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screwed up sentences!!!

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The aim of this is to make up the most [censored] sentence you can, make sure it dosnt make sense:-(ill start!!!


while running for a parked taxi next to me the coach flew in landing as it sat next to the old women viewing what she had said. /birds bees bumblebees cheese cheese please [Razz][Razz]

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(man you are nuts.)


............ [idea]


The old bear looked at the orange nuts that the old man discarded quite happliy. "Why did you buy a green skateboard!" shouted the womble as the nuts hit him on his sore nose.


[Cop] ........... [Crazy]

---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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Whilst reading 3 damsels in distress I cornered the vector on the outer most left corner (you know, the one parked next to the champion horse rider - Victor Liien-hieder - famous for being an extra on the film 'Contract' - not 'Contact' - o yeah, thought you could trip me up with the old "I know everything about Jodie Foster and her Foster home which never existed - AND YOU KNOW WHY DONT YOU ??? .....


It was Beaker who made me DO THEM !


HEHEHEH - laugh ???! I DONT THINK SO waitress - at the end of the day this steak is COLD - you hear me ???!! fecking COOOOOOLLLDDD - you're FIRED - you hear me ?? FIIIIREEDD - FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Warning: Always consult a doctor, never read the lable, your investment may well go up as well as seriously up like you've won the fecking lottery or something - so DONT BLAME THE PARENTS)!


You have been warned.


X [Angry Fire] or am I [Laugh] (I dont know myself)

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The Bear, having consumed 5 tonnes of minced mice, decided he was in fact a vegitarian with a heart dis-order costing THOUSANDS of pounds a second so that it was audible on the planet Zzaaag.


The wild fox runs steeply down a hill whilst the blue-bear-princess-with-whilstes-on-top firlmy secured another reef of tadpoles to his auties edition of Bloomberge.

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why smiley [Happy] , does you're wavey [Wavey] transmit dialectic code over a medium-taste bandwidth, half the pocket of 155mm arty - sent there for no reason than ckickadees beckoning of thine trees! Tis not a matter being in vegetable stue, if one were to create that, of course, but sky-fi is in, while MIDI is out the backdoor. "Siggi from Iceland" I hear you mutter? what a name-athon indeed, blue butter never felt that way before, elation intended, elevation extended, alliteration comprehended, one hand beheaded.


roar of the engines behind lab technician no.534, cookie doh! dine-amo blocko cheesey scroll bar, argh! goo everywhen! "What utters thine hand m'lud? my lord! the flowers beg for an audience - to the batmobile, nay tis flowering late.


toot toot! [Crazy]


Hey this is the best game yet! [idea]

all so far have been really good. [King]



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"pu sentences scrweed"



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Just when I thought it was safe to lock up my great grandfather old fish tank - low & behold my cousin (Spenkler) decided it would be awfully amusing to eat 49 eggs in the space of 47 minutes - it wasn't the eggs which put me off - it was the fact he lied about being my cousin for over 3 days!!!!!! Jeez - it makes me SO riled!! [Angry Fire]

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There was once a woman at a bus stop waiting for a train, she looks at the moon and says "Hey Moon, do you know when the next Alien Spaceship will be arriving?" The Moon looked rather confused and says "No, but tell me when the dinners ready and I'll pack my bags and head off up to Paddy McGinty in Ireland"! The woman then gets on the boat and reads the Daily Sport and notices that theres an article stating 'TITS FOR SALE'! Her eyes nearly popped out of her head so she speaks to the barman and says "Wanna buy some tits"? The Barman looks oddly and walks away to meet James Bond at the Riverside Pub! Then, without warning the Sun comes out and says "Hi All, I'm the Sun" everyone waved at the Sun and said hi back, then Tommy Black Cloud came over and told the Sun to piss off and go home saying that no one liked him and he was a loner! The Sun did as he was told and started to read himself - epsecially Page 3!


[ 26 April 2002, 10:40: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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This is a serious request: Can someone please tell the (alledged) "Sandwich Lady" (yeah... riiight) that my (alledged) "Sandwich" (if you can call it that. .... o f*ck it - I'm stuck in these fecking brackets again - someone PLEASE tell me where the closing bracket it ?? pll---eeeeszzee???? ] no, thats not it I need a closing bracket which is like this circular thingy on the right hand side - similar to the left hand bracket but a horizontal mirror image - you know the one ?? look - ok - I'll agree to you having that extra .00001p/hour for putting those white grains in my black tarmac on the driveway . ) (cheers! o - f*ck it - done it again....

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One day in Minni Moo Moo Land "Take your hand away from the gun dammit" there was a tree "I wont tell you again, take you F*CKING HAND away from the gun" who grew up to be green and beautiful "BANG! BANG! BANG! Hes shot me dammit, right in the..." but then Mr Tree began to lose leaves and started to cry "Someone call a [censored] ambulance, hes dying here" Hey, get out of my converstion you twat, I'm trying to tell a story about a tree, "Hey, [censored] you, someones been shot here and all you care about is a poxy tree" Well yes I do, the poor tree is losing leaves "Well excuse [censored] me, someone is about to lose their life so forgive me if I dont give a flying toss about your poxy tree in Moo Moo Land"! How rude you are, get out of my story damm you and take your arse back to your American film!!!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Once again the concrete oranges have taken control of whole south east of Peru, "it is there we must take action!" shouted Good King Perve-a-tron. Meanwhile, Peter's magic torch had ran out of petrol and the land was covered in a thick cloud of lime marmalade."There's only one solution to all of this!" replied Derrick Mc Nonce, "Burn the bastards till The sheep retrieve their eye's!"..............And all was well again in the land of alcoholic tin-openers.



Aspiring to be us is coolness, attempting to join us is pointless. (im talking 'bout me and Tim here, coz we are [censored] kool and we often perform on drugs.)

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You say "Tanning Shop", I say "Potato"


You say "Tomato", I say "Ibiza"


You say "Es Paradis", I say "Lee Harvey Oswald"


You say "Mutherfecker", I say "Calvin Klien"


You say "Peter The Great", I say "What the f*ck are you going on about mate - you talk a LOT of shite don't you ?!!!"

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