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ClubTheWorld - Clubbing The World TOGETHER !

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  • CTW Promotors

Read the subject heading! The most important part of that title is "Together"! Thats exactly what this site is all about, no one be in doubt that!


The aims are:










When I first met James back in January this year we both wanted the same thing, we both needed NEW clubbing mates to go out with on a regular basis who would be reliable, not let you down at the last minute, who would like to get involved! This site was very small then but has grown in size as time went on! I, along with James, Pander and Soph firmly believe that our first ever ClubTheWorld trip to Liverpool in March was the best move we made, we met some top people, the likes of Beaker who I feel really started the ball rolling for us up there, helping bringing in new members! In time the word gradually spread, more members joined, some regular, some not! Our aim - and still is - is to meet every single member within a few weeks of joining this site! I dont care if its 200 miles away, I dont care how much it costs, if it means that person feels part of this site more then it'll be done!


Unfortunately, not every time we can get there due to clash of dates with something else but I'll do my hardest to try for something ASAP! This site is not a case of "Hello, welcome to ClubTheWorld, now bugger off" its a case of joining and feeling part of it straight away, my number is on my sign-offs so ANYONE can call, whether you're a newbie of whether you been here for some time, new member *oddball* will be coming along to GK Saturday with me and a few others, he only joined last week but thats my point, all members are welcome, no one should feel left out or ignored - this is not what we want! This is not a case of "Well James, Sarah, Creamy etc etc are moderators blah blah blah so they are higher than us"! WRONG! James has the overall say obviously but me and Sarah and others are no higher than the next new member that joins! All we do is make sure all members know about events, make sure they can get there okay and that we all meet up and HAVE A LAUGH!


We give a [censored] about every single member, everywhere we / I have been, we've been giving the star treatment, not one person I have met so far has been rude or unfriendly, this site is what YOU PEOPLE make it and what you've made it so far I reckon you should all be proud of yourselves, nearly every person I talk to says how much of a laugh it is on here, apart from a few rare "heated" comments yesterday that have now been sorted this forum remains having the most friendliest people here! PLEASE, lets keep it that way and make sure this horrible feeling in the last few days will never return!


I would also like to add a few points about SarahPvc, Sarah joined a few months back and was given the status of Rep and moderator within weeks of joining, I know this upset a few people who had been on here longer and if I'm honest I was also unsure at first but James had been speaking to her privately and assured me she was cool! Since then Sarah has done untold amounts of work for us, shes got some peoples tickets for GodsKitchen on Saturday, she has been organising the Tidy Weekender, she gets VIP entry for clubs, soon exclusive interviews with DJ's so please I ask you all to back Sarah 100%, shes one of the friendliest people you can meet and she'll do anything for anybody! I didn't see the particular post in question yesterday about deletion but I would like to make clear that it was deleted for the good of the site and NOT Sarah flexing her muscles thinking shes hard, thats not the case - I'm harder! [Wink]


I personally want the forum back to how it was - just last week amazingly - where people can take the piss out of others (jokingly)! There are individual forums for individual subjects but Random Chat does exactly what it says on the tin, its random! Whether its a post about Postman Pat breaking down just outside Cardale therefore preventing him form delivering the post to Mrs Coggins or whether its about Cream closing down - its random, end of! I encourage all types of weird posts, thats what its all about, thats what gets people talking, to be honest peeps, the only thing I agree with is the one post Smiley, maybe that is pointless, who knows, who cares, just get writing [censored] so we can all have a laugh! Most of us - including me - are guilty of writing joke stuff in serious forums, I will stop and I apologise for that, I have little to do with it and will stay away from now on! But that works both ways, if someone doesn't like a particular post in the "On The Pull" or "Random Chat" section then theres no need to post a reply, there are enough forums to keep most people pleased and happy so lets not moan about it eh??


Keep these forums happy people, keep them how they were and put this shite week behind us! We dont want it, we dont need it and we dont eat it (WHAT?!?!?!)


I will be back soon and hopefully normal service will resume by then, for the others, I'll see you all Saturday!!


I [censored] LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! [star]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

well said Kev - you star [star]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Promotors

Well said mate & thanx for all the support you have given me [Happy][Hearts]


As for.......


Sarah flexing her muscles thinking shes hard, thats not the case - I'm harder!

We'll just see who has got the most muscle of the 2 of us on sat!! [Flipa] woohoo! [Flipa]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members

Well thought out, well written and well put across.

Nice one [star] Kev [star]


TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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  • CTW Members

*DuDu gives CreamyC a standing ovation*


Barvo dear chap! Bravo!!


We have to remember we're are human.

We ARE going to piss people off.

Not everyone is going to get on.

But we do ALL have one thing in common -

[Hearts] we love clubbing!! [Hearts]


I can't make all events.

In fact I won't be able to make many.

But what I intend to do, is make sure that ALL I do attend are bloody good fun!


Remember guys, life is not a video tape - you can't fast forward thru the bad times!

And it's the bad times that make the good times, good!! [Wink]


My house is open to ALL of you. If you need to stay / chill / get ready / eat / sleep - Just ask!


.........Now then CreamyC, about you being hard!!!! [Well Happy][Phycho]

Love n affection XxX

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  • CTW Members

Well said kev, is this the post u mentioned bout last night?

lol dudu and debs, is always good to see that im not the only smutty person here!! [Laugh]


[ 25 July 2002, 16:02: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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  • CTW Promotors

Now now girls, form a queue and I might be able to help! What C stands for remains a secret for now but things are going to get very hot over the next few weeks!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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