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Let's Get On The Telly !!!

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Right, call me a fcukwit if you please, but i don't reckon its beyond the realms of possibility to get the CTW on the telly, sky or whatever in a programme or documentary about clubbers \ raves etc .


There has to be one in the nr future surely if there aint already . It'd be my dream to get us all on air, complainin about some of Londons petty clubs but also 'biggin up' the raving \ clubbing scene, as well as pluggin the tits off the site [Well Happy]


Beyond the realms of possibility ??!


I don't think so [smileJap]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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  • CTW Members

Are you going to Ibiza? [idea]


Ibiza uncovered is out there all the time, the 2 years i have been they have been to our hotels talking to people, i was usually wasted in the day and tired so i didn't talk to them! [Tired]


Maybe you should try and get on there!!? [smileJap]

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  • CTW Promotors

There are many a plans for Ibiza! Whoo hoo! This is not an unrealistic post but it'll take a while longer!


As James said, sooner or later this will be big!


And why?


Coz the members make it like it! YOU GUYS! [star][star][star][star][star]



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

Grant - the current idea is to do our own uncovered video out in ibiza but i'm sure longer term when we've got a consistent following around the country we will all get on a programme/magazine or two.


To be honest mate its best kept slightly underground at the moment cause I cant afford too much more data transfer per month!! hehe



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Yeah cool, no sweat, just thought i'd put the idea across [Happy]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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If I am correct, the producers of Ibiza Uncovered are the same guys from Tenerife Uncovered??? If this is so, then I'll try and get you guys the contact details as one of our DJ's (Scott "Angry" Anderson) was on Tenerife Uncovered and he also hosts Twice as Nice in both Ibiza and his summer residency, Bobby's Tenerife.



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