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Want a ClubTheWorld T-Shirt ???

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  • CTW Admin

Please put your name down on this topic if you're interested in a ClubTheWorld T-Shirt. They will have your screen names on the back and act as 'chill-down' t-shirts after the club or whilst we parade the streets doing pre-club shopping!


Please let me know the display name and optionally a slogun, also the size you require...


I will TRY and get special ones made up but will let you know if its not possible. So let me know if you are up for anything or only interested if it's a special customised one.


So Far...


Customised Only

GlitterBabe - with glitter

club monkeys - pink with glitter


Customised or Standard if not

James (Medium)



HouseWhore with "Funk Punk"


Rob with "DJ Freano"







Lia B

Grant Rees

NethLyn NK






[ 09 May 2002, 14:10: Message edited by: James ]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • CTW Admin

Good idea Dinger - give me as much info as you can now please...


Display Name, Slogan (optional), Size, Colour


We will probably have a combination of colours - Black/Blue/White - if you have any other suggestions post them here.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Members

Guys heres my order are u ready?


Size Small/Medium

Colour Purple

Slogan Giv us one darlin

YEAH BABY!!!! (in pink plz)


oh and me name has to be sparkly


Not too fussy am I but if u gonna do it boys do it in style [Hearts][Hearts]

Shake ur bootie baby!!!!!!

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  • CTW DJs


Colour : Blue

Name: DJ Freano

Size:better have a medium then

Slogan: what about clubtheworld.uk Brighton Rep?

Nice and easy. James i think you may need to get a basic idea/design and colour then everyone can have the same style etc... Up to you [shocking]

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  • CTW Members

ooohhhh....sounds like fun......although not many people will get to see them if you aint wearing them in the club will they???.....


im tempted to forfeit my ticket for cream on sunday and come to gralands...


mine would have to bright yellow like the sunshine....and read 'little miss sunshine' on the front and 'bringing a little ray of light to clubbers boards' on the back.... [Wink]

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  • CTW Promotors

Soph, sorry, this post has been going for ages and I still haven't put my order in as yet, anyway, here goes......


NAME: CreamyC

SLOGAN: AnyTime, AnyPlace, AnyWhere!

RUNINNG ALONG THE BOTTOM: ClubTheWorld.uk Clubber!


Anything else???


I'm tempted to place on there, my very own dancing dude, not sure yet though! Good luck with the designs Soph!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Members

Here's my order :




SLOGAN : DuMonde Trancer


Black with white writin please !!!


Cushty ! [Well Happy]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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  • CTW Members

i am at work tonight... i am gonna ring around some t shirt printing companys tommorrow morning, to let you no some prices, if this works out very expensive, then for the time being, i could print them at college, and there for every one could have there own preference on what they want on it!


also you could all have different coulours, slogans, words, whatever you wanted on it, as i could do each one different, providing there arnt 1000s to make!!!


i will get back with price details tommorrow!!!!


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