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Looks & Personality (LMAO at personality)


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i dont no how a personality vs looks search would point u here somehow jus tried it myslf and it doesnt




Of course doesnt!! w00t.gifbigwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Members
i dont no how a personality vs looks search would point u here somehow jus tried it myslf and it doesnt



No I didn't say it was defintely 'looks vs personality', it was a combination of those words along with some other pharses, such as 'why are girls shallow' 'shallow women' all a combination of the words above. Like I said I can't remember, and it must've been a keyword that linked itself to these forums which explains why it showed up in the results.



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  • CTW Members
how many more changes of a story none of those words before would of linked this site till u came and posted them



Well like I said earlier I don't bloody remember do I...it was a keyword I used on Yahoo search that eventually by going through a lot of page results I came across this site.


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ive not read all the posts in this topic because im too lazy but...


random guy - u went off on one about how "hot girls" are shallow, will only date "hot guys" and wont give ordinary joes a chance. well from my personal experiance people as a general rule only date people in their own "league" if you wanna put it that way.


its a fact of nature that looks are the first thing that attract u to a person when u are young (unless u become friends with a person first) so i guess that makes everyone shallow to some degree. i wouldnt have given my fella a second chance if i hadnt found him attractive, but then as u get to know someone personality becomes far more important.


the other thing i didnt get was u say u want a hot girl and they never give u a chance. well are u being shallow, etc because u ONLY want a hot girl??? what about all the average josphines out there??? or do they not deserve a chance because there only average? surely what your doing with them is as bad as the thing ur ranting about the "hot girls" doing to u.


at the end of the day theres a person out there for everyone. however, u cant have everything u want, and u say u want those girls to look at more than how attractive someone is, then surely u should do the same?

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Only glanced at this quickly - but 2 things -

1. you're saying you've only slept/dated ugly girls - well thats a dead shallow comment to make coz to you they may be ugly but prob not to someone else, to say you've dated an ugly girl is one of the most shallowiest comments someone could make.

2. With that attititude towards what you'd consider a nice looking girl Im not surrpised she woudlnt wanna know ya!


Advice - Sounds like you wanna get urself a personality mate! bird.gif

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