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2 Much Thinking

Tidy Tart

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Doesnt happen often but when it does its bloody shocking .


So this weekend blokey thing sort of came to see me had a wicked night friday then saturday had a wicked day watchin footy then went to shuffles meal then back to jillys...


So tart does her normal thing of gettin totally spanked and being a twat.


thing is now i think that i may well have frightened him away coz of how twatty i was acting.


thing is tho im not gonna change the way i am for any bloke i love being with my mates FAR to much!


am i being stupid or should i change for blokes?


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Tart - should you even ask ? You don't change for anyone and certainly not a bloke - like wise with men changing for woman - you just don't ! Why change who you are just for someone else to liek you ? They either like you for who you are or tuff shit ! This is a mandatory tradition in us humans .. wink.gif


Is this with that Welsh guy ? Stick with the 'you' character. thumbs.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

ermmm hard one.


Simple solution would be to not get so twatted & act silly, but then if that is how you like to spend your time then tough on mister whoever really.


You have to live life for you hon not anyone else well that is until you find that special someone & clearly he isnt him else you wouldnt be here asking, it would come natural thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors
Tart - should you even ask ? You don't change for anyone and certainly not a bloke - like wise with men changing for woman - you just don't !  Why change who you are just for someone else to liek you ?  They either like you for who you are or tuff shit ! This is a mandatory tradition in us humans .. wink.gif


Stick with the 'you' character. thumbs.gif




Im not fully disagreeing but I think when you find that special someone you will compromise & make wee alterations to suit each other etc.

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Tart - should you even ask ? You don't change for anyone and certainly not a bloke - like wise with men changing for woman - you just don't !  Why change who you are just for someone else to liek you ?  They either like you for who you are or tuff shit ! This is a mandatory tradition in us humans .. wink.gif


Stick with the 'you' character. thumbs.gif




Im not fully disagreeing but I think when you find that special someone you will compromise & make wee alterations to suit each other etc.



Ah yes I agree with that unless of course when you meet that 'someone' some people just click and match like a jigsaw puzzle, but im reading it as though Tart has 'just' met this guy and she wants to immediatly change so he is attracted to her. Forgive me if I have actually read it wrngly :$

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not the welsh 1 lisa....hahaha i sound like i got loads


met him in sunnys about 4 months back he knew i was mad then from the way he saw me.


but think him spending time with me this weekend and my friends has maybe frightened him a bit

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basically Steph, you do what you wnat to do & if say you have scared this lad of then so be it really!!!


As I say unless its the real deal & you will one day & you wont feel you have to ask if it is as it comes natural, then stay as you are have fun etc & fook em if they dont like beer.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Steph, you'll just have to wait and see what happens, like Maria says you could be reading too much into it.


But if he has been scared off by the way you were and this guy cant except you for the way you are then thats his problem. Personally I love the way you are, and I think it is what makes you "you".

Dont ever change until you are ready to, when you meet that guy that you know is the one.

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dont think people can change even if they want to. i think people can 'fine tune' themself though. as in, get better n better, n find different bits of them inside themselves. baz.gif

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But if he has been scared off by the way you were and this guy cant except you for the way you are then thats his problem.



Sure it's a "problem"? Maybe some people just can't stand drunken twats who make complete fools of themselves.


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I'm shit at advice but ...



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  • CTW DJs
But if he has been scared off by the way you were and this guy cant except you for the way you are then thats his problem.



Sure it's a "problem"? Maybe some people just can't stand drunken twats who make complete fools of themselves.



Look mate, you dont know steph. So why bother posting in a thread about her life? Especially if you have nothing constructive to say.

Can you back up your drivel??

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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oi mate fuck off tart is a quality laugh its about fun



Different people have different opinions on what's "fun". Some people find shagging hot guys only fun, some people find watching TV "fun", some people find taking the piss out of someone at their expense "fun", some people find getting drunk and acting a complete "fun".


The word "fun" can have so many different sub-classes to different people....


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