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Who wants their own CTW Page ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • CTW Admin

i'm just updating this post so new excellent newcomers see it


We have some EXCELLENT characters on board now - in fact - all of you and I want you ALL to have your own section with more detailed profiles etc.. who else is up and what would you like to have on YOUR page ?



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Yeah im still well up for this .


I reckon that the pages should just be a bit more about your personal self \ background or whatever, what you enjoy doing apart from clubbing, what got you into it etc etc .


Self-explanatory really - peoples own page



TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
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I see that the site is continuously costing you money for data transfer etc, so why not try to get sponsorship???


Also, I'd be willing to have my own personal page, only I am TOOOOOO busy working at present, although someday....



Over The Top entertainment
DJ Agency & Artist Management
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Paul Stevens (El Divino & Space), Agnelli & Nelson, Ali Wilson, Matt Smallwood, and many more...

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  • 2 months later...
  • CTW Admin

If you haven't already done so and you are interested please reply to this topic if you want your own clubbing page...


could you also state what elements you would like to include on it - e.g. take a look at some of the categories on sites such as faceparty, bigwideworld etc... the idea being that fellow clubbers can follow your clubbing career progress around!


I'm keen to get DJs and clubs added first but want EVERY member to have the ability to have their own page.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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I would certainly like one, I'm not a web-savvy guy right now, though I could become so. I'd like to promote any music I make, and of course say what I am doing, like to do, and am going to do. [Agreed]


Err I think they could have a standardised format maybe (with a CTW border, within which you provide your own personal content and style) Perhaps to begin with we could have a number of basic areas which you fill with certain things like 'clubbing pictures' 'links' (self promotional etc) 'clubbing bible' (your beliefs, interests, places and so on) I know this is all half baked, just some thoughts. [star]

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I'd like a page too pwease James - even if it's only another way to plug my labels [Wink]

I'll have a sit down and start thinking of things to put on it. Damn, too much thinking to be done - need to sort out ideas for getting my websites up and running too!

When i get back from my holiday in September, i'll have everything sorted .... i hope [Happy]

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  • CTW Admin

ok cool people


signum - yes, all the pages will be template driven - either you will have a selection of templates to use or I will set up specific templates for the type of section (e.g. clubber, DJ or music review, club review etc..


nick g / wub wub - its YOUR page you can have whatever you like on it (to a point, for example you couldnt have blatent hardcore porn on it only) - you could just have the whole page plugging your site / company if you want - no restrictions at ctw. End of the day you having your page there brings more people to the site. Longer term if there are many accounts/sections then it may lead to a small charge to cover the space requirements and administration but this will be kept very small - but you guys wont fall into this category as you are proving the input I need now - so it will just be for new members at


libby etc.. - excellent stuff cant wait for you guys to get started

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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