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Found 5 results

  1. Hiya, My photo set is now up ! What a night although I can hardly hear now!! Huge thanks to Phil B for doing us proud yet again !
  2. All, What a fantastic night last Saturday was at SE1 - I absolutely f^cking LOVE that venue. Well done to Wildchild & Frantic - they've got the organisation of these events down to a 'T' and as such run the best events in London, period. HUGE thanks, yet again, to all those CTWers who made it and supported our DJ Phil B(enson) - I think you will all agree he rocked it as ever - REALLY getting into his set - cos he loves it, as much as we do - on the dancefloor with the rest of us before and after his set - I really cant fault the guy and judging by the feedback from many members here and people from others sites/groups I know I think he's certain to do well and have many more sets to play on our behalf http://clubtheworld.ipbhost.com/html/emoticons/smile.gif You did us all proud Phil - we owe ya ! Sorry I couldnt make it on to the afterparty (yet again), I get so tired by 6/7am these days - really sorry I couldnt make Tony.P's set but from what I gather he was chuffed to bits so many of you regulars made it down to see him, and stayed until the end ! Two words - 'quality' 'people' - you are what make this community unique and the real community it truly is. I think this is going to be a good year for us and as someone once said on the old message board - "2004 - the year of the meet-up" - hurry up summer I say !!!! Anyway, sorry to go on, here are my photos from last Saturday nights events @SE1 - I dont think I missed any of you this time ! ....
  3. Wow, Lashes Vs Lab 4 Eddi Halliwell The Tidy Boys two name just a few out of Loads. It really was a blinder that was well represented by CTW. @Freano (Robin) @CreamyC @Beckie in La La Land @Claire DC @Dakers @ElsxBells @wub_wub @Bobbymoore @James @Sophie @Mr Christian @nice1bruva @Bunnykins @Podiumgirl and the 2 Darrens and probably quite a few new members hopefully too! Anyone i missed feel free to write an abusive reply to this. Claire also but cant remember what your Login name is. Cheers everyone, Top Work! [ 11 August 2002, 18:48: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
  4. Woo Hoo!! Tidy London Returns - March 1st At SEOne Official TidyTwo 1st Birthday Party!! Main arena – Tidy Two’s first birthday bash Tidy Boys BK Lee Haslam Jon Bishop ( tidy London debut ) Steve Hill ( tidy London debut ) Guyver ( tidy London debut ) Head Strong Paul Glazby Ed Real Paul Maddox Tara Reynolds Jon Rundell Twisted beats and filtered funk Trophy Twins Gavin Herlihy How good does this look? Im there!!
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