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im confused????

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This has happened to me on a few occassions, and it makes me paranoid, which it shouldnt. I think it's just a wee error that happens.



Over The Top entertainment
DJ Agency & Artist Management
MSN - info@ott-entertainment.co.uk
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its the administrators playing god and deleting your posts when they deem them not worthy of being on the site

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  • CTW Members


Originally posted by CrashinCarey:

its the administrators playing god and deleting your posts when they deem them not worthy of being on the site

So how come yours stick around then ?


[ 22 July 2002, 14:39: Message edited by: Fred The Baddie ]

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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and i bet i know which admin is the trigger happy one


i think we should start referring to this admin as the sheriff

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  • CTW Members


Over The Top entertainment
DJ Agency & Artist Management
MSN - info@ott-entertainment.co.uk
MSN - ajfrench@hotmail.com
ICQ - 95166862

Paul Stevens (El Divino & Space), Agnelli & Nelson, Ali Wilson, Matt Smallwood, and many more...

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  • CTW Members

Yeh I'v e had that 2 - the worst was a couple of weeks ago on mixmag - i put up a post slagging off my workplace the day i left - got few repies then it mysteriously vanished - i was completely paranoid that my director had gone on my pc and got up my history and deleted it and is still looking at all my sites - tho now i've left i don't really care but it was full of such sad peeps there with boring lives i can imagine they'd get a kick out of someting like that [Roll Eyes] i also left on a load of pics of me on my email looking totally caned - haha wonder what they made of those [shocking]

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  • CTW Admin

you are all being paranoid - the only posts I delete are ones like:


FAO: Scouselad

Hi - not seen you for a while


These should be via a private message or email


I've stopped deleting these too as I dont have time - hence the increased bandwidth problems.


Kev - if you are deleting stuff please them in future - but I dont think you are deleting either.


Remember we HAVE got a strange problem from time-to-time when multiple posts are submitted at the same time.


If you think they have been deleted re-post and I guarantee you will see it stay there.


Also - email me with specific examples of posts which have gone so I can investiage further.



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  • CTW Promotors

I dont delete posts, the only ones I delete are the accidental ones that get posted twice in a row, thats all! Why would I delete others when mine are far more worthy of deletion than anyone elses?


You'll find that posts are not deleted, they get lost sometimes due to the amount of posts per day, if they do "disappear" then it may be a problem with the software used! Deleting someone elses post is unfair unless its deliberately flaming another forumer!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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  • CTW Admin

when i have a weekend off I will check up on my post to Infopop Corporation about missing posts - other boards are having this problem intermitently.


If you are paranoid then just add the post again - it wont go unless its really insulting for no reason, or if its a one-liner that has no right to be there.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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