My family (mum, dad and big brother) have been doing tarot cards for years, they are pagan and they all believe in that mumbo jumbo. They have several packs of tarot cards between them and they do regular readings for people.
In the last year, I have met 4 people with sets of tarot cards, still in the box they came in. Each time I went to have a look at them they have told me that I cant touch them coz it will mess them up, put bad feelings in them or generally be not good. I feel that I must point out that this is complete BOLLOX.
When doing a tarot reading for someone, the person that is getting the reading should shuffle the cards and then cut them 3 times, that way it is their "emotions / energy" or whatever going into the cards. THEN the person DOING the reading deals them out in the order they were cut, in what ever pattern or style they are accustommed with.
Dont have a clue why I posted this, there was a point to start with but I kind of lost it half way through.
It might have been to ask your opinions of tarot cards...seriously cant remember.