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Ever got bored of clubbing???

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  • CTW Members

I know its highly unlikely but has anyone off the board ever got bored of clubbing at any stage of their lives???

I can say it happened to me once jus after this new year jus think i had a massive burn out and was too tired to club, but then i gave myself a 6week brake and everything was back to normal!!! [Wink][Wink]

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  • CTW Admin

I had a burn-out in Ibiza after 2 weeks of intensive clubbing and was too tired. I needed a week to recover but I was soon back out again.


I can honestly say that now, and what with the site and meeting people I will NEVER have a burn out again.


I intend on clubbing into my late 40s and then intend on always being connected to it in some shape or form for the remainder of my life.




ps. Keep the good questions coming mate - you're really starting to get people talking ! [big Grin]

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...



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  • CTW Members

mine was after ibiza last year aswell. Going out every night for 2 weeks definately kills your brain. I think i was a cabbage when i got home! I didn't go out for 3 weeks (thats a long time for me) and then it was my b'day so i had to go clubbing then - its rude not to when you finally turn the legal age. I don't think i'll burn out again for a long time yet - i hope not anyway cos im havin too much fun [smile]

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

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  • CTW Members

No way !

Clubbin and Tuneage is life [Cool]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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  • CTW Members

I had a massive burn out after N.Y.E. this year, went out the Friday and Saturday nights preceeding christmas eve, christmas eve itself the following Friday and Saturday nights, New year's eve, the Friday and Saturday nights after that, The combination of sheer deadness, my impending exams and a fairly unpleasant event with a young lady took me out untill mid Feburary, but I'm back into it now [Made Up]

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
MSN: CTWDinger@hotmail.com

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