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Member <-> Event tracking


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  • CTW Admin

I'm thinking of doing my own mod to the board - shouldnt be too difficult but just thinking about the best way of doing it ...


Basically I'm going to have some new buttons added to the first post of a thread which is an Event (i.e. in one of the event forums). I'm thinking the buttons should be;


I'm thinking of going to this

I'm definitely going to this

I can't make this (default)


I will then have a table which links a member to one or more event(s) with one of the above types attendance types.


I will then add a function on the profile which allows either everyone or just your 'buddies' (set in control panel) or no one to see which events you have put your name down for.


I think this will be a useful feature as we'll all be able to double check what our friends are up for before we make any final or last minute decisions as to where we are going.


We should also be able to do some pretty good analysis to see who goes where, and also what sods have said they are going only to not bother turning up (like myself and maria - joke)


Once you have set an attendance type above you can change it but a log will be kept.


I think this will also be WICKED in terms of sorting out and tracking guestlists - we will know exactly who said they were going and who actually turned up (perhaps) - then we can offer better deals / discounts (well, longer term) to the members who consistently turn up to events they have put their names down for and also award those who regularly attend a certain event (e.g. a frantic event etc..)


This is just brain storming - please let me have your comments before I design the backend tables.


I know many sites already have similar features but I'm wanting to go one step further ...


ps .o yes, and it will also help automatically run competitions and elect winners at random - I get lots and lots of emails each month asking us to run compeitiotns for FREE tickets for members - i turn most of these down currently as I just dont have the time to set them up

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW DJs

Sounds like a fecking top idea to me mate grin.gif


Amazing what you can do really

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
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  • CTW Admin

possibilities are endless mate - pretty much anything is achievable and now i'm on v2 of the board i'm prepared to put some effort back into customizing it properly and doing some mods myself - also it would appear people are up for events etc again so have got a lot of drive back recently


this will be a good year

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

Great idea thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members

This mod is deffo needed, James... Not only for CTW, but for IPB!!!


I would deffo suggest opening this up to Invision Power Services once done to see if they could standardise it - I know it's something I've been wanting for a long time, but haven't had the time to write myself...

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  • CTW Admin

yep - agreed


initially i'll just do something basic - just so that this info is being at least tracked, but time/other work-permitting i intend to implement this properly

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

actually, just re-thinking - I guess any thread classed as an 'event' should actually have a Calendar entry - therefore these functions should perhaps ONLY run off the calendar entries.


Its a pity that we have to have duplication of events in forums and in the calendar - i could set something up which auto-posts the calendar entry (say based on a strict date format found in the topic description), but this may not be worth the hassle.


I want to try and ensure the date is standardised in all event threads - so i can run some simple scripts to automagically move the threads from suggestions --> this week --> past events

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

It's a shame you cant do something like HF do & have a whats on aswell as the events sects in forums, they have an add me option there as you know w00t.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

hahah basically James is trying to add a feature so that people who are attending certain events, can add there name to a list, on a click me function rather than us manually quoting each other on threads with a list grin.gif


If you go to harderfaster & look at their whats on sect & at the bottom of each event posted there is a bit where members have added their names to say they are attending excited.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

hahah not cliquey sweets, just huge grin.gif


Maria was the same to start off with & then I introduced her to a few regs on there & she uses it a fair bit now, not that we are traitors of course w00t.giftongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

haah lost among the many posts!! bigwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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