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Who's CTW member number 1 ?

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I saw @wub_wub last Saturday in London. I was DJ'ing at the same night as him. Plays breaks 😃

Kev (@CreamyC) is a pikey, and just goes out round Essex and London on the beer scene.

I still go out, but don't touch pills!

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what trendy clubs in essex?


i live in the decent part of essex and it still got shit night life


clubs go from your typical luminar leisure plc club i.e. jumping jacks, chicago rocks, time n envy, ect

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what trendy clubs in essex?


i live in the decent part of essex and it still got shit night life


clubs go from your typical luminar leisure plc club i.e. jumping jacks, chicago rocks, time n envy, ect


Lets clear this up before it turns into something nasty. I dont go out in Essex, never really have and never really will, its shite, shite and shite.


Trust me on this one, there is no decent part of Essex, its shite, shite and shite. On no less than 5 occasions I have sent emails off to Suicide Bombers to have Essex blown and and re-built. Sadly, nothing has ever come of it, but I still have hope.


Jumping Cacks is exactly that - cack.

Chicago Cocks is exactly that - full of cocks.

Shite & Pervy is exactly that - Shite and Pervy.


So there you have, Essex wrapped up in a nice little ball and thrown in the face of all those that FUCKING HATE IT.


And how you can say those names in the same breath as 'trendy clubs in essex' is disgraceful. You should be tied up and shot for saying that.

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i said what trendy clubs and named shit clubs i didnt call them trendy clubs.


the only nice part of essex is the end jus before london but thats cos its full of real expensive houses and shops and stuff and has a forest to keep it seperate from the rest of the essex crap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went for Breakfast in the Arches on the Sea Front in Southend Saturday morning. It was lovely ! I'm being serious. lol


I was quite impressed with the Pier too. Looks well nice, and the Shopping Centre isn't too bad, lots of shops !

Edited by Maria
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i like southend beach


i go there sometimes in the summer jus jump on a train in stratford and half hour im there. the sea life center is shays favourite hes mad on fish and water

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