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Comments & suggestions following forum upgrade ...


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  • CTW Promotors

Ok so JAmes has updated I take it already etc but is it just me or are there some changes & some smilies missing etc??


OOOH not sure about change, this board seems well different baz.giftongue.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

Yeh different & ive noticed the sleepy smilie gone but think it's cos most are mixed up now hahha



Get used to it a certain way etc blahblah.gifbigwink.gif But im guessing James hasn't finished as the arcade isn't here either is it? uhm.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

hmmm & seems the anon feature is back thumbsdown.giftongue.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

I know hahaha but we all decided along time ago to do away with the anon feature as it isnt needed unless you have something to hide, now do ya?? DO YA????? baz.gif


Also it's taking me fricking ages to find the smilie I want sad.gif move them back to where they was w00t.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Admin

there is lots still to do - the main thing changing the entire stylesheet to back ctw colour scheme and re-setting up homepage etc


please reply with anything you have noticed which is different or any problems


i could leave the board offline for 2/3 days whilst i sort things out but i dont really see the point as the message board is working and I want everyone to be able to test it and provide info on any problems etc


re: anon feature and active topics and other customizations - basically what you can see at the moment is the board 'out of the box' - i have to re-apply ALL the hacks and modifications i made before again as this is a brand new version of the board. On the plus side there are many many new features on this board and the security is better and also many bugs fixed. People had problems with staying logged in and also maria and others had problems searching their own posts etc - all this should be fixed. I'll of course remove anon feature again.


ps. members gallery and arcade wont be back for a while i'm afraid - but hopefully this week

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

God no James agree whole heartedly no point taking it off line, all seems ok, just the odd thing here & there abit different but nothing thats gonna alter our lives tongue.gif


Mind you just went to my pm box & im not sure if it reset it all but fook me just had to delete out shed loads of old pms?? unsure.giftongue.gif

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  • CTW Admin

Other thing I'm a bit narked at at the moment is that a lot of the custom profile fields seem to have gone - I'm hoping they are still there in the database and its just a question of changing the templates - if not i'm sure i'll be able to get them back from the backups i have.


There will always be the odd issue to sort out as this is a major update. For example the arcade mod I will have to re-apply (but I will be able to get back original scores), also I've found I already need an upgrade to the integrated members gallery.


Lots to do but I just had to get to bed last night lol

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

sorry ! That will take a little longer to get all back up sad.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

reminds me of another board I do not use now, in its appearence & lay out w00t.gif

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