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Found 2 results

  1. James

    Trade Nightclub

    Trade was a culturally important gay nightclub at Turnmills, Clerkenwell Road, London started in 1990 by Laurence Malice. Links https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_(nightclub)
  2. Trade Events @Turnmills on Hold The Trade Collective have been working very closely with fellow club promoters, owners, press campaigns and local police to formulate ways of stopping the growing menace of GHB. Some venues have had some success in attempts to try and stop this becoming a problem, but for others the problem is growing. We at Trade are more than happy for any venue, holding our events, to implement any procedures required to stop GHB. With strict searching policies and other precautions, we have had limited GHB problems with Trade Events @ Egg or Trade Tours. However it is with the deepest regret that we have to inform you that Turnmills have decided to put on hold future events at their venue, as the last Easter party led to a number of GHB overdoses. Obviously we are deeply saddened at Turnmills decision, but we respect their decision with this growing menace. The proliferation of GHB, in recent times, is a growing menace to the clubbing scene as a whole. A few individuals are in danger of ruining some of the best clubs in the world, for the majority of sensible clubbers. When will these individuals wake up to the damage they are doing to your clubbing scene! Trade @Turnmills is just the first victim of the stupidity of a few. The Trade Collective will continue to actively work with interested parties in supplying quality clubbing in a safe environment, free from GHB, for the majority of sensible clubber. DON'T LET GHB RUIN YOUR CLUBS We are working on future Trade events at the moment, so keep an eye on our website and press for details. The Trade Collective Response from Turnmills It is with deepest regret that we have had to take these measures, safety of our clientele and staff has always been our highest priority and we feel that the current trend of GHB in clubs is spiralling out of control. This problem is not just confined to Turnmills but is a becoming a major problem in many gay and straight clubs up and down the country. As responsible licensees and club owners we have taken the only course of action that is open to us to prevent a serious incident occurring in the future. All trade events are currently on hold until we can get together to talk about all the eventualities and the measures that can be implemented to eradicate this serious problem. Turnmills has continually supported Trade and the gay community for over a decade and we will continue to do so, but only in a safe and controlled manner. ----------------- Who now can say that GB doesn't have a bad effect on clubland?
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