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I wouldn't have been able to afford to buy my own either if it werent for my dad who kindly offered to get me a car and pay him back each month. I did enquire about a car before getting this one through my dads back pocket and I could have had one on Finance no problem, but I really don't want to ever be in debt, so I took the wise option and didn't entertain it !


It would take me far too long to save for a car myself, as I'm paying off an expensive holiday at the mo and it probably wouldn't be untill the ned of 2007 that I'd be able to get my own. I'm already drooling over the next car I want ! lol.gif

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what's the difference between mixed and blended?  tongue.gif



mix ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mks)

v. mixed, mix·ing, mix·es

v. tr.


To combine or blend into one mass or mixture.

To create or form by combining ingredients: mix a drink; mix cement.

To add (an ingredient or element) to another: mix an egg into batter.

To combine or join: mix joy with sorrow.

To bring into social contact: mix boys and girls in the classroom.

To produce (an organism) by crossbreeding.


To combine (two or more audio tracks or channels) to produce a composite audio recording.

To produce (a soundtrack or recording) in this manner.


v. intr.


To become mixed or blended together.

To be capable of being blended together: Oil does not mix with water.

To associate socially or get along with others: He does not mix well at parties.

To mate so as to produce a hybrid; crossbreed.

To become involved: In the case of a family argument, a friend should not mix in.



An act of mixing.


A mixture, especially of ingredients packaged and sold commercially: a cake mix.

A blend of diverse elements; an amalgamation: “a mix of mean streets and the grandest boulevardsno other place in Paris is as eclectic and eccentric... as the 17th” (Jean Rafferty).

Electronics. A recording that is produced by combining and adjusting two or more audio tracks or channels.


blend ( P ) Pronunciation Key (blnd)

v. blend·ed, or blent (blnt) blend·ing, blends

v. tr.

To combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another: “He has no difficulty blending his two writing careers: novels and films” (Charles E. Claffey).

To combine (varieties or grades) to obtain a mixture of a particular character, quality, or consistency: blend tobaccos.


v. intr.

To form a uniform mixture: “The smoke blended easily into the odor of the other fumes” (Norman Mailer).

To become merged into one; unite.

To create a harmonious effect or result: picked a tie that blended with the jacket. See Synonyms at mix.




The act of blending.

Something, such as an effect or a product, that is created by blending: “His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence” (John Fowles). See Synonyms at mixture.

Linguistics. A word produced by combining parts of other words, as smog from smoke and fog.




So then, apart from the spelling there isnt really any difference.

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