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Important note when registering

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  • CTW Admin

All new members are expected to introduce themselves immediately after registering by posting in the Welcome New Members section.


Also, anyone who registers purely to promote another site they are perhaps involved in will have their post deleted and possibly their account removed.


We expect everyone who registers on this board to fall into one of the following categories;


1) People interested in chatting to other members

2) People interested in meeting up with other members for clubbing and/or non-clubbing events

3) People who want to help out on the site (e.g. submitting event reviews, photos, researcher, content management, moderator etc …)

4) People who want to promote their event, or the role they play within the Music & Clubbing industries (e.g. a promotor/DJ/Producer ...)



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Hmmn but i guess you can't force them too, and what makes you think they will read this thread before they post if they usualy go straight to the events forum to plug their events ?


If anything, make it clear on the sign up form that the above rules / requests apply to all new registered Members.



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  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (NeoN @ Jan 6 2005, 16:25)
how about an advertising forum where u dont have to register . that would keep all the adverts seperate

well the events sects are like that anyway, so it will get too clogged if we add more.


i personally think it is ok as is & as Maria states all events added are good content for the site etc thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Admin



Just to clarify I'm quite happy for promotors to register purely to post information about their events, and not necessarily get involved in the chats or the community side of things - they help aid the content on the site - and often let us all know about nights & offer we werent event aware of.


I want to encourage people to add content to the site - longer term I want to have a much wider variety of information on here but I must admit at the moment it remains just a place to have the odd chat and meet the odd person - perhaps it will always be like this - I dont really mind - it is what it is and will grow in whichever way it can - dependant on my time and other people time donated to it...


FYI - what we really really desperately need right now are regular photo sets taken / photographers - the gallery is seriously out of date as I'm hardly out myself and so cant take as many pics as I used to - and visiting the gallery is one of THE main reasons people check the site out and end up registering - so we are actually losing out right now un-necessarily - but its a question of finding regular and reliable photograpers who are willing to do all this for free (like ourselves)

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Promotors

So make a sticky post James asking for anyone to offer help with piccies & poss club/events reviews & some interviews too maybe?? unsure.gif


Would Liam or someone be up again for doing a monthly chart or even have a sticky post where members can all add their own chart kinda thing, get the music forums going again unsure.gif


& how about the jokes sect, why was it taken off?? unsure.gif Just a few ideas.


some events coordinators sorted too. I think we need more than one poss for London & for events abit further north etc thumbsup.gif


Ermm will let you know when I think of more thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

Maybe also when the site is up & runnining a wee bit more, more members etc we could look into a events donation scheme of sorts & look into hiring a coach etc etc just to make life easier for some as I know it is not always that easy to trvael & some struggle with costs etc etc.


With some hard work & determination we/us/you can do it yay.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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