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Question: "Why is this called ClubTheWord ?"

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  • CTW Admin

As I am now back to my former, happy within my, self again I thought I'd better revisit my response to Alasdair's question...


ClubTheWorld.uk came via hearing a friend at work talking about his newly aquired domain 'FunkTheWorld.com' - I quite liked it and it had a certain 'ring' about it. I also thought that it would be rememberable.


I ALWAYS go for a ".com" as this is pretty much the default that users will enter and again, easier to remember as there's nothing to remember (if you know what I mean). ".com" is more global in my opinion as its basilly "commercial" although strictly should just be for US companies. The UK ones should be ".co.uk" but I HATE this unless its for a UK specifc market.


I chose theWorld part because I personally DO want to visit many clubs whilst abroad on holiday in Europe, America and the far east. Who knows how many I will visit but Miami, San Fran & New York are definitely on the cards - all about money though which is why I'm hoping to build contacts around the globe and get cheaper accomodation - effectively 'time or house-sharing' for clubbers! hehe


I was going to get ClubbingNetwork.com ...

(real-time James mode ...) ok - f*ck it - just bought it. Decided I love the name / dont want anyone else having it - for the sake of £35 for 2 years from www.Easily.co.uk its worth it!!!


Ermmmnn, where was I ???


O yeah - basically I couldnt find anything else which I liked / was available as "ukclubbers" etc.... etc... had gone. To be honest I got bored of searching and everyone said "for f*cks sake take clubtheworld.uk its easier to remember than your other suggestions.


I cant make any promises about "TheWorld" part but I at least intend on making the new version of the site International and an engine applicable to ALL clubbing-music genres - so please dont tell new members who are into other scenes to go away ! We may end up having distinctly seperate forums for different genres.


Hope this helps - boss just came back gotta go!


James [Well Happy]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Admin

Creamy: AGREED - I what I love/hope is that people KNOW we are in this for the luv of clubbing ONLY.


OMS: Right... here I go...

Easily do the .coms for £35 for 2 years - I got 5 years because they felt bad about the service over a couple of days when I first bought it!! Easily are clued-up - they are 20-something geezars near me in Farringdon and KNOW how to run a business - this is where I want to get to.


You get 100MB disk space with the initial £35 and 5gigs data transfer. You then "pay as you go" - I've bought a further 200MB and have about 300MB at the moment - NOT ENOUGH for my future ctw plans so moving to a friends hosting server so Paul and I can have our OWN virtual server, leading to our own server which WE will run / have FULL control over - and then start selling hosting ourselves as a side-line. On one box you can get 1000s account - charge clients £100 a year and that £100,000 / annum for sitting on your arse!! My mate (who's server I'm moving to) is semi-retired and will be retired by the age of 30 most likely. All his holidays are paid for and he's deliberately having a child ASAP with his new wife - head screwed on - sort your finances out first then have children! Why am I telling you this ?! I dont want a rival - hehehe!


Paul and I are in the process of setting up OpenNet Hosting Ltd & OpenNet Design Ltd - both being directors. I am director of ClubTheWorld.uk Ltd. My dad's a solicitor and set it all up for £20 !!


If anyone wants any help setting up sites let me or paul know. CTW will hopefully act as a 'catch' site so a) can remain free / not filled with adverts and B) give us some exposure to get paid-work.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Big round of applause for James, top stuff mate .

I'll be coming to you for advice etc as soon as i get funds sorted, well my life for that matter, about the site i mentioned to you a while back .


Nice one boy ! [sun]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
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hey james


thanks for the update. and thanks for spelling my name right [Happy]




PS if you ever do make it to San Francisco, don't call it 'San Fran' - makes the locals mad...

"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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  • CTW Admin

no worries mate!



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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