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Who's CTW member number 1 ?

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  • CTW Admin

Hi mate,

hope you're well.

This link will take you a list of the members, ordered by join date ...

ps. - as @Bushy said, original 'Admin' account was #1

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Cheers James.

There's a few names in there that haven't been seen for a while. Whatever happened to Pepsi?


One other thing i've always wondered, where did wub wub and Kev go?

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  • CTW Admin

Not heard from @Pepsi in years.

Spoke to @wub_wub a few months ago and he's doing really well DJing in and around London (Techno I think)

Speak to Kev (@CreamyC) now and then on MSN but I think he's gone back to the bar scene.

I don't do the club or bar scene at all now - mad, as I thought I'd be going till I was 50!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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I know exactly what you mean. Two years ago i thought i'd be clubbing forever. Now i don't go clubbing anymore, i absolutely detest the thought of going out and getting mashed, then taking all week to recover before going out and doing it all over again. Still love the music and mixing though.


I saw Pablo about 18 months ago and Clubbing Si a couple of months after that but havent seen anyone since then really. Infact, the last person i saw was you James, at Magna 10/09/2005. That was the night i retired from clubbing. It was a great night to retire on. :bigwink:

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think si has quit it all, ive seen him in town with his gf but i was on the bus so they didnt see me.


i saw pablo at gods kitchen halloween ball 2 year ago lol



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Aye same here, not been clubbing for ages. the last time I went Clubbing was at SW4 in Cardiff a couple of weeks back. Completely grown out of the phase now, and doing more important things like being commited to my job and doing holidays and such like. Much prefer it to be honest.

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i barely go clubbing as it is anyway but i still go once in a while if we've all organised somethin at work together

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i havent been since my birthday and even then before that was november last year


i think 2 times a year is fine for me if that, i just get tired and dont enjoy it as much amymore


still love the tunes just not the atmosphere and clubs.



the thing i do miss is when we all used to meet up

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  • CTW Admin
goshow said:

I saw Pablo about 18 months ago and Clubbing Si a couple of months after that but havent seen anyone since then really. Infact, the last person i saw was you James, at Magna 10/09/2005. That was the night i retired from clubbing. It was a great night to retire on. :bigwink:

lol - Magna was the last time I went out clubbing as well mate ! I went along with @DoObY but all I did was walk round and wondered what the hell I was doing there! Was good to catch up with everyone though.

ps. check my main profile pic - those were the days :(

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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ps. check my main profile pic - those were the days :(


I remember it well mate. Can't believe that was nearly 4 years ago. I've got a serious eyebrow problem going on there - "Can ya smelllllllll what the rock is cookin'!"

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