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It was a cold wet windy new years eve and me and my amigo Chris were going to Fantasy Island. We were full of high hopes for the event as we had never been to a fantasy island event before. After a 3 hour coach journey from Leeds we arrived. We got in straight away, no fuss, no cues, no searching!!!! When we walked in we gazed up in amazement at this big mountainy, tree covered type thing with a slide inside a massive dome. One of the main reasons I go clubbing, as like a lot of you clubbers is for the crowd people you meet in the club. As we went walking around at the beginning we started noticing the crowd seemed a little different to what we were used to. Basically 30-40% of people were strutting around with their Rockports, Adidas poppers, chunky gold earrings and Burberry caps at 45degrees on their head! I am not prejudice in any way shape or form but when I saw groups of these people giving the clubbers who were wearing cyber gear or club wear grief I automatically started making assumptions about how the night was going to go. Lets just say my wallet went from open back pocket to zipped up front one, just in case! From this point my expectations for the night seemed a bit lower than before. Don't get me wrong I met some seriously nice friendly people as you would expect to do so but most people did notice this hostility. There were plenty of different arenas (well they were called arenas but many of them were more like rooms). There was the main arena which had Kelly Lorena and alike on, it never seemed to get very busy and public domain who were supposed to be playing didn't turn up. The hard trance room which was put on by Honeypot Recordings and Tasty was normally very busy but was a bit odd as it was all carpeted (very strange when dancing your ass off then walking on to hard wood flooring) also at one point when we were in there the sound system kept playing up for some reason. The drum and bass room was what you would expect from a drum and bass room, ie lots of strange smelling cigarettes, mad ass MCing and a bit of an underlying gangster style aggression amongst people. The old school room which was put on by Raindance was full of white gloves, smiley yellow faces, skeleton people and them white face mask things. It was a really uplifting room, it was the room out of all of them that seemed to have the most happy, smiley, clappy people. The trance room was by far the nicest looking room but was always dead and very cold. The house arena I can unfortunately not comment on because I didn't find it!!!! Oooops!! The hardhouse arena was ace, this is a bit of a biased opinion as hard house is my life. It was put on by Goodgrief and Insomniacz. The music was what you would expect with the most perfect choon being played at 12 midnight.. Tony De Vit - I Don't Care, lets just say that was one hell of a tingler choon!!! The hardcore room, put on by Vibelite was not my sort of thing but it was very entertaining with the MCing, video screens, dancers in cages and very intense banging music. This room was packed most of the time and lots of people I spoke to said it was by far their favourite room. There was also a restaurant/caf place for people who could manage some food or if you fancied a cup of tea!! The food was expensive but I'm not sure about how expensive the drinks were. After 11 hours of dancing and lots of talking crap to people we got on the coach and headed back up to Leeds on the coach talking lots crap to people on the coach, some people who we were quite sure did not have the slightest clue what they were on about!!! In conclusion the night was very good because the trouble seemed to keep in certain areas so we stayed away and most people we met had said the same about the trouble. Best parts of night New Years in Hard House Room The people we met Bad points of night Prices of food Attitude from some people Closing at 6 Not enough seats As soon as we got back to Leeds we headed home for a quick shower and change of clothes and back off we went to Sundissential North at Evolution in Leeds. Sundissential This was the last Sundissential to be held at Evolution and boyeeeeeeee did it go out with a bang!!!!!! It was one of the busiest Sundissentials I have ever seen. It had the usual DJs i.e. Rob Tissera, Eddie Halliwell, Jez and Charlie, Andy Farley to name but a few. It was Sundissential VS Sundissential North. There was the usual Sundissential North mad cats that seem to be there every month but most of them seemed to be flagging slightly with it being NYD and most people having no sleep, like my self, but the party went on. The atmosphere was pure electricity in the main room as everyone seemed to be on a mad mission to dance their arses off as it was the end of an era at Evolution. The second room was considerably more chilled out with the choons being quieter and the overall temperature being quite a bit cooler. In the second room it was Sundissential and in the main room it was Sundissential North, not much difference apart from the temperature and the volume. One of the most amusing parts of the night had to be whilst Illogic was playing a seriously banging set all of a sudden the music cut out. The dance floor stopped all movement and took in a massive gasp of air, then the laughing and cheering began. As you would expect it did not take long until the sounds were back blasting out of the speakers, then it happened again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again!! It seemed to happen about 10 times until eventually the dance floor emptied! Apparently there was a problem with the fire alarms because it was too hot. At the end of the night there seemed to be an air of sadness that people were not wanting to show because they were wanting to go out on a high note. Rob Tisserra was the man to finish it off in the main room blasting out the Sundissential anthems such as 4 Motion-Over for me and Warrior-Warrior. Even the people who appeared to be flagging during the rest of the night seemed to be able to conjure up the energy to go crazy at the end. If you have not been to a Sundissential at Evolution in Leeds you have unfortunately missed out on a really unique night, they will have to find somewhere very special to be able to compare with the atmosphere that was generated in Evolution. After that it was straight to the after party that went on all night. Then finally got to bed some time the next day. Messy but utterly amazing New Years!! Since writing this it has been discovered that Sundissential is not moving from Evolution, it was an evil, evil, evil rumour that everyone seemed to have heard and believed!!! Photos Flyer
- skegness
- fantasy island
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You can catch me on the dexx or the mic at the following clubs/events during 2003 (I will update it when new bookings are confirmed!) JANUARY 24th - Vibealite 10th B-day @ The Emporium, Leicester 31st - Horizon @ Zanzibar, Liverpool FEBRUARY 1st - Hardware @ Time, Bangor 14th - North @ The Void, Stoke-on-Trent 28th - Horizon @ Zanzibar, Liverpool MARCH 14th - North 'Technology' @ The Void, Stoke-on-Trent APRIL 18th - North 'Radical' @ The Void, Stoke-on-trent 19th - Vibealite @ The Street, Skegness MAY 2nd - Oblivion @ Club Soho, Leicester 31st - Rewind @ Stax, Stockport
- 10 replies
- vibealite
- the emporium
- (and 15 more)
Last year the stage was set... This year we have exceeded all standards... As we return to the UK's ONLY Indoor Dance Music Festival Venue. We prepare to take you around the dance music spectrum flying high in our hot air balloon. You will be able to glance down at the 10 separate arenas of pure fun that lie in front of you. We challenge you to take a trip around the dance music world in 16 hours. The most difficult decision you need to make is where to set the balloon down, in this complete world of adventure. As we let you loose on the 40 acre site you will get lost on the night, but that's part of the fun!! All this before you have managed to even get on one of the many white knuckle rides that are placed before you. If you where luck enough to witness the sheer velocity of this totally mind blowing venue last year, only you can appreciate that this year it's going to be WARMER, LONGER, BIGGER and BETTER... This year we are introducing a new arena, The LIVE Arena, were ALL our many LIVE PA's will be hosted. All this ties in with our unique 24 hour licence. FUN, FUN and even more FUN are on the agenda... So come and take part in this years BIGGEST New Years Eve Dance Festival, and capture some memories that will live with you for ever, only at the magical world of FANTASY ISLAND... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2PM TILL 10AM {MAIN EVENT GATES OPEN AT 6PM MUSIC STARTS AT 7PM} 2PM TILL 8PM FREE PARTY MAIN GATES OPEN AT 6PM MUSIC STARTS AT 7PM CLOSES 6AM CHILLOUT IN PRE PARTY AREA UNTIL 10AM BEFORE DRIVING HOME. GENERAL INFO: 01623 620922 / 07769 655551 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE MAIN STAGE PUBLIC DOMAIN ~ DREAM FREQUENCY ~ K90 KELLY LLORRENA SINGING LIVE ALL 6 TOP TEN HITS OF 2002 INCLUDING N-TRANCE 'FLIP N'FILL BEN FROM PHATS & SMALL & INTENSO PROJECT HOUSE ARENA SONIQUE ~ ALEX P ~ LOTTIE ~ JOHN KELLY ~ PHIL GIFFORD SCOTT BOND* ~ COREY HOTEN ~ DAZ FLATMAN DRUM & BASS ARENA GOLDIE 2HR SET ~ EZ-ROLLERS ~ ADAM F* ~ KENNY KEN ~ DONOVAN SMITH NICKY BLACKMARKET ~ DJ SS ~ TRANSIT MAFIA ~ STEPPA MC'S P-FINE ~ MCMC ~ FRED-E OLD SKOOL ARENA RAT PACK ~ STU ALLAN ~ DAZ WILLOT ~ BILLY DANIEL BUNTER ~ CLARKEE ~ WELLY RUSH ~ PILGRIM ~ VIBES ~ FERGUS ~ LUKAZADE ~ DJ FLASHBACK HERMAN ~ DONOVAN BADBOY SMITH HARDCORE ARENA DJ SY ~ HIXXY ~ BREEZE ~ STYLES ~ SHARKEY ~ MARC SMITH ~ DEMAND ROBBIE LONG ~ KAOS ~ STU ALLAN ~ BENSON ~ KAMBELL MC'S STORM ~ PETA PAN ~ WHIZZKID ~ ODYSSEY ~ ROBBIE DEE HARD HOUSE ARENA ANDY FARLEY ~ BK ~ ALEX KIDD ~ PAUL GLAZBY ~ KARIM MARK GRAY ~ ILOGIK ~ SHAN ~ IAN BAKER ~ IAIN R ~ PANTS & CORSETT ~ TOM MUIR HARD TRANCE ARENA M-ZONE ~ SOL RAY ~ JON DOE ~ BILLY DANIEL BUNTER ~ ROOSTA ~ UHF ~ K90 ~ LEE HASLAM PRE-PARTY DJ SPEEDY ~ OLD SKOOLER ~ PETE KAINE ~ DJ STRIDE ~ STRIKE & X-CELL B2B VENTURA & GRIFF B2B ~ TOM WILSON & MANGLE B2B ~ DJ JD MC'S RYMES ~ WIZZY G ~ SFX
Last year the stage was set... This year we have exceeded all standards... As we return to the UK's ONLY Indoor Dance Music Festival Venue. We prepare to take you around the dance music spectrum flying high in our hot air balloon. You will be able to glance down at the 10 separate arenas of pure fun that lie in front of you. We challenge you to take a trip around the dance music world in 16 hours. The most difficult decision you need to make is where to set the balloon down, in this complete world of adventure. As we let you loose on the 40 acre site you will get lost on the night, but that's part of the fun!! All this before you have managed to even get on one of the many white knuckle rides that are placed before you. If you where luck enough to witness the sheer velocity of this totally mind blowing venue last year, only you can appreciate that this year it's going to be WARMER, LONGER, BIGGER and BETTER... This year we are introducing a new arena, The LIVE Arena, were ALL our many LIVE PA's will be hosted. All this ties in with our unique 24 hour licence. FUN, FUN and even more FUN are on the agenda... So come and take part in this years BIGGEST New Years Eve Dance Festival, and capture some memories that will live with you for ever, only at the magical world of FANTASY ISLAND... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2PM TILL 10AM {MAIN EVENT GATES OPEN AT 6PM MUSIC STARTS AT 7PM} 2PM TILL 8PM FREE PARTY MAIN GATES OPEN AT 6PM MUSIC STARTS AT 7PM CLOSES 6AM CHILLOUT IN PRE PARTY AREA UNTIL 10AM BEFORE DRIVING HOME. GENERAL INFO: 01623 620922 / 07769 655551 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE MAIN STAGE PUBLIC DOMAIN ~ DREAM FREQUENCY ~ K90 KELLY LLORRENA SINGING LIVE ALL 6 TOP TEN HITS OF 2002 INCLUDING N-TRANCE 'FLIP N'FILL BEN FROM PHATS & SMALL & INTENSO PROJECT HOUSE ARENA SONIQUE ~ ALEX P ~ LOTTIE ~ JOHN KELLY ~ PHIL GIFFORD SCOTT BOND* ~ COREY HOTEN ~ DAZ FLATMAN DRUM & BASS ARENA GOLDIE 2HR SET ~ EZ-ROLLERS ~ ADAM F* ~ KENNY KEN ~ DONOVAN SMITH NICKY BLACKMARKET ~ DJ SS ~ TRANSIT MAFIA ~ STEPPA MC'S P-FINE ~ MCMC ~ FRED-E OLD SKOOL ARENA RAT PACK ~ STU ALLAN ~ DAZ WILLOT ~ BILLY DANIEL BUNTER ~ CLARKEE ~ WELLY RUSH ~ PILGRIM ~ VIBES ~ FERGUS ~ LUKAZADE ~ DJ FLASHBACK HERMAN ~ DONOVAN BADBOY SMITH HARDCORE ARENA DJ SY ~ HIXXY ~ BREEZE ~ STYLES ~ SHARKEY ~ MARC SMITH ~ DEMAND ROBBIE LONG ~ KAOS ~ STU ALLAN ~ BENSON ~ KAMBELL MC'S STORM ~ PETA PAN ~ WHIZZKID ~ ODYSSEY ~ ROBBIE DEE HARD HOUSE ARENA ANDY FARLEY ~ BK ~ ALEX KIDD ~ PAUL GLAZBY ~ KARIM MARK GRAY ~ ILOGIK ~ SHAN ~ IAN BAKER ~ IAIN R ~ PANTS & CORSETT ~ TOM MUIR HARD TRANCE ARENA M-ZONE ~ SOL RAY ~ JON DOE ~ BILLY DANIEL BUNTER ~ ROOSTA ~ UHF ~ K90 ~ LEE HASLAM PRE-PARTY DJ SPEEDY ~ OLD SKOOLER ~ PETE KAINE ~ DJ STRIDE ~ STRIKE & X-CELL B2B VENTURA & GRIFF B2B ~ TOM WILSON & MANGLE B2B ~ DJ JD MC'S RYMES ~ WIZZY G ~ SFX
Last year the stage was set... This year we have exceeded all standards... As we return to the UK's ONLY Indoor Dance Music Festival Venue. We prepare to take you around the dance music spectrum flying high in our hot air balloon. You will be able to glance down at the 10 separate arenas of pure fun that lie in front of you. We challenge you to take a trip around the dance music world in 16 hours. The most difficult decision you need to make is where to set the balloon down, in this complete world of adventure. As we let you loose on the 40 acre site you will get lost on the night, but that's part of the fun!! All this before you have managed to even get on one of the many white knuckle rides that are placed before you. If you where luck enough to witness the sheer velocity of this totally mind blowing venue last year, only you can appreciate that this year it's going to be WARMER, LONGER, BIGGER and BETTER... This year we are introducing a new arena, The LIVE Arena, were ALL our many LIVE PA's will be hosted. All this ties in with our unique 24 hour licence. FUN, FUN and even more FUN are on the agenda... So come and take part in this years BIGGEST New Years Eve Dance Festival, and capture some memories that will live with you for ever, only at the magical world of FANTASY ISLAND... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2PM TILL 10AM {MAIN EVENT GATES OPEN AT 6PM MUSIC STARTS AT 7PM} 2PM TILL 8PM FREE PARTY MAIN GATES OPEN AT 6PM MUSIC STARTS AT 7PM CLOSES 6AM CHILLOUT IN PRE PARTY AREA UNTIL 10AM BEFORE DRIVING HOME. GENERAL INFO: 01623 620922 / 07769 655551 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE MAIN STAGE PUBLIC DOMAIN ~ DREAM FREQUENCY ~ K90 KELLY LLORRENA SINGING LIVE ALL 6 TOP TEN HITS OF 2002 INCLUDING N-TRANCE 'FLIP N'FILL BEN FROM PHATS & SMALL & INTENSO PROJECT HOUSE ARENA SONIQUE ~ ALEX P ~ LOTTIE ~ JOHN KELLY ~ PHIL GIFFORD SCOTT BOND* ~ COREY HOTEN ~ DAZ FLATMAN DRUM & BASS ARENA GOLDIE 2HR SET ~ EZ-ROLLERS ~ ADAM F* ~ KENNY KEN ~ DONOVAN SMITH NICKY BLACKMARKET ~ DJ SS ~ TRANSIT MAFIA ~ STEPPA MC'S P-FINE ~ MCMC ~ FRED-E OLD SKOOL ARENA RAT PACK ~ STU ALLAN ~ DAZ WILLOT ~ BILLY DANIEL BUNTER ~ CLARKEE ~ WELLY RUSH ~ PILGRIM ~ VIBES ~ FERGUS ~ LUKAZADE ~ DJ FLASHBACK HERMAN ~ DONOVAN BADBOY SMITH HARDCORE ARENA DJ SY ~ HIXXY ~ BREEZE ~ STYLES ~ SHARKEY ~ MARC SMITH ~ DEMAND ROBBIE LONG ~ KAOS ~ STU ALLAN ~ BENSON ~ KAMBELL MC'S STORM ~ PETA PAN ~ WHIZZKID ~ ODYSSEY ~ ROBBIE DEE HARD HOUSE ARENA ANDY FARLEY ~ BK ~ ALEX KIDD ~ PAUL GLAZBY ~ KARIM MARK GRAY ~ ILOGIK ~ SHAN ~ IAN BAKER ~ IAIN R ~ PANTS & CORSETT ~ TOM MUIR HARD TRANCE ARENA M-ZONE ~ SOL RAY ~ JON DOE ~ BILLY DANIEL BUNTER ~ ROOSTA ~ UHF ~ K90 ~ LEE HASLAM PRE-PARTY DJ SPEEDY ~ OLD SKOOLER ~ PETE KAINE ~ DJ STRIDE ~ STRIKE & X-CELL B2B VENTURA & GRIFF B2B ~ TOM WILSON & MANGLE B2B ~ DJ JD MC'S RYMES ~ WIZZY G ~ SFX
You can catch me at the following nights in 2002 I'll update it as and when i get new bookings May 18th - Species - Manchester May 31st - North - Coalville June 7th - Digital - Liverpool June 15th - Fantasy Island - Skegness June 26th - Inspire - Llandudno July 5th - North - Coalville July 6th - Compulsion - Leeds July 26th - Oblivion - Leicester
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