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Site Improvements: Another Idea

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  • CTW Admin

Recently I've been getting a lot of emails of people - especially from people abroad who are coming to visit the UK for a couple of weeks and are around for a few days with nothing to do as they are on their own and want to go clubbing but understandably not on their own.


I have also been getting a HUGE amount of emails from people who are really wanting to go to Ibiza (not necessarily at the same time as us) but again, are on their own and really want to meet up with people over the UK - PRIOR to going on holiday with them etc...


These people are basically in the same position I was when I'd run out of reliable clubbing mates over here and why I then set the site up. I think its time for me to start concentrating on how best I can automate things so people can put their details in / what dates they are going to be around over here and what area in the UK they are visiting so that you lot can then add your names - effectively to a real-time guest list and they can get emailed or SMS'd back so they know there are people willing to meet up. I think that 90% of the active people on this board are real friendly and willing to meet up with anyone and already I think there have been lost opportunities because I haven't got to respond to an email in time.


Please note that there are LOTS of people who physically cant get on the message boards all the time to check / post them - but I'm sure they can get onto the site to just post a new 'meet-up'. I think it would be really cool to automate this whole process.


So whether it be a pre-meet-up for an Ibiza trip, a meet-up IN ibiza, a meet-up for someone outside of the UK who is on holiday or working over here for a while - I reckon this could ROCK. We would then TRULY be starting to achieve my long term goal of clubbing contacts all over TheWorld.


These new members from different countries could then end up being reps over in their own country, organise meet-ups themselves - using the same integrated system - and then when larger and larger groups are formed we can arrange house-swaps etc... - all over the world. Just imagine 50+ of us having a huge meet-up in the US for example - with their 50+ members ! It really would ROCK and the amount of knowledge we could all share together would be un-matched. We would effectively end up with the largest list of clued-up clubbers on the planet and everyone would want to come through us and offer US the best deals and biggest discounts - not to mention sponsorship etc...


This CAN and WILL happen - and we CAN TRULY ClubTheWorld TOGETHER.


I AM 100% SURE OF IT - because I ALREADY HAVE 100s of emails proving that people DO want to do this - from all over THE WORLD.


The other area of focus for me right now is to get reviews pages up so YOU can ALL have your own review pages but I'm inclined to put this on the back-burner a bit and set up this superb new database-driven engine. I SERIOUSLY think, what with my db skills, we can end up with the LARGEST and BEST clubbers database on the planet - with REAL profiles for EVERY member.


Jesus CHRRRIST - I've just thought of something else AMAZZZING - and also just realised that perhaps I shouldn't be mentioning this in case other sites pick up ??? Thing is I DONT CARE because WE will do this whole thing PROPERLY.


EXCITING times are ahead peeps - just please bare with me - I'm not ignoring you lot honest - just getting my head straight again after the latest array of 'mad' nights out.


I'm coming BACK to REALITY and BY GOD I want you ALL too be part of it.


James *One Happy Bunny

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Members

Good idea James, keep it up. [Well Happy]


If you need a hand with any DB/programming malarky let me know. Even HTML/Javascript ...

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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  • CTW Admin

cheers guys

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Members

im sure i speak for the vast majority on the site when i say you have my full support and backing [smileJap]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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  • CTW Members

James, you're off your rocker [Freaked Out] ! You know, the world's greatest minds were crazy!!! Picasso, Einstein...and now James!!!


Here's a twist. In your quest for 'clubbing world domination', please think about safety issues [shocked] !


Imagine me, 25 swf decides to head to sayyyyyy NYC for a night of clubbing. Post my whereabouts on the board, get a response or two. Cool, I've got peeps to meet up with. I don't realize that one is a whaco (in a bad bad way)!! I'm not at all saying that you or CTW would be accountable for whatever happenned, but I would expect to be heading to a good place, given that a tool exists to bring me as close to other clubbers as possible!


As a db guy, you know brainstorming is key at the onset. Food for thought!

I am NOT a dj

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