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Can caffeine make you skatty?

Phil rr

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have noticed the past couple of weeks in particular i seem to have been particularly bad, but i haven't done anything since new years...but i have been getting through 2-3 cups of coffee per day. recently

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yes I do think it can, it is definately a stimulant & in vast quantities can have an adverse effect.


Do a search Phil smile.gif

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think i will. i know i wasn't the sharpest match in the box (or sumthing) neway tongue.gif

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brightest spark phil lol


oh and yes it can

there was me at gods on haloween thinking il do pro plus instead of drugs, after sneaking them in and necking loads i was ill for 3 days and had the shakes

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2-3 cups....Take it easy fella...dont wanna over do it now. LOL

Caffine can make you a bit hyperactive if taken in LARGE quantities. It is a stimulant, it has a similar effect to Red Bull.


I remember once when I was at work a few years ago. I was on a day shift but didnt get much sleep the night before and was planning on going out with a few mates so every break I got I was having a cup of coffee with 2 spoons of coffee and 4 sugars. Well, after my 6th break I think the caffine started kicking in coz I couldnt stop fiddling with stuff, couldnt stop talking and I started making funny noises for no reason. It was like I was an over wound toy waiting to burst into life.


It was one of the best nights out I'd had.

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well 2-3 cups in comparison do hardly drinking any...they are big cups though. you should see the size of the cups. fkin huge cups. like, whoahh

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I agree wi Dani.After a heavy weekend, I always used o hit the Pro plus on a Monday and by tea time,always felt like I was developing Parkinsons. thumbsdown.gif. Still hav the odd heavy weekend now but manage without the caffeine fix and actually do feel alot better,even if I do fall asleep into my dinner!!! wink.gif

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Yes, caffeine can, I suppose, if you're not used to it. I don't drink any tea/coffee, but get through a lot of Diet Coke/Pepsi Max (anywhere between nothing and 6 litres a day). I don't notice anything from the caffeine, nor do I notice a lack of anything on the days I don't drink that much....


  dani_babyboo said:
there was me at gods on haloween thinking il do pro plus instead of drugs, after sneaking them in and necking loads i was ill for 3 days and had the shakes



Lot's of ProPlus is *not* a good idea. Stomach cramps, judders, heart pounding to painful levels...

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If you drink caffeine in large enough amounts, you could ward off cancer; the catch though is that the amount needed would be so high it would kill you.

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  Alex said:
If you drink caffeine in large enough amounts, you could ward off cancer; the catch though is that the amount needed would be so high it would kill you.




well thats a wicked tip rolleyes.gif

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  Lisa said:
  Alex said:
If you drink caffeine in large enough amounts, you could ward off cancer; the catch though is that the amount needed would be so high it would kill you.




well thats a wicked tip rolleyes.gif



grin.gif No worries. I'll have more "Top Tips" later... including advice on how to turn your car into a police car, using just an empty cereal box.

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you auditioned for blue Peter lately Alex, id think you'd be ideal thumbsup.gif

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  Lisa said:
you auditioned for blue Peter lately Alex, id think you'd be ideal thumbsup.gif



Didn't get past security, they thought that being "drunk and lewd" was not something that goes down well with young children or their parents. Facists.

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shame that, think you'd be ace at it, cutting & pasting bits of paper etc w00t.gifbigwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  Alex said:

grin.gif No worries.  I'll have more "Top Tips" later... including advice on how to turn your car into a police car, using just an empty cereal box.




i know how to make a wicked backpack using a cereal box grin.gif


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