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ClubTheWorld Loyalty Card

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  • CTW Admin

Watch out for the PROPER CTW VIP Card (end of 2003) - this will be a point-based system and will finally put an end to so-called clubbers setting up bogus guest lists and never bothering to turn up - this to me makes a mockery of the whole 'guest list' concept. If its VIP it should be VIP, if it's "jump the queue" it should be "jump the queue". Enough said. I personally think it's ridiculous that ANYONE from can pay £100 for a so-called "VIP Card" which gives them discount and queue jumping - not very exclusive if you ask me.


The CTW Loyalty card will be a REAL clubbers card where clubbers need to earn points for showing up and will also log which drinks they buy and offer the clubs invaluable feedback and taregted marketing & discounts to members.


CTW is all about REALLY KNOWING the people and KNOWING what clubbers REALLY want.


CTW-Card will be available from 2004 (a wild guess) - o yeah - and it's free..... basically you start off with f*ck-all status and its up to you to prove you are a worthy clubber and the type of person the club wants to have in the building. We are all into different type of clubs and styles of music so it will be a very interesting project and as I say we can FINALLY give VALUABLE feedback to the clubs re: bouncers, no free drinking water, false statements about whos playing etc.. etc...


James [smileJap]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Promotors

Its a blinding idea [idea] Its ten times better than a particular other website I could mention! I've got an apparent FREE VIP Members pass but then, when you read the terms and conditions its complete crap! Free my arse, it costs more to have the shite thing than it does not to! I must say though it does look rather good in ya wallet if you know what I mean!!! Worthless piece of junk though!!!


James's idea will work perfectly, its putting it into place which will take a little time but its definately well worth waiting for!!!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

cheers guys - I know I come out with some fecking stupid ideas sometimes but I'm sure 2 out of every 10 will work!!!




CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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