CTW Admin James Posted August 22, 2002 CTW Admin Share Posted August 22, 2002 When I first started this message board I thought it would be a good idea to allocate a ctw rep to each major area - it started off as a bit of fun and then I found that people were proud of their 'status'. Unfortunately it has now led to a lot of arguments going on between members and some members who have been around since day 1 with no 'title' feel hard done by. In speaking with Scouselad and some others we feel that now the board is growing in size the titles are perhaps not a particularly good idea. We have also found that we are really all 'reps' in our own way as we all help build the site - also a London rep for example may help promote a night in another area altogether so the area-based thingy is a bit warped. I propose we remove the 'rep' titles and switch to more amusing titles like other boards do. The only thing I would then say though is that its nice to know who to contact about certain things and so should we have some kind of titles which mean "speak to this person about this". I'm keen that these aren't 'level' orientated as again it causes 'bitch fights' and I'm keen to rid us of all this 'he/she's better than so and so' - it really isnt like this at all - and in fact you will find that when we actually all go out clubbing we are all equal anyway and no one tends to speak down or up to the other. Wub Wub is a prime example - when we are actually out clubbing everyone talks to Wub Wub and we get on like a house on fire - both wub wub and us act differently to the way we do on the message board. James [ 22 August 2002, 10:17: Message edited by: James ] Quote James@ClubTheWorld.uk CTW Founder | ClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram Clubbing the world together ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members TidyTraxGrant Posted August 22, 2002 CTW Members Share Posted August 22, 2002 Im a rep, but im all for havin 'fun' allocated titles, as long as thats what they are. If it generates a better atmosphere because of removing rep titles, so be it. We could always list a 'who to talk to' part on the website. Quote \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ TidyTraxGrant ' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable ' E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk 🇬🇧 http://www.DJLisaLashes.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Admin James Posted August 22, 2002 Author CTW Admin Share Posted August 22, 2002 Nice1 grant - thats the kind of feedback I'm after! I want to make it clear that in the new sections of the site I hope to have a summary page of all the members, with a pic and a short description which visitors will click on to go to that members' own page. This is open to EVERYONE and will prove that this site isnt geared around specific individuals. Everyone has the choice of having their own page or getting involved so please dont feel that there is a hierachy as there certainly isnt and this will be proved when more and more sections are added. It's gonna be good people so please just be patient! James Quote James@ClubTheWorld.uk CTW Founder | ClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram Clubbing the world together ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Tara Posted August 22, 2002 CTW Members Share Posted August 22, 2002 The only thing I think about having reps is that its useful if you want to contact someone about clubbing in different areas. Obviously the reps can organise events in other areas but I think its good to have some who specialise. I've had loadsa' people PM me about clubbing in London and I'm glad to help them. I think it's an easier route to information for clubbers and beneficial to the site. If people have problems with not having a title then I think thats pretty sad, it doesn't really matter coz we're all important in our own way, we don't need a title to prove it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Admin James Posted August 22, 2002 Author CTW Admin Share Posted August 22, 2002 ok - I guess all I need to do then is to make it clearer to newcomers which members are in which area and who they should contact for what. Again, the new 'member summary' page could list people by area/genre/age etc... making it easy for people to filter out/in the types of members they are keen to get in contact with. Currently you can search for members by Location in the Memberlist but this isnt always perfect as most dont put down a real location or mis-spell it. www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=memberlist Dont worry - as I say its going to be nice and crystal clear on the new member summary & member pages and we will ALL feel REALLY part of the site. I do still get comments from people saying "I thought this was our site" - of course it IS but if you feel its not clear enough then dont worry - I am working on chaging everything. You have to remember that currently the only real live and interactive section is this message board - this is all going to change and at the end of the day this site is currently no better than any other site with a message board (although we do seem to have the best members!) so again, wanting to be different this site will evolve to be unique - GAURANTEED. James *if only I could get these migration issues sorted I could start the real work! Quote James@ClubTheWorld.uk CTW Founder | ClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram Clubbing the world together ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Members Flakey Dove Posted August 23, 2002 CTW Members Share Posted August 23, 2002 What,people actually get bothered by this titles buisness?? I mean,would you be arsed?Its no big deal is it? I could'nt care less myself about who's a rep or not,in the great scope of things its hardly important is it? I think some people wanna lighten up a bit,your really missing the point. With regard to the 'comedy titles' this could be a winner though.May I suggest creamyc as'the bearded lady',two impressive points back this up! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW Admin James Posted August 23, 2002 Author CTW Admin Share Posted August 23, 2002 the titles are going on the new forums i'm afraid - also member numbers - so no one is "higher up" than anyone. of course, you can still post what ya like in your signature! James Quote James@ClubTheWorld.uk CTW Founder | ClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram Clubbing the world together ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTW DJs Diablo Posted August 23, 2002 CTW DJs Share Posted August 23, 2002 Yeah - what ever mate Can i have Veteran as mine then? , 8 yrs clubbin experience an all Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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