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Mental Connection between two people \ Psychic


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not really a serious issue.. or a debate for that matter, just interested in your views un that..


what i mean is, have you ever said or done something to somebody close to you at exactly the same time they did it to you?


down to little things such as sending txt messages at the time time to each other, both containing simular messeges or for example, tonight i just told helen i liked a item of clothing she was wearing and the colour, yet she'd only just put that item of clothing on tonight and there was no way i could see her when she was 280 odd miles away.


it doesn't happen with anyone else - yet we do things at the time time which correspond with each other, does that make us some how mentally connected, or is it just fequent coincidences blink.gif


Psychic powers as well - i seem to beable to look at someone and tell you alot about that person and what type of person they are, jsut by lookin at them, its not always 100% accurate but there have been times where i've scared a person giving them an accurate result of a total strange to me, but a good friend to them.


I think it could be a root to my paranoia, walkin around college expecially where theres lots of people with having no choice but to look at people, yet not lookin at them long enough to make a mental picture of what their like, maybe cause alot of mixed signals in me head... or maybe not.


any of you experience simular things? or am i the only strange one on ctw unsure.gif


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Me and tasha are constantly sayin same things at same time on msn...


Just did it again wiv her a min ago bout something!! tongue.gif


Im scared unsure.gif

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  • CTW Members

me and phil used to do stuff like that all the time when we first met, its only occasionally now but it still happens

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  • CTW Promotors

I get this alot with all my mates & Tony, kinda know what they are gonna say & can easily finish their sentance.


Also Tony & I quite often think the same things at the same time too wub.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Guest Kether

QUOTE (HardHouseHelen @ Mar 13 2004, 02:27)
Me and tasha are constantly sayin same things at same time on msn...

Just did it again wiv her a min ago bout something!! tongue.gif

Im scared unsure.gif

Did you say "I fancy Kether"?

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  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Kether @ Mar 13 2004, 11:49)
QUOTE (HardHouseHelen @ Mar 13 2004, 02:27)
Me and tasha are constantly sayin same things at same time on msn...

Just did it again wiv her a min ago bout something!! tongue.gif

Im scared unsure.gif

Did you say "I fancy Kether"?

Omg! you mustve read our minds!! ohmy.gif

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  • CTW Members

i get strange coincidences like this the whole time, with loads of different people

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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  • 6 months later...



This seems to be happening ALOT lately between Lisa and myself. I was going to compose a thread about something simialr to this, like do you beleieve two close people have a connected sensee between eachother.


An example ..


Lisa and I could be having a conversation about something on a certain subject, then a few minutes later, something I say COMPLETELY irrelivant to the subject we were talking about, I may say something and she says the same thing at the same time. It doesn't happen on the odd occasion though. It happens ALL the time. Now Lisa and i both live in different countries. IMO I hardly call it a 'coincidental' incident. It happens to often. I DO feel we are 'connected' in some way. Same hapens with my mum and I, but happens MORE between Lisa and myself on an 'every-day-basis'. It's a comfortable feeling. smile.gif


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  • CTW Promotors

yes it does, its spooky & we had a really spooky thing at tidy also w00t.giflove.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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