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Poll: ClubTheWorld Forums

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I'm getting mixed views about the forums and I want to make sure that I've got things right ...

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Don't think question 6 applies to me, I don't really consider myself a newbie anymore. So I voted no.

Just to let you know.


[ 30 July 2002, 18:22: Message edited by: Fred The Baddie ]

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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As a newbie i think u get out what u put in - i only joined 2 weeks before meeting up with u guys last weekend and u could not have been friendlier at Global!!! I had no-on else to go with so i suppose if i'd sat on my arse and not contacted u to arrange meeting up then i wouldn't have found u that friendly - but then that would have been my fault - and i'd be as bloody miserable now as i was before!!


Also if u don't post then obviously u'll find it clichy but if u can make the effort then others appear to be totally up for responding!!


If the site was designed for folk who are looking for like-minded sorts to enjoy life with then i think it is doing a top job!! Part of that is that people will piss each other off sometimes - just the way that me and my mates from home piss each other off on occassion but the key is to not make a big deal of it and move on!!!


Top site James!!! [Well Happy][Well Happy][Well Happy]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

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Totally agree with jilly on this one.Its all down to the individuals participation at the end of the day.

I dunno where this clickey things come from though,can't say Ive ever noticed myself.Of course some peeps are gonna now some better than others,but that's only to be expected.All any one has to do is to get involved,talk shite and eventually meet up.It worked for me,and my,what a luvable bunch of fruitcakes you are too!

Some are gonna stay,and some are gonna scarper,its as simple as that.I don't think there's a secret magic formula out there that's gonna bring message board nirvana.

A bit of tidying up here and there occasionally should suffice,I dunno a review every couple of months or something might work,then again,maybe it won't.

Anyways there's a point in there somewhere,and as always its been a pleasure talking bollox.


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