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What's the best file sharing programme...


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Not that I wanna infringe any copyright laws or anything.



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no no no no!!!!!!!!!! kazaa, soulseek etc are all bollox! if u have broadband and u wanna ahem, research into the possibilities of downloading big files like movies and albums, u need to do it with bit torrent!


first of u need to get a client program, i use bit comet as its user friendly and easy to use.


then u need to go to a server, a good one is www.bi-torrent.com


find the file u wanna download and click on the link. u need to save the small file it downloads on ur comp. then open up bit comet, open the file u downloaded in it and away u go!


this is by far the best way to download things if u have broadband. seriously, once u try it, ull realise what rubbish kazaa, soulseek etc really are!


not that i do any of this! just what i heard down the pub...

Edited by RaverBaby69
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  • CTW Promotors

whats a bit torrent etc & how you get that?? unsure.gifuhm.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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right ok...


to use a bit torrent site u need to have a program to access the files, known as a client. the best client to use is bit comet. to get bit comet go to www.download.com and do a search for BitComet.


when you have got bitcomet and installed the program u need to go to a bit torrent website. these are like big lists of all the downloads u can get. the best all round free one is www.bi-torrent.com.


once uve found something u wanna download on the website, click on the link and it will prompt you to save a small file. save this to your computer.


then you need to open up bit comet, and open the small file you downloaded (this file is the "torrent"). then the full file will start to download.


basically they are along the same principles of kazaa etc, a p2p network but they are much quicker. also there is none of the problems of unfinished or corrupted files. BUT a note for dial up users, all the files are much larger than on kazaa etc. e.g. you dont download single music tracks, u download the whole album.


does this help?

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  • CTW Promotors

Kinda hon, cheers thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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lol im not the best person at explaining things!


the principle behind bit torrent and kazza is basically the same. u upload of other peoples computers. the only difference is rather than searching for the file u want on the actual program, u do it on a website.


im sure im not the only one on here that knows of bit torrent, so perhaps someone else can explain it better than me?

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yeahthat.gif what emma said smile.gif ...but the slight difference being is that with a torrent, you're downloading various parts of the file from different users (peers ...bloody americans rolleyes.gif) connected t'the network at any one time, thus (in theory) making the file download time, much faster and stable, even with larger files thumbsup.gif


...making it easier t'get hold of that porn you've been after lisa bigwink.gif

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  • CTW Members
yeahthat.gif what emma said  smile.gif ...but the slight difference being is that with a torrent, you're downloading various parts of the file from different users (peers ...bloody americans rolleyes.gif) connected t'the network at any one time, thus (in theory) making the file download time, much faster and stable, even with larger files thumbsup.gif


...making it easier t'get hold of that porn you've been after lisa bigwink.gif



lol i was trying to keep it simple! but as you've gone into all that i might as well add that unlike kazaa were u can play a semi-downloaded file, u cant play a torrent until it has been 100% downloaded.very annoying if u get stuck close to the end of a download!

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  • CTW Members
lol i was trying to keep it simple! but as you've gone into all that i might as well add that unlike kazaa were u can play a semi-downloaded file, u cant play a torrent until it has been 100% downloaded.very annoying if u get stuck close to the end of a download!



...you can play semi-downloaded files on Kazaa? uhm.gif



i obviously fergot about the simple southern minds eh? bigwink.gif


but yes, methinks we've just about covered it now tongue.gif

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u can play most of them. either play them in kazaa itself, or go into the my shared folder bit, right click on the particular file and click on open with. ignore the message about damaging your computer (its bollox) and click on the select program from list box. click next and then choose the appropriate program i.e. windows media player etc and away u go! just make sure the file isnt open in kazaa when u do it!

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  • CTW DJs



Raverbaby is correct in recommending bitcomet - best torrent client there is!


Also, MAKE SURE YOU UPLOAD - torrents rely heavily on exchanges, not leeching - if you limit upload speed to a low amount, your download speed will be slow - as a rule, it should be about 80% of your total upstream rate (other 20% is used to send "received this bit" info to peers your downloading from) - on a 512k broadband, it should be set to about 9kb/sec upload

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  • CTW DJs

i also HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you protect yourself from port scans whilst downloading torrents - grab peer guardian from here:




without that, your system is open to scans from sony, universal, fbi etc - thats for ANY p2p software, not just .torrents

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  • CTW Members

www.torrentspy.com is where i get my films at the mo...but thats all gonna change,one of the main players in torrent downloads has just set up a site called exeem,and as peter kay would say `thats the future`...www.exeem.com

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