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[ James Mowbray, Craig Torrance ] Heavy Industries @The Horse & Groom, London (Thursday, 22nd February 2007)


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image.pngHeavy Industries
The Horse & Groom
Thursday, 22nd February 2007
6PM - Midnight
House - Techno - Electro

Heavy Industries is an irregular series of London parties where you can hear all kinds of house, techno and electro. We try to have them in a different place every time, but if it's somewhere we like, we might go back. Sometimes they're big parties, sometimes they're very small parties. Our first party is on Thursday February 22, 2007 at the Horse & Groom pub, a proper boozer in East London. DJing will be James Mowbray (of Four:Twenty Recordings and the man behind Heavy Industries) and Craig Torrance (also from Four:Twenty Recordings and Berlin's Mood Music). This one is free to get in and it's also James's birthday, so come join us.

James Mowbray

Four: Twenty

Craig Torrance


image.pngHeavy Industries

The Horse & Groom
99 Curtain Road EC2
Thursday, 22nd February 2007
6PM - Midnight


email: mowbrayheavyindustries@jamesmowbray.com for more info and guestlist.



Free Drinks for Early Arrivals

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