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Found 3 results

  1. REVOLUTION New Years Daytime 2003 Camden Palace 1A Camden High Street, NW1 11:00-23:00 (12 hour extravaganza!) Ever wondered what it feels like to be part of a REVOLUTION? Frantic are offering you the once in a lifetime chance to experience the birth of the UK's biggest New Years Daytime event, while dancing at the most intense party ever held at Camden Palace. Isn't it about time you made it to a club that rocked your world, while changing clubbing forever? The REVOLUTION. Be part of it. MAIN ROOM [Hard Dance] Andy Farley Phil Reynolds Rob Tissera K90 Spencer Freeland Daniel Bailey Lee Haslam Tara Reynolds BLACK & WHITE BAR [PROGRESSION: From House to Hard Dance] James Lawson Tom Allen Ben Yong Guffy Simon Field Tom Neville b2b Matt Williams Tickets: £15 + bf Frantic Office / Credit Cards & Cash Group Bookings (2 free per 10) Robyn 07949 618 035 robyn@franticuk.com Competition ClubTheWorld has 10 pairs of tickets to give away - just answer the following question & email sarah@clubtheworld.uk before 27th Dec 2002. Q: Where is Frantic's biggest New Years Day party being held this year? CTW Review Calendar Event - RSVP ! Flyer
  2. I picked this up by chance on the day it was released, but what a tune!
  3. Well, after the carnage that NYE inflicted on us, I found myself grabbing a little too much sleep after Passion, and consequently didn't get into Camden Palace until about 6pm. After dealing with the strange situation of clubbing at 6 in the evening, it was onto the dance floor for b]Tom Harding's[/b] set. A blisterig sonic assault of pumping hard house wrought devastation on my ears, so I retired to the upstairs bar for some soothing hard trance, courtesy of Simon Fielding. Feeling suitably refreshed (and cos they closed the second room), I returned to the main room in time to catch @Andy Farley and Phil Reynolds wreaking havoc across the main dancefloor. I remember standing on a bin jumping about like a loon to Are You All Ready, and that's about it. Not good, but I think by this stage NYE was catching up with me, and my body was giving me the proverbial two fingers. TUNE OF THE NIGHT Riot Bros. - Guyver Unit Because of the singalong I started in the Black and White bar, and cos of the wikkid Anime sample. QUOTE OF THE NIGHT "I can't stay til the end, I'm too tired." It all gets a bit much for @ElsxBells Event Post Calendar Event
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