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ewww Zoe & dirty den


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  • CTW Promotors

Ewww ming the big one, they is gonna do it!!!! shag.gif


If I was her id be like fook of Den have a wank in this wee pot here & pass me the turkey baister, thankyou!!! w00t.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

Am I the only one who finds this thought grim then?? unsure.gif

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  • CTW Members

omg! i cant believe they just did that!


that is like soooooooooooooooooo gross!!!


ohmy.gifohmy.gif !!!!!

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  • CTW Promotors
christ, they must be desperate for storylines if its got that bad... reading stuff like this reminds me why I gave up on it hehe





hahah yep they are desperate & it is still crap as ever but it's something to pop on the tv between 7.30 til 8 pm lol.gif Even for the chuckle factor or as I stated the ewwwww issues w00t.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
Its almost advertising pedos . yes it may be legal but would you go with someone as old or older than your dad . dont they have morals ?




haha know what you mean as he is a wrinkly but Zoe isnt a child & people do go out with older partners, ok not as ancient as dirty den but hey ho lol.gif

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I'v got a 'mate' like that . 'old enough to bleed , old enough to butcher' is his saying . if their age does not end in teen they are too old . he is just turned 38 . he wonders why he gets used by them for cash . if he had a child he would see why so many think its wrong

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  • CTW Promotors

That is a bit bad that is!!! is boarding peodo IMO especially if it is all he will go for.


Tis ok if two peole fall in love & there is an age gap well aslong as they are obviously over the age of 16 w00t.gif


My mate is seeing a 16 year old & he is 23 I think & a few have frowned on it but I remember being 16/17 & I never once looked at the lads my age it was always guys in their 20's, so it is normal I think & people are quick to forget how they felt at certain ages smile.gif

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  • CTW Members
That is a bit bad that is!!! is boarding peodo IMO especially if it is all he will go for.


Tis ok if two peole fall in love & there is an age gap well aslong as they are obviously over the age of 16 w00t.gif


My mate is seeing a 16 year old & he is 23 I think & a few have frowned on it but I remember being 16/17 & I never once looked at the lads my age it was always guys in their 20's, so it is normal I think & people are quick to forget how they felt at certain ages smile.gif



thats very true, when i was 18 i went out with a 30 year old, and now one of my mates at work is going out with a 18 year old girl and he is 29, and everyone else gives him a hard time about it, but i was in a similar situation, so can see his side.


i dont think you notice the age gap when its you involved, but if its one of your friends in the relationship then you notice a lot more, and are more quick to judge

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  • CTW Promotors

For me aslong as they are over 16 ages is not really an issue, especially for girls as they do mature quicker & if they are of consenting age who are we to judge really!!

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  • CTW Promotors
I'm sure Den has a great personality though lmao




bet he aint to bad in between the sheets either eh Moira shag.gifnono.gif

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