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Mr Moo

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  • CTW Admin

if people can reply to this thread with sersions suggestions as to what they are PERSONALLY up for that would be cool - would be nice to list the types of activities you are up for, e.g. I am interested in;


Club Meets (once a month, anywhere in the UK)


Club/Bar Weekenders (i.e. friday/saturday night in hotel anywhere in UK)


Longer Weekenders in Europe (Thursday - Sunday)




Theme Parks


Summer Picnics


Skiing - UK (snowdome is 10 minutes from my house near Milton Keyens - people are very welcome to stay here at w/e)


Skiing Trips - France (trying to arrange one with work pals & other friends for March - again open to everyone)


Clubbing Holidays in Europe (possibly although I feel i've completely grown out of Ibiza now to be honest lol)





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ps. Now that the site isnt centered around DJs and just Clubbing I'm sure we can all donate some time thinking about all these types of trips more seriously now and putting words into action.


I know in the past we've talked about all this a lot and then only actually carried out a handful of trips/meets - but if everyone here is being serious then surely we have a great base for getting the ball rolling properly this time.


I think most people would agree that its all about the crowd of people you are with which 'makes' any one event - I remember a couple of years back we just did some simple Bournemouth & Brighton weekends and I for one thoroughly enjoyed them and they are great memories.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (Tresh @ Jan 7 2005, 00:28)
QUOTE (Lisa @ Jan 6 2005, 23:36)
it was unfair to certain members who made the effort to come from north etc to London & it felt like it wasntt returned

Nail and head.

yep I know so lets do something about it eh, it would be easier I reckon if we had a london/south events coordinator & a north based coordinator too, who can work together getting you lot organised etc tongue.gif


Maybe also when the site is up & runnining a wee bit more, more members etc we could look into a events donation scheme of sorts & look into hiring a coach etc etc just to make life easier for some as I know it is not always that easy to trvael & some struggle with costs etc etc.


With some hard work & determination we/us/you can do it yay.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Im up for the above - I think its good to do non-clubbin things too. I remember last year I found it impossible to get anyone to do anything that didnt involve clubbin tho as their whole w/ends was revolved round clubs they said they didnt have time to fit it in tho. We arranged 1 ice-skating meet that was a good laugh but it was hard work finding a time that everyone could make.

I'll pass anything onto HH Helen & Mark as they'd be up for anything else too they jsut dont get on the net no more.

Btw how about a trip to Ireland? I've got a brochure for th Hilton in Dublin thats only £80 for 2 nights pp until end of March if anyones interested!?

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  • CTW Promotors

right, think we need to get two members sorted as chief events managers if you like, for the north meets & south, then start of with say a meet evry 2 months to start of with in south & north then build it slowly from there, what do you guys reckon?? unsure.gif


Start of with club meets I reckon, then get the members built up, by handing cards at these meets etc, James works his magic with camera as & when he attends, shootin peeps & handing cards saying to look at the site as pics will be added etc. & get cards distributed out to whoever will have them who clubs regularly, I never did get any rolleyes.giftongue.gif


Then progress on to bigger & better things as the site builds, more events, then pub meets, trips in the uk & abroad etc etc it will take time but if people are dedicated enough, stick around & help out it should come together grouphug.gif

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  • CTW Moderators

im up for as many as possible but i find it hard with babysitters and stuff and the day trips and picnics in past ive asked about bringing my son along but got jumped on so wouldnt be up for that again

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (dani_babyboo @ Jan 7 2005, 12:27)
im up for as many as possible but i find it hard with babysitters and stuff and the day trips and picnics in past ive asked about bringing my son along but got jumped on so wouldnt be up for that again

see this is it Dani, if we all work at this pop our heads together etc, build the site up etc etc, it would be ace to be in a postion where we all become close enough to say *hey dani im not out this week, so drop Shey off* you know what I mean, like I said before if you lived nearer id have him & help out grin.gif

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  • CTW Moderators

or also ppl to be more grown up than before and maybe some of the day trips, pcnics to be none drugs, drinkings ok and ppl that have kids could feel ok to bring them along and still have a ball

its about friends getting together aswell

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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Lisa - I'll be in charge of the South ones if you want? Im still in touch with members ie Mark, Helen etc who cant get on the net but would come to the meets etc. Tara and me was saying the other week how its sad we all dont meet up no more so theres a few I reckon would come who use to but when the meets stopped happening we still went to the events jsut didnt have anything proper organised.


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  • CTW Promotors

Cool stuff TBH I think the more involved the better as it gets everyone more motivated & more chance of meets happening etc, as I say lets crawl first, start off with occasional regular meets then build it up to poss once a week in the future, which would be cool yay.gif


I will be totally honest here though Tash & im not trying to stir any bad feelings up etc but as you, Tara etc are fully aware there are certain EX members I myself will not be going out of my way to meet up with etc & im prob right in thinking they too feel the same way but I want to make this clear to you & everyone as too much water, muddy at that has gone under this bridge sad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (dani_babyboo @ Jan 7 2005, 12:34)
what about midlands meets then ppl from both north and south can meet up altogether
i mean i spend a lot of time midland bound and my family can babysit this end

Dani this is the whole idea plan chuck, to get midlands, north & south peeps from the site together at least once every 2months & that means we in Londoin travel to thosde in the midlands & north & vise versa tongue.gifthumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (bunnykins @ Jan 7 2005, 12:42)
Lisa - Will pm you!


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