heat just hit me! I stumble to the bar to get a bottle of water. 2 a bottle of water and £3 a bottle of alcohol. Indeed, pretty expensive but that didn't stop people going up to the bar getting drunk! I found my mates and decided to toddle off down the front to see Signum and I stayed to see Simon Patterson and JFK. Wicked tunage, got the crowd going feel the lurve. The lighting was fantastic in here. So many people, the arena was filled with so many cybers. The atmosphere in here is great! The music is tough, building and trance edged. It's going to be a hell of a lot harder towards the end of the night when the likes of Andy Farley and BK show up n this arena. The highlight of the night was standing at the back of the Trance arena watching the hundreds of clubbers dancing to their favourite DJ. The lasers were out of this world and were sweeping across the crowds. Familiar faces decided to wander down from the hardhouse room, into the trance arena. Things were getting a lot fun by this time. The trance arena was in full flow and this arena seemed to be everyone's favourite. The dancers were fantastic, including Tara who is a ClubTheWorld member. She gave it what she got and well done! It was time to move back up to the hardhouse room to see Phil Reynolds perform. This man I have A LOT of respect for. Always seems to join the crowd on the dancefloor before and after his set. Always smiling and always got time to have a chitchat. It's all-good. He proceeded to play his set and the room, once again, filled up with more clubbers. This man seemed to be the clubbers favourite. The dance floor was filled with active clubbers, constantly on the go. Lots of pictures were taken and lots of comments were passed about his set. He was ard. Just how we like it. Back downstairs in the main arena, Cosmic Gate graced the decks. The crowd seemed to be loving the tunes Cosmic Gate let out. One tune that will be remembered of the night is Underworld. Born Slippy Another tune that goes down well with a crowd like this. The banter continued to flow and TomD and myself decided to go around the arena and take many pictures of the crowd. These pictures are the evidence of a good night. Lots of crowd shots, laser shots and people in the cyber dress. It was wicked. To my disappointment, just as I decided to head for the hardhouse room I realised that it was passed 2.00am and I had missed Guyster play his Funky House set. Although I was told by many of my friends that he played a fantastic set. And I didn't doubt that feedback for a second as I have seen him play at past events and again, Guyster is not someone who plays his funky tunes just to please the Funky crowd, he does it because he loves it. Full of energy is Guyster, and is always getting funky behind the decks and always shaking his booty to the tunes he is feeding the crowd. With that attitude you cannot go wrong. It's the way forward. Decided to have a rest and chat with people before heading back to the hardhouse room to witness ClubTheWorld DJ @ANDY WHITBY play for the crowd, and boy were we all looking forward to it. We ventured up and standing behind the decks with a record in his hand giving it some, was ANDY - all cheering him on, playing some filthy hard tunage to which we were all loving it. "Kick it" By Paul Glazby and "[censored] Hostile" by Paul Glazby I think really got the crowd going. ANDY WHITBY at such a young age seems to have potential to be the most successful DJ. Check the flyers that go round in the UK and get you're arse in gear and go see him! He is a legend. After ANDY's set, the hardhouse room was now time for closure, the night has almost ended, BK and Andy Farley were the only DJs left to play n the main arena. Feeling slightly exhausted I decided I would sit and listen, as I was too tired to get up and dance any longer. BK and Andy Farley never cease to amaze me whm I see them play. BK played Glazby's tune [censored] Hostile to which I remember a lot of the clubbers were loving the hoovers. Who doesn't? People were getting tired and just hung around until the night ended before people headed off to the WiLDCHiLD afterparty where more fun was had and banter seemed to flow in motion. We decided to beat the queue of the cloakroom and get our coats ready to set off back to a chill before heading back home. We met most people outside and chatted for some time describing how good the night was and that it was the best night that most people had. I can honestly say that WiLDCHiLD has to tbe the best event I have been to in a long time. It's all over and WiLDCHiLD has done well. In my opinion, WiLDCHiLD is the Daddy of the big events. And I know for sure that the next WiLDCHiLD event, I will be there with bells on. You would be insane if you miss out on the next one that takes place in August. BE THERE! You know it makes sense! @Maria Photos
  11. I have heard so many good reviews of the Matrix in Reading, and many a time I have wanted to go there. Regarding its friendly, welcoming crowd and relaxed attitude free clubbing focussing on the more important side of music - having fun! Well, being that 2 of our CTW DJ's were making an appearance at this club, we decided, @James, @CreamyC and myself were going to be in attendance and give these guys support. Not only was @Tony P and @Carl Nicholson gracing the decks with their presence, but the almighty Charlotte Birch and James Lawson were also going to spin us some fine hard tunage tonight. Plan was, to meet some peeps in the bar Great Expectations for pre-drinkage and then head off to the Matrix. After James and I trying to find this club, after getting confused with the road systems, we found a parking space, and to our surprise, what was across the road? The pub for the meet up, and right next door, was the Matrix. Bonus ! Looking at the Matrix from the outside, it looked very small, didn't have the look on the outside that would make you think that inside was a club, designed so welcoming and made u feel at home. We head to the pub to meet Tony P, Carl Nicholson and Co, having a few laughs and sharing some banter among us b4 we head next door, to have a fun packed night that wont be forgotten. The pub wasn't so packed when we arrived, although more clubbers in all sorts of clothing, from casual to cyber dress, started to fill the pub and you could just feel the friendly atmosphere lingering in the air, and I just knew, this was going to be a good night. It was around 10.15pm before we finished our drinks and headed off to the entrance of the club, where there was not much of a queue, and there were friendly bouncers greeting us in to the club. Security was good, no arsing about and certainly no attidude was received from them. A quick search was had, or should I say tap-down and then through the doors we went. Paid our entry we're in ! As we got through the doors, I could just see at the top of the bar, the lighting in the main room. Looked very bright, lots of UV, so the plan was, lets get the drinks in then let's check the venue out ! We had a little look in the funky room, very big, but very empty. Bearing in mind we were more or less the first few people in there. We ventured into the main arena to see Tony P already up behind the decks. The booth was so nicely put together, all painted in illuminous UV colours, making the booth stand out to all the clubbers. We looked around the place and our mouths just suddenly dropped to the floor. The lay out was just fantastic. It was designed in a such a way, you instantly felt comfortable as soon as you go into the main room. The club had comfortable leather seating for the clubbers to enjoy getting comfy on when the music seems to wear them out ! Check the gallery and you will see the evidence. Moving swiftly on, Tony P is up in the booth playing some good hardhouse tunage. Really got the night warming up and the placed started to fill up. One of the tunes Tony P played, to which all the clubbers seemed to recognize was Come on by Breather. Excellent tune, and they were all singing along to the vocals. Thrashing some hard tunes smoothly seems to light up the room ready for the night ahead. The atmosphere was happy, vibrant and filled with energy as the music, never killed the dance floor or the enthusiasm of the crowd. Nice one Tony! Up next to grace the decks was Charlotte Birch. Always up for it and is part of the crowd when spinning tunes. Lovely lady, always got time to chat to clubbers and WOW what a set. Deffinatly one of the best sets I have EVER seen Charlotte play. I was impressed. The hairs on the back of my neck went into overdrive, as she played some of the hardest tunes that really made my feet move and all the clubbers loved it. To end the set, Charlotte played Paul Glazby's tune F^cking Hostile Wow what a tune! I think I could almost feel the dancefloor move as all the clubbers were stomping away! Nice one Charlotte! Next up, Carl Nicholson. Feeling a bit worse-for-wear before hand, feeling tired, but he indeed was capable of getting up there and showing us all what he was made of. The night was in full flow by this time. Everyone in the building was dancing away to the music as their attention seemed to be drawn towards the DJ booth! Again, Carl wasn't just a DJ, he was part of the crowd, giving it all he got and moving to the phat bass lines that were streaming out of the speakers. A tune that was remembered from Carls set was The Dawn By Tony De Vit. A well known tune in clubland that all clubbers know, and appreciate so much each time it's played. Hands went up in the air and everyone was loving it. Carls set came to an end, and the final DJ stepped up. James Lawson. I have never seen this DJ play but have heard his music and have been impressed. Again, great tunes were played by Mr Lawson, although his set wasn't successful as a little miss-hap occurred to which his set suddenly died towards the end. Music stopped, the dancing stopped, what's going on?! I guess that's what u get for using CD decks but then not everyone is perfect! Slowly the night came to an end and James and I decided to go get our coats before leaving the club wishing somehow the night could have continued. The staff at the Matrix were very friendly. Even the door staff smiled, they treated the clubbers like human beings. They didn't seem to be up their own arses like you do get in some other clubs. The Matrix deserves to be a complete success in the future. Certainly a top quality night that I would definitely return to without a doubt. With the friendly atmosphere, the feeling of being welcomed and not feeing uncomfortable, if that's the surroundings u like to be in on a Saturday night, then get yourself to the Matrix. You will not be Dissapoionted. @Maria CTW Photos
  12. Sinergy @North - Manchester (2nd May 2003) Words by Paul Williams Has to be said, wasn't the best start to the night. But it turned out to be an absolute BLINDER! Rumours earlier on in the day were true that Lab4 had to cancelled. Apparently stuck in Singapore in quarantine, sommat to do with SARS. However the Sinergy team put together a PHENOMINAL night. Got into North around 11 ish, and they had Flask! and Psyche warming things up in the main room. In the second room was little chris pumping out some quality trance. The main event, the replacement for Lab4 was a couple of guys by the name of Orpheus 2. When asked what their set would be like, one of the organisers (Stu) said "Not quite K90, Not Quite Lab4. Somewhere in between". And that was a pretty good description! They came on and banged out a series of CHOONS that electrified the dance floor. I danced like an absolute muppet, but no real change there!! In the second room, Flask! and Lord K where also pumping out some really, REALLY good trance/hard trance, and to be honest I was divided between the two rooms all night. Never disappointed by either, not wanting to miss either! By the time the lights came on, I didnt want to stop....... The Gods of Dance must have heard my plea for more carnage as the Sinergy organisers had setup an afterclub at Industry (old Paradise Factory) from 4am til 8am. The thoughful darlin's even provided a bus for those who had one to many to drink or couldn't be arse with the walk! Playing here were Jason Ford (Hard House) and then Flask! and Lord K again with a descent mix if hard trance and trance. Hearing K90, Red Snapper around 7 ish (I think) perked my aging body up to BOSH the early hours away! Have to say, the Sinergy crew deserve credit for three major factor: Firstly the sound system. Has been beefed up over the passed couple of months and now is sounding GREAT. Secondlt organising a great night after the late cancellation (and I should point out Justin Bourne did a great hard set after Orpheus 2). And finally the second room becoming a trance room. I personally much prefer that to funky, and think it is a great combination. Good job fellas thanks for a STORMING night! @SarahPVC
  13. For some, summer starts when the clocks go forward (hence the term British Summer Time, I suppose); for others it is the start of the cricket season, the sound of bat against ball on a sunny Sunday afternoon (Yorkshire, Yorkshire). For those of a more clubbing mind, it was either the Tidy Weekender, or the Easter Bank holiday, and the knowledge that from now on whenever you finally fell out of a club, sunglasses weren't as much a fashion accessory as an essential piece of survival equipment. So it was I found myself making my way towards the NEC on a Saturday evening armed with a camera, a name I was assured would be on the guest list, and an attitude of Bring it on. Parking was well organised, and £6 for all-night security was bearable, unlike the walk to the arena, which was long and chilly (it may be British Summer Time, but it didn't feel like summer). I finally get to the front of the guest list queue after being misdirected, and am relieved to find that the name I give is greeted with a smile and a ticket, and then I am sent back to the main queue again! Quick search, as you would expect and I am in. 9 hours of partying lie ahead. My first stop in any club is the bar, and there were plenty dotted around, but the choice seemed to consist of bottles of Heineken or some Vodka drink, so I opted for the latter, and £3.20 for a bottle is better than I was expecting. I couldn't see any playing times posted anywhere, so it was off to the merchandise stand, and £5 for one of those necklace things you have all seen. Expensive, but essential if you are to get the best out of the evening (and even more so if you want your review to make any sense when you have recovered enough to write it!!) The main room was Godskitchen's (it was after all A Gift From The Gods) and any of you who have been to an arena event will know what to expect. A big room, with seating up the sides and back. The DJ podium was elevated in the centre of the stage, and there were some speakers situated halfway down the hall, ensuring a good sound throughout the room. A nice touch was that the seats at the back of the arena were open, so people could go and sit down, and relax, whilst watching out over everybody else, and by halfway through the night these seats were packed. The entrances and exits to the arena were well organised, just keep to the right of the barrier, as directed by the friendly stewards, so you never had any difficulty getting into or out of any arena. Through a tented walkway and you were into the Goodgreef arena, which this early in the evening sounded quite boomy, as it was basically a warehouse which had been converted for the purpose, but it was already starting to fill up. Anyway, as much as a venue is important to an event, we really come for the music. I myself am more into Hard House than Trance, so was expecting to spend most of the evening in the Goodgreef arena, but there were a few names I wanted to check out in the main arena, starting with John 00 Fleming, who my list reliably informed me would be on at 10.00. Nick Rafferty was on in the Goodgreef arena, and so I stopped there until 10pm came around. The times I have seen Nick Rafferty before, mainly at Sundissential, people have commented on him having a quite trancey set, but not tonight, a good up-tempo set to get us all in the mood. The place was starting to fill out, with a good mix of cybers, casuals, and beer-boys, although I must admit I didn't notice too many try-hards. Moving arena, as I have already mentioned, was easy, thanks to the one-way system employed, so getting through to the Gods arena for John 00 Fleming was easy, and this was where the first, and as far as I am aware, only deviation from the playlist happened. I go to the front, to look up at the DJ podium, to see a DJ with dreads. John Fleming, dreads? I don't think so nope, must be Scot Project. Added bonus, as I was looking forward to Scot Project, but he was scheduled for 5am, and a clash with BK b2b with Andy Farley. Thankfully I didn't have to make that decision now. I must confess that I was expecting Scot Project to be harder than he was, but a friend who bumped into him at a bar later (How cool is that, the DJs mingling later on) said he had been asked to fill in on short notice, and wasn't that happy about it, which is understandable. I am also told that he did get back on again later, and got to let rip some more, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Next up was Tall Paul, another one of the names I was looking forward to seeing. As I have mentioned before, trance isn't my favourite choice of music, but this was a good set, a combination of arms in the air synths, but with a nice energetic underlying beat, so it kept you moving. The time now was 11.30, but there was still plenty of space for dancing, perhaps too much space, and the music was a bit quiet, I could hear the people next to me talking, as opposed to having to shout just to make myself heard. Despite this, the atmosphere was good, and everyone seemed happy to be dancing away. Throughout the sets, stilt walkers and various other entertainers would appear on the stage, but it seemed a bit disorganised, and the stage and arena were too big for such small numbers to have a noticeable affect, but it was about the music, not the show. Judge Jules stepped up to the decks, and I wasn't sure what to expect. I hear the name Judge Jules, and I think Radio One and cheese, but I confess that I haven't listened to Radio One in over five years, and I have heard plenty of people say the Jules is good behind the decks. Give him is dues, he was. By the time Jules had finished playing at 1am, I found that I had been in the trance arena for 3 hours solid, dancing away, cheesey grin on my face, and had even heard some tunes I recognised - the new PVD, Belfast Trance, and the ubiquitous DJ Tomcraft. And it had all been good. In fact, I had completely forgotten that I had meant to see K90 in the Goodgreef arena, but you can never expect to see everyone you want at these big events. Performing dance music live is a challenge, but can be achieved, as acts like K90 and the mighty Lab 4 have demonstrated, so I was intrigued to see how Push would fair. The only criticism of their set I would have from a technical level was that the live percussion seemed to be distorting a bit, but otherwise the performance was polished. But, (you could see the but coming, couldn't you?) I felt the entire set lacked the energy required for the night, I found myself standing and watching (and enjoying), instead of dancing, which is what we had paid our money for. The crowd was still enjoying it, but the arena was still far from packed, so I decided it was time to make my move to the Goodgreef arena, where I was hoping to find Shan & Alex Kidd playing. Shan & Alex Kidd are up and coming names of the hard scene, and as much as people like Glazby and Farley push this scene, I think it is only a matter of time until these 2 establish themselves as challengers for the crown. I am not sure if it was just because I was coming from the trance room, but the tunes these two were pumping out had such an edge to them, I would be pushed to think of a harder set I had ever heard. The only way I could think of describing it would be as Thrash for the dance generation. At times they maybe pushed it a little too far, but who can blame them, and there is nothing wrong with challenging your audience from time to time, and they soon returned to good, old-fashioned Hard. By the time Tissera stepped up, then Glazby, BK & Farley, I was pretty much into the Hard Groove, along with the rest of the crowd, and it was just a case of going with it until the end of the evening. With the practiced ears and hands of these guys, you know what you are going to get, and they didn't fail to deliver. Most of the crowd seemed to stay until the end, and it was nice to see Andy Farley come down and do some photos and signatures at the end, and BK joined him after a bit of encouragement. Even the staff weren't hassling everyone to get out of the building, but seemed happy to let everyone get their photographs and signatures before asking them to leave. It was a great evening, I left with a big grin on my face, and realised that not once had I gone on a search for the chill out room (I think there was one, somewhere), and never needed to sit down, so can't complain about the lack of seating other than the arena seating in the main room. At no point did any arena seemed too packed, which is a good thing, but I think more people would have made for a better night, and I heard people saying that Gatecrasher last year had been busier. One finally apology, it was not sunny when we left, the sky was grey and overcast, and I blame that totally on the fact that I had purchased sunglasses just for leaving this event. Hey, it wouldn't be British Summer if it was sunny, would it? @SarahPVC
  14. It was arguably the most anticipated night in months but the question is was it worth it? The answer (as if you haven't already guessed) is a big, resounding YES! This was only the second big night that Wildchild had launched onto the capital, but already there's no doubt that this is one of the clubs to watch out for in the coming year and beyond. Why? Because the place absolutely rocked. As we walked down the stairs and through the doors to the main room, our senses were suddenly assaulted by heavy basslines, whistles from the crowd and lasers that were mercilessly slicing through the waving sea of hands. Not bad for 11pm, we thought. Unfortunately, we'd missed the majority of Adam Sheridan's warm-up, but our disappointment was soon forgotten as Lange stepped up on to the decks and immediately dropped Frozen February 3 Fingers (a remix of Flaming June) what a tune! And the mania continued, courtesy of a line-up that was really second to none - not forgetting the little touches that made the whole night unique (including the infamous 30+-strong Wildchild Parade and its free handouts, bubble-gun attacks and er, the presence of space-hoppers a word of advice: don't ever try bouncing on one of these things whilst battered it is not a good idea!) Back to the line-up now (must stop digressing), Dan Bailey carried on where Lange left off, followed by Signum, then Wildchild's very own Reece Elliot, who hammered out the hard trance like there was bloody no tomorrow. Tidy Boys naturally pushed things that little bit further, JFK followed suit and by the time @Andy Farley unleashed that huge hard anthem SSSSSSSh by Jonah (Pants & Corsett), the atmosphere was so electrifying you could almost hear it crackle (though in retrospect, this could have been our jaws). In the meantime, the rest of the club was showing little signs of slowing down in honour of the frenzied main-room action. Room 2 was where the Tribal-funkers were at, and with Wildchild resident Little Gem belting out tunes like High Voltage by Electric Six, there's little wonder that everyone was all jumping around wearing stupid grins (and fighting for the Midget Gem sweets that she was throwing out between mixes the girl evidently has a sense of humour!) And Room 3 well, this one was even harder than the main room though this might well have been because Harderfaster.net and ClubTheWorld were competing for supremacy put it this way, it was a battle and no mistake. Who won? Er, haven't a clue (but it definitely wasn't my shoes they've almost fallen apart due to all that stomping). So there you have it Wildchild: possibly the most exciting night to come out of London in years. We rounded up an amazing night back in the main room, as BK boshed out tune after tune after well, you get the message. Unfortunately, though, the whole arriving home just after midday thing (after grooving funky-house stylee at the afterparty) has rendered us completely useless for the whole of this week and the worst thing is that apparently, the next one is a 12-hour marathon for Bank Holiday Sunday May 4th. Twelve hours!!!! They're calling it May The Fourth Be With You. Judging by the last one, I think I'm gonna need it Words by Eva Brown Flyer Photos
  15. It's not often the words Liverpool, Hard House & Trance are mentioned in the same sentence but when Cream Versed Nukleuz at Nation the emphasis was on full-scale party! As we went in, I noticed how large the club actually was, room after room with the VIP room up some stairs in the main room which in this case was home to the cloakroom. I was pleasantly suprised at the lack of queues to get in the club, the cloakroom and for the bars! At one end of the room was the DJ box where DJ Montanza was banging out some wicked hi-energy Trance tunes whilst at the other end clubber danced on some grandstand-style stairs. I just caught the end of Dirty Vegas playing their live set & i must admit even though this wasn't my style of music i was somewhat uplifted by the atmosphere - it was electric! Through in the Courtyard Guffy was banging out some hi-energy hard trance tunes and was getting ready to hand over to Rob Tissera who played his usual uplifting set filled with accapellas which kept the crowd stomping on the floor. Recent tunes such as James Lawson 'Energise' and Miss Behavin's 'Such a Good Feeling' accompanied classics such as 4 motion 'Over 4 Me' - possibly more popular than it has even been due to the reaction of the crowd! The sound system, lights & effects throughout all three room were all top quality - the sound system was crisp & clear whilst the bass didn't pound through your head. Strobe lights flashes intermittently whilst green lasers injected their glory into the already buzzing atmosphere. Paul Glazby was last to play in the Courtyard with his often copied, but never bettered hard-as-nails style, starting with a medley of well-known tunes and promptly caused mayhem on the dancefloor! Tunes such as his own 'Kick It' as well as a couple by 'R R Fierce' kept the crowd, although starting to thin out at this late hour, still going strong! As i walked back into the main room i could see where the crowd had gone - it was heaving in there, clubbers were dancing anywhere & everywhere they could, JFK had them enthralled! My Verdict Top Venue, Top Tunes, Lots of Special Effects, friendly bouncers & no queues!
  16. On paper at least, this appears to be the perfect night with the perfect lineup. Matt Darey ("Lord of the trance" according to Marcella Woods) and Scot Project in the main room, Lisa Lashes, respledent with her lapdog A* upstairs, aptly support by Neil Appeal and Mark Leish, and the mighty kings of the old skool Altern 8 handling proceedings in the Old Skool Euphoria room. Let's see if they can live up to the hype. Well knock me sideways with a 1210, if it wasn't the best godamn selection of tunes I've ever heard in my life! The main room was rocking to a selection of the finest trance records known to man, my own personal favourites being Darey's own mix of Grace's Not Over Yet, and the roar that greeted Scot Project as he dropped his own classic Overdrive nearly drowned out the monster kick drum. Elsewhere, the Extreme Euphoria room had an extra three inches stomped into it's floor as cyberkids, ClubTheWorlders and antipodeans alike pogoed their way through the latest and greatest tracks the hard dance spectrum has to offer. Rob Tissera's Burning, a long time stayer in my box was on offer, and the up for it crowd of boshwits lapped up every snare drum roll, every synth riff and every vocal snippet the hard house jocks could throw at them. But for me the highlight was the Best of Old Skool Euphoria room. Easily the strongest release in the Euphoria series, the room itself lived up to the reputation forged by the album, and Altern 8 delivered a monster selection of old skool classics. The Prodigy were in strong force, with both Charly and Your Love getting a look in, as was the classic Lock Up. They scowled at DJTommy when he requested Searching for My Rizla, but changed to a grin as they dropped Frequency for their closing tune. Absolutley astounding, and one of the main reasons I was in tears as the music finished. Tune of the Night Grace - Not Over Yet (Matt Darey mix) DJ of the Night Although I don't usually rate him, A* astounded me with his deft selection of tunes, and the sheer brilliance with which he ended proceedings in the Extreme room/ Quote of the Night DJTommy - You enjoying the music? Random woman - Yeah, it's quality DJTommy - Altern 8 are amazing, don't you think? Random woman - I'm engaged to one of them actually. Words by Matt Young (@wub_wub)
  17. This was the first time I had visited Parlez Vous and I was expecting a truly awesome night from what I had heard from friends and other clubbers I had met. There was a lot of hassle sorting out going as Parlez Vous is for people who are members or have invitations to go, so do not just turn up and assume you will be able to enter. Another thing you need to know about Parlez Vous is that you have to take your own drink as there is not a bar, well there is a little place selling water and cups of tea!!!! Because of this you will see people swigging down bottles of straight vodka and alike. There was the main room down stairs which plays the hardest of the hard when it comes to hard house, it was seriously banging!!!! Upstairs there was funky house which seemed to be mainly there just for people who needed to chill out a bit from the bangingness of downstairs. Downstairs there was Shan, Cheeky Boys, Stan, Jon, iD, Butch D and Karim. For me personally and the people I was with Shan rocked the place most out of all of them followed by Karim and Cheeky Boys. Shan seemed to have an ora of up coming greatness and when he started monkeying around with the classic TDV-Are You All Ready? he showed how much potential he has and how big he will be given a year. Karim and Cheeky Boys showed off with some shit hot trickery but did not seem to be so willing to entertain as Shan. Upstairs there was Dan Tait, Hatty Lovehearts, Lucy Locket and Tintin playing. I can not really comment on the Djing upstairs but from friends who were up there quite a lot apparently Tintin ruled the night but everyone who played did a more than good job. One of the most startling things about Parlez Vous is the rawness of the club, it is basically a warehouse that has been changed into a club, there has not been tons of money thrown at the d'cor, it is simply UV paint splashed around on the walls, this may not sound to be your cup of tea but it adds to the deep down dirty, hard, genuine vibe you get from the club. Sundissential is a light and bouncy atmosphere but Parlez Vous is dark and underground. The crowd was spot on, there did not seem to be a bad un amongst them all, everyone seems to be there for the same reason, to get away from commercial clubs and get down to some proper hardcore clubbing. @FleX
  18. Well this was the Sundissential North that people did not think would happen. Everyone at the previous 1 thought that it was the last 1, but no, Sundissential North was going nowhere. Room 1 ANNE SAVAGE, ILOGIK, MARK GRAY, PHIL REYNOLDS, NICK RAFFERTY, TOLLEY and ANDY FARLEY back to back with ROB TISSERA. As you would expect all of the DJs played top notch sets but personally I thought that Andy Farley back to back with Rob Tissera was the most banging, followed very closely by Mark Gray. Room 2 PAUL GLAZBY, IAN M, CHARLOTTE BIRCH, JEZ & CHARLIE, STRANGE DAVE and MARK AUSTIN. Mr Glazby was the king of room 2 showing that he is by far one of the great DJs of the moment (well, my opinion!!!) Recently Sundissential seems to have been getting busier ever time but this one did not seem to be as packed, basically you could walk around at a reasonable pace without having to constantly stop etc! There was the usual mad heads there but this time I ended up meeting a load of new people for whom it was their first Sundissential. This never really seems to happen, it always seems to be regulars who go every month that I talk [censored] with!!!! Massive shout outs going to Gemma, Michelle, Matt, Chris, my amigos I went with, Lush MickEy, @Guyver (yes THE Guyver) and the many others who's names I cant remember! Oh yeah I finally met Mr CTW, @James, good meeting ya at last. There were some people who were seriously tapped in the head who I was genuinely concerned for, such as the dood who ended up being taken to hospital for putting too much up his nose and the dood who kept saying he wanted to die at Sundissential that night. Not good. Overall it was exactly what you would expect from Sundissential north, a very friendly atmosphere, top DJs, banging choonies, mad outfits and and the overall bouncy hard atmosphere. It was not one of the best Sundissential norths ever but it was a top quality night. @FleX
  19. The biggest meetup yet showed us all how successful ClubtheWorld is for bringing many friends together into a single community! This week alone i have received many PM's from plenty of members thanking us all for introducing them to each other! Having arrived at The Kerry Man preclub meetup (pub) - BTW Thanx @Mr Moo 4 sorting that out- at around 9 o clock, the night just got better and better. Although the queue was more of a mob and possibly the longest ive ever had to wait to get into a club, it was 110% worth it. After finally making it through the door after at least an hour, we all walked into The Sanctuary, which was a fantastic venue for Sundissential and without a doubt its true home. The Venue although not the closest to Subway City (Afterssential) was absolutely unbelievable in comparison to DNA (the old Academy Venue). It boasted an incredible chillout room upstairs which we spent a lot of time in. With people sprawled everywhere, ClubTheWorld basically took over the entire bottom section of it (overlooking the main dancefloor downstairs), and there we vegged. Upon entering the club I was immediately hit by the electricity that was in the air, the atmosphere was incredible, just another factor which made the night so successful, and having turned to the other CTW people i went in with, the delight on their face was blatantly obvious too. The first order of the night was to arrange a dance-off to see the true CTW dancing god, unfortunately the messyness was looming and within about half an hour everyone forgot about it and it never really happened. Having asked everyones thoughts on the weekend it came out that instead of dancing all night, people were taking many random missions around the club and chill out room and most of us had a hard time finding each other cos we were always on the move. This of course is no bad thing because i probably walked just over 2 miles over that nite and need the excercise! The DJ's were absolutely Qualiteeeee and despite the missions and the chilling out, there was an enormous amount of stomping and "lets fookin av it" taking place! Even from the chillout room we had a good view of the DJ's, and it was becoming clear that Rob Tissera (who was amazing) and various other DJ's couldnt keep still either. For a time CTW members took over the VIP section on stage when @Andy Farley (again, phenominal DJ) was rocking everyones world, but we soon got slung off so we took over the front of the dancefloor instead. And so the next few hours passed in the blink of an eye but it was very eventful, batteredness, stompage and tunage were all flying round the rooms, and that just left us to an enormous queue to get out of The Sanctuary and back to the cars. Having sat in the cars discussing whether we should do Afterssential, we decided it would be fairly illegal and extremely rude if we were to miss it, so off we went driving in a convoy around the lovely Birmingham getting there fairly easily (thanx Pablo) and having arrived at Subway City we stood in the queue for another hour (GRRRRRR - but not to bad cos i was occupied) and having walked into yet another electric atmosphere, it all began again. After walking round and round and round.... the club and still not being able to [censored] out where all the rooms were, we finally ended up in the main room downstairs for a while, and as that filled up we went upstairs to the Trance Room and ended up taking some great photos with nearly every CTW member present. Stayed until about 12 o clock ( i think ) and at that very sad moment, our clubbing weekend came to a halt. THOSE OF YOU WHO MISSED IT, DONT WORRY BECAUSE WERE DOING IT ALL AGAIN IN FEB!!!! AS WELL AS SUNDISSENTIAL NORTH AFTERWARDS AND CTW MEETUP 3 BEFORE. IF U DIDNT MISS IT THEN I EXPECT YOU'LL WANT TO GO AND REDO THE EXPERIENCE AGAIN. Quotes Of The Weekend @Scream : I've turned into a cuddle slut @Clubbing Si : This is the best Tidy Trax event yet @sentialSteve : (MR_Moo am i allowed to write it down??) @Shenlong : I'm staying straight tonight! @James : Why are you drinking tea??? I don't understand : REPLY : clubbing_Si : Because its there! Random lad I met : Raaaaaaaaaaa, i'm going to have children! Thanks to @pablo for talking more rubbish than anyone i've ever heard (all good tho). Chloe / @Damo (Xserv) for the various shots and vids. Tony De Vit for creating I Don't Care! + all The Members that joined us this weekend and all the current members who made it so special! Words by @Clubbing Si
  20. With the memory of Convergence the night before, I set off to see a different breed of hard dance DJ - some bloke they call Eddie Halliwell. The Cross itself is an amazing club. The crowd are some of the most up-for-it I've ever seen in my time clubbing, and the atmosphere of the place is off the chart. My only quibble is with too many people seemingly in one place. That and the heat, but once I'd found an air duct I was fine. Luke Neville's in the trance room showed me for the first time just why Serious regulars hold him in such high regard - the man was amazing. Elsewhere, the two lov-er-ly young fillies working the decks in the funky house room got my hips swaying for at least two reasons. Hopefully my photos came out..... However, the main reason I was there (well okay, the only reason I was there) was the man like Eddie Halliwell. And, as usual, he didn't disappoint. After missing Eddie Friday night at Slinky, he more than made up for it by playing a superlative set of some downright euphoric trance. Not as hard as I usually like it, but his encore made up for it.... Over 4 Me. Bits and Pieces. What Ya Got For Me? A double rewind of Madagascar. All impeccably chopped and scratched. Su-perb. By this time the dancefloor in the main room had cleared a bit, and I was able to dance like a loon to my hearts content. Fantastic end to a fantastic night. And then it was onto the after party.... TUNE OF THE NIGHT: Together - So Much Love to Give One of the few times I left the trance room was when the opening bars of this hands in the air house anthem echoed over to where I was dancing. A true tune that will live in the annals of the house music hall of fame. By Matt Young (@wub_wub) Photo Album
  21. Not more Hard House. Well, if you insist.... I spent a good hour beforehand chatting to the bouncers in Fridge bar next door, which meant I was moved straight to the front of the queue, and consequently was the sixth person into Convergeance. Nice. After making my prescence known to the rest of the CTWers, it was done to some serious boshing action. The main room (a colossal space) was heaving by 10:30pm, and the beats were dutifully supplied by the larger-than-life hard trance god that is Spencer Freeland. Synth riff and snare drum combined to get the party started. Elsewhere, the second room played a less-hard sound, with the wonderful Miss Tara Reynolds laying down the building blocks for a skyscraper of a set. At this point, I was required to look after several of the worse for wear CTWers (cough @Shenlong cough @Ameliainleedscough). Not that it bothered me, but I was gone for quite some time and thus re-emerged into the main room in order to catch Karim laying down an absolutely brutal hard mix, possibly one of the hardest I've ever heard. I can tell a good set because I know I don't own of the tracks myself. BK followed in much the same fashion, as did the wonderful Phil Reynolds. The latter receiving the response of the night as he teased in his own P.O.S. 51. It was left to the king/queen of hard house himself, @Andy Farley to wrap up proceedings. Now, hearing @Andy Farley play is special. Hearing him play drum and bass is better, and hearing him do three encores is simply mind blowing. Full marks to him, as he kept the dance floor heaving til the end. As for the night as a whole, I was surprised to do a hard house event clean, but it is a stern testimont to the sheer energy that Frantic events exude that I was able to do so. Put me down for the next one! TUNE OF THE NIGHT Sharkboy - Night Watch (or whatever that hard mix of At Night is called) I think it feels, I think it feels much better at niiiiiggghhht!
  22. Wow, is all we can say for this one. Wow. And that was just the car journey up there! 130mph all the way in an American Import Thunderbird, 150bpm hard house blaring into my ears is definitely the way to get yourself in the mood for an all night stomp fest. Anyways, enough of that. For a start, a quick shout out to everyone I was in the car park (C3, or 3C, I can't quite remember) with. Especially the gaggle (the correct collective term for a group of cyber kids) that numbered about 50 identically dressed fluoro teenagers opposite us - nice to see some individuality amongst clubland! Given the length of the queue, waiting time to get inside only amounted to about 20 mins, and thus remains in the 'tolerable' area. Once inside (entering into the Tidy Trax arena - NICE!), the atmosphere didn't really take me. It was a bit too cold in all of the arenas, the music hadn't even STARTED in Gatecrasher main, and the place gave an overall empty feel to it. Still, it was going to get better. A lot better. By the time I'd commandeered a VIP pass and heard Nick Sentience drop Revolution (sans vocals, never heard that before), the grin and gurn double had taken over me. However, staying in one place for an event like this would mean missing something, so the wanderlust took over. In my travels, I not only managed to meet a variety of new CTWers, some of whom I may have scared, some of whom I definitely scared, but I also managed to see the following; Underworld for a stunning rendition of new single Two Months Off. You Bring light in, to the darkness....... Superb. Hyde and Smith demonstrated that even without Mr Emerson's dancefloor savvy, they can still rock the joint. Tiesto roadblocking the main arena (I had my own way of getting through the crowds at this point), with a set that I've heard many describe as 'awe-inspiring'. Despite a lacklustre opening half hour, the Dutch dynamo managed to take it above and beyond, and proved to the assembled masses just why he is rated No.1 in the world. X-Press 2 once again tearing the roof off the Bugged Out! arena, and slapping all bedroom DJ's hard around the face with their now legendary six deck, three mixer madness. Lab4 proving that they are the undisputed kings of underground hard dance, with their staggering 160bpm set ripping through a selection of nu-classics, and bringing their music to a crowd that begged for more. Tidy Boys Well, Amo and Andy need no introduction to these pages, and once again the boys that are Tidy ripped the living [censored] out of the Tidy Trax arena. And not a Blockbuster theme tune in sight. Tune of the Night This is a toughie. X-Press 2 nearly squeezed it for the singalong that Lazy caused, as did Underworld with the live version of Born Slippy. But even the definitive beer boy anthem (Lager, Lager, Lager....) paled into insignifcance, when compared with the sheer aural orgasm that is; Lee Haslam - Music is the Drug Tidy Trax' very own Tony P lookalike has created the anthem of many an event this year, and Gatecrasher NEC was another feather in the cap. Noteworthy Events The magical mystical journey that many have dubbed, 'Tresh's Adventures' The security jacket, and with it the ability to push through large crowds of people and get away with it. The insanely overpriced (as per usual) laminates. The rather crap chill out room. Two X-Boxes and some overpriced bints charging for massages does not make a good rest area. And why the f^ck couldn't we smoke? (NOTE: I gave up smoking after Global Gathering, but it's the principal....) The numerous ClubTheWorld group hugs that took place. The area we commandeered at the back of the Tidy Trax arena. And when the music had all stopped, only one thing could be heard above the deafening silence of the main room..... WILL YOU START THE FANS, PLEASE!
  23. How long have I been clubbing? It's gotta be since I started Uni, so we're looking at about two and half/three years. In that time, I've had a load of amazing experiences. I've heard 15,000 people chant "Lager lager lager" when Darren Emerson dropped Underworld's Born Slippy. I've pogoed around to 4Motion's Over4Me whilst Andy Farley yelled "Cheese!" next to me. I've sung along to Orbital's live rendition of Doctor Who. I've clubbed for 42hrs straight. I've watched the sun sink into the Mersey at my first ever Creamfields. But those events are nothing. Nothing compared to what I did on the 6th December 2002. I have had some amazing experiences in and around clubs, but nothing will ever top leading 40 of my closest clubbing friends in a hand clap to Paul Van Dyks For An Angel. It simply can't be beaten. But that's starting at the end. Lets rewind to a few scant hours earlier..... I spent the most of Friday afternoon/evening travelling from the south coast of England to Nottingham. Myself and DJTommy kept ourselves amused by laughing at hard house mixes we'd done the night before that 'sounded alright at the time', and generally working ourselves up for the no doubt deluge of debauchery we would encounter beneath the shadow of Nottingham castle. On arrival in bitterly cold Nottingham, we were greeted by the presence of @Clubbing Si, @Amelia, @James and @Nick G, who had all chosen to park in the same carpark as us. Who says @SarahPVC can't give directions! After a brief tour round several of Nottinghams seedier petrol stations (in case you were wondering where the Haribo came from), a rather cold Wub was ready to enter the Edge. Apart from the friendliness of the door staff (no searches, thanks very much....) we climbed the stairway in front of us, and ascended to ClubtheWorld's own piece of clubland. Firstly, praise must be given to @ElsxBells & @Sophie. Both the girls did a magnificent job on the banners, and the room looked amazing for it. Now, onto the matter of the music. For anyone who has ever received one of @Tony P's mix CDs, we all know he can mix hard house with the best of them. But the question was, could he still cut it with a trancier set? Well, both @SteveSpectrum and him barked a resounding YES to that question, and the tunes flowed like wine all night. My own personal highlight, aside from the pre mentioned PVD hand clap had to be the cheeky Vengaboys bootleg played by Steve. Superb. I really am lost for words on how to describe the feeling inside the club. If you weren't there, then you can't possibly imagine the buzz and atmosphere of what was literally one big house party. The vibe was electric, indeed the dancefloor literally crackled and bristled (and made the records jump if you danced too much.) Kudos to everyone who was there, I didn't get a single bad word said to me all night. My only regret is that it was over too soon. But then again, time flies when you're dancing your tits off. Highlights of the Night; @CreamyC's outfit. It could only be described as someone vomiting a stars and stripes over Willy Wonka. Meeting all the members who I'd already met, and all the ones whose first time it was. Great people make a great party. The lone barman who watched the carnage unfold. @James' clubbing trousers. Ex-C&A man goes cyber shock! The after party at Bar None (is that the name, I forget). Messy. The after after party at @Shenlong's house. Even messier. And with more rally driving. My water fight with @tidygirl. Revenge will be had.....
  24. It was a cold wet windy new years eve and me and my amigo Chris were going to Fantasy Island. We were full of high hopes for the event as we had never been to a fantasy island event before. After a 3 hour coach journey from Leeds we arrived. We got in straight away, no fuss, no cues, no searching!!!! When we walked in we gazed up in amazement at this big mountainy, tree covered type thing with a slide inside a massive dome. One of the main reasons I go clubbing, as like a lot of you clubbers is for the crowd people you meet in the club. As we went walking around at the beginning we started noticing the crowd seemed a little different to what we were used to. Basically 30-40% of people were strutting around with their Rockports, Adidas poppers, chunky gold earrings and Burberry caps at 45degrees on their head! I am not prejudice in any way shape or form but when I saw groups of these people giving the clubbers who were wearing cyber gear or club wear grief I automatically started making assumptions about how the night was going to go. Lets just say my wallet went from open back pocket to zipped up front one, just in case! From this point my expectations for the night seemed a bit lower than before. Don't get me wrong I met some seriously nice friendly people as you would expect to do so but most people did notice this hostility. There were plenty of different arenas (well they were called arenas but many of them were more like rooms). There was the main arena which had Kelly Lorena and alike on, it never seemed to get very busy and public domain who were supposed to be playing didn't turn up. The hard trance room which was put on by Honeypot Recordings and Tasty was normally very busy but was a bit odd as it was all carpeted (very strange when dancing your ass off then walking on to hard wood flooring) also at one point when we were in there the sound system kept playing up for some reason. The drum and bass room was what you would expect from a drum and bass room, ie lots of strange smelling cigarettes, mad ass MCing and a bit of an underlying gangster style aggression amongst people. The old school room which was put on by Raindance was full of white gloves, smiley yellow faces, skeleton people and them white face mask things. It was a really uplifting room, it was the room out of all of them that seemed to have the most happy, smiley, clappy people. The trance room was by far the nicest looking room but was always dead and very cold. The house arena I can unfortunately not comment on because I didn't find it!!!! Oooops!! The hardhouse arena was ace, this is a bit of a biased opinion as hard house is my life. It was put on by Goodgrief and Insomniacz. The music was what you would expect with the most perfect choon being played at 12 midnight.. Tony De Vit - I Don't Care, lets just say that was one hell of a tingler choon!!! The hardcore room, put on by Vibelite was not my sort of thing but it was very entertaining with the MCing, video screens, dancers in cages and very intense banging music. This room was packed most of the time and lots of people I spoke to said it was by far their favourite room. There was also a restaurant/caf place for people who could manage some food or if you fancied a cup of tea!! The food was expensive but I'm not sure about how expensive the drinks were. After 11 hours of dancing and lots of talking crap to people we got on the coach and headed back up to Leeds on the coach talking lots crap to people on the coach, some people who we were quite sure did not have the slightest clue what they were on about!!! In conclusion the night was very good because the trouble seemed to keep in certain areas so we stayed away and most people we met had said the same about the trouble. Best parts of night New Years in Hard House Room The people we met Bad points of night Prices of food Attitude from some people Closing at 6 Not enough seats As soon as we got back to Leeds we headed home for a quick shower and change of clothes and back off we went to Sundissential North at Evolution in Leeds. Sundissential This was the last Sundissential to be held at Evolution and boyeeeeeeee did it go out with a bang!!!!!! It was one of the busiest Sundissentials I have ever seen. It had the usual DJs i.e. Rob Tissera, Eddie Halliwell, Jez and Charlie, Andy Farley to name but a few. It was Sundissential VS Sundissential North. There was the usual Sundissential North mad cats that seem to be there every month but most of them seemed to be flagging slightly with it being NYD and most people having no sleep, like my self, but the party went on. The atmosphere was pure electricity in the main room as everyone seemed to be on a mad mission to dance their arses off as it was the end of an era at Evolution. The second room was considerably more chilled out with the choons being quieter and the overall temperature being quite a bit cooler. In the second room it was Sundissential and in the main room it was Sundissential North, not much difference apart from the temperature and the volume. One of the most amusing parts of the night had to be whilst Illogic was playing a seriously banging set all of a sudden the music cut out. The dance floor stopped all movement and took in a massive gasp of air, then the laughing and cheering began. As you would expect it did not take long until the sounds were back blasting out of the speakers, then it happened again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again!! It seemed to happen about 10 times until eventually the dance floor emptied! Apparently there was a problem with the fire alarms because it was too hot. At the end of the night there seemed to be an air of sadness that people were not wanting to show because they were wanting to go out on a high note. Rob Tisserra was the man to finish it off in the main room blasting out the Sundissential anthems such as 4 Motion-Over for me and Warrior-Warrior. Even the people who appeared to be flagging during the rest of the night seemed to be able to conjure up the energy to go crazy at the end. If you have not been to a Sundissential at Evolution in Leeds you have unfortunately missed out on a really unique night, they will have to find somewhere very special to be able to compare with the atmosphere that was generated in Evolution. After that it was straight to the after party that went on all night. Then finally got to bed some time the next day. Messy but utterly amazing New Years!! Since writing this it has been discovered that Sundissential is not moving from Evolution, it was an evil, evil, evil rumour that everyone seemed to have heard and believed!!! Photos Flyer
  25. Friday Well, well, well. After months of anticipation it was once again time for the weekender madness to take over the lives of 3,500 clubbers. Pontins in Prestatyn was the venue, as the sleepy holiday resort on the north coast of Wales was transformed into the capital off all things Tidy. After Tidy Weekender 4 finished, and all the tears were shed at the end of another weekender, I don't know how people stayed sane as they waited for instalment number 5. Well, they did, and they came to lose their sanity for 72 hours, once again. For the 5th round of Tidy's addictive weekenders, they incorporated a military theme, as we arrived, and collected our chalet keys and laminates, Sgt Pickles and Major Mozart were seen walking around in full officers uniform. For the first time at a Weekender event, Tidy issued a dress code for the Friday night. Camo. This had not gone down very well with numerous message boards, including CTW. So the dress code had been relaxed a little, and everybody was asked to wear at least one item relating to the military, even a green coloured top was good enough. Checking into our chalet, we realised we were just around the corner from the VIP area, which was housing a lot of people we knew. Our chalet number was 189, which now has legendary status, but that will be brought up later in the review. We sorted ourselves out, ready for the night ahead, had a quick scout round the area, to see who was in close proximity, we had @Frazzel's chalet and @Clubbing Si's chalet, and we paid them a quick visit, and then headed off back to 189. A quick change into me camo outfit of green cargo pants, army surplus t-shirt, and helmet, I was ready to advance from my trench and go over the top for the first time this weekend. Once inside I entered the main arena where Riley and Durrant were playing some lovely trance to start the weekend off, I have a memory of them dropping bullet in the gun and going crazy to it. As they were reaching the end of their set, I headed off to the toilets. Inside taking a slash was none other than Lee Haslam, what was to follow was the first bit of comedy to a very funny weekend. Two randoms were taking a slash near Mr H, and having a bit of a convo with him, to which I thought nothing of, until I heard them giving him a bit of hassle, banter style, and then came the punch line, the giggle bit. So Lee, tell me, do you ever do any scratching? You know, like Eddie Halliwell Lee Haslam replies, No lads, I don't to which they reply. It's a corker Yeah that's right, the only thing you can scratch is your arse! I thought it was that funny, I nearly pissed on me boots. Lee took it all in his stride, and was having a laugh with them. It was a scene I think I will never forget. Once I was back on the dancefloor, as in true Tidy Weekender style, I lost everyone. I went back to where we were all dancing, and lo and behold, @jellybabyuk, @Scream, @SexyNic and @Tresh had all disappeared. Then @Shaney_R appeared from nowhere, asking me where everyone was. Cue, mission round the dancefloor, through the arcades, into arena 2, and back to where we were dancing, only to find everyone back there. I'm sure they do it on purpose and follow you around the venue. So once were all united again, it was time to take a proper look around. As Lee Haslam set about making people dance, we left and sampled arena 2, which tonight was Yoji & Friends This is were we bumped into the likes of @LiamStyles, @Crill and @Frazzel, getting on down to some filthy hard beats from Oliver Klitzing, anyhow, smirking at his surname was not on anyones mind, as everyone was there for a brilliant blend of Hardstyle that would make your eyes water even if the sound system was a little below a standard you'd expect from tidy. After a stomp to him, for most of his set, we set off next door to Arena 3, and into the aptly named funky room Make love not war. As soon as we got in, I got dirty looks from Shane, for taking him into a funky room, but Tresh, Jellybaby and I were going nowhere, and started to funk it up big time, to the Trophy Twins, as they played some great vocal house that just put a big grin on your face. We lasted about 15 minutes in there, as Shane came running in to tell us the Tidy Boys were about to start. As a lot of you may know, my opinion recently of the Tidy Boys, is not exactly colourful, BUT, their set intros at Tidy Weekenders are NOT to be missed. Last time they flew out of cardboard boxes in full cyber, this time was something completely different. The lights went down, and as only Tidy do, their intro was littered with samples from a selection of Tidy Releases. Being the National Anthem Theme in Arena 1, all the old faves were littered in the intro. Music is the Drug, Man On The Moon and Coming on Strong to name a few. Then with a flash bang of a firework Amo and Andy flew across the stage suspended from the ceiling on cables, in full combat gear and imitation machine guns. Once they had their fun, with pickles doing random somersaults while attached to the cables, they unhooked, and came running round, winding the ram-jammed arena up into a frenzy. Amadeus runs over to the decks and starts to mix in the first tune, as Andy Pickles runs around from one side of the stage to the other. By now everyone is smiling, screaming, jumping and pointing in unison at the boys tidy. The atmosphere is near explosive as Amo does most of the mixing while Andy Pickles does the entertaining. Tidy mentioned that they had sorted the heat problem in Arena 1, well this was its first test, and I have to say it had failed, as it was as hot as any of the previous events, and it wasn't long passed midnight!! As the temperature soared, I had to get rid of the helmet. So Tresh and I headed back off to the chalet, to change me headwear. We arrived back from the barracks about an hour later, feeling very spongy. As we hunted down Jellybaby, we went into Arena 2 again, and caught some of Adam from Lab4. We stayed in their for about 5 minutes, I decided it was too hard for the mrs and that she wouldn't be in there. I remember saying to Tresh on the way out that the music was proper nosebleed stuff he thought I said I had a nosebleed lol. Eventually we met up with Jellybaby in the arcade. She was having a conversation with a jonny Knoxville lookalike through the glass. It was weird. It was now about 2am, and I couldn't quite get into what was offered from tidy. The night seemed to go into a slump, and I couldn't get out of it. I decided to go back to the chalet again and to try and bump myself up a bit, you know, get back into the swing of things. Tresh joined me. I think it speaks for itself what went on in the chalet. I felt like a sniper while we were there, hiding in a hole for ages, until the right opportunity arose to pounce out and get back into the action. Upon re-entry into no-mans-land, we headed straight into the arcade, hooked up with the platoon at the previously arranged rendezvous, and marched into Arena 2, to do battle with Yoji and Friends. Once inside we met up with Liam, Crill, Frazzle etc. and joined forces to do battle with Sterling Moss. This was the first time I'd seen him, as I stupidly passed up the chance the previous week after wildchild, all I can say is I was highly impressed. His mixing was spot on, his in-set effects were awesome, and tune selection was fab. I was later told, that he played a average set, by his standards. I was shocked. I stomped the hardest I had all night, and then I heard One Night In Hackney for the first time. I was in my element. Then a girl appeared behind the decks, and just lifted the needle off the record that was playing, and she looked all confused. Sterling Moss then jumped up, grabbed the girl and pushed her over to the bouncers as the girl shouted abuse and the crowd laughed and jeered. Dawn later told me that the girl walked straight past the security, onto the stage while Moss was looking through his record bag. The girl was seen throwing water over the bouncers later. I don't know what happened to her, but she was far from with it. I wanted what she'd had! Mr Moss came to a close, playing on til about 04:10, as Mr Headliner, Yoji Biomehanika messed about with a Apple Laptop to get himself set up ready; the Arena suddenly became very busy. I believe people come to see his hair just as much as him play, as he took to the decks with white streaks in his long locks. As Yoji set off with his first tune, you could tell the sound system was not gonna handle it. Distorted sound from the speakers said it all; this system could not handle Yoji. It was a shame, as I looked forward to hearing Yoji, as the only previous time I heard him was a year before at TW3, where he rocked Arena 1 on the Saturday night. This time though, it was Arena 2, with a sub-standard sound system. His first mix in my eyes was terrible, as there seemed to be a herd of wilder beast running through the arena, which was deeply disappointing. It didn't seem to bother the majority of the crazy loons in this Arena though; they danced like mad, and made lots of noise. Sadly I found the second mix as the first, coupled with the sound system, it just wasn't going to keep me in there for another 40 minutes or so until 5. As we left we peaked our heads in for 5 minutes worth of Cally & Juice, who seemed to be playing to a half full arena, which was a shame, as they played a couple of good tracks. I would have stayed but the disappointment of Yoji's set took me down, and I just wanted to get back to the chalet for the upcoming madness that would be the Friday Night Afterparty!!!!!!! As far as afterparties go, this was a lighthearted affair, with various comings and goings from certain people, in short the likes of Liam, Crill, Clubbing_si, Highlander, Moo and the ever-present Tresh. As we all know what goes on at afterparties that the likes of this group of people I've mentioned attend, I'm not going to go into too many details. We basically got smashed and had a wee chat and dug the odd hole here or there, for people (including myself) to fall into. Liam seemed to be forever at the table, playing about on the surface with his flexible friend. Shaney_r by now was getting into the swing of it, and the entertainment was about to begin. If you haven't met Shane, then I can tell you that he is without doubt the funniest person you can meet. Whether it was just random comments directed across the chalet, or just actions he was doing, everyone just sat back and took it all in. The highlight was the random screams at people walking about outside, he didn't know them, he didn't care. Moo kept saying to me, that Shane was crazy, and he'd never seen anything like him. When the oxford dictionary people put their word explanation in, it should read: Random (Ra-n-dom) Shaney_R As mid-morning approached the party attendees dispersed back to their own chalets, or off to someone else's. We just chilled out, and got our heads down, ready for the Saturday night. Saturday After Friday night and Saturday mornings escapades, we were all a little worn out, and I have to say, for the first time ever at a Tidy Weekender, did everyone in our chalet get a bit of kip. We all awoke at approximately 6pm, and decided to get a shower and a bit of grub. So on went the water heater, and on went the cooker. Wet bodies and wet pasta was the order of the day. Once we were all fed, and all cleaned up, we all milled about our chalet, other peoples chalets, and just got back into the swing of things at our own pace. We popped round to @Clubbing Si’s chalet, to find everyone still totally wired from the previous night. Also took a visit round to see Frazzle and co. also popping in to see 879 at his chalet too. As the Saturday night kick off fast approached we all sat around debating whether or not to make an early start on it or to hang back a bit and let it get going. We all decided on hanging five apart from @Shaney_R who decided it was his mission to go and see Caroline Banx, after falling hopelessly in lust with her at Wildchild the previous week. So of he went, he says he was the first in there, and that she played a storming set. We headed in at about 22:15, as Anne Savage was due on, but she had swapped sets with Charlotte Birch, so we had a bit of a stomp to her, before going through to the boys room, in arena 2, to listen to a bit of mixmag future hero Guffy. Once he was done up stepped Tidy’s new Whizzkid, the Magnificent Colin B. Playing a nice tech fuelled set to start with and then finishing up with beats that pounded our senses good and proper. This was by far my favourite set of the weekend, it had a bit of everything, and had balance. The room was only 2/3rds full, but my golly gosh that 2/3 of a room were subjected to some great mixing and an awesome set, which strayed away from the norm, that hard house delivers of late. As his set came to a close, the arena filled up for an established tidy whizzkid. Guyver. After a very disappointing set at Magna NYE, @Guyver really had to deliver to get himself back in my good books, and to be fair, he started off fairly well, and was keeping a nice flow going with some stomping tunes. This unfortunately died after a while, and my scheduled meet up with @Ikon was on the cards, so I had to leave young Mr Mearns to entertain a mad for it crowd of hard house nutters, who seemed to be having a jolly good time. I met up with @Ikon outside Arena 3, the next generation hardcore arena, and stepped inside for a bit of a boogie, well, a hardcore bounce. After trying to keep up for about 10 minutes I decided to get out and to try to breath as the temperature in there was easily in the 100s. Once back out into the arcade, we had a quick chat and I introduced him to a few members from the site, then we made our separate ways. I headed back into the boys arena, where @Guyver was finishing up, and I have to say he closed a lot better than I have ever heard him finish before. He played some stomping tunes, as next up was Ingo. The lights went down low, and Mr Ingomells entered with his remix of Brainbug Nightmare, this set the tone for his set, and what a set it was, dark pounding sounds with an evil stab to them, the whole of arena 2, jumped and found an aggression to their rhythmic pogo-ing, and arm waving. Emma and I sat up on the seats overlooking everybody going mental. About 20 minutes before Ingo finished, Emma decided she wanted to go back to the chalet, as she said she had heard a similar set from him loads of times before so off we went. At the time this seemed like a great idea, as Mark Eg was scheduled to play next, but, Ikon told me that he had spoken to the boy Eg and that he said he was on last. So I thought I would go back to the chalet and chill for a while and then go back in for 4am and have it large to Mark Eg for the last hour. Oh how wrong I was. Ikon.. Cheers. So once back in at about 03:30, we entered the Boys arena again, and there laying out tune after tune of euphoric hard dance was none other than Mr Rob Tissera. Tresh and I had a right good ole knees up and kicked it for a while, enjoying the euphoric sounds that was drumming out of the sound system. I remember Rob Tissera going on til about 4:15am, and I decided it was time to go back to the chalet, and get some pre-after party messiness going. So as Tissera hammered out bring the lights down to a frenzied room of clubbers I gave it all I had before walking to the shop, collecting a couple of pints of milk, and then heading back to the chalet. Little did I know what was to follow! @Bushy
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