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Planet Tidy @ Magna, Rotherham

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Anybody have a scooby where I might be able to lay my grubby mitts on such an item? uhm.gif


(That'd be live mixes, from planet tidy, on the 01/05/04 @ Magna, Rotherham...) blahblah.gif


Cheers ears! happydance.gif



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doubt they will exist


tidy are very protective over their events and recording things at them

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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doubt they will exist

tidy are very protective over their events and recording things at them

True, true; and it's only because of a personal request that i'm even bothering to see if I can come up with something for someone...


But, seeing as it is the digitial age and all - even more so with them now broadcasting ''live'' on Galaxy radio - you never do know who's got what, or how things might come around these days smile.gif


Worth a try, eh sleazy.gif

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